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Ideas on how to "Revive" WvW / Roaming


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Hi guys,

I brought this idea up in some other posts now and the longer i talk about it the more i think it could make WvW a huge success, bring in alot of new players and actually make them stick around, and it would fix some of the problems.


Maybe add something comparable to the Imperial City  in ESO.


Imperial City was a wvw map in Eso where mobs and minibosses would spawn and you get currency for killing them. you would then have to bring the currency back to your spawn to bank it(no teleporting on these maps). If another player kills you he gets your currency. There was always a nice balance between pve content/pvp content/ and even some money to be made. It was a blast and for me the only reason to play ESO back in the day 😄 (the cherry on top was that it was actually one of, if not THE best moneymaker and as a result it pulled ALOT of players into the content)


They could implement something similar in Gw2 aswell... lets say capturing a tower/keep/camp/whatever gives a currency and then you have to bring it back to spawn(no waypointing).

To prevent people from just doing 1 camp and going back to spawn they added multipliers to how you gain currency. If you have for example over 10 tokens you get 2x tokens- over 20 tokens you get 3x tokens and over 50 tokens you get 4 times the tokens from looting. This lead to people actually taking some currency out of their bank when starting their farming run to have 3x loot all the time. -> high risk, high reward

There was a twist to it that engouraged playing solo or in smaller groups. The loot/currency was split between every player involved. If a Boss or event would give you 1000 of that currency and you did it with 10 people everyone would get 100 currency, if you were in a group of OVER 10 people the loot would be drastically reduced and close to 0. But if you two-man it you get 500 each.

The currency could for example be tokens for memory of battles(tokens can be traded for memory of battles in your Spawn) It would make people play the objective and add another layer of gameplay (people will begin to lurk on the spawn areas trying to kill the people bringing back currency - people will be hunting these hunters - and so on and so forth) Or let the NPC camps give the currency while you hold the camps or something similar... There are a million ways to do it. Overall it could be hella fun and it would increase the WvW rewards, WITHOUT ENCOURAGING AFK FARMING OR BOTS (bots are freekills most of the time and would just feed players their tokens).

The fact that memory of battles are pretty expensive would result in it being a actual good moneymaker that can compete with Pve Farming (i hope that doesnt crash the price of memorys of battle) if you are a good pvp/wvw player it would be one of the best moneymaker in the game for you, it was like that in eso atleast. (doesnt have to be the best moneymaker but it worked really well in ESO because it pulled SO MANY players and actually made them want to get better in pvp to make more gold/hour)


But what would that fix?  

It would bring in alot of new players because for the first time in history playing this mode and actually fighting for you server/alliance will give a decent chunk of money.

It would encourage smallscale fighting because running with a big blob would not give you alot of rewards and vis versa doing things solo/duo would be St0nks.

It would encourage people to actually play the objectives of WvW because this is where the money is at.

It would make people stay and want to get better because they see the potential for alot of money to be made.

It would fix "off-time" problems (alot of servers/maps are empty during night/mornings) Some people would specifically wait for offtimes to farm more effectively -> more players during offtime.

It would fix the problem that ALOT of players straight up waypoint when they are about to face a fight that they are not 100% winning. (could just be me, but alot of players flee fights with WP)

It would actually make WvW SOOO INTENSE! Imagine your heartrate when you have tokens worth 35+ Gold on you and you are getting chased by some 0meganerds trying to steal your stuff.

It is hella fun and leads to hilarious moments. I remember that one time where i killed a random guy that didnt look like having much but actually had currency worth of over 5 hours of farming on him. -> but also alot of frustration when getting killed... Overall way more emotions in the gamemode beside.. hey i did a 1v2 yeyy or OH kitten I GET BLOBBED again....

(When adding a mechanic that encourages to defend objectives like: "every kill around an objective that belongs to your team gives extra tokens" it would make people actually defend rather then just letting people flip it so they can flip it back for extra rewards/WXP) #Makedefendinggreatagain

I know that it would take quite some time to make this reality but i think the idea itself is very good and would help make WvW more popular and actually make it feel like a territory war, rather then a "follow the #Boonball and get tons of loot" gamemode .

Let me know your thoughts. 😃


Edited by Sahne.6950
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  • Sahne.6950 changed the title to Ideas on how to "Revive" WvW / Roaming

I personally like the idea but... i'm gonna say something a lot of people will dislike. It's problably going to collide with the gw2 playerbase. MMO players in general hate nothing more than rewards they are mechanically unable to obtain. The genre is usually driven by the idea that no matter how bad you are, in the end if, you invest enough time (theory/build/strat crafting, grinding, teamwork, whatever) you'll get the shiny. It's fundamental inclusive and social at core. In PvP however you'll inevitably hit a brickwall at some point, no matter your effort. For the majority of players there will allways be someone they can't beat and they will protest to put any meaningful stuff behind that wall.

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42 minutes ago, schloumou.3982 said:

I personally like the idea but... i'm gonna say something a lot of people will dislike. It's problably going to collide with the gw2 playerbase. MMO players in general hate nothing more than rewards they are mechanically unable to obtain. The genre is usually driven by the idea that no matter how bad you are, in the end if, you invest enough time (theory/build/strat crafting, grinding, teamwork, whatever) you'll get the shiny. It's fundamental inclusive and social at core. In PvP however you'll inevitably hit a brickwall at some point, no matter your effort. For the majority of players there will allways be someone they can't beat and they will protest to put any meaningful stuff behind that wall.

I think that mentality is special to gw2:D (personal opinion) let me explain.

Gw2 is a very.... lets say friendly version of any MMO i played.(besides ESO i guess its somewhat the same) Where you will get everything thru anything after just playing some time. other MMO´s are WAYY more punishing and dont hold your hand that much like GW2 does. Imagine working 5 months to upgrade a weapon only for it to break... you effectively wasted the last 5 months... and thats fine because its part of the game. GW2 doesnt have such things. You get everything rather for free.... you very quickly hit a point where you are set and ready for everything and dont have to put in any more work (Full exotic gear is dirt cheap and just fine to compete in any mode. that is just an example of how "Easy" and forgiving Gw2 is) i dont think adding something more "Hardcore", would be that bad... but it could just be me because i am used to asian style MMO´s (very grindy and can be punishing at times)

i dont really see how that would be a negative to the idea... WvW doesnt have to fit everyone. If they find themselves unable to compete... they dont have to. But it would atleast incentivise more players to give WvW a try. I personally dont PvE AT ALL.. i would just instantly wipe in any Fractal... but do i cry that the loot is good there? no i dont. Because it is a git gud problem on my side... and same goes for people that find themselfs dying over and over again in WvW. They have to get good to actually compete here (same as for me and fractals). I dont see anyone being mad about loot in gamemodes they have no interest in/or atleast not enough interest to try and get better.

But my main "sellingpoint" to the idea is that it would finetune the gameplay inside WvW itself to reward smaller groups. At the moment the best strat to get loot/level up fast is to just blindly follow the #Boonball and hit everything in sight.... And that might be fun for some but for alot of people it is what drove them away from WvW and lead to the decline of Roaming.

(maybe i misunderstood your post.. if yes sorry. English is not my native language)

But anyways i appreciate your views on the topic! i am here to discuss it ❤️

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1 hour ago, Sahne.6950 said:

Gw2 is a very.... lets say friendly version of any MMO i played.(besides ESO i guess its somewhat the same) Where you will get everything thru anything after just playing some time. other MMO´s are WAYY more punishing and dont hold your hand that much like GW2 does. Imagine working 5 months to upgrade a weapon only for it to break... you effectively wasted the last 5 months... and thats fine because its part of the game. GW2 doesnt have such things. You get everything rather for free.... you very quickly hit a point where you are set and ready for everything and dont have to put in any more work (Full exotic gear is dirt cheap and just fine to compete in any mode. that is just an example of how "Easy" and forgiving Gw2 is) i dont think adding something more "Hardcore", would be that wrong... but it could just be me because i am used to asian style MMO´s (very grindy and can be punishing at times)

Don't wanna derail the topic to much but asia grinder are no different imho. Played some of them and the chances to fail an upgrade was the same for all players. There is not really mechanical skill in upgrading a weapon. Just hardcore grind.


1 hour ago, Sahne.6950 said:

i dont really see how that would be a negative to the idea... WvW doesnt have to fit everyone. If they find themselves unable to compete... they dont have to. But it would atleast incentivise more players to give WvW a try. I personally dont PvE AT ALL.. i would just instantly wipe in any Fractal... but do i cry that the loot is good there? no i dont.

I think it also holds truth to the WvW population. The most popular playstyle currently is to karma train around the map, in a giant blob of 50+ players, that all get the same amount of rewards, with the least possible effort put in, despite the low outcome. They are not there to challenge themselves. The Majority would get the short end of the stick from their point of view and never vote for that. Same goes for new players joining. I mean look at what happened to New World which started as hardcore full loot open world PvP game and ended as basically PvE slot machine grinder over the process of getting more popular in the MMO community.


1 hour ago, Sahne.6950 said:

English is not my native language

Same^^ Think we might actually be on the same server.

Edited by schloumou.3982
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I put in 700 hours in New world ans regret every second of it but that is a diffrent story... 

NOW i understand your point... your right some people would be upset. BUT we are not taking anything from them away... They would still get the same wxp/rewardtracks. The only thing they are not getting is the new currency. If they want money they have to work for it. I dont think alot of people are playing wvw for the rewards/money cuz it gives the least amount of gold/hour compared to ANYTHING Else. Zerging would still be the safer and better option i think. Right now zergs get ALOT more Loot than roamers. With the new system it would be even BUT the roamers can loose their stuff... Zerglings cant. So it balances out!

OR make this new system only for EotM and actually give it a meaning. But that wouldnt fix the problems in wvw...  its just a new mode then  

I am GH/FoW

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Would be sad if we cant have nice things because people that dont actually play it would be salty. 

I wouldnt be mad if they raised loot in fractals...  because i dont do it and money doesnt actually mean alot in gw2 because you can be effective in 20 Gold gear. 

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If I am honest with you, I dont think this would change much if anything, it’s certainly not the right hing for WvW (in my opinion), WvW needs a better reward = effort system imo. For example weekly chests, the repeatable reward should not be WORSE than the wooden weekly chest. But hey ho that’s my opinion.

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This wouldn't encourage "roaming", it would just be something for the 2-5man gank groups to farm off smaller groups/solos. It doesn't matter how much you split the loot, players tend to go to the path of least resistance, that means run more numbers. Only things that would encourage roaming at this point is skill balance/stealth balance/cc balance/support balance, 3 of the 4 will not happen, 1 will be botched up or useless number twerks as usual.

I fail to see how this would bring in new players, the barrier to entry to wvw is pvp not the rewards. So I hope you don't expect pve players would suddenly be excited to pvp farm memories, because they have a hard time even afk farming for gift of battle as it is, and if they wanted more gold then pve is hellalot more easier/comfortable for them to do so. So that leaves pulling people from spvp? who already earn more guaranteed gold than wvw? and don't have to deal with random big groups? maybe playing against bots is easier too? wouldn't have to fight over a reward that could suddenly plummet in price?

You should probably detail your tokens distribution from objectives, like how much would you get for killing a lord or capping the objective? for some people it would just be easier to back cap something in 5 mins to get their easier rewards, than bothering to defend against more numbers. Oh you took our nwt... thanks we'll backcap in 5 mins and make the shortest run back to spawn for tokens, please come and take again. Remember, path of least resistance.

Also this would crash the market if it took off, because obviously more supply means cheaper prices, if anet doesn't create more demand along with it. They've mostly introduce demand(legendary crafting) the past few years while not giving any way to increase the time gated supply, topped with wvw people leaving the game mode so less farmers, hence the high prices on memories now.

In the end boon balls groups will still be the safest and easiest way to farm for rewards, it doesn't matter if after a split they only get 1 point from a solo roamer, they just need to kill more enemies, easier for them to farm.

Edited by Xenesis.6389
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I like the idea. In general of risk vs reward, and to reward players more for doing things with less.

I don't think it will ever happen, as it would violate the "care-bear-rule", that you should always be happy to see another player (on your own team). And as others mentioned ANet is very sensitive to pve players complaining about things they want but cant get/don't want to "git gud" etc. 

Also, can't really say if it would fix the things you say/suggest. It might at some, if you actually made it possible to gain better gold/hour than pve, I'm pretty sure a lot of pve players would try it (and most give up in frustration and rage-quit). And I imagine a lot of 5-10 man gank squads running around.

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I can already kill someone and take stuff. Most of what the other player would lose is time from running back from spawn unless they're going to lose a significant amount money, but then what kind of exploits will we have to deal with if that were so? More people know how to hook up with squads and get on discord early on so there just won't be the same abundance of stragglers to jump (No, roamers aren't trying to find other roamers). You'll get lost players here and there but WvW isn't designed to wander or explore so the more fine tuned all of the teams and squads get, the fewer people there will be running down or across a lane. 

This isn't open world pvp, it's a large time constrained match and more of the playerbase have a better understanding of the maps and the flow of prime and off times. 

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How to revive WvW: Give it a dedicated development team and let them develop the game mode as their main role rather then a side project. Make the team big enough that projects take months instead of years. 

Even if ideas are good, they don't have the resources to work on in a time frame that make the players happy. 

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1 hour ago, joneirikb.7506 said:

I don't think it will ever happen, as it would violate the "care-bear-rule", that you should always be happy to see another player (on your own team).

Basically this. https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/guild-wars-2-design-manifesto/


MMOs are social games. So why do they sometimes seem to work so hard to punish you for playing with other players? If I’m out hunting and another player walks by, shouldn’t I welcome his help, rather than worrying that he’s going to steal my kills or consume all the mobs I wanted to kill?

Therefore, zerging. Therefore, no additional reward for doing something difficult yourself.

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Here's how I'd try and fix it with minimal dev effort:

  1. Everyone (not in spawn safe area) gets rewarded for every objective captured or kill scored. Full WvW communism. Sum up the rewards and pay out on the next tick. This rewards players for doing valuable things (eg. scouting, stalling) instead of following the K-train pressing 1.
  2. Increase rewards for skirmish score, reduce rewards for kills and captures. (requires population balance. That's hard. I know.) This encourages players to fight over objectives rather than K-train or bag farm.
  3. Reduce the power of defensive siege and tower/keep lords. 1-2 players should be able to threaten a structure. If defenders want to protect it, they should have to meet the attackers on open ground, not from behind a wall.
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I always thought it would be fun for there to be a week long event every now and then, like No Downed State, that's called something like... "Strength Against Numbers."

Less players nearby = stat buff
More players nearby = stat penalty

If you're solo and no one is near, you get a small boost to all your stats.
If you're in a group, you take small stat penalties per player nearby, up to a maximum of 50%. Meaning if you have a base HP of 20k, you could see a penalty as high as health reduced to 10k. This includes Power, Condition Damage, etc.

Seems unfair? That's pretty much what it feels like when 50 people chase you down and you're alone. There's no chance. Now imagine being in a squad of 20 with all your stats halved and a solo buffed Reaper with 40k HP and 4k Power comes at you - they could wipe your entire group.

That would be fun af, lol. Basically a no Commander week, because anyone trying to rally the map puts everyone in danger. Players would actually be forced to consider whether it's worth it to do something alone or with help, and everyone would be better rewarded for being independent.

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1 hour ago, Shroud.2307 said:

I always thought it would be fun for there to be a week long event every now and then, like No Downed State, that's called something like... "Strength Against Numbers."

Less players nearby = stat buff
More players nearby = stat penalty


I wouldn't want to win fights just because of artificial buffs/penalties. I also wouldn't want to lose fights because some not so good players want to "help" but end up being useless and do nothing but lowering my stats (could even be used for grieving). And you still wouldn't be able to 1vs20 anyway. Nerf stuff that disproportionally favours larger numbers, such as downstate or aoe caps by all means, but buffs or penalties based on players within a certain range are not a good idea. It just adds more imbalance and takes away the fun from outnumbered fights

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2 hours ago, UmbraNoctis.1907 said:

I wouldn't want to win fights just because of artificial buffs/penalties. I also wouldn't want to lose fights because some not so good players want to "help" but end up being useless and do nothing but lowering my stats (could even be used for grieving). And you still wouldn't be able to 1vs20 anyway. Nerf stuff that disproportionally favours larger numbers, such as downstate or aoe caps by all means, but buffs or penalties based on players within a certain range are not a good idea. It just adds more imbalance and takes away the fun from outnumbered fights

Did you miss the part where I said event?

I certainly don't think my suggestion is going to solve anything, nor do I think I'd ever want such a thing to be permanent. But I don't understand this community and their grudges against unique events. 

It could be a one off thing that never happens again, or it could be recurring if the community enjoys it like No Downed State. It's a way for ANet to experiment with mechanics and to give the WvW players something new to experience every now and then.

kitten me for getting tired of the monotony and wanting to see more fun events I guess.

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12 hours ago, coro.3176 said:

Here's how I'd try and fix it with minimal dev effort:

  1. Everyone (not in spawn safe area) gets rewarded for every objective captured or kill scored. Full WvW communism. Sum up the rewards and pay out on the next tick. This rewards players for doing valuable things (eg. scouting, stalling) instead of following the K-train pressing 1.
  2. Increase rewards for skirmish score, reduce rewards for kills and captures. (requires population balance. That's hard. I know.) This encourages players to fight over objectives rather than K-train or bag farm.
  3. Reduce the power of defensive siege and tower/keep lords. 1-2 players should be able to threaten a structure. If defenders want to protect it, they should have to meet the attackers on open ground, not from behind a wall.

wouldnt this encourage players to just be afk somewhere?


15 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

This wouldn't encourage "roaming", it would just be something for the 2-5man gank groups to farm off smaller groups/solos. It doesn't matter how much you split the loot, players tend to go to the path of least resistance, that means run more numbers. Only things that would encourage roaming at this point is skill balance/stealth balance/cc balance/support balance, 3 of the 4 will not happen, 1 will be botched up or useless number twerks as usual.

I fail to see how this would bring in new players, the barrier to entry to wvw is pvp not the rewards. So I hope you don't expect pve players would suddenly be excited to pvp farm memories, because they have a hard time even afk farming for gift of battle as it is, and if they wanted more gold then pve is hellalot more easier/comfortable for them to do so. So that leaves pulling people from spvp? who already earn more guaranteed gold than wvw? and don't have to deal with random big groups? maybe playing against bots is easier too? wouldn't have to fight over a reward that could suddenly plummet in price?

You should probably detail your tokens distribution from objectives, like how much would you get for killing a lord or capping the objective? for some people it would just be easier to back cap something in 5 mins to get their easier rewards, than bothering to defend against more numbers. Oh you took our nwt... thanks we'll backcap in 5 mins and make the shortest run back to spawn for tokens, please come and take again. Remember, path of least resistance.

Also this would crash the market if it took off, because obviously more supply means cheaper prices, if anet doesn't create more demand along with it. They've mostly introduce demand(legendary crafting) the past few years while not giving any way to increase the time gated supply, topped with wvw people leaving the game mode so less farmers, hence the high prices on memories now.

In the end boon balls groups will still be the safest and easiest way to farm for rewards, it doesn't matter if after a split they only get 1 point from a solo roamer, they just need to kill more enemies, easier for them to farm.

how is this bringing in new players?

i think this could bring in players cuz it is a way of making gold. I already see the videos:                                                 Gw2 Top 5 Moneymakers - 2022 

Maybe and i mean just mayybe  some people would give WvW a try then.


From my experience in ESO it was VERY popular... it almost made WvW die(because it was a separate map from the real WvW but within to WvW realm) If they would implement something similar IN WvW i can see it bringing in alot of people.

but i know for a fact that it wont happen^^ i just thought it would be nice to share the idead cuz I (personal opinion) would have SO much fun with this.


just 5-10 man gank groups farming people?

WELL THAT CAN HAPPEN 😄 that is the fun there. Like i said it would be more of a "hardcore" content than anything we saw in GW2 before. But that is the fun and the appeal of it. WvW has always been chaotic and hard to control but for most players thats what makes it fun.

i rather fight a 10 man group than a laggy 169people Boonball. It encourages smallerscale fights rather then mindless zerging.

You can play solo and make Ultrastonks but being in a smallgroup is always favorable. (as it should be in WvW)

A solo player has a very good chance to win against 10 still. if winning means not dying to them and securing their currency. (Mobility > Numbers)


make clear how much curency    for example for defending

 if you kill a player in a zone that your team holds you get +50% extra currency from killing the players. So it multiplys what you get for player kills. (a player kill will almost always be  more then capturing a tower because that player most likely already captured one or had starting cash to begin with) This would result in people actually wanting to stay in territorys that they own and defend from attackers, rather then just letting them have it and take it back afterwards, because just a single player kill would be more then the tower itself.  -> it would feel like a territory war then.

"care-bear-rule", that you should always be happy to see another player (on your own team)

(okeyy... maybe something like this?)

 Capturing objectives would give Fulloot to everyone involved. The rule that being in a group above 10 people only comes into play when KILLING A PLAYER. so it prevents zerging soloplayers for loot. But the actual gains from capturing a objective ignore people around you. So you would still be happy to have people help you take an objective but it doesnt reward 50 people Zerging 1 Footman.


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@Sahne.6950 Your idea is in general not bad. However, I see some obstacles:


1) Will it be accepted by the players? We have many "fighting" players or "ppt-is a no" players. Those players will rather flip their eyes if your idea is implemented.

2) How long will it take until the idea is implemented? We all know that anet's devs doing their best but they are too few if you want to see an implementation within a reasonable time-frame.

3) Is it possible to exploit the system? Are player then camping at the spawn tower desperately hoping for someone to flip it so that they can fight for the easy carry back? Yes, I know one can find fixes for such issues but it will all go back to point 2).


Please do not misunderstand me. I see the potential of your idea. It could be e.g. nice for a guild to try to cross the map while defending a particular player. However, to change the game mode in this direction, a lot of work needs to be done and will the work outweigh the time consumed? Are there maybe less time consuming ways to tackle the issue?


When you ask me the question "how to revive roaming?", you would get the following suggestions:

1) Make it easier to engage in a fight with players by removing the dodging ability of mounts when trying to dismount.

2) Reduce options for players to disengage. Nothing is more annoying than fighting a player until he decides to run and one has to chase all across the map if one wants to have the kill.

3) Balance rewards. If I take wxp as example, I am earning a lot more if I run in a full blob compared to a solo player, since, if I kill as a solo player another player, I get the same reward as if I did a tiny bit of damage to a player in a blob-fight. The same is true for other forms of rewards.

4) Make fights more skill-based than class/build based. I mean, There are many cases where I can tell you the outcome of a fight before the fight started just by looking at the classes fighting. The more skilled player should win the fights instead of the random class-choice mechanism.

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Even the ppt-is-a-no players would profit, because they are rewarded BIGTIME for their kills. kills>Objectives when it comes to money.

Camping the towers and abusing the system... It happend in ESO alot and it made for some truly epic gameplay because there was people trying to stop the scummy people from doing such things. big raids forming just to keep that group at their spawn afterwards... and overall a lot more going on rather then.... OHH BAY IS X    (2000 man boonball there)  aaaand its gone... lets retake it....  because atm that is all thats happening in WvW... no one defending... no one building siege... no one even trying to contest that OMEGABLOB... its just sad "let-them-take-it-and-we-take-it-back-afterwards" gameplay...

I really dont see how it wont be accepted... because at the end of the day EVERYONE is going to benefit from it (except the AFKFarmers). Everyone gets more loot and arguably "better" gameplay. (lets be real more loot wouldnt be to bad in WvW)

Boonball PPT would still be the best,safest option for farming loot.

It would actually reward roamers. right now roamers are left behind with the recent changes to Pips and the participation system.  A roamer right now is not even getting 5% of the loot someone following the boonball would get.  TOOTALLY made that number up 😄

Even defending objectives would suddenly be viable...

Overall it would improve the gameplay AND the loot of the Gamemode WITHOUT encouraging Afkfarmers and bots.  

for me its a big WIN for everyone involved.

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35 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

how is this bringing in new players?

i think this could bring in players cuz it is a way of making gold. I already see the videos:                                                 Gw2 Top 5 Moneymakers - 2022 

Maybe and i mean just mayybe  some people would give WvW a try then.

You would have to pour liquid gold in their hands to make them tolerate pvp. Like I said pvp not rewards is the barrier to entry, most pve players hate pvping. The overwhelming population for gw2 is pve for that reason. 




From my experience in ESO it was VERY popular... it almost made WvW die(because it was a separate map from the real WvW but within to WvW realm) If they would implement something similar IN WvW i can see it bringing in alot of people.

but i know for a fact that it wont happen^^ i just thought it would be nice to share the idead cuz I (personal opinion) would have SO much fun with this.


I'm guessing you meant killing eso rvr instead of gw2 wvw. We could just put skirmish rewards in eotm and kill wvw if that's what you want. 🙂




just 5-10 man gank groups farming people?

WELL THAT IS SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN 😄 that is the fun there.


Fun? the gank groups have killed the fun out of solo roaming. I don't see the fun in roaming around trying to gank 5v1 people, that's not a challenge. Even 2v1 has become stupid with the support builds out there, or you're running some broken spec with survival through the roof that could handle multiple enemies, like broken stealth nade engineer, or torment rev, or invul cc spam ele, paired up with another stupid broken build. I have no problem if you want gank groups to farm each though, how about we just send this experiment into eotm instead.




i rather fight a 10 man group than a laggy 169people Boonball. It encourages smallerscale fights rather then mindless zerging. You can play solo and make Ultrastonks but being in a smallgroup is always favorable. (as it should be in WvW)

A solo player has a very good chance to win against 10 still. if winning means not dying to them and securing their currency. (Mobility > Numbers)



A solo player has no chance to win against 10, unless it's a perma stealth thief playing against absolute idiots.




make clear how much curency defending for example

It was like that in Eso if you killed a player in a zone that your team holds you get +50% extra currency from killing the players. So it multiplys what you get for player kills. (a player kill will almost always be  more then capturing a tower because that player most likely already captured one or had starting cash to begin with)


Ok, but you're forgetting one thing here, the eso version like you stated was in a separate area, in wvw it would be for every objective on four maps, where it would be easier to back cap closer places rather than hunt down players to secure currency. Imagine having to cap something like south camp and then run all the way back to spawn in the north to secure the currency, that isn't "exciting" that would be tedious as hell. The lazy players will just let their north stuff get capped so they can recap and get easy turn in instead, remember, path of least resistance, especially for those pve players you think would be interested in this. Also this will more than likely encourage players not to fight unless they are guaranteed wins by numbers.

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its sad how people here argue:  People here are lazy, so we wont have that.... i guess i got the answer to my Idea.

IMAGINE RUNNING FROM SOUTHCAMP TO YOUR GARRI 😄 oh nooo 1 minute of being on my warclaw!!! 😧 UNPLAYABLE!

i think you are one of those lazy players are you? 😘

the lazy players would just sit at any objective they own and farm people with ballistas 😄

remember Killing > taking a camp

Also this will more than likely encourage players not to fight unless they are guaranteed wins by numbers.

doesnt mater if they are encouraged to fight.. they cant Waypoint! so if you have the mobility you can catch them. or they make it to a tower/keep which is EXACTLY what they are for! a place for you to hide in and defend from the numbers that attack... If you want to kill them then you have to take the objective... and that is how WvW is supposed to play.. but that could just be me.

but its fine people are to lazy so we wont have that....

Edited by Sahne.6950
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54 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

IMAGINE RUNNING FROM SOUTHCAMP TO YOUR GARRI 😄 oh nooo 1 minute of being on my warclaw!!! 😧 UNPLAYABLE!

i think you are one of those lazy players are you? 😘


You said run back to spawn not garrison.... 🙄 why would I go farm for currency at the furthest points of the map... 🤔

Oh noes I'm a lazy player oh noes you got me oh noes I just told you how it will play out as a lazy player then oh noes.

So now that we've moved on to the insulting part of the thread, your idea sucks, and it doesn't encourage or interest a lazy pve player like me, find another way to pass me more passive rewards while I sit afk at spawn, thanks. 

Worst regards,

Your local lazy pve player perspective.

Edited by Xenesis.6389
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