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[Suggestion] A spider mount.

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5 minutes ago, jokke.6239 said:

They considered this for PoF I think I remember hearing. But they scrapped it because it would make some people uncomfortable

Oh if that's their logic then they should also remove high terrains and marvel should cancel spiderman. =P

Edited by KumoGaDaisuki.5621
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2 hours ago, KumoGaDaisuki.5621 said:

Oh if that's their logic then they should also remove high terrains and marvel should cancel spiderman. =P

I don't recall people with extreme arachnophobia freaking out on spiderman - and I did know a guy whom was physically unable to play (vanilla) skyrim because of his arachnophobia and huge spiders in that game.

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2 hours ago, KumoGaDaisuki.5621 said:

Oh if that's their logic then they should also remove high terrains and marvel should cancel spiderman. =P

The difference, of course, being that you can choose to not buy/watch Spiderman comics and you can choose not to go to the high places in the game. Avoiding other peoples' spider mounts would be very much harder and completely unpredictable since they might pop up anywhere and anytime.

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My husband is arachnophobic and loves Spider-man. He just doesn't look too closely at the inevitable rehashing of the origin story with various close ups on the spider. But a guy in a loosely spider web themed costume is unlikely to bother anyone. (I'm arachnophobic and don't like Spider-man, but for unrelated reasons.)


As for spider mounts in GW2 I heard it had various problems, besides spiders big enough to carry players freaking out anyone who doesn't like them. They were supposed to run on walls or something and Anet couldn't get it to work and without that they were redundant. 


But I can imagine arachnophobia would be a big problem for them too. Its not just the possibility of someone else's spider mount appearing anywhere, at any time so you can't avoid them like the spider enemies. The way GW2 mounts work you have to use them all at different times, so arachnophobic players would have to have the giant spider in the middle of their screen, with their character (in a sense them) on top of it, while playing.


Arachnophobia is very common and I doubt anyone wants to put a lot of time and effort into building a complicated system knowing a significant chunk of players will avoid it as much as possible (even skipping content if they have to) and hate it when they can't avoid it. 

Edited by Danikat.8537
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1 hour ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

to play (vanilla) skyrim because of his arachnophobia and huge spiders in that game.


Oh yeah Skyrim spider's are not *that* deadly but I aint playing in first person when dealing with these stuff. They could almost haunt my dream. Hell at time I'm glad GW2 is a third person game coz when I see some champion / legendary spider that is 3 time the size of my human..........yikes.


Coming back to the topic, I wouldnt mind personnally but there's no way I'll let someone cover my screen with its spider.

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Well, in my honest opinion, I think it could be added but in a way that doesn't look realistic enough to trigger those who suffer with arachnophobia? I for example have severe ornitophobia (phobia of birds) and I simply cannot look at the bird skins we have in game so far (for the raptor and the skimmer). But I can manage and I'm able to play the game normally anway 🙂 Again, this is just my experience and I have a very strong phobia of birds. I guess those with arachnophobia know better how they would feel with such a skin added. 

Edited by TheLadyOfTheRings.9148
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8 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:


So he's supposed to bump that thread instead? 

Then people will get upset he "necro'ed" a 3 year old thread.

Right now it seems to  be. "Don't post a new thread without making sure it's already been posted before. But at the same time don't bump anything that's over a unspecified expiration date"

It would be nice to know the "rules". Because they seem to make no sense.


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33 minutes ago, jokke.6239 said:

So he's supposed to bump that thread instead? 

Then people will get upset he "necro'ed" a 3 year old thread.

Right now it seems to  be. "Don't post a new thread without making sure it's already been posted before. But at the same time don't bump anything that's over a unspecified expiration date"

It would be nice to know the "rules". Because they seem to make no sense.


I recommend reading old threads as whatever point one might make may already be made in which case neither bumping on existing thread nor creating a new thread with old points is necessary.

Edited by kharmin.7683
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Oh the replies really hit me. First I apologize for not checking if it was posted before. Secondly it's true I don't know how arachnophobia works. I myself have acrophobia and Don't fear it on video games but enjoy the scenery I couldn't endure irl. So I just assumed it's the same thing while it might not be according to replies. Anyways I would like to take it down but I don't see a delete button. Oops. 

Edited by KumoGaDaisuki.5621
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26 minutes ago, KumoGaDaisuki.5621 said:

First I apologize for not checking if it was posted before.

All good. You're not the first person to do so and sometimes the search function isn't very helpful either.

As to the spider mount, YEAH. I wish one of the core mounts they'd given us was some sort of leggy insect in addition to the beetle. They could get around the phobia issue pretty handily by ensuring that the base skin had a benign design without any of the triggers that typify arachnophobia (it's not just spiders themselves; in some cases it's particular features of spiders that trigger the reaction) and then sell gemstore skins of other creatures like spiders, mantises, and chak. I guess they could still do this if they really wanted to, since somehow they turned the Skimmer into a hummingbird with seemingly no issue.

This would also have been a good time to ship a toggle to show/hide player mount skins, reducing visual noise while also allowing people to avoid seeing any skins they deem terrifying or disruptive.

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37 minutes ago, KumoGaDaisuki.5621 said:

Anyways I would like to take it down but I don't see a delete button. Oops. 

Honestly, no need to delete content like this. You changed your mind, great, but leave the thread up. 

You shouldn't feel the need to unmake something like this. Wear your "changed my minds" as a badge of pride.

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2 hours ago, KumoGaDaisuki.5621 said:

Oh the replies really hit me. First I apologize for not checking if it was posted before. Secondly it's true I don't know how arachnophobia works. I myself have acrophobia and Don't fear it on video games but enjoy the scenery I couldn't endure irl. So I just assumed it's the same thing while it might not be according to replies. Anyways I would like to take it down but I don't see a delete button. Oops. 

If you so desire, you can ask a Moderator to remove your thread by reporting your post. 

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12 hours ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

I don't recall people with extreme arachnophobia freaking out on spiderman - and I did know a guy whom was physically unable to play (vanilla) skyrim because of his arachnophobia and huge spiders in that game.

I am very much like the latter person.  Had to have a friend do spider cave missions for me.  Also can't hunt Nerscylla and Rakna-Kadaki by myself in Monster Hunter.  Have to always ask friends or my brother to join me while I sit in camp or explore areas that they don't travel to until they are killed.

As for Spiderman, we do when it involves Manspider, but I don't think that has happened in the movies yet.

I've had to have friends do the first boss of Ascalon Catacombs by themselves when I did the dungeon.  I still can't do that boss room.

Edited by Xanhawk.3806
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1 hour ago, DarcShriek.5829 said:

Nothing freaks me out like spiders.  I hate them.  That being said, I recognize that it's not a real spider and just artwork on my screen so I think a spider mount would be cool.  I would like the opportunity to strike fear in others by riding a spider mount.

I think you are not that really freaked out by spiders like others here, otherwise you will run away from them, artwork or not 😀, let alone riding a spider? Ewww

Edited by Mil.3562
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