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Alternative path for PVE Legendary Armor

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1 hour ago, disco.9302 said:

On the whole this thread is going round in circles because some people refuse to accept that there are enough ways to get legendary armour already and want to concoct new paths that only suit them.

Ppl wants to grab easy gold by doin OW stuff and get their legendary armor making zero effort meaniwhile lol. Getting WvW armor takes slightly higher than zero effort and ppl still complain about "oh, i am pve scrub that can only 1-1-1-1 and feels uncomfortable at pvp zones". 


Inbe4, threads with stuff like "can we have GWAMM titles for free cuz i dont want to play gw1" nokappa

Edited by daesz.2439
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10 hours ago, disco.9302 said:


You know? rather presumptuous of you to think that you know something without evidence for this.....  

Hm , i could say the same about you , that when people ask for Legendary Gear in Open world , you say to them  to buy Raid Runs


brb in 8 hours.. school

Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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12 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

If pvpers want some PvE weapons , they ask for it , in a thread .

Why should gear be locked behind a Game mode i don't enjoy?


Because changing stuff cost Dev time. Considering the wider implications of huge changes like these cost Dev time. And the game updates slowly enough as is. Also if these new legendarys are so easy to get that people need to stop playing there game mode and change to do easier content would be a detriment to the game. Also it would Defeat the purpose of a Reward. At the end of the day that is what Legendary gear is, a reward for dedication. This is why the lack of details in these request and disregard of the current work that is needed for legendary armor derails the discussion every 2 pages.

Edited by Albi.7250
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1 hour ago, Albi.7250 said:

As long as the collection takes the same effort as the other games modes People wont complain to much.

This is complete nonsense, people would be complaining no matter what as we've already seen before. Also, "same effort" would include things like "you can fail your way to the finish line" (sPvP) or "just tag the events and go afk for the rest of the time" (WvW) with the later one being something people in this tread here have alredy expresed they would take issue with.

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4 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

No one said that they didn't want a long hard grind for PvE armor though. They said they didn't want to raid. It's very simple.

PvPer - do what you always do, for a long time

WvWer - do what you always do for a long time

PvE'er - Raid or else.

If you don't see this as unfair, that's okay. But any reasonable person would in my opinion.

People have said that they don't want a long hard grind. Some of the suggestions have been about making the process cheaper because it can already be purchased for a significant sum of gold.

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27 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

There are three game modes (defined by the creators and owners of the game): PvE, WvW, and PvP.

Actually the game defines four (instanced content, OW, personal story and competitive) with both sPvP and WvW being listed as subsections of "competitive". But even if you're just talking about what some of them said during their livestreams they still constantly distinguish between different subcategories of PvE on there as well.

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4 hours ago, yoni.7015 said:

In PvP you have to play ranked. You can think of raids as ranked PvE. You basically do the same thing you do in Open World. 

In PvP if you lose every single ranked game, you will still get legendary armor.  And you're doing the same exact PvP you're doing anywhere else. I already have two pieces of PvP legendary armor, because it's easier than raiding.  And yeah, I can keep going but I don't enjoy PvP at all. Where as PvPers who play PvP all the time can lose and lose and lose and get legendary armor.

It takes ZERO skill to get PvP legendary armor. None at all.

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3 hours ago, Albi.7250 said:

First of all your welcome for getting you question answered:D. I don't see it as as unfair I even explained why. Not many people in this 11 Pages long post made clear they are willing to spend 289 hours for legendary armor for one weight class. That are 12 days in pure playtime. And if not enough people want it Anet shouldn´t  "waste" time on something people do not want. Of course they want the legendary armor, but not with the required game commitment. So people need to be clear they are willing to that grind and make suggestion how that should be implemented or get bend.

But PvPers and WvWers will get it playing normally.  They would normally spend time in there doing it anyway. I have two pieces of PvP legendary armor and 1 piece of WvW legendary armor, by playing and I don't play that much. It just takes time. People who play WvW regularly burn through that stuff in a couple of months. Some WvWers reach diamond chest every week normally. Some are in my guild.

So no, my question isn't answered.

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2 minutes ago, Tails.9372 said:

Actually the game defines four (instanced content, OW, story and competitive) with both sPvP and WvW being listed as subsections of "competitive". But even if you're just talking about what some of them said during their livestreams they still constantly distinguish between different subcategories of PvE on their as well.

Weird. I had only ever seen it defined as PvP, WvW, and PvE. But I won't try to claim to have seen everything ANet has ever posted about the game.

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6 minutes ago, Tails.9372 said:

This is complete nonsense, people would be complaining no matter what as we've already seen before.

That one wasn't actually "same effort" change. I did mention in this very thread, more than once, that using this specific example is disingenious at best. I guess i have to mention that again.


6 minutes ago, Tails.9372 said:

Also, "same effort" would include things like "you can fail your way to the finish line" (sPvP) or "just tag the events and go afk for the rest of the time" (WvW) with the later one being something people in this tread here have alredy expresed they would take issue with.

You might want to reread the thread about who exactly has issues with what, and why.

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12 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

People have said that they don't want a long hard grind. Some of the suggestions have been about making the process cheaper because it can already be purchased for a significant sum of gold.

But raiding is a long hard grind anyway particularly for non-raiders.  The grind exists in all the forms. The difference is in PvP, you can play 2-3 games a day at get legendary armor. Source, I have two piece of PvP legendary armor.  It took a while but I'm not grinding.

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1 minute ago, yoni.7015 said:

Then it’s the perfect way for Open World players to get legendary armor, no? 

So I have to play a game type I don't like and don't play to get it, or raid which I don't play, whereas PvP  and WVW players can play the content they play all the time and get it organically. I see.

Translation: I have no problem raiding so other Pver's can kitten off and go PvP even if it's not their normal content and they don't like it, because I'm happy with the way it is.

If they feel disenfranchised by this, no big deal, I'm happy. If they feel that they're second hand citizens that's okay because no one will spend less money or stop playing the game.   Yes, you're right. It's the perfect way for open world players to do something they don't normally do, where PvP players can play the exact same game they always do.

I'm sad so many people are defending this.  I hope those people never become game designers. Anyone should be able to see the unfairness here.


You being okay with something in fact, does not make it okay.  I'm relatively sure there are people who tried to get those items in PvP,  burned out on it and stopped playing. Or WvW.  But you know, it's okay with you guys, so it must be fine.

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3 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

But raiding is a long hard grind anyway particularly for non-raiders.  The grind exists in all the forms. The difference is in PvP, you can play 2-3 games a day at get legendary armor. Source, I have two piece of PvP legendary armor.  It took a while but I'm not grinding.

How long will it take to get pvp legendary armor by playing 2-3 matches per day? You can currently get raid armor by spending gold earned in open world doing content that you enjoy. 

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2 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

How long will it take to get pvp legendary armor by playing 2-3 matches per day? You can currently get raid armor by spending gold earned in open world doing content that you enjoy. 

You mean by buying raids from players who sell them? Is that what you're talking about? Because to me, that's not an Anet guaranteed resource.  Anet may turn a blind eye to raid selling but they surely don't support it. If I lose out because someone takes the gold, Anet's not going to refund it.


I never did the math on the PvP legendary armor, because I just play a few games when I feel like it and when I have enough I get a piece.  It's going to take me ages, but I'm not going to grind for it.

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2 hours ago, Mik.3401 said:

Ok, but if you’re not doing any challenging PvE endgame and not WvW then why do you need legendary armor?

There’s plenty of black lion skins and outfits to choose from, I guess this is what one can spend their time on if they  don’t do real endgame. Like does changing stats really matter in open world? C’mon

Because Anet keeps adding new classes that require gated hard to get gear sets, Legendaries mitigate that.

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Kind of players 

1) super casuals - who aren't interested or never heard about legendary armors.

2) casuals who knew about it and like to have it but not in their priority coz not enough gold , not enough time to invest, not enough motivation.

3) regular players who are scared of disgusting toxic creatures that lurk in PvP and pve raids but have proper motivation to get legendary Armor -> they either join weekly raid training or participate in a nice friendly guild and try raiding (or) if they don't feel compatible/ comfortable to participate in raid modes, try wvw and work toward legy Armor.

4) Thick skin "low to no emotion" (who turn off chat or others' toxic behavior doesn't bother) players and toxic dimwits -> choose PvP legendary Armor.

5) WvW enthusiasts -> just chill in their game mode and do wvw things and get WvW legy Armor.

6) Entitled players -> these players won't approve / recognize raids as PvE and ignore the lore, story , cutscenes and continually try to brand raids as diff game mode and not pve, will demand to have another legendary Armor set. 

Even if these entitled players use the point "legendary is QoL" and players are willing and able to craft one, and if asked why aurora, vision unlock percentage is less , they say "they simply don't like it" where did their sense of "QoL" go to when it comes to legy trinkets? . They even say they don't want the awesome raid Armor animation skin effect /aura look but these PPL justify the reason for not crafting aurora bcoz they didn't craft it coz of looks, now they don't want legy Armor looks but QoL?  WTH ? Either these PPL are just arguing for the sake of arguing or... Some other conspiracy... Someone/some force driving them to just start and drag a thread every now and then reg this topic X)


Edited by Crystal Paladin.3871
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20 minutes ago, Dante.1508 said:

Because Anet keeps adding new classes that require gated hard to get gear sets, Legendaries mitigate that.

Ok this is a legit point, but again why would you strive to get e.g. harrier gear over say cleric for open world? Nothing in the open world really requires such pension in choosing gear. If one is doing fractals the story is bit different, but if one can do fractals and cannot do raids then it is their own decision because many raids are not all that hard. Yes it requires to find a Guild, but I guess we play Guild wars innit.

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49 minutes ago, Dante.1508 said:

Because Anet keeps adding new classes that require gated hard to get gear sets, Legendaries mitigate that.

I does not. Legendary armor isn`t saving gold. That is what halve your people don't understand. It is a quality of life Feature you want for basically doing the same thing you keep doing(a.k.a making Gold). Do you know what a gold loss playing WvW is? From the extra Gold you make while plying OW you can buy every gear you eve wanted. You want something and are not willing to make any compromise.  WvW is 300 hours playing at basically a loos if Legendary armor is the end goal. That`s all they get as a reward! And you guys want that for no effort at all. If we low ball OW play at 15/g an hour that´s 4500 Gold you make and they don´t. You guys talking about fairness really should check your god damm Privileges. And the whole undertone about the thread is ohh how unfair and such why cant I get that. Would give all the other Rewards back you get from OW play so you can have legendary armor? No! Would you guys do Stuff that forces a 4500 Gold loss to you? Maybe some, but the vast majority clearly not.


So the Solution obviously nobody wants: Make a PvE rewards track that disable all normal OW rewards. NO spirit shard. No Extra Materials. NO gold. NO Skins. You have to tag stuff or its not gonna progress. And in that you get the Currency for OW Legendary Armor and barley enough T3-T6 mats to make them. Grind your 300 Hours in OW. Everyone is happy right?

That`s the deal WvW get and you act like your missing out.

Edited by Albi.7250
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2 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

That one wasn't actually "same effort"

What's your point here? This was an example of people complaining about something regardless of its actual validity because they felt like their efforts have been invalidated "by an event" which is something you even argued against which just further underlines my point. Like it or not but there is nothing "disingenuous" about my post.

2 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

You might want to reread the thread about who exactly has issues with what, and why.

You might want to take your own advice here as it's quite easy to find mocking remarks like "If I spend six months in PvE, gimme" which shows in no uncertain terms how that person would stand to a WvW-esque implementation of an OW set.

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5 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

No one said that they didn't want a long hard grind for PvE armor though. They said they didn't want to raid. It's very simple.

PvPer - do what you always do, for a long time

WvWer - do what you always do for a long time

PvE'er - Raid or else.

If you don't see this as unfair, that's okay. But any reasonable person would in my opinion.

Some do Obviously. Most just say they do. What content do OW players play. Which content they wanna grind? Would they still enjoy the content if there old rewards would striped away in favor for progress towards legendary armor? The last person who was willing to pay with Gift of exploration is 8 pages behind us. Right now the all repeat the same thing: "why they deserve it".  Ignoring all the stuff they get by OW play the other modes don't get.  In proportion of Reward to time spend, there is arguable no worst place then PvP and WvW. And no one else in the Game you get less Reward for Effort then in the 2 Competitive modes.  And I think the second the realize how much grind there is too do for only Legendary armor they wont pursue it anyway.

Some Would of course! But if we are talking about major changes to the Game which need dev time for implementing and consideration. I really doubt many People in OW gonna grind 300 hours for nothing but legendary armor. Which would be the fair thing to do.

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