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Bug?: Canthan Maps are empty

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I'm not sure if this is a population issue or if there is a chance that the sharding of the map instances are not working as intended. I've been through the maps and it feels like there aren't that many players around when you are within the map. It could be the scale of the maps separate a bunch of us, but it's odd. I do see LFGs attempting to fill their maps often, so I'm assuming it's not the lack of players, but that we are not being put together properly to play.

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I have noticed this, events are failing or timing out because no one is there to do them, I see maybe 2-4 other people on the map. Even with people doing story you do not even see a lot of people standing by story entrances, definitely unlike a first day release.

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Can confirm it feels very dead on the new maps, way more dead than going to LA or Divinity which is really odd taken that it just released and whenever we have new content it usually is full of people in maps, not sure what went wrong or happened here but it seems that instance are far from getting full.

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At first I figured it was because it was Monday, then I started to wonder if everyone was doing story, now I don't know what to think. I'll say this though, as I was logging out trying to finish up Echovald, most everyone from one very large guild I'm in was in Seitung and no one else had even gotten to Echovald yet. So it could just be a Monday problem.

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This. There are too many shards! I get why they may have played with the population per shard -- so people can actually see NPCs (and not a pile of shiny players). But I think the balance is off. I played on and off all day yesterday, and both Seitung Provence and New Kaineng City felt completely vacant. Only a few others playing in the same shard. Totally fine, if you have a working theory for why that is. But it could demoralize new players. The balance should be tweaked with the next update.

Edited by Bolshie.6137
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Yeah there seems to still be an issue, I just finished the first instance and just got to the first map, there are two events right at the start, one being a boss and there are ZERO players doing it.  I stood at the beginning of the map and saw zero players come in either.  There's def something wrong with the maps.

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Yeah, I played for 9-10 hours stright yesterday (no I didn't rush story, it went interesting). And the map always seems empty, tho I seen players around. 

Weird the lap chat is also empty, no one's asking for help in event, I never seen any tags too, mentor or comm tags, in maps of Shine jae, kaiene city, echovald. And there are times where players are there to complete event. Maybe no one wants to comm cause no one has any idea, idk. 

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My opinion: I think it may be because other games are out and new elite spec is underwhelming so a good amount of population didn't purchase expansion. I purchased the expansion but because of how underwhelming my elite spec class is, I decided not to play eod; my group of friends did the same thing.

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32 minutes ago, MoonRaiden.7423 said:

My opinion: I think it may be because other games are out and new elite spec is underwhelming so a good amount of population didn't purchase expansion. I purchased the expansion but because of how underwhelming my elite spec class is, I decided not to play eod; my group of friends did the same thing.

This is wrong. There were (and still sometimes are) just way too many map instances. Just tested it with my commander tag. Put me on LFG and hordes of players joined in from so many different map instances. 

You can also see that hordes of people are joining EoD in Lornars Pass.

Edited by Radiancee.6537
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8 hours ago, MoonRaiden.7423 said:

My opinion: I think it may be because other games are out and new elite spec is underwhelming so a good amount of population didn't purchase expansion. I purchased the expansion but because of how underwhelming my elite spec class is, I decided not to play eod; my group of friends did the same thing.

The lie detector determined, that was a lie.

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22 hours ago, TheMaskedGamer.5708 said:

I'm not sure if this is a population issue or if there is a chance that the sharding of the map instances are not working as intended. I've been through the maps and it feels like there aren't that many players around when you are within the map. It could be the scale of the maps separate a bunch of us, but it's odd. I do see LFGs attempting to fill their maps often, so I'm assuming it's not the lack of players, but that we are not being put together properly to play.

I had the same problem after game had it last patch tonight and I could enter game again in Eye of The North. As I saw that NPC for the public version where active I went to just see how far the public Marionette instance where in case I could jump in on some lane.

There was nothing at all to see on main map view, no marking for WP, repairstation etc that always normally will show before you unlock WP and reveal more on maps layout, not even those paths/lanes.

Edited by ShadowCatz.8437
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17 hours ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

This is something we've been keeping a close eye on since yesterday's launch, and we've made some adjustments to distribute players across active maps more evenly. You should begin seeing a difference!

Could you or devs that work on Marionettes  public instance take a look if there is bug that now trigger when one that instance and can not see any lanes or anything else on main map view? It is not fun to enter a map that is up for certain time as public instance to see nothing there and not knowing if it is due to lack of players that isn't doing this type of content or it is a bug.

There is also a bug where event: Escort officer Roz to wreckage seem to be stuck. I search if there where some information about this event, but it is still probably too early for having a wiki describing its condition to what is expected to happen and if it is a known bug that some how can be avoided or reset to a working event chain.


Edited by ShadowCatz.8437
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I completed the first zone and saw literally a handful of people the entire day, that's pathetic for a so called "MMO". Doesn't really improve the image of this game actually doing well. Weren't enough people to do any of the meta events.


If I were a new player that was hyped and jumped right in and saw how empty the "new" expansion was, I'd never come back.

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This is exactly how I feel.


Wildstar was more populated than this game, from my perspective.  Now I am starting to think NCSoft just cant make mmo's, and I wont bother buying one in the future.  


Maybe some of the gaming journalists should point a big arrow at this, and force them to do something about it to preserve their image.

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