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I Hate That The Quickest Hero Points Are In WvW. I Hate It.

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I've done a Necro, a warrior, a ranger, a mesmer...It does not matter; I die in 4 hits, the enemy players take 500. I have NEVER won a 1v1, ever.

They also always seem to have 400 teleport/go invisible/get out of everything free skills. I don't. If I try ANY mobility/invisibly skills; the enemy find me in 0.00005 seconds.

They also have warclaws to chase me down. I'm new, so I don't. I'm literally a footman being run down by cavalry just because I'm new. I have to get lucky and find a train that lets ME capture a fort. Because I've been in trains and captured forts; I still don't have that Warclaw piece.


It's just bashing my head against a brick wall because it's the quickest way to get HP for my e-spec. It's in no way fun, and it's the biggest reason why I take breaks from the game; because I feel forced into this unfun, sweat-fest tryhard slog in order to try a new e-spec, because the alternative is 'Hope for a HP Train' (Which I have never seen, BTW), and 'Hunt them down yourself'.


Can you add a non-WvW way to use in-game currency to buy hero points? For those of us who don't want to get a middle finger shoved in our face for 10+ hours just to buy Notarized Scrolsl of Heroics?

Because being forced into WvW, with all the crap that works against a new player in that, is just pure BS.


Edit: Sorry, meant World V World.

Edited by Akisohida.8963
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  • Akisohida.8963 changed the title to I Hate That The Quickest Hero Points Are In WvW. I Hate It.
7 minutes ago, Diak Atoli.2085 said:

Yeah... No, WvW is not the quickest way to get HPs. It's a quick way to get them is you normally play WvW. There's weekly HP trains for HoT and PoF, which will give enough HPs combined to unlock over two of the three e-specs. Both trains take a couple hours each.

Again; I have never seen an HP train. No one has ever told me where they start, who starts them, when they start, or anything other than 'They exist'.


7 minutes ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

How is it quicker than running around HoT, PoF or EoD zones collecting 10-pointers? With 3 expansions, it is easier than ever.

I was informed it's the quickest way to get HP. Just run with a group and do stuff. Trade for Notaries.

I'll be glad to be told differently; I just had a short bow (maybe longbow?) Ranger who literally spammed their pushback shot every 2 seconds. I, literally, could not attack. It was Knockback, arrow spam, knockback, arrow spam, knockback, arrow spam.

I could not run, I could not shoot back, I could not dodge roll.

Bleep PvP/WvW seven ways from Sunday. 😡

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17 minutes ago, Akisohida.8963 said:

Again; I have never seen an HP train. No one has ever told me where they start, who starts them, when they start, or anything other than 'They exist'.

Well, there's a HP train starting in Verdant Brink in 3 minutes, as of writing. It'll be doing VB -> AB -> TD, for a total of 330 HPs. (NA servers.)

Edit: There's really no set schedule. The ones I know tend to run several times over the weekend. Some commanders will hit other maps to advertise, but paying attention to the Verdant Brink and Crystal Oasis tabs in LFG will tell you when they're running.

Edited by Diak Atoli.2085
Further information.
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1 minute ago, Diak Atoli.2085 said:

Well, there's a HP train starting in Verdant Brink in 3 minutes, as of writing. It'll be doing VB -> AB -> TD, for a total of 330 HPs.

Sadly, a bit late where I am to do a 2 hour HP train now. But thank you for letting me know.

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There are like 8 on the first PoF map, all soloable. Keep going from there. In EoD they are even easier. Some jungle ones are tough, some are do-able solo, mixed bag. Often you'll be able to jump in when another is trying. Watch your map chat, shout out yourself, and check LFG for HP trains.

Also, if you have a raptor, the core ones are easy and even though only 1-point, you can knock them out quick while advancing your world completion.

Edited by DeanBB.4268
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If you are on NA and able to go afternoons or evenings eastern time, I can haul you around to more than enough HPs to unlock an elite.  Just pm me to coordinate, so I don't commit to doing something else in a time that would have worked; I'm not as efficient as a hero train but I'll go at a pace you can handle 🙂

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Mostly HP-Trains start before, or after an big Meta.

You can also just ask in Map-chat if someone can help you, when you have problems with a HP.


And ... whoever told you, WvW is the fastet to get HP-point's .. pls don't listen to the tipps this person gives you in the future ^^''.

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I would suggest the PoF hero points, most of them are really easy to solo and you get 10 points for each.  Many of the HoT hero points are more difficult.  But as others have said you can often find trains in LFG.  A lot of the EoD hero points you just fly there on your skyscale and commune.

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4 hours ago, Akisohida.8963 said:

Again; I have never seen an HP train. No one has ever told me where they start, who starts them, when they start, or anything other than 'They exist'.

Here, let me help you out.

Open the "Contacts and LFG Menu" (default key is 'Y') and select "Looking for Group"

Click on "Heart of Thorns" or "Path of Fire"

Click on all of the maps until you find one with a Hero Point Train being advertised.

Join that squad and travel to that map.

Edited by knite.1542
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If you are on EU, someone is running one this weekend at 12pm CEST on Saturday. But yeah, as others have said, if you just check Verdant Brink and Crystal Oasis in the LFG panel occasionally while playing, you'll usually find one 🙂 People run them pretty often, especially right now because people want to get their EoD specs trained. Most of EoD's ones are commune HP's too, so if you did want to do it solo, defeating the mob guarding them is a lot easier than most of the HoT ones, which are better done in groups.

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All PoF and EoD hero points are soloable. Make sure you have a proper gear and build if you go solo though. In HoT there is plenty of points thet require you to just press F and waity a few seconds. The rest doesn't need a train either, you can write on a map chat asking for help and usually get it.

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2 hours ago, Yanosh.2631 said:

Someone made a cruel joke on you.

As someone else said it's the quickest method for people who already play WvW, because it doesn't require doing anything different. I don't even play WvW that much and I have thousands of Testimonies of Heroics, so if I wanted to I could unlock multiple elite specs on my characters right away. But if you don't play WvW already it's a different matter.

Kind of like someone who raids regularly saying raids are the quickest way to get legendary armour. That's true but someone who has never done a raid before and doesn't have full ascended equipment is going to find it a lot more complicated and time consuming, and if they normally spend all their time in WvW may actually find that version easier even though it takes longer.

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WvW is clearly not for you. Go to PoF/EoD maps and get from there your hero points, they are easier and faster to get, even without a HP train, because those will give you 10 while WvW HP only give 1.

EDIT: I didn't even realized you were talking about hero points through testimony of heroics because it is absurd. Unless you play WvW for fun, that's a horrible way to get HP. I get them easily and "fast" because I enjoy this gamemode, so they come passively while I'm doing other stuff, but you could just roll to the PoF/EoD maps and get them way faster and easier. Among those 8 expansion maps, there are probably only one or two HP bosses that can kill you.

I don't know who told you about farming HP through WvW, but he/she trolled you.

Edited by Telgum.6071
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13 minutes ago, Telgum.6071 said:

WvW is clearly not for you. Go to PoF/EoD maps and get from there your hero points, they are easier and faster to get, even without a HP train, because those will give you 10 while WvW HP only give 1.

When people talk about getting hero points from WvW, they don't mean HPs from WvW maps. They are speaking about Testimonies.

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8 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

You do realize that a good portion of Roamers have many years of experience? 

Ofcourse you loose 1v1. You also can't just come into Wvw with any build and expect to not get farmed. 


Agreed. I recently started to play WvW myself and the first steps are ...engaging... 😁

There are usually smaller groups just swapping the outposts and towers near to their home spawn, and more often than not, both parties involved just let the other do their stuff. With XP Boosters I had my mount in like 12 hours and it's where the fun starts. Once you have access to some of the prominent groups, your learning curve grows dramatically.

As a reaction-slow person I don't expect to win any 1v1 but that's not what a war is about in my opinion. So I got to gw2mists.com and looked up a zerg build I could handle while learning the ropes.

I can tell you, if you take one step after the other, it's not too much of a rocket science.

I wouldn't play it though just for hero points. In the 12 hours I needed to get my warclaw I could have joined like 4 HP trains all across Tyria and be done with it.

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