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Can we please get a physical lorebook


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So physical lorebooks of mmos or games are something I like to collect. I have FFXIV's massive tome. All the WoW chronicles. Even ESO's lorebook. (Even have the XIV,WoW,and ESO cookbooks.) I feel like with how expansive of a world and how rich the cultures of Tyria are? That it would be a phenomenal read. Please A-Net I would literally throw money at your feet for one.

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4 minutes ago, ilMasa.2546 said:

I feel like 90% of the suggestions in the general section of the forum is all about "i want this" and "i need that for myself" without actually adding nothing constructive or helpfull for the game itself.

no offence

You'd prefer it if people posted nothing until they somewhow gleamed the desire for their idea in the head of every other player through arcane means first?

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1 hour ago, Izanagi.7831 said:

I mean they can outsource it. Hell I'm sure Jessica Price could use the money toss her a bone. ((Dark Horse did WoWs...and Square Outsourced theirs)) its not like you have devs writing it


Sure they could. But for the money they could hire someone for 6 months to fix things in game or code some rewards for existing content or whatever actually improves the game. It's all just resources shuffled around.

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I'd buy it. I've got a few different Guild Wars art books and I like them but I do find it a bit disappointing that they don't tell you much about the art, if I remember correctly the only one which gives any detail beyond who drew it and occasionally headings like 'armour concepts' or 'Nightfall creature designs' is 'The Complete Art of Guild Wars' and even that is fairly minimal.

I'd love something that's primarily a lore compilation and/or making of book rather than primarily an art book, so it could go into more detail about the world and how it was designed.

I'm not sure it's the best example overall but the best I've seen are the Legend of Zelda books - Hyrule Historia, Zelda Encyclopedia and Creating a Champion. There's also an art book but I've not got that one yet. (And yes they managed to get 4 different lore/art books out of a series that's reused the same excuse plot for 35 years....imagine what a GW one could be like.) Those were also done by Dark Horse and apparently all the game's developers did was send them copies of their notes, designs etc. and approve the final book, Dark Horse did all the work to organise and compile it.

1 hour ago, The Boz.2038 said:

You'd prefer it if people posted nothing until they somewhow gleamed the desire for their idea in the head of every other player through arcane means first?

Some people do seem to think they've done that. How often have we seen "everyone wants X, Anet should do it!"

But I agree, when I post suggestions on the forum I think of it as 50/50 hoping Anet will see it and finding out what other players think. Partially because that can show support for an idea but more importantly because other people often think of problems, solutions and improvements I hadn't even considered, or at least offer a different perspective on it, so the opportunity to discuss it can end up with a better idea.

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1 hour ago, lokh.2695 said:

I'd rather have resources spent on something else.

I'm fairly certain the art and story teams have a fair amount of downtime throughout an expansion cycle. This doesn't seem like anything that would really take away from anything else, especially if done at the launch of the expansion, when they plan on not putting out more content for a while. Also, seems like something an intern could do. It's basically just GW2 scrapbooking. 

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9 minutes ago, lokh.2695 said:

Sure they could. But for the money they could hire someone for 6 months to fix things in game or code some rewards for existing content or whatever actually improves the game. It's all just resources shuffled around.

I assume if they got another company (like Dark Horse) to do it then it would be effectively a licensing deal. Anet permits them to use their art and information in a commercial product, maybe supplies some stuff that's not on the Wiki or otherwise publicly available and that company does all the actual work to make it, with the costs being covered by profits from selling the final product.

Anet already have a process in place to licence merchandise, so I can't imagine it would take a lot of their time.

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4 minutes ago, Klowdy.3126 said:

I'm fairly certain the art and story teams have a fair amount of downtime throughout an expansion cycle. This doesn't seem like anything that would really take away from anything else, especially if done at the launch of the expansion, when they plan on not putting out more content for a while. Also, seems like something an intern could do. It's basically just GW2 scrapbooking. 


1 minute ago, Danikat.8537 said:

I assume if they got another company (like Dark Horse) to do it then it would be effectively a licensing deal. Anet permits them to use their art and information in a commercial product, maybe supplies some stuff that's not on the Wiki or otherwise publicly available and that company does all the actual work to make it, with the costs being covered by profits from selling the final product.

Anet already have a process in place to licence merchandise, so I can't imagine it would take a lot of their time.

^^fair points, still not very high on my wants list, along with all the other merch and peripherals. I mean, if it's a book about the existing story, we've already played that. If it's something outside the story, why not have that story as a future expansion/living world? There's lots of great fantasy/sci-fi writing out there already that is not tied to GW2, why not read that and pay those authors food and shelter?

1 minute ago, Klowdy.3126 said:

To be fair, what you said completely contradicted itself with poor grammar, so it could be confusing. 

It has like one double negative and maybe a few missing commas, I do understand perfectly well what the post said. Also, "Haha, you spelled that wrong so i can completely ignore your argument. Check mate." does come across just a tad elitist, don't you think?
Many of the suggestions posted here come from the wish to have something, few of these suggestions mention what it would add to the game (being "awesome" to someone is not enough) or how it would ineract with existing systems. Most of the suggestions are really just "I want this so it needs to come here" or "game x has y, GW2 should as well".

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35 minutes ago, Klowdy.3126 said:

To be fair, what you said completely contradicted itself with poor grammar, so it could be confusing. 

I am absolutely aware that my grammar is not the best,unfortunately English is not my main language (and yes i could practice it more,and that is totally on me), but I also believe that it is quite easy to understand the message between those mistakes.
With that being said, in the history of "posting online", the grammar check always turns out to be a weak counter argument, especially if it is the only argument and it comes from those who can afford to correct others


no offence

Edited by ilMasa.2546
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49 minutes ago, ilMasa.2546 said:

I am absolutely aware that my grammar is not the best,unfortunately English is not my main language (and yes i could practice it more,and that is totally on me), but I also believe that it is quite easy to understand the message between those mistakes.
With that being said, in the history of "posting online", the grammar check always turns out to be a weak counter argument, especially if it is the only argument and it comes from those who can afford to correct others


no offence

Thanks for correcting me.

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2 hours ago, Klowdy.3126 said:

To be fair, what you said completely contradicted itself with poor grammar, so it could be confusing. 

Not everyone here is a native speaker, me included. But we are trying our best to write in a language we can’t speak fluently. So criticizing someone because his English isn’t perfect is stupid and nasty. 

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1 hour ago, yoni.7015 said:

Not everyone here is a native speaker, me included. But we are trying our best to write in a language we can’t speak fluently. So criticizing someone because his English isn’t perfect is stupid and nasty. 

I think people are confused by the message here. Nothing I said was meant negatively. I simply pointed out an area that someone might be confused. Not everything posted on the internet is an attack. This is also something someone learning to speak english would want to learn. I'm not really sure what other phase I could use outside of "poor grammar" to convey what the hangup is. I can edit my original post to say double negative? 


Edit: To add to that, I pointed this out because I needed to read it a few times this morning to understand through the mix of just waking up, and saying something won't not happen.

Edited by Klowdy.3126
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I'm good for this idea.  I love collecting things for fictional universes I'm a fan of.  I have lots of Mass Effect collectibles.  Nothing in the Guild Wars store appeals to me and there isn't much to choose from.  A lore book is something that would fit in with the rest of my collections.  It's less about the content of the book and more about the aesthetic of it.  If it looks like it came straight out of the game into the real world, that's why I'd buy it.


Some quick notes, posting this sort of suggestion or request is the original point of online forums, from a commercial application perspective.  Gauging reactions to the post provides some useful data, albeit not sufficient data on its own.  Where else can ArenaNet gain some easy to acquire public opinion on a topic?  

As for "money spent elsewhere", this argument works for actual game (software) development.  There's only so many software developers at ArenaNet.  This is a completely different business function, handled by, what should be, a taskforce of marketing and business development.  Licensing is the easiest way to expand the RoI of intellectual property, as you can use the application of that IP in ways your business could not perform.  In this case, ArenaNet doesn't manufacture tangible items.  In the instant case, ArenaNet is not a publisher of literature.  However, licensing is a way for ArenaNet to expand it's Guild Wars IP into products that it could not, on its own, manufacture.  It adds additional revenue streams at the cost of legal and business management.  

ArenaNet doesn't consist of only software programmers.  There's other people there, too.  They do stuff that isn't software programming.  They even get paid not to do software development for the game.  


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