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Upcoming Changes to "The Battle For The Jade Sea"

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After having done (and failed) for the first time today I can say that the two biggest problems I had with that fight was the visual noise completely hiding some big hit tells and as others have pointed out an insane amount of rng on the boss.  We kept breaking her with CC only for her to go into the tail phase repeatedly.  We simply could not get enough damage into her even though our burn phases (when we DID get them) were pretty solid throughout.

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9 hours ago, Xero the Dark.8230 said:

Just did two attempts in a row: Both fails. BUT...I am getting closer. Before I was always hitting 20%...these past two times my groups were both RIGHT on the verge of winning...it's the last 5 mins of the battle that are causing trouble for me now. Won't get another chance to try again until tomorrow night. I just didn't expect this meta to be like that when I first got to it. Now that there's hope...I'm willing to try. Still think it could use some work - but getting closer at least. I'm not going to torture myself and stay up all night trying to do this - and burn myself out again. It would have been nice to have everything done within the four days I took off from work (the first week of the expansion) - but I guess things don't always go as planned. 

TO BE FAIR though...I am feeling a lot better about this now that we are seeing solid changes and receiving actual responses (hopefully that won't stop!!! I think communication is the key here!!!). I get that they are struggling to make everyone happy. 

I'm also a bit worried about these 'Writs of the Jade Sea' - my theory is that we'll have to buy them from the vendor using some kind(s) of other currency? Could be wrong - and he *could* have meant Writs of Dragon's End (in which case...I'm prepared). 


Re: the Writs, rest easy they are the Writs of Dragon's End, confirmed by one of the devs in a tweet I think, as reported by a player somewhere in this huge thread. 

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Killed it today. I think the tail change makes things a lot better. We got 3 tails and killed it with 3.5 minutes to spare. A pretty organized group with a commander that really knew what they were doing but everything done through map chat. It seem it is extremely important to do good preparation before. Make sure everyone has the map and jade bot buff capped before. Everything becomes way more doable with that. I am absolutely sure that most people in normal lfg have no idea about how important this is. When more get used of that and learn that the kills will be way more common.

Edited by Turin.6921
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48 minutes ago, LAZ.2740 said:

Also what's the deal with the entire world hanging in balance but right in the middle of a battle to the death, the boss just leaves cause you didn't pass the dps check? That's not thematically or logically satisfying.


And Aurene just bossing us around 🤣 

Like come help, ur a freaking Dragon. Don’t be like that lazy Kormir. 

You know what would be a great RNG? if around 5-10% Aurene just dashes to finish Soo-Won. 🐉💀

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9 hours ago, Frudak Forgedawn.2486 said:

Not normally one for forums... Just want to reitterate what others have said. This isn't hard mechanically, the randomness is the issue. You can't have a boss on a time limit where it can spend an arbitrary amount of that time invulnerable - it just doesn't work from a design point of view, but especially given that the RNG seems so heavily skewed towards that stuff that makes it invuln. Remove the RNG, it's really that simple to fix. I'm all for more challenging content - I've raided, done CM fractals, solo'd dungeons and T4s and it's all fun because it's at least fair. This isn't fun because it's straight up not fair. I genuinely don't want to get egg from vendor - I want to get it from doing meta but I'm fed up of having time wasted over and over again by a badly thought out encounter.


Additionally, I can understand frustration with players in the squad that get continually downed by every mechanic. It's not hard to move out of the orange area - theres nothing even remotely elitist about that. It's the most basic of basic mechanics and still everytime I do this meta, I'm seeing 15-20 people getting downed by every single thing despite being told over and over.

"It's the most basic of basic mechanics and still everytime I do this meta, I'm seeing 15-20 people getting downed by every single thing despite being told over and over."

How are they being told this, with comms or group chat? Personally, if someone is yelling at me in chat, when I'm totally concentrating on a boss, I'm not looking at chat so... 😞 I've never used comms, so can't comment on that. 

I think so much about this meta is dependent on chance plus an individual's comp, ping, experience etc. It was bound to fail hard in this iteration. 

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9 hours ago, NotTooFoolish.7412 said:

I have struggled in random groups with this meta at the beginning. People tend not to pay attention to what's going on.
We've seen this pattern with some bosses in the past. After a while ppl will learn how the encounter works.

It is a bit random, there are some mechanics, but that's what's fun about it. We haven't got this kind of interesting challenge in Open World in a while. I really hope it doesn't get nerfed into the ground. That being said, I'm looking forward to the reworked rewards for this meta. Currently on a 3 win streak.

PS: My fellow firebrand friends, let's continue to bring our aegis, quickness and stability to the fight. Boys, those ppl need our buffs.


Ah ha! I wonder what would happen if you had a full group of Firebrands only, well organized into offensive & defensive groups. If you ever do that, make sure to record it for us. 😁

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Isn't there a very real possibility that all those who have tried and failed so many times will just use their stack of contracts to get the Turtle started, and then no one will be left attempting the Meta anymore?  I don't blame those folks - as someone who hasn't tried the meta once because of all I was hearing - I'd probably avoid it too.  I'm just wondering if people will still want to try the meta at that point, if they don't also bump the awards received.

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7 hours ago, Lampshade.7569 said:

Last night, I managed to get into one of the "raid" squads when I randomly joined a commander while getting my fishing supplies, so I decided to hang in there for the 70 minutes of prep time.


By the time the pre-event launched, there were 50 of us in the squad, super serious atmosphere, every group had ascended food, event stacks, jade mastery buffs, alacrity and quickness.


We breezed through the events, zoomed up the temple, melted her first phase, champs were getting deleted with properly assigned groups, nobody kitten.


Except Soo-Won. After the first phase breakbar, the next two breakbars both triggered at the same time as tail, full side-swap animations while she was invulnerable after two different phases, and many others already commented how she goes wild in the last phase. The last breakbar at 6 seconds left felt like a personal fluff you and we failed at 3%.


I guess I'm too casual and should get good. Run to the tail faster, it's just that easy, or so people keep telling me. Are they gathering data on clairvoyance? Should I consult an astrologer to read the stars when the tail will appear and when fortunate runs are likely?


The response to "You completely misjudged what the community wants" seems to be "We slightly adjusted one of the RNG timers." Not even all of them, just one, so the described events will keep happening, just less often.


The next part is a personal rant and slightly off topic, so feel free to ignore it.


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I was really looking forward to the 9-year title, "Comitted." This year was going to be the year. Apparently not. They added a conflicting raiding title, then "fixed" it by taking the title away from people who stuck with them for 9 years so that the raiders could keep theirs.


I still rememeber when I found out. I took some deep breaths and reasoned it away. Obviously, they didn't just randomly target their longest supporters for cheap laughs, surely there was a pragmatic reason behind that. Maybe the amount of people affected was so disproportionate that it made sense. That must be it.


Why, then, does the new 9-year title sound like someone was told to just write whatever? PvP players are Legendary Punishers and Supreme Overlords, whereas Long-Term Commitment sounds more like the title of an involuntary patient to me than any sort of reward. Not that I have anything against those, much sympathy, best wishes. But come on.


Coupled with this, the shape of the meta-events doesn't really seem like an isolated occurrence anymore but the culmination of the "play how we want, not how you want" philosophy. I have two legendaries and fractal CM titles, but apparently, I can stick those in places because I don't have a raiding guild.


What happened to all the data that they are supposedly gathering? I was the happiest during Queen's Jubilee when I could both try for individual skill challenges or just run in a circle for hours and smash the lootstick on hoards of enemies like divine punishment. The bitterness over that nerf is almost as bad as the "quit dungeoneering and start raiding" nerf. As for maps, more frequent, smaller, shorter events with higher enemy density is not rocket science. It's something that was talked to death until it stopped even being funny roughly 5 years ago. I remember building camps in Cursed Shore where enemies came by dozens and dozens. Those ultimately got their multiple rounds of nerfs, too. Great for the economy, we were told.


At least a single new Griffon challenge with all those vertical maps? Please? Nope, that's not shiny and sparkly new anymore.


What really hit me, though, was the contrast. I know this is purely anecdotal rather than some comprehensive collection of statistical evidence, but when I was fishing a day earlier and someone wrote "Please help at [POI]" into the map chat, 15 seconds later there were 5 of us circling the area on skyscales and nuking everything that moved. They clearly know how to make good zones and events that promote this sense of community, so the only conclusion left is that they choose not to in favour of content that leaves people bitter and resentful and encourages them to blame each other and make barriers rather than friends.


And to avoid turtle arguments, I didn't even know that the new mount was tied to the event until I looked at the forms to see what the hell was going on. It looked clunky and annoying to others, so I thought I'd get around to it eventually in a few months when I run out of anything else to do and just go through the motions for the sake of completion.


Can't even bring myself to log and finish fishing atm, probably going to try some nostalgia Arah runs later with proper harpy feathers and legion kits rather than any costume bs, or maybe some good old champ trains, if they haven't completely removed those, too. For now, though, I'll see myself out.


Great honest post, both parts, every word of it, not only straight forward, but obviously straight from the heart. Peace. 🕊️

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The only actual change i seen from previous world bosses to this one, is the INSANE amount of toxic behaviour in the chat. The easiest ones are just people dropping out close to the end and go 'lol fail again', to the point people are outright racist towards 'stupid noobs' that dont seem to quite understand the mechanics.


Once i was happy to see world/map events as a huge collective, a community sharing the same goal, helping eachother, healing and reviving others, but we got to a point where people dont even attack the bubble because 'use the stupid 1 you noob', or yell CC during that big wirlpool moment where half of the people either cant target or cant hit the boss. Yes, some people need more time to learn, some just 'trolling about', but do people really have to go that toxic to 'make their point'? If you are that dead serious about the game, or about 'putting down people on their failures', then dont come. You wont help people by calling them stupid, you wont get progression or alertness by calling them 'homosexuals' .


The NPC's (same with that fight in that jade quarry) shout stuff way to late (hide behind something - instant aoe), the targeting to the boss often gets stuck on the stupid ammount of adds and some aoe's are not even ground punches but more like a dome attack that even if you are flying above the dragon, its a instant kill.


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6 hours ago, Xalanth.7946 said:

I have done the meta 5 times in total. 3 times before the adjustments where it was a 2/3 success. The last 2 times were after the initial "greens" change and both were successful with 2-3mins left.


I am a casual player only getting in an hour a day when I am able to log in on average. I did make more time during release week for the expansion. The meta is and has been on par with the other dragon metas of all past expansions in my experience.


The one time of 5 attempts that failed we did not have enough DPS but healing was through the roof and a lot of the group was just running around in circles or standing still during bite. It seems, in my experience, that the paint drinkers and fluffies doing all this complaining are just looking for an event with no effort and high rewards.


I commend the devs and staff for catering to the folks needing training wheels but really hope that the fun and challenge of the meta isn't drained for the louder side of the community.

@Zabi Zabi.3561 This might of been who Carmela was thinking of. 😋

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13 minutes ago, Dinova.8597 said:

The only actual change i seen from previous world bosses to this one, is the INSANE amount of toxic behaviour in the chat. The easiest ones are just people dropping out close to the end and go 'lol fail again', to the point people are outright racist towards 'stupid noobs' that dont seem to quite understand the mechanics.


Once i was happy to see world/map events as a huge collective, a community sharing the same goal, helping eachother, healing and reviving others, but we got to a point where people dont even attack the bubble because 'use the stupid 1 you noob', or yell CC during that big wirlpool moment where half of the people either cant target or cant hit the boss. Yes, some people need more time to learn, some just 'trolling about', but do people really have to go that toxic to 'make their point'? If you are that dead serious about the game, or about 'putting down people on their failures', then dont come. You wont help people by calling them stupid, you wont get progression or alertness by calling them 'homosexuals' .


The NPC's (same with that fight in that jade quarry) shout stuff way to late (hide behind something - instant aoe), the targeting to the boss often gets stuck on the stupid ammount of adds and some aoe's are not even ground punches but more like a dome attack that even if you are flying above the dragon, its a instant kill.


I think problem with that is the players who rushed the story and started working on this meta day one of expac, the kinda people who should be able to do any meta open world in the game, were met with an extremely overturned boss fight requiring 2 hours of work that resulted in daily failures. Then casuals started to catch up, causing more failures cause the thing is, each day new players are getting into this zone and have no idea what is going on or why so many people are yelling. They have no idea why someone has failed this meta 20 times, this is their first. They were hyped beforehand, then are met with a chat that hates them. Because this is open world, you have no control over who is with you, and even when you try to with a raid group and still fail, how does that make the entire expansion feel? 


And wow this post blew up, 7 pages I need to read through. I see their update was "Successful". Can't wait to buy the Turtle and never come back to Cantha. 

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1 hour ago, DragonSlayer.1087 said:

And Aurene just bossing us around 🤣 

Like come help, ur a freaking Dragon. Don’t be like that lazy Kormir. 

You know what would be a great RNG? if around 5-10% Aurene just dashes to finish Soo-Won. 🐉💀


That'd be great! Come on Aurene put some more effort in! And I Agree to the other comment, even back in HoT failing meant Zone wide death, instead all this does is forces you to change maps to a map with others who just failed. Some "World ending" threat that is. Oh no we failed, oh well doesn't matter, lets just stop trying to kill the thing dooming the world its fine, cya later dragon. 

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I just did the meta. It was not very organized at all, everybody welcome.

It failed at 9%. Down to 30% it was pretty smooth sailing - and then it became swap-tail-swap-tail ad nauseam.

This event needs either a total overhaul or a pretty big time increase. This is not 'epic' this is demoralizing and nothing but toxicity-bait. 

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6 minutes ago, VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig. said:

I just did the meta. It was not very organized at all, everybody welcome.

It failed at 9%. Down to 30% it was pretty smooth sailing - and then it became swap-tail-swap-tail ad nauseam.

This event needs either a total overhaul or a pretty big time increase. This is not 'epic' this is demoralizing and nothing but toxicity-bait. 

Pretty much the same story for me. Map I was in got to 5%, but failed due to DPS lost to the flip-flop. Id say it was as probably worse than before the "fix".

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12 hours ago, KurokouNekoki.7891 said:

Let me guess, someone who has came here with only one run... *scratch that* one "Attempt" under their belt.


9, actually, at the time of writing that. And none successful. Did 2 more since, got 1. But yaeh.


12 hours ago, KurokouNekoki.7891 said:

The first time IS fun because IT IS NEW, after that though, the effect is HEAVILY reduced, after the 5th time, you have seen everything you needed to see!


No, its fun because its fun. Setting aside the RNG, its a fun and involved boss fight. It has enough mechanics to keep you on your toes rather than just doing your damage rotation over and over, while not denying you the chance to breathe and do damage sometimes.


12 hours ago, KurokouNekoki.7891 said:

And for this META IT IS literally everything.

- You had the chance to try all 3 Escorts,
- All 5 Dragon Energies,
- All 5 Crystals Defenses,
- The "Green" Wipsy puke mechanic,
- The Tail Nonesense,
- The Slamming of the Doom Fist,
- The Whirlpools of Agony,
- Having to Warp back to the Airship and Launch Pad yourself onto that roof again,
- All 5 Splitted Dragon Champion Bosses.

10 hours Spent (1h Pre-1h META) with nothing more than one cheap weapon (a skin that comes in two different colors admitedly).


Again, thats balance, not design. I did say its overtuned. It definitely is. And yeah, the rewards are lacking. But the meta is fun.

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6 hours ago, Tuna Bandit.3786 said:

Will state it once more, since I am concerned about the state of the community, or better said the "elitist" vs the "casual" 

Both need their fill, both have a say.

Nerf the open world one, make a Raid challenge instanced 50squad one... heck let the instance drop Li.

There is zero reason to fight, there are numerous proposals that have it both ways.

Another thought is "current difficulty, and current time is gold reward" and then silver/bronze. 
With Gold reward giving something to Players/Raiders that is useful to them. (Dunno Raid currency, Li, etc)

Don't nerve and you have the casuals against you.
Nerve it and you have the top players against you.

Split it up and you have both happy. Plus, Raiders, wouldn't it be much easier on you if you can organize a 50man squad and know you can enter an instance, rather than jump through hoops trying to get your squad into the same map?

I just... 

I don't know, there is enough fighting going on RL, I wish it would stop ingame so we can propose, and maybe get, a solution that works for everyone.

"I just... 

I don't know, there is enough fighting going on RL, I wish it would stop ingame so we can propose, and maybe get, a solution that works for everyone."

Love this. Absolutely love this. 🕊️

Edited by Stelawrat.6589
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19 hours ago, kettering.6823 said:

It's great that you made an alternative way to get the egg, but I worry that means almost no one will bother trying to do the meta after the change. ...


200 Writs is a lot, and the fastest way to get Dragon's End writs is to attempt the meta anyway. The way I see it, all this does is guarantee that if you fail the meta a certain number of times in a row, you'll still get your turtle egg. (I'm bad at math, one failed run is, what 30 writs? Maybe 40?)

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4 hours ago, NeutralBurn.3829 said:

Streamers aren't the heart and soul of GW2. Who cares about them? Who cares if they think they're the biggest, or have most followers, or whatever. They don't represent the vast majority of the players, so no, Anet doesn't need to feel any obligation to "consider his deeds."  If anything, the exact opposite is true.. People like your "biggest streamer" are part of the problem, not the solution.

And given that the mechanic between Dragon's Stand and Dragon's End are VASTLY different, there is absolutely zero reason to draw comparison between them. That's like saying "I can speed run Mario Bros 3 in 1/3rd the time of Mario 64." Completely irrelevant.

You're completely on the wrong wavelength with your post.


The person you're replying to is in agreement with you though. It's just that he's phrased it differently.

You are both on the exact same wavelength with your posts. ~~~~ 

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4 hours ago, Blaeys.3102 said:

I love that you clearly spell that out as the goal - and have faith that you can accomplish this.


I would really like you to look at the RNG factors in the fight as well.  If both I and my friend do the fight at 6 pm, but on different versions of the map, the chance of my success or their failure shouldn't be based on how many times the boss switches sides or how many break phases one of us gets compared to the other.


Im also sure that there are certain combinations of the RNG events that likely make the fight way ABOVE what you would consider accessible.  


If the difficulty is based primarily on RNG, then I would say it is a poorly designed fight.

"If the difficulty is based primarily on RNG, then I would say it is a poorly designed fight."

Having read way more of these forum posts than I care to admit, I'm confident when I say that the difficulty level with respect to this meta, is primarily based on RNG. 

And yes, that is poorly designed. Sorry Anet. 

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4 hours ago, Drakth.1875 said:

When i go to a meta in DE i turn all graphics down. Much more dps is not like im going to sightseeing 

Well no, I realize that, but in the case of this meta, you have to able to see the boss tells, to see where & when it's safe to be in a particular spot, all that stuff of epic battles!! 

And I understand wanting to adjust your graphics, especially in a group of 50+ players, but still, you need to see, to understand the mechanics of the fight no?  😕

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9 hours ago, fabian.3269 said:

Adding the EMP was one of Anet's biggest mistakes. Most classes have WAY MORE CC available then the EMP, but people still don't use it. It isn't necessary.

I think the idea was so many people don't take the CC skills on their classes when they tend to think they can avoid it because other skills do much larger damage.
Like the warrior has so much CC available to them and in a raid that requires CC, often the Warrior had to pick up the maces and take responsibility for that biggest portion of CC.

But otherwise people just want to smack stuff, the inclusion of the EMP meant that people were getting a free CC skill without having to adjust their builds as much to include more and some people would often bring that much more CC trying to make up for the short coming of others.

EMP is useful for content that is designed to be jumped into like Open World is because you might actually get a handful more people doing CC. I know I don't feel as demoralized when a CC bar comes up in an OW event because I know these exist now and it isn't just going to be me with Flesh Golem, Bone Fiend, Warhorn 4, Greatsword 4+5 and Reaper Shroud trying my hardest to take out that CC bar. I can now expect to see at least a few more blasting that EMP along with people who were actually CCing with me. Plus the EMP is easy to just throw out there with CC you already have.

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20 hours ago, Sentient Anomaly.9473 said:

First, effective immediately, we’ve reduced the frequency at which the Jade Sea Final Boss activates their 'Tail' by about ~50%. This will give players longer windows to deal damage to the boss and contend with the various other mechanics of the encounter. To be clear, this change does not require a game build to take effect.


Second, in the March 15 update, we’ll be providing players with an alternate path for acquiring the Siege Turtle Egg, which unlocks the collection required for the Siege Turtle mount. We’ll be adding a new vendor to the Jade Sea map that will sell the Siege Turtle Egg at the cost of 200 Writs of the Jade Sea. The Siege Turtle Egg will continue to be awarded to players that successfully complete the “Battle for Jade Sea” meta event, so players will have the choice to unlock the collection via a challenging meta encounter or through time investment.

First, THANK YOU! for the alternative method of unlock. I would have liked to see it via doing something but I will accept that change. We Thank You!


Secondly, I know I said I would play the meta again. But I also said I would until it was fixed or a change was made. That has been announced and so I participated in another meta. I did use ALL the JADE boosts of DEFENSE and OFFENSE (so players USE THEM they make a difference, I'm sure that was intended from the beginning) as I usually do.


The tail swipes, those are different than a tail slam? We are talking about the attack on half the platform right? I did not get the animation for any of the tail hits (but I could have been facing the wrong way 99% on the head). We only had 6 times that half the platform was lit up and needed to move to the other side. and then she would swim across the platform. And we would go back to attacking the head or hand. The CC bar for head didn't seem to pop as much this run. But our DPS just wasn't enough I saw that on our Pres. before the boss encounter.  We only reached 45ish % before timer ran out. I stress that I know we did not have DPS to raid level and probably only a strike level if that. I do NOT have  a DPS meter I just watched the dmg on health bars and know the differences.


Damage Window YES! I did absolutely feel like and we did have more time to do dmg. But we were not doing enough.

Writs of the Jade Sea Is this a new currency item?

I thank yo for all the work being done on this event. I would TRUELY hate to think that I would not be able to defeat this one world boss that sums up ALL the world bosses and ALL the adventures I/We've been on. to fail at the end is the worst. I feel just a small adjustment to the heal bar 1-5% maybe? I don't know how your numbers work so that maybe too much? or not even noticeable. I'm just saying that of all the ones I've been on and those are mostly PUG's the most we have gotten her down to is 13% I feel that if we can get half of that reduced on the health bar we should make up the rest as PUGs and start getting more wins.

Edited by Seth Moonshadow.2710
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Maybe anet should make it so that when a player joins an epically challenging meta like this one, they're presented with an array of pre-made meta-bolic builds (complete with pre-selected traits and gear) and must choose one in order to participate. That would certainly even things out a bit between the so-called casuals and the, uh, anti-casuals. And there could be voice prompts to help with rotations, like, 'Press 3 now. No, that was 1. Press 3. Wait, are you using a MOUSE? Dammit! Okay, that does it! /e KICK.'

Uh. Or maybe not.

In other news, I think the pre-events are kinda fun. I did some today even though it was obvious there weren't enough people in zone organized enough to, ya know, end a dragon. Well, we were fully capable of ending some of the smaller ones, sure, but not THE dragon. Anyway, I feel like there's a really fun meta out there in the Jade Sea, waiting to be set free from its big green EPIC CHALLENGE prison. Keep chipping away it, anet. You'll get there eventually! /e salute

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4 hours ago, Gilosean.3805 said:


There's still a ton of stuff to do in the game that's not the expac. I've played for nearly 10 years too, and haven't even touched on a lot of content. 


Also - this is  pretty typical. ANet testers and designers design an area that would be challenging for them & the most vocal (i.e. fastest, most invested) players, release the expansion, discover that woops! 99.99% of players aren't like that, have to redesign things.  HoT metas had the exact same thing happen.  It's not because ANet hates players or whatever, it's because the people they're hearing from between expansions are the same people who post git gud in the the forums.  


That said, they seem weirdly wedded to the RNG parts of this boss fight. Why on earth they didn't do a set rotation like literally every other meta, I have no idea.  The fight would be really fun if w e weren't getting hosed by RNG left, right and center.  ANet knows nobody wants RNG, especially not in something that's necessary for progression. This decision must make some kind of sense internally, but I sure don't see it. 

"ANet knows nobody wants RNG, especially not in something that's necessary for progression. This decision must make some kind of sense internally, but I sure don't see it. "

Yeah, this is where I've landed as well & I have a gut feeling, that the RNG component, is not only intentional, but is meant to be the incentive to keep players returning to challenge themselves against it.

May as well just have a slot machine next to the entrance, odds of winning are the same. 

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4 hours ago, KurokouNekoki.7891 said:

I often feel like their guides are mostly on a viewpoint of a veteran that knows a lot more, which doesn't take in account the level of knowledge a newcomer would have (when sometimes just saying CC = Crowd Control, might not be enough of an explanation for a newcomer).

Which leads to the guide being highly and purely subjective.

Definitely, much goes over my head, but there is that occasional lightbulb moment! 💡

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