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One Shot Soulbeast


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16 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:


If more people were able to think at this level rather than projecting their frustration at fighting things into nerf requests,   the balance suggestions would be much better. 


But thinking is hard. Why think about counters and put the effort into learning about other classes and builds when one can just ask to get stuff nerfed. 

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7 minutes ago, GuriGashi.5617 said:

Yes, everyone knows that build, it is old and no it is not broken, because you can oneshot the Soulbeast first. It is literal paper

Wouldn't that just make it even more of a problem, if the game just revolves around people one shotting each other then how could you consider that balanced in the strictest sense, after all then it just comes down to who hits first and not who out plays one another, thats why one shot builds generally require nerfing.


But naturally, "there is no damage problem in the game".

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19 minutes ago, Stalima.5490 said:

Wouldn't that just make it even more of a problem, if the game just revolves around people one shotting each other then how could you consider that balanced in the strictest sense, after all then it just comes down to who hits first and not who out plays one another, thats why one shot builds generally require nerfing.


But naturally, "there is no damage problem in the game".

But what builds are these one-shotting?? Game received massive damage nerfs in competitive modes a long time ago, if this build can kill a 40k HP, 3800 Toughness Warrior with Protection in 2 seconds, then yeah, it's a huge problem, and should be locked at, but if it's one-shotting people in Berserker Gear with Runes of the Scholar, then it's their fault for running glass builds without having a lot of experience in the game, even more so because the "One-Shotter" is also running a glass build.

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51 minutes ago, FrownyClown.8402 said:

I just want to be clear. No where did I say it was op, just that the way it did damage is unhealthy. I ran it last night and got deleted by being focused and also pushed 4 buttons and killed 2 people. 

a tried this build as well, as long as the enemy team wasnt too bunkery i was instant deleting ppl with 2 skills


13k rapid fire

3.2k axe autos

7k warhorn


god knows how hard smoke scale 2 skill was hitting


there was this one game they had a bunker mech camping home, i'd gladly ignore him go mid wreck their team and kill him right after cuz we would 3v1 him. I could just ignore him cuz i knew i'd pop ppl instanly elsewhere and come back with numbers advantage very quickly

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it's pretty silly that one skill/combo can kill the warclaw and the player sitting on it almost before the guy hits the ground.


I realize that this playstyle may not be viable at the highest levels of play, but you guys need to remember that the vast majority of players are NOT in the top 250, and the game shouldn't be balanced solely around what the elite players think is ok.  Getting one shot, regardless of your skill level, is never fun, and it is especially hard for newer/less skilled players to deal with. Consideration should be given to these players, too.

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1 hour ago, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:

 Getting one shot, regardless of your skill level, is never fun

I agree with the core of your premise, but not that part.

There are some situations in which getting oneshot is fun. There needs to be a distinction there between oneshot group A which is 

[I unload all my damage instantly at the beginning of the fight, and you either need to be aware of my position on the map or a very miniscule sound or icon cue to be able to avoid it]

and oneshot group b which is

[After succeeding several skill checks/the opponent making several mistakes or running out of cooldowns that can save them from the oneshot, I can hit them for all of their HP. There are several options at any time that can completely prevent this from happening, and the opponent needs to fail all or most of them to take heavy damage.]

Oneshot group A would be something like instadeath backstab. 

Oneshot group B would be something like max malice Death's Judgement, a max charged DT-Force, churning earth, or Decapitate. 

Just be aware those groups are not the same, though they often  are complained about in the same way (big skill hit me for 10k pls nerf) Oneshots that require you to respond up front to avoid them are often annoying. Oneshots that punish you for not responding when you have been provided every opportunity to are hype as kitten and the foundation for games like Dark Souls. 

And even then, there are still places for builds in group A if they are sufficiently weak in all the other content/matchups that take place in a pvp/wvw round.

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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On 3/24/2022 at 3:58 PM, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:
  1. Full serk DPS Soulbeasts are one of the lowest representation rates out of any build archetype. There are maybe 3 people in NA who can play this at competitive levels.
  2. The game after EOD now has a ridiculous overabundance of anti-projectile fields, mobility creep, direct teleports that gap close instantly, rendering the idea of "ranged attacks" pretty obsolete in GW2. Start using them.
  3. Any full serk build can deal the damage of a sic em one wolf build, or even higher damage actually. Right now Harbinger actually out-guns Soulbeast by having equal or greater burst to sic em one wolf, but it happens three times as frequently and in half the amount of time.
  4. What you have listed here isn't even the good version of Sic Em One Wolf Soulbeast. Come to NA and I'll show you what a proper clapping looks like.

Get off the Ranger nerf train. It's mediocre at best nowadays.

Ranger warrior here again, nerfing all the other classes besides ranger~

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1 hour ago, Hotride.2187 said:

Sorry I thought this was the GS/LB one. I don't even know how the linked one is supposed to work.

The build linked is less prone to being completely shut down by projectile hate unlike the longbow version.

It easy, you use moa, sick em, one wolf pack, cast hunters call on a target while running into smoke assault range, followed by take down, worldly impact and whirling defence to basically 100-kill a target. It doesn’t just down the target, it straight up finishes them.

The key is picking the right target that is already engaged in a fight, my preference is hambringer -> every other class in revenge for having years of having bunker/unkillable nercos due to shroud/barrier spam. 

Edited by Abyssisis.3971
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I think a reasonable compromise would be to reduce one-wolf packs damage by 50% but double it's duration (at least in competitive modes). 


That way, you can still generate large damage output (I.e. by chaining skills like smoke assault, whirling defense, and hunter's call) while reducing it's ability to delete a player in less than a second.

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5 hours ago, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:

it's pretty silly that one skill/combo can kill the warclaw and the player sitting on it almost before the guy hits the ground.


I realize that this playstyle may not be viable at the highest levels of play, but you guys need to remember that the vast majority of players are NOT in the top 250, and the game shouldn't be balanced solely around what the elite players think is ok.  Getting one shot, regardless of your skill level, is never fun, and it is especially hard for newer/less skilled players to deal with. Consideration should be given to these players, too.

I believe this build is prolly ultra succesful, the way the game goes if you duo q and q dodge you prolly farming gold 2 when you play anytime of the day that isn't prime time, this and a rev would insta pop any build even in the middle of a team fight being healead.

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5 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

I agree with the core of your premise, but not that part.

There are some situations in which getting oneshot is fun. There needs to be a distinction there between oneshot group A which is 

[I unload all my damage instantly at the beginning of the fight, and you either need to be aware of my position on the map or a very miniscule sound or icon cue to be able to avoid it]

and oneshot group b which is

[After succeeding several skill checks/the opponent making several mistakes or running out of cooldowns that can save them from the oneshot, I can hit them for all of their HP. There are several options at any time that can completely prevent this from happening, and the opponent needs to fail all or most of them to take heavy damage.]

Oneshot group A would be something like instadeath backstab. 

Oneshot group B would be something like max malice Death's Judgement, a max charged DT-Force, churning earth, or Decapitate. 

Just be aware those groups are not the same, though they often  are complained about in the same way (big skill hit me for 10k pls nerf) Oneshots that require you to respond up front to avoid them are often annoying. Oneshots that punish you for not responding when you have been provided every opportunity to are hype as kitten and the foundation for games like Dark Souls. 

And even then, there are still places for builds in group A if they are sufficiently weak in all the other content/matchups that take place in a pvp/wvw round.

I agree with your distinction, Azure. However, I think SB deleting someone in approx 1-2s is closer to Group A.

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58 minutes ago, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:

I think a reasonable compromise would be to reduce one-wolf packs damage by 50% but double it's duration (at least in competitive modes). 


That way, you can still generate large damage output (I.e. by chaining skills like smoke assault, whirling defense, and hunter's call) while reducing it's ability to delete a player in less than a second.

I like this.

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39 minutes ago, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:

I think a reasonable compromise would be to reduce one-wolf packs damage by 50% but double it's duration (at least in competitive modes). 


That way, you can still generate large damage output (I.e. by chaining skills like smoke assault, whirling defense, and hunter's call) while reducing it's ability to delete a player in less than a second.

Owp will proc twice with critical hits over that second dealing between 5-6k damage on light armoured targets. It actually should be doing more damage, but furious strength hasn’t been working since anet turned it off when EOD dropped.

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On 3/24/2022 at 10:03 PM, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

lol what?

Not sure if this is some kind of advanced witty reference that I am not understanding or if someone has been hitting the Mike's Hard while typing it.

Anyway, you do realize that you can just block or dodge or invuln or evade or stealth to detarget or use no port spots or passive CC procs on strike or cast force effect fields/fear ring and walk over them to stop the attacks you're referencing from the Soulbeast right?

Plenty of ways to counter-play this, which is why it has 0% representation in higher tier play.

We don't balance the game for highest tier of play, they are less 5% of the player base. The game should be balanced for the 95%.

There were zero mesmers in any winning AT teams in current year. I hope this means you agree mesmer should be buffed? This particular build has stealth and cc, so it can cc you from stealth and kill you in 1.75 seconds. Even if it's counterable on paper, it's a very putrid mechanic. Expectation to always have your block mechanic ready and be able to react in 1 seconds is ridiculous for a class that has stealth.

One scenario where this comes out the most is when you are on a side node fighting another play and you are comfortably sitting at 22k health, then the ranger arrives in stealth, CCs you from stealth and deals 22k damage in 1 second. There is no counter to this. Every 0.1 second is 10% of your health, even if you react half way, 50% of your health is gone. Any other class arriving instead of ranger has tangible counterplay.

One shot mesmer was nerfed for the same reason. CC from stealth, all your health in 1 second gone. This is the same disgusting mechanic.

Edited by Nezekan.2671
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