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How would you rate the 4 EoD zones from best to worst?

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#4 I dislike Kaineng - hard to move around with the vertical setup. Meta ist okay though. But the normal events are boring.

Other ones ... not really sure. They are close to each other. Dragon's End has a good meta - otherwise not too interesting.

Seitung looking beautiful. Meta seems okay. Events also okay. (Some nice little chains of 2 or 3 events.)

The Echovald looks boring to me. Moving around is not hard - with Skyscale at least have not played it without it. I like some of the events there the most. Only finished GW1 factions 1-2 years ago. And the Kurzick stuff is nice lore-wise - with the events.. Liked the event with cleansing the lake.

Edited by Luthan.5236
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52 minutes ago, Ausar.9542 said:

Top Spot is Kaineng

next is Dragon End

then Seitung 

and worst is Echovald Wilds

This would also be my personal ranking.

Kaineng is a totally new experience and i love it. No matter if i look down from the Skyscanner, or of i look up from the water canals, the view is always stunning. So much love for details, i love the buildings, the neon and the holographic fishes.

In Dragons End i love the contrats. This peacful, endless ocean, frozen in time. Which will be mined in a big way for the human consum. 

Seitung is not bad in any way. But in my opinion it is simply basic. It don't offer so much new.

Echovald is for my a letdown in comparison to the GW1 Version.

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1 hour ago, Ausar.9542 said:

How would you rate the 4 EoD zones from best to worst?


Top Spot is Kaineng

next is Dragon End

then Seitung 

and worst is Echovald Wilds

Echovald is top because it actually seems like a complete map.  It has unique events rather than employing copy/paste.  The layout and aesthetic aren't really to my taste.

Seitung Province is next again because it's the next most complete map.  The meta is buggy garbage and there are areas of the map with not much going on, seemingly just existing to exist with maybe one pretty pointless event now and then.  It has a very core GW2 feel to it that I rather dislike.

Kaineng next.  This map has the best aesthetic, in my opinion.  Very cool looking!  Unfortunately, it's also the least finished.  Where are the events?  There is really nothing going on here aside from the meta, which is even more buggy trash than Seitung Province.  It's a huge, beautiful, and empty.

Dragon's End last.  Clearly this map was nothing more than a vessel for the meta.  So why not just copy Dragon's Stand and have players just do the meta?  Why force us to do copy/pasted events on repeat for a full hour and a half before we have the privilege of starting this event, which unlike NKC and SP, at least isn't buggy trash.

I'm extremely disappointed with the lack of quality in this expansion's open world.  In fact, I'm a little angry about it and I hope for once in their development lives they actually go back and fix what's wrong with this place.  Please, ANet, finish these maps!  Give us some replay value and some reason to be there like you did with HoT!

Fix the bugs.  Add some events that aren't copy/pasting the same event over and over.  Redesign DE like DS because there is no saving that forced pre-event cycle.  Just garbage can that terrible idea and never do it again, thanks!

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I like how they all look. But dragon's end got boring after being in it for 2 event chains. It's like the renown heart version of a zone. You know how when you start a renown heart after the 3rd chore you do to fill the bar you look at how much the bar has filled and just work out now how to get it done with... that's what doing events in dragon's end feels like to me.

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Best to worst?

Seitung Province (Feels more or less fleshed, good layout)
Echovald Wilds (Tangly, but I do be loving a good tree)
Dragon's End (Difficult to look at, but the layout is pretty straightforward)
Kaineng (Cold concrete box, no nostalgia, lag for days)

Unfortunately, all of these are outclassed by many of the core maps - even places like Queensdale. Between off-putting aesthetics, persistent feelings of emptiness/low population, and a lack of things to do, it's hard to give the EoD maps a good score. They just aren't fun to explore or hang out in, and I find myself returning there only when I have to for achievements or other targeted goals.

I really do think that they might have been a lot better with more dev time and that the expansion as a whole was rushed out; I wouldn't have minded waiting.

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Top half: Seitung & Echovald, Bottom half: Dragon's End & Kaineng

Seitung and Echovald seem to have the most going on outside of the meta and are decent to navigate around . Dragon's End is very beautiful, especially when you move from north to south and see the landscape change. Kaineng isn't too much "Bladerunner", as I had feared it to be, but still feels very empty. Well emptiness is an over all problem, if you do not count the immediate meta. From day one of the release I kind of feel alone on the maps, which has not been that way when HoT came out, just for comparison.

I know, they want us to invest in the Arborstone hub, but no TP, bank or crafting stations outside of Arborstone? Only the Seitung "heart fisher" offers that karma-buy buff?

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1. Kaineng ( just because it's so different to anything we've had, but other than Meta, events seem sparse and lacklustre. You can also tell it was rushed as some of the clipping is awful.) Should have scrapped Arborstone and placed a Commercial Hub in Kaineng with TP/Bank/Crafting etc. as a focal hub to pull players together as the map is so vast it feels devoid of players outside of Meta Map. 

2. Seitung ( easy to map complete, Meta okay, simple JP, relatively aesthetic if a bit too green, nothing amazing, but okay) 

3. A twisted mess of dark trees interspersed with Gothic style cathedrals with nothing much appealing anywhere. Imo nowhere near touches the design of Tangled Depths. 

4. Dragon's End ( I haven't endured the Meta here yet so can't comment but that doesn't really appeal especially as all I here about it is a 1.5-2 hr cluster-kitten waste of  players' time. Guild mates type all day long in guild chat "another fail" - but on the whole I think the design of Dragons End is horrid, totally nothing to write home about for the EoD finale map, and that nasty garish green is nothing but an eyesore. Anet saved the worst map until last Imo it needs scrapping and a whole new redesign. Again doesn't even come anywhere close to Dragon's Stand. 


Problem is: HoT was such a strong expansion: Intricate, detailed, very well designed maps, simple but effective co-op Metas, gilding, adventures, Gen 2 Legendaries, arguably some of best loot drops in game: Chak & Aurillium Infusion, Invisible Boot Box from Treasure Shrooms etc. OP loot even if extremely low % RNG: PULLS PLAYERS . Where is the comparative loot in Eod?!? Based on all this EoD is sub-par in comparison.  Once the honey-moon period is over where is the longevity of gameplay with Eod??? 

Edited by Gregg.3970
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1. Seitung.
Nice intial impact. Beautiful to explore. Good mixture of things.

2. Echovald.
Including Arborstone in this.  This wa s amap that was fun to explore with lots of beautiful tucked away areas. Mainly let them by some waypoint placement, a tanky as all hell meta boss and really a lack of time in it within the main story

3. Dragons End.
Nice to explore. Fun meta but has issues as heavily discussed. I like the map. I like the meta if done from end to end. I hate the rewards. Given only place to get jade and how much dragon jade Cantha stuff uses expect a lot of time here if not buying it off the TP

4 Kaineng.
Boring. Lifeless. Pain to navigate.
I realised after taking my 3rd char through this map I just don't like it. Theres nothing to do in it.

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Echovald > Seitung > Dragon's End > Kaineng

Echovald is the kind of setting that i like: a dark place with some ruins, misteries, some puzzles to solve, cool events and easy to navigate with a  beetle once you spend some time on the zone. Seitung is actually very close to Echovald mostly for very similar reasons. I really like both zones.

Dragon's end has a problem with the meta and is basically that the whole zone is built around it. My problem with that is that i really wanted a jade sea zone that had the same virtues that i see on the Echovald forest zone. By being so tied to the meta the jade sea themes become irrelevant because it's all about the meta.

Kaineng has issues as a zone and issues as a city and in my opinion they combine and end up making it a bad zone that feels emptier than the others. It basically feels like a zone full of nothing because it doesn't accomplish any of the two things that it tries to be, despite being aesthetically impressive.

In my opinion, the concept around Arborstone should've been applied to some place in New Kaineng, but apart from that, the zone needs more variety of events, more waypoints and a few services spread all over the city: some banks, TP, crafting stations... is not about putting all that stuff in one place, creating a convenient player hub should not be the goal here; Is about making the city feel alive and useful.

Edited by Geckoo.6018
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1. The Echovild Wilds (its complexity with its hidden secrets and its diversity makes it my favorite, despite the crazy amount of enemy aggro)

...and I'm done. 😄

Okay, okay:

2. New Kaineng City (in spite of the ugly Dragon Jade and the amount of technology)
3. Seitung Harbor
4. Dragon's End (I like it during the meta, but apart from it it's boring, and I thoroughly miss its Luxon heritage touch)

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