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Things that deserve higher prioritization

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EOD's post-release is a good time to take a breather, slow down development of the LW/story and new meta maps, and reprioritize and reorganize resources on content and updates that will do more good for the game than an aggressive LW release schedule will at this point. These range the spectrum of "necessary" to "aspirational", but they would all be good things to prioritize and tackle:

Rework and properly reimplement LW1 
Clean up & enhance the original dungeons
New & upgraded animations for some skills, especially weapon skills
Reorganize balance team for a fresh approach to balance updates 
New fractals and dungeons/raids for existing maps (ideally a mixture of all three)
2-3 new weapon type(s) ideally for core classes updates & not elite specs
Clean-up of the PS (i.e. remove the awkward dialogue cutscenes, replayability)
Add new WVW map to replace one of the Alpine Borderlands
New "play" options like new (minimalist) races or some form of a henchman system (instance/story only)
Revisions to rewards or a meta-cycle to emphasize different maps at different times
Medium-group PVP and/or new PVP modes
UI tweaks, like self-sorting in character select and modernization of hero panel
General bugfixing like that swimming deep-fall or sideways running
General engine updates and graphical upgrades

Edited by Einlanzer.1627
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Sooooo.. What color do you want your dragon to be? 

Anyway here is my list:

  • Balance. Alot of it. 
  • Better Class Design. 
  • Meta Shake ups every few months. 
  • Build Diversity. 
  • Wvw in General but mostly Rewards. 
  • Did I say Balance? 
  • Make EoD rewarding to play. 
  • Balance Patches every 2 month atleast.
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Again with the Season One request?  That's your top choice?  (sigh)  There is a reason that Anet moved away from it.

Dungeons?  Why?  Anet has abandoned them in favor of fractals and strikes.  Going back would be a waste of resources that could be better spent on current or future content.  You realize this by your fifth point on fractals.

New playable race?  Plenty of existing threads on the forum for why this will probably never happen.  Feel free to use the forums search feature to read about it.

Henchmen?  Um, no.  This isn't GW1.  Henchmen aren't necessary.

The rest of the list is a pipe dream, really.  I'm not sure where you think Anet will get the resources (time/money) to implement any of those suggestions and still be able to release fresh content.   New content is what drives sales and without it, the studio will fold.


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12 minutes ago, Einlanzer.1627 said:

I'm surprised how many people seem to think the right way forward is "more of the same" with no updates to older content and no material gameplay/systems expansions. 


You're just wrong. 

We want food. And we take anything at this point. 

You want extra cake. 



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19 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Yeah, so it would seem that the studio is all about nostalgia now.  (sigh)

I'm guessing heroes are next.

But I guess season one IS new content for a large segment of the current population.  (Not necessarily the majority).  And I would figure the data is already intact..  just needs to be brought back out..  ?

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21 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Yeah, so it would seem that the studio is all about nostalgia now.  (sigh)

I'm guessing heroes are next.

...and...bringing back Scarlet's War - something highly requested by a lot of people - is a bad thing, somehow? As Strider Pj said, it's new content for a good number of people (like myself; I started playing this game when the first episode of LWS4 was out, so I missed Season One by a long time). They're also going forward with new stories, new maps, balance patches, etc.

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You need to understand the lack of Season 1 IS a massive potential revenue loss problem for the company.
It screams "you weren't one of the cool kids" for any would be new players. It gives a feeling of getting an incomplete product. It makes the first thing players experience when seen in order, a request to open up thier wallet even if brought the expansion. (Because Season 2 comes before HOT)

I'm glad someone somewhere internally has finally made them realise this is the case and it will be getting added even if in a trimmed down way to allow for some sense of cohesion.

Personally I'd like them to add Season 1 back in and make Season 2 free, as if players have HOT (as comes with POF) that basically means players don't get gem requested until Season 3.
Or what I'd really really like to see as EOD does not include POF and HOT is that anyone who buys POF gets Season 3 for free as well. To really increase that sense of investment and "well this far in now"

Edited by Laken.9018
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  • Einlanzer.1627 changed the title to Things that deserve higher prioritization
10 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Again with the Season One request?  That's your top choice?  (sigh)  There is a reason that Anet moved away from it.

Dungeons?  Why?  Anet has abandoned them in favor of fractals and strikes.  Going back would be a waste of resources that could be better spent on current or future content.  You realize this by your fifth point on fractals.

New playable race?  Plenty of existing threads on the forum for why this will probably never happen.  Feel free to use the forums search feature to read about it.

Henchmen?  Um, no.  This isn't GW1.  Henchmen aren't necessary.

The rest of the list is a pipe dream, really.  I'm not sure where you think Anet will get the resources (time/money) to implement any of those suggestions and still be able to release fresh content.   New content is what drives sales and without it, the studio will fold.



I love how ironic this post became just a few hours later, and it reveals the lack of objectivity or criticality in your opinions. Just because you were there and experienced LW1 doesn't mean that its lack of availability in the game today is somehow a neutral or positive that doesn't need to be addressed. It's a horrendous experience for anyone that started playing after 2013, which comprises a large percentage of players, and a percentage that is likely to continue growing over time. Band-aids aren't enough for it anymore, and Anet finally acknowledged that. 

Likewise, it makes zero senes to let dungeons languish forever while they remain content that is available to play. There is no reason they cannot bridge all of the differnet forms of instanced content together instead of obsessing with how they are different, starting new forms and abandoning old ones. Dungeons, Fractals, Strike Missions, and raids all deserve to go through routine maintenance and udpates. 

Henchmen and races were just a specific suggestion related to general gameplay expansion, which Anet very much could do and make very enticing to players as additional revenue if they were to properly tackle it. I would consider them more aspirational relative to much of the rest of the list, but your lack of imagination behind it doesn't mean that they're bad ideas.

These things are very important the game's overall integrity and polish as it relates to new players, or even veteran players who wish to properly and cohesively experience the full game either again or in new ways.

Edited by Einlanzer.1627
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2 minutes ago, Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

In their blog post they pretty much nailed the top 3 priorities. Significant profession re-balancing, polishing old content for new players, keep creating endgame content.


How many times over the past 5 years has Arenanet promised more frequent balance and then simply not delivered?
Hint: More than Once.

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47 minutes ago, mindcircus.1506 said:

Empty promises/=right direction.

I don't understand what is this mindset of "empty promises" or "I'll believe when I see it" that many players seem to have.

Legendary Armory was an empty promise. So it was the Alliances beta. So it was DX11. So it was EOD.

Look where we are now.

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2 minutes ago, Telgum.6071 said:

I don't understand what is this mindset of "empty promises" or "I'll believe when I see it" that many players seem to have.

Legendary Armory was an empty promise. So it was the Alliances beta. So it was DX11. So it was EOD.

Look where we are now.

I mean you are right about alliances beta.  It only took them 3-4 years to get around to it.  It hasn’t actually come into being yet, so I guess if it takes them another 3-4 years but they actually do it, it wouldn’t be an empty promise.    

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7 minutes ago, Strider Pj.2193 said:

I mean you are right about alliances beta.  It only took them 3-4 years to get around to it.  It hasn’t actually come into being yet, so I guess if it takes them another 3-4 years but they actually do it, it wouldn’t be an empty promise.    

In 2019 a big part of the GW2 team was fired, it makes sense they stopped the production of many things, Alliances included. Implying they've been 3-4 years working on Alliances is simply haterism.

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7 minutes ago, Telgum.6071 said:

In 2019 a big part of the GW2 team was fired, it makes sense they stopped the production of many things, Alliances included. Implying they've been 3-4 years working on Alliances is simply haterism.

Call it what you will.  It’s simply a fact.  

I happen to think that is past, but I am being pragmatic:  I’ll believe it when it happens.  🤷

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