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fishing droprates are still horrendous

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yep its another saltwater fishing post

I was gonna type a well articulated post but after fully consuming my 6th 12 hour primer used specifically for saltwater fish i just dont have it in me

Fishing power does NOTHING aside from make it easier to catch fish, i get more ascended/legendary/exotic streaks with lower FP and stacks then with higher FP + stacks, i feel this needs some clarification as to how it works and whether or not it is bugged (I know it is)
Why is the chance of crashing so high when the ! appears exactly at the same time dusk/dawn starts

Why is there no system chat notification when your reel catches a fish, but rather an underwhelming red exclamation point that requires creative camera angles when there are people or skiffs or anything that does not contrast the color red nearby ?

The pirate hijacking skiff bug is extremely tilting when it happens during dusk/dawn times as the window is short enough already, losing those 10 or 20 seconds is such a devastating loss of time during that short period, otherwise it brings some joy to a banal multiple hour fishing grind

Maps closing and losing our fishing stacks: id say this is mildly infuriating, since as mentioned above, FP does N O T H I N G

Saltwater fish collection : as of this post, the total completed % of the entire registered playerbase on gw2eff is 258 of 359,844 (0.072%), excluding the people who abused the bug that caused avid to be temporarily disabled, id wager the actual number is closer to 180 or 190 legitimate completions, how on earth can anyone look at this statistic and infer that everything is working as intended ? Every day i see around 10 to 20 people across maps/ips just complaining about how insanely RNG/broken the saltwater collection is, and these are just the complaints regarding saltwater, there are many more who were just as tilted when farming the exotic fish for the new specialization collections

While the previous patch mentioned that saltwater fish rates have increased from nodes, so far there has hardly been anything even remotely close to an increase in the acquisition rate of saltwater fish, this "buff" was actually a huge mislead, as fishing in open waters on specific maps had smaller loot tables, meaning its more likely to get saltwater/world class fish since you can also fish quicker without losing time moving from node to node

You cant even make the argument about fishing impacting the ingame economy, primarily due to the god awful drop rates, because calling it a miniscule impact would be extremely generous
most frustrating of all of course is the pin drop silence from anet, and like many other players who have fished for even more time than I have, i will not be touching fishing until there are some significant improvements or an overhaul of some sort

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5 minutes ago, medivh.4725 said:

For my elite weapon specialised collection unlock must the fishing be done on the same toon? Or any will do as well?

Any Character can catch the fish.  I have one character that does all my fishing and has caught the necessary fish for most of the collections.  Only need giant and albino garoumi.

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I would like to finish avid new kaineng (for the first time I was obviously lucky). I miss taimen, which is a fish I have to catch at dusk/dawn, so within 5 minutes. The vast majority of fish were caught at the exact time, sometimes about 1 minute around.

After some time without success (about 50-100 fish caught) I stopped disassembling the fish from here. The vast majority of fish were caught at the exact time, sometimes about 1 minute around. Still without success and currently I have in my inventory:
153 blowfish
49 dragonfish
28 emperor fish
18 weever
and 31 other fish

Drop rate for blowfish is just annoying (I hate it when I catch it 10 times in a row and at the same time I always hear a happy fishing sound. It's a pity that you can't set the level of the fish from which it can be heard). And I've already spent about 2.5 hours there at dusk/dawn, trying in vain to catch one stupid fish 😢

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On 4/6/2022 at 6:32 PM, DarcShriek.5829 said:

Any Character can catch the fish.  I have one character that does all my fishing and has caught the necessary fish for most of the collections.  Only need giant and albino garoumi.

Thank you DarcShriek, I thought that was the case but was looking for confirmation somewhere, anywhere!

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I mostly caught with a random bait, but I still caught five ascended fish. About thirty attempts back, I changed the bait for legendary fish and I've already caught two.


From previous experience, it just seems to me that the hardest thing is to catch fish with less chance and what they do not have a given bait. Which in most cases is an exotic fish. And in kaineng it's even worse that it goes taimen to catch only at dusk/dawn. It would not surprise me at all if they set a bait for world class/saltwater fish and at the same time reduced the drop rate for them to 1/5 or 1/10 and it would still be much better than it is now...

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I have tried all styles of strategies to finish avid saltwater.  I fished the other 28 normal ones and had 12/14 just by doing them for first salt water and on first night ember bay finished first salt water and got like an other 8 needed.  I am now 29/30 and been trying to get my last saltwater fish for 5 days now and it wont drop.  In those 5 days I have on average pulled 35 saltwater fish a day which is 16 hours days (minus snacks, bathroom breaks, eating while playing whatever)  I have tried different maps, completes Kaneing and Seitung multiple times extra plus using off baits for 100's of tries, trying different fp's.  Done ember for a full day, tried and fished all saltwater zones to 99 skiff.   After all that and I will add on 4th day some people saw how frustrated I was getting gifted me a 2 week Thousand Seas Pavilion pass in which one day was mostly there trying everything I still have not got the fish.


I have given up now at 1 fish needed to be done because its absurd to fish five 16 hour days and not get a fish you need.  Getting duplicate after duplicate is frustrating.


As mentioned 35 roughly a day and I did 5 days so is 175 chances at 1 in 14 and not getting the fish I need.


This saltwater collection has made fishing now boring and unenjoyable.  I was looking forward to fishing but this collection is absurd.  


I agree this needs to be updated again or add something like if you get 5 of same fish of the same ranking (rare /exotic) you can hand in for a chest where you can pick one you don't have.


Also I think as a bit of a boost to the open world style fishing that Mackerals don't catch Mackeral's especially in the new pavillion.



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The percentages definitely still need some tweaking, not only for the saltwater collection but for other "elusive" fish as well. For example, for the Avid Orrian Fisher I have now spent six ingame nights in Orr trying to catch two fish that bite only during dusk/dawn. I caught neither, not with low fishing party buff after 10 minutes warm-up before dusk, nor with high fishing party buff at dawn. I am beginning to think that I got really unreasonably lucky when I did the normal Orrian Fisher achievement and got both within three dusks/dawns. It's like every other fish, including legendaries, has a higher chance of biting during dusk/dawn than those fish that bite only during dusk/dawn which is all kinds of wrong.

And the number of saltwater fish I caught during those six hours of fishing in a saltwater area? Three. Unsurprisingly the one I still need for Saltwater Fisher was not among them.

This is not fun.

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At least yall are getting saltwater fish..  I've gotten 0 in my last 650 casts (saltwater zones), tons of Ocean Trash and Treasure though.  I'm at 29/30 and have been for a week and a half now.  Actually have completed almost all the Avid's a second time through in the meantime, just so I don't go crazy trying.  I did the Ember Bay Open Water Circle of Sadness(tm) for a few hours, but that's too grindy for me.  Still need 4 Saltwater, but I'm dreading getting to 1 and just never getting the drop.

Edited by El Cubano Loco.2390
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I literally have 3 saltwater fish between me and Cod mode. 1 Redfin, 1 Horseshoe Crab, and 1 Sea Robin. I have been doing circuits of Fishlock Sanc and Seitung Provence and cannot for the life of me get these 3 to drop. One circuit I received two of each of of the opposite column in collection. fml

Edited by Discobizkit.6531
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On 4/7/2022 at 3:19 AM, oingo oingo.5217 said:

Why is there no system chat notification when your reel catches a fish, but rather an underwhelming red exclamation point that requires creative camera angles when there are people or skiffs or anything that does not contrast the color red nearby ?

There is a sound that plays when a fish is on the line. It's in the UI section, so if you're after just that sound you can always run with nothing on except UI. That's what I do. I often miss the exclamation mark.

As far as I've seen, the place with the highest drop rate for saltwater fish is the new exclusive area (Thousand Seas Pavilion), unfortunately, making it feel a bit like P2W.

I've finished every area fish collection - including the avid area collections - and am still stuck on the first saltwater one.

Edited by Miss Lana.5276
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We're 1 month in and I hardly see anyone fishing.

The feature is a failure. Either make it "press 1 to win", or turn it into hardcore minigame with big money stakes. The current hurry-up-and-wait implementation appeals to nobody.

Edited by rune.9572
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I have put in MANY hours fishing and am still 13/14 on the first saltwater fisher let alone the avid. I finished all the others twice and even repeated a few maps trying to get these elusive saltwater fish. The drop rates are ridiculously low still and need a buff.  Perhaps add something like a deep ocean node that is only for saltwater  and world-class fish. Not a ton on them maybe one per map that would allow players to receive a small boost to fishing these elusive fish without making it to easy. As many hours as I have sat trying to catch these fish has made the whole fishing gimmick lose its appeal. We also need something like a tacklebox to let us store baits and lures. Actively fishing causes us to need to keep a lot of these different types of bait in our inventories. That or perhaps let us store them in material storage so we can just carry the bait we need for any map we are working on.

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Anet the catch rate on the saltwater fish are still extremely low and not in line with the other fish. This achievement still remains super time consuming compared to all other fishing achievements which are already not easy for most players. Please take a further look into this.

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So I figured out why I couldn't complete the kaineng collection. And it kind of pissed me off when I found out that EoD has a different time for dusk / dawn than the rest of the world ... Why can't it be on the ET wiki (meaning the time of day for the world and for EoD) to be known on first sight??? Unnecessarily, I caught 600-700 fish in kaineng at dusk / dawn because it was at the wrong time!

And I've finished almost to the end, I miss the last fish in the 30th collection. Which can mean hours, because saltwater...

And a few things that bother me:

- My meal with 150 FP ends, but fishing power drops by 250-300 (similarly it happened to me with lure/bait)
- I can walk freely on the anchored ship, but I can't attack the npc??? Do I have to hold the mast with one hand or why? I do not understand.
- I won't know until Bait and Lure run out. Why not put an icon with a number for lure and bait above the skills? It's annoying to still check how much lure I have left.
- Why doesn't the fishing power from the mastery do not stack until I change the map? Quite often I lose it due to a bug (I get on the skiff and start losing stacks). Or if I have to attack the npc. What's more, thanks to the extremely short time since leaving the skiff, I can't do practically anything (like killing a champion nearby) without losing stacks.

Edited by Merzin.5012
One sentence made no sense
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3 hours ago, Merzin.5012 said:

Why can't it be on the ET wiki

It's on the day/night cycle page - both canthan and the normal tyrian time.

3 hours ago, Merzin.5012 said:

My meal with 150 FP ends, but fishing power drops by 250-300

That's because you have the mastery that gives an extra 100 fishing power when you've got a food buff on.

Edited by Miss Lana.5276
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8 hours ago, Miss Lana.5276 said:

It's on the day/night cycle page - both canthan and the normal tyrian time.

Yes it is. But if you don't know it's both in a different time, you may not notice it at all. I found out by accident when I inadvertently used a mouse wheel while watching dusk/dawn time...

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I've been trying to get the albino gourami for my vindicator greatsword and I'm starting to think it doesn't exist!  I'm fishing in the grottos and I have the correct fishing power.  It's very frustrating.

Update: I finally got it tonight! I got it at Saint Anjeka's Shrine, which I hadn't unlocked until late this afternoon.

PS the Shrine must be a magical place; there is a giant koi fish swimming in the air above the concrete there!

Edited by Kaliwenda.3428
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More than a week since my last posting here, more than a week averaging more than an hour of fishing in saltwater each day, and I feel like there is an entire level missing of the whole fishing thing. Saltwater fish are still incredibly rare - unless you fish in the Thousand Seas Pavillon which is a whole other can of worms since significantly better numbers of saltwater fish should not be paywall-gated - and the worst part is that wherever there is a drop chance for saltwater fish their drop rates always compete against each other. By now I have caught dozens of electric eel, horseshoe crabs and googly-eyed squids. Oh, those horrific googly-eyed squid!

Still haven't caught a single vampire squid ever, and I have no option to influence the chance of getting one instead of another googly-eyed squid.

Edited by Locce.8405
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