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12 minutes ago, Raizel.8175 said:

We are only one (!) week into the expansion and Arena Net is far from being the largest development team - NCSoft isn't particularly known for being a good (parent) company after all. There are also other issues that are more important than fixing DE - Seitung's meta event doesn't work properly in most cases and needs fixing first. There are also some other things in EoD that don't work properly - Valdhertz Crypts being one of the examples.

NCSoft should be ashamed to leave this child unsupervised, that's for sure.
And yes, definitively throw water buckets on the sparks; rather than the already incendiary and consuming stuff shall we?

Also a "Casual" stands for people who just want to have a nice time with less challenges than those who actually strive for pure challenges and loves to die over and over for something.

Edited by KurokouNekoki.7891
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10 minutes ago, Heibi.4251 said:

Well, today would be the day that we might see some action. Tuesday is usually patch day.

I'm thinking the response will be "We're happy with the progress we've seen and will continue to watch the people who payed for this be frustrated." Sorry that's just my pessimistic thought on this. Nothing will be done.

This META cannot continue on this path. The good commanders will soon stop coming to this event and the players who have their turtles and suffered through the frustration will also rarely visit this event. The map will become a desert wasteland.


I suspect the same and you are right re: the commanders. I was just in a DE meta with an excellent commander, they gave everyone clear instructions and wanted people to learn and was not elitist. We failed at 2% and they then said that they were not coming back until it was fixed which was a shame as they were actually teaching players the map and mechanics.

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8 minutes ago, carrolltech.9215 said:


I suspect the same and you are right re: the commanders. I was just in a DE meta with an excellent commander, they gave everyone clear instructions and wanted people to learn and was not elitist. We failed at 2% and they then said that they were not coming back until it was fixed which was a shame as they were actually teaching players the map and mechanics.

In most of my runs, the commanders and lieutenants were pretty thorough with the explanation, but I sense that most of people were like "mhm mhmm *looks at the bird passing nearby*" and low and behold that feeling was correct. Even though we were literally screaming in chat, "pay attention"!

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2 hours ago, memausz.7264 said:

That's fair, ArenaNet, just keep in mind that it takes a commander THIS GOOD + voice comms + the completion of pre-meta events in order to accomplish this.  It really should only be GOOD Commander + pre-meta events.  

😲😳😲🙄😬😳 ArenaNet really has to add more "response reactions" to the paltry few that we have, or get more from whoever provides this forum module.

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21 minutes ago, KurokouNekoki.7891 said:

NCSoft should be ashamed to leave this child unsupervised, that's for sure.
And yes, definitively throw water buckets on the sparks; rather than the already incendiary and consuming stuff shall we?

Also a "Casual" stands for people who just want to have a nice time with less challenges than those who actually strive for pure challenges and loves to die over and over for something.

You want NCSoft to leave Arena Net entirely unsupervised if you don't want to turn GW2 into both a Recycling and P2W fest. If you look at NCSofts insults of MMORPGs, you know exactly what I mean.

In the context of GW2, "less challenging" could simply mean "normal" modes of T4 fractals and raids - maybe even just W 1-4 - and now Strike Missions - at least that's what "casual" would mean to your bogstandard MMORPG-player.

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3 hours ago, Everwyn.8537 said:

After finally completing the meta, here are a couple more of thoughts:


Got into a group that while not demanding or excluding professions, was very organized (boons management, etc), knowledgeable and properly lead (Commander Trap, if you ever read this, thanks again!). While it's expected to have better results than a pug group, there was a big difference compared with the tries I've done before: you guessed it.... Tail phase. There were less tail switches than I had before. Whether this is because phases become shorter or just pure luck, I'm more convinced this meta needs to change.


For me personally is not even about the turtle. I understand this is one of the complaints and understandable people feel locked out of it because of this meta.


But I cannot accept that Anet argues this is the epitome of a 10 years story and therefore justified to have an amazing event (I still love it, despite the failure rate) to then lock important lore aspects behind it. I'm really dumbfounded that people who lived through this adventure and have a keen interest in Elder Dragons for this long, are not going to experience several key dialogues that only happen after the meta has succeeded - several times.


I see more frustration, I see more people wanting to give up, I see more people claiming that once they have the turtle they won't be doing this ever again. I see more people clashing with each other. This meta is meant to be experienced more than once. And it's not going to happen. Your lack of action is not only destroying your meta, but your finale. 



" I'm really dumbfounded that people who lived through this adventure and have a keen interest in Elder Dragons for this long, are not going to experience several key dialogues that only happen after the meta has succeeded - several times."

Oh wow. This is the first time that I'm reading this. I realize that a lot of players aren't at all interested in the story, but the story, the lore plays a big part of any game for me & to date, I've really enjoyed GW2's story. 

I never considered that I might lose out on some significant parts of it, because of something as trivial as the acquisition of a turtle that I'd probably never use. 

Edited by Stelawrat.6589
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2 hours ago, Tuna Bandit.3786 said:

ArenaNet can you please at least break the silence before your community is destroyed?

If Mukluk feels depressed after playing the content, the person I consider the most capable of wording and understanding both sides of the community, that means... you messed up.

This silence is not doing the game and the community any good... we need answers.

And btw: Getting siege turtle in a different way is not the prime solution. You locked SO MUCH behind a succesful Dragon's End, it's not even funny anymore.

I was doing achievements while waiting for your responce, but... I am getting more and more frustrated with achievements that unlock step by step and end at "talk to so and so after conclusion of Dragon's End" 

Cantha right now, is the worse place one can be as a casual or mid-field player. You see walls rising in front of you around every corner due to 1 Raid like Meta.

"I was doing achievements while waiting for your responce, but... I am getting more and more frustrated with achievements that unlock step by step and end at 'talk to so and so after conclusion of Dragon's End' ".

Again, this is the first time that I've read this & again, a genuine disappointment. This is getting to be like a kick to the gut kind of feeling. In the grand scheme of things, I realize it's just a game but, I was so hoping that it would be a welcomed relief from real life tensions right now. 

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3 hours ago, memausz.7264 said:

That's fair, ArenaNet, just keep in mind that it takes a commander THIS GOOD + voice comms + the completion of pre-meta events in order to accomplish this.  It really should only be GOOD Commander + pre-meta events.  

I know what u feeling bro.

3%, 7%, 6%, 5%, 20% jaja.

Useless meta ever. All comunity failing that bugged battle. 

Is not fixed yet? I dont play GW2 before that.


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18 minutes ago, Stelawrat.6589 said:

" I'm really dumbfounded that people who lived through this adventure and have a keen interest in Elder Dragons for this long, are not going to experience several key dialogues that only happen after the meta has succeeded - several times."

Oh wow. This is the first time that I'm reading this. I realize that a lot of players aren't at all interested in the story, but the story, the lore plays a big part of any game for me & to date, I've really enjoyed GW2's story. 

I never considered that I might lose out on some significant parts of it, because of something as trivial as the acquisition of a turtle that I'd probably never use. 


The whole idea of the meta is to even do it before finishing the final step of the story to complement it.

I'm sure eventually will be on youtube, but I dare to say you'll agree with me saying that it's not the best way to experience the story. 

That's why for me shifting the turtle acquisition elsewhere and leave the meta as it is isn't a great option. And the meta just needs small - but crucial - adjustments, don't think anyone is defending a "nerf to the point of being possible to AFK and complete it". It's an epic fight and would be nice to keep that feeling.


Edited by Everwyn.8537
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arena can so easily fix this in so many ways and stop the community from tearing itself apart


add 5 minutes

Remove the wisp downtime more(even after the wisp phase is done it still take soowon upwards to a minute to become fightable again)

and if this riles up the top players then literally just make the current mode a CM instance like dragonstorm. People can make up groups especially for that and do it without having to deal with "casuals" and give it a better reward. Heck either double the amount of memory of aurene or some green strike shards as a daily reward.

Another change that would maybe be welcome make is reduce the amount of defiance break needed for the break bar but at the same time remove the drizzlewood emp charges from the map.

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1 hour ago, Raizel.8175 said:

What does being "casual" mean in the first place?


I think we're seeing a lot of 'casual' game development here. I was just doing the meta in Seitung Province and got stuck in one of the NPC's flying platforms. Yay. Then the meta just ended for no apparent reason. Yay, too. People were saying it was because someone looted a chest early. Looted a chest early? What? Ya know, I hear there's this thing called 'beta testing' that's supposed to help find and eliminate bugs. Anet might want to check into it. See also: quality control. Before the game becomes (wait for it) a 'casualty'.

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1 hour ago, Raizel.8175 said:

We are only one (!) week into the expansion and Arena Net is far from being the largest development team - NCSoft isn't particularly known for being a good (parent) company after all. There are also other issues that are more important than fixing DE - Seitung's meta event doesn't work properly in most cases and needs fixing first. There are also some other things in EoD that don't work properly - Valdhertz Crypts being one of the examples.

Yes, I know the devs have tried to do their best under some really demanding conditions. I also know any new content is naturally going to have bugs, which is totally understandable. 

I'll never understand why they chose to launch with a meta that required restricting map populations to the extent that they were literally empty. That should have been a huge red flag. 

I'm pretty sure they know their player base really well. They know which players are not only trust worthy, but who truly understand the underlying structure.

Why they don't make use of that resource, that pool of talent on a test server is beyond me. Their feedback would be priceless. I'm guessing those players would jump at the chance to participate & they would honour the NDA. It's a real mystery to me. 

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1 hour ago, Raizel.8175 said:

There are also other issues that are more important than fixing DE - Seitung's meta event doesn't work properly in most cases and needs fixing first. There are also some other things in EoD that don't work properly - Valdhertz Crypts being one of the examples.

I think communication and transparency are key. They could at least confirm mistakes and the problems and that they are working on it and how they want to fix it but not some coporate speak like "we are monitoring and maybe make fixes if we want to, sometime. Until then: Its challenging content. get gud".

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1 hour ago, Raizel.8175 said:

The "Casuals"-argument is getting really annoying.

So too is the l33tz argument. The game has 3 different modes. Those modes should be left to their own fun and joys and NOT mixed. Every time that balance is toy'd with this kind of post happens. But we have also seen it time and time again "Hard Core", l33tz, Top Tier game content on it's own WILL NOT LAST! Can we say Wild Star (and many others.) Don't count the FPS's those are a breed of their own. I'm talking an mmorpg only for RAID style content.


The point is if they really want to keep this game going on a positive note and not have this turn into a major blunder it needs a nerf. Or it will go the route of RAIDs You'll have your fun and the masses won't touch it. And it will die a slow and wasted death. Then you and the others will sit around crying about when you get your turn to have content. When it COULD have LITERALLY been the BEST release they EVER produced! This is a great balance with the strike mission story setup. But there is still a balance. RAID are now strikes and get created right along with the other content!😱😲 THAT's AWESOME! For EVERYONE!


Yes there are masteries that will help improve the player experience, like the jade bot, but how many players are going to wait until they maxed the masterries before completing B4JS? Not many, even the story rightfully so drops you off ready to go in the start of a new meta for it.


It's also funny how the l33tz like to voice their woes when they re not happy but expect us to keep our mouths shut when we have them.🤔


This is NOT an attainable goal for PUG maps and that is a big concern on many levels. Then there are all the other reasons it needs a second look. But all any of us can do is 1) voice our opinions and 2) wait and see.

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23 minutes ago, Everwyn.8537 said:


The whole idea of the meta is to even do it before finishing the final step of the story to complement it.


All of the meta events were designed like that. They tie into the story that takes place on the map when you're doing the story (ofc for every playthrough only when they happen exactly when you're there).



even has a story step that is optimally completed by doing the meta with exactly the NPCs and boss the current story revolves around.



is the clean up after you visit the northern reactor and completes the story of jade stuff not doing what it should before you visit the lab.



starts with the gang dispute and the meta is literally the gang war.

End of Dragons


is a huge clusterkitten.


And also clearly the prelude to the last story instance in Cantha. The conversations here even have a gap without the meta. Between this, the turtle, only 2 class collections requiring the meta and the rewards I'm still assuming someone made a type in the Soo-Won's scaling formula. Either that or the left hand doesn't know what the right brain hemisphere is thinking which is probably worse. The 3 points above and the current "difficulty" (being not the execution on mechanics but the oversized forced raid experience) and scaling make me wonder why Anet is just quiet when the puzzle pieces are clearly not fitting together.


Added some spoilers since this includes some story type stuff and not just musings on how well designed Dragon's End is.

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32 minutes ago, Everwyn.8537 said:


The whole idea of the meta is to even do it before finishing the final step of the story to complement it.

I'm sure eventually will be on youtube, but I dare to say you'll agree with me saying that it's not the best way to experience the story. 

That's why for me shifting the turtle acquisition elsewhere and leave the meta as it is isn't a great option. And the meta just needs small - but crucial - adjustments, don't think anyone is defending a "nerf to the point of being possible to AFK and complete it". It's an epic fight and would be nice to keep that feeling.


Yes, for sure, I want the players who crave tough content to have that content to enjoy, to compete against. It's absolutely necessary. 

I just think the way in which this whole event, with all of its components needing to be met in order to actually complete so much, including the story no less! 

It's just, I can't even put into words really, how I don't understand the thought process, the design; what were the expectations? 

I really don't get it. Sorry ArenaNet devs. I admire you but WHAT WERE YOU DRINKING? 😋

And where are my Dwarves? 😪

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On 3/6/2022 at 5:50 PM, Kromie.8930 said:

Is it just me or does it seem like a large group of players on the forum just want face roll content.  There's more enjoyment in having a new mount if it was not easily obtained imo. And the DE meta is not even that difficult. Just needs for time

No, I don't mind getting the mount.  But I do want to finish the game. Consider it a matter of honor.

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7 minutes ago, Desh.7028 said:


All of the meta events were designed like that. They tie into the story that takes place on the map when you're doing the story (ofc for every playthrough only when they happen exactly when you're there).

They are indeed, which is a nice way to convey some extra storytelling. If we look in the past this is not exclusive, though they mostly serve to complement the zone or reinforce its ambience/problematic, etc (aside the meta maps). 

This expansion feels heavier on story - not only the one you're experiencing but does best in connecting what we have known of Cantha from GW1). And with that in mind, comparatively not only End of Dragons meta serves the story expansion but also falls on the end on an era. 

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2 hours ago, Raizel.8175 said:

...What does being "casual" mean in the first place? Being a casual - at least in every other MMORPG besides GW2 - means, that you more or less only play at most one to two hours per day. You won't be able to achieve BiS equipment, but you should at least get something decent which will serve at the very least as entry-level equipment to any kind of content. You will most likely not be the best player, you also won't be a catastrophe though, since - while not understanding the intricacies - you understand the basics, meaning in normal, everyday kinda content, you'll be able to at least pull your weight. More often than not, you will have one main character and at most one or two alts. You will use said main character for higher tier content and use your alts for crafting, storage or simply for fun.

Skimming through the forums during the last few days, being a "casual" seems to mean something entirely different to certain parts of the community in GW2 though! Apparently, a "casual" in GW2 is fundamentally useless since a "casual" neither understands fundamental game nor fundamental class mechanics. S/he is unable to socialize on a very basic level in order to do basic instanced content (- something which is bread and butter in any other MMORPG)...

Well, I can't speak for anyone else but I consider myself a casual player and I don't fit either of your examples. Atm I have four accounts, 1 main and 3 alt accounts. All four accounts are paid and have both the HoT & PoF expansions. Only the main has EoD and the others won't be getting it. All the accounts have the four basic mounts but only the main account has the Griffon, Skyscale, Roller Beetle, and Warclaw. The main account is the one I actually play the game on. The alt accounts are for the log in rewards, doing dailies, and keep alts at various mat farms. The alt accounts have a few alts apiece while the main account has 32 alts, all but one at level 80. The early alts on that account were all leveled up normally, the newer alts were level 80 boosted. As for gear, only the main account has legendaries. On that account I have full sets of heavy and light leggy armor and half a set of medium leggys. As for weapons, my leggys are 1 hammer, 2 swords, 1 greatsword, 1 staff, and 1 shortbow. Currently I'm working on getting a pistol. According to GW Efficiency, I've averaged about 6 hours a day ingame since I first got to Tyria a little more than four years ago. As for socializing to do instanced content, I've done enough dungeons with my guildies to get the Dungeon Master title, as well as doing low level fractals and unstructured PvP with them. And we do WvW together one or more times a week.

So why do I consider myself a casual player? It's simple. I don't have the reflexes any more to do high level, hard core content. My reaction times are too slow and I'm at the point in life where they are not going to get better. And that's fine with me. I like relaxed, casual fun and just don't bother with raids, high end fractals, or ranked PvP.

As a casual player, I don't think Anet has to nerf all hard content into oblivion. I know that the more players the game has, the stronger it is. I know that we need both hard core and casual players to keep the game alive and thriving. I'm fine with raids, high end fractals, and structured PvP being in the game, as long as I am not forced to do them. And that right there is the essential point for me. Anet works best when it provides a range of options for different levels of game play, not when it tries to force players into content they don't want to do. That could have been done fairly simply with the DE meta. Provide an instance with hard, challenging content and suitable rewards for those who enjoy that kind of game play. And provide an open world meta that is accessible to everyone. That would allow everyone to play at the level they are comfortable with. That would have also sidestepped all the anger and frustration we are seeing as well as the divisive fighting between hard core and casual players we've been seeing intensify since EoD dropped.

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Waiting for the response from Anet...I didn't play at all yesterday. Haven't been able to enjoy the game since this...and I've been feeling terrible IRL as well...but that's a me problem. This was just another contribution to my already stressful life. It shouldn't be like that. And maybe I shouldn't care so much about "just a game"...but right now it feels like my real world AND my escapism world are both falling apart. Call me dramatic idc. I feel what I feel. Every hour of silence and ignorance (I see what they're doing: "Let's focus on the positive!"...) just makes this all feel worse. I'm worried they won't do anything at all to fix this mess. I'm worried this game will destroy itself if things continue this way. I tried ESO...wasn't my thing. Tried a few others...not my thing. Skyrim is broken due to 300+ mods (which all worked fine the last time I played...) and I don't have time to fix it. Guild Wars 2 is/was my thing. Now...idk. It doesn't feel good at the moment...and it hurts that the devs (or maybe the CEO?)...or whoever is responsible for this mess...and the silence afterwards...it hurts that they don't seem to care at all about this. 

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