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Alternative path for PVE Legendary Armor

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8 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

I still don't see , why they shouldn't implant one  , for open PvE .

Its not like by creating one , suddenly the casual will go "gtfo with those elitism gear , away from my game mode"

Some will go for it , others won't and these threads will stop poping up  where they keep dividing  our community.

I don't care much if they implement it, but the time they work on it will most likely end up being wasted.
If there are threads about a single Strike mission turning people away from the Siege Turtle I have doubts people would be so much into this as an example to get a single Legendary armor piece.

8 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

If 20% of the population has Aurora, then there is 20% that also wants some Legendary Gear ?

20% had done the two collections, not Aurora itself. To get Aurora you need to finish the two collections, that gives you the precursor and a Gift. You need to craft the Gift into Gift of Sentience, craft a Mystic Tribute, craft a Gift of Draconic Mastery and only then you can make Aurora.

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43 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

Have you read where I talked about how giving OW players Legendary armor won't make them suddenly experiment with builds and make better builds while also mentioning how Aurora and Vision aren't that common despite being fully OW Legendaries mentioning how the current cheapest Legendary - heavy chest - armor piece is ~300g?
Or you're just conveniently ignoring that part?

Considering that just few posts back, right here, it has been pointed out that more people have Aurora than Legendary Armor, even though as you noticed legendary armor is cheaper (and an ascended armor more costly and harder to obtain for a huge majority of players than trinkets), the person "conveniently ignoring" something is not me, but you.

43 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

I don't care if someone wants Legendary armor, but when people say "give us a new method of getting it" noone really seems to account for just how much you need for a single Leggy armor piece already. That's why I said the "X is too hard Anet nerf" line.

And here, again, you are "conveniently ignoring" the point i have made before about legendary weapons, and how practically the only problem some players have is GoB, and not due to difficulty or effort involved (and that's even when we ignore that the people that complain about that part are a small minority)? I mean, people are suggesting to buy GoBs for gifts of  exploration, which require more effort, so obviously effort is not the issue here.

43 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

Each gamemode's Legendary is gated by a resource, LI, Skirmish Tickets, Ascended Shards of Glory. OW would need something gating it, because otherwise you could undermine WvW/PvP Legendaries as those are just skins turned Legendary armor.

Yes, most likely you'd need something to gate it. Probably something not purchasable. I see no problem with it. I'm quite sure most other players asking for it would not see a problem either, unless the gating would be significantly greater than that for WvW/SpVp versions.

43 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

On top of that you need Gifts, this material, that material, so on. 

Yes. Weapons also need gifts. Do you see people complaining about this? Because i don't. Apart from GoB, but see my previous comment on this one.

43 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

As I said, there isn't any point in OW Legendary armor when the interest is so low in those Trinkets already.

Following that argument, why are you not asking yourself is there any point in Raid legendary armor if it's even less popular than Aurora? Seems like a double standart to me.


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12 hours ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

I don't care much if they implement it, but the time they work on it will most likely end up being wasted.
If there are threads about a single Strike mission turning people away from the Siege Turtle I have doubts people would be so much into this as an example to get a single Legendary armor piece.

20% had done the two collections, not Aurora itself. To get Aurora you need to finish the two collections, that gives you the precursor and a Gift. You need to craft the Gift into Gift of Sentience, craft a Mystic Tribute, craft a Gift of Draconic Mastery and only then you can make Aurora.

Turtle is "must have 100% mechanic" , that why you see people whining bout it

Mystic Coin  + Legendary Weapon , is in the more "relaxed enviroment" . Some will get and some not . (until we see Kratotoik Weapon skin , behind Son Woo meta(only) ...>_>).

(Some 3-4 months +summer , without controversy and this meta getting the 4-7 spot in GW2 fast.farming ..will do the trick) edit

Lets do the the same for the Legendary Gear , lets force them to do map exploration and those stuff that are needed for the Aurora



edit2:(Rename the CM to Raids  , none will touch it .Pros as planned will leave because of low rewards , but the majority of the casuals wont procced because of the stigma , only Gold sellers will be there .

  Focus on scalable attacks 60%>80>100 of hp in normal + more mechanics/minigames - and less boss HP - more "hidden damage passive stuff" - don't mix them with other population . Common, we have to focus on the WvW.. )

Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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5 minutes ago, MrGarlic.1834 said:

I wouldn't be surprised if Anet was considering a new Legendary armour set for strikes.


That was also a possibility I thought when EoD releases. However I dont think they will do that because initially Strike was supposed to be an introduction to raid and well raid is basically forgotten at this point. Well maybe they'll add more raid with post EoD LW who knows. 

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If you want the optional ""endgame"" reward then play more of the game's content. If you don't want to play more of the game's content, then you don't need to and you can keep playing with multiple ascended sets without losing any power or somehow being unable to play any content you want to play.

In other words: if you want the thing, you need to do the thing to get the thing. This is just how games work, nothing new.

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19 minutes ago, Alcatraznc.3869 said:


That was also a possibility I thought when EoD releases. However I dont think they will do that because initially Strike was supposed to be an introduction to raid and well raid is basically forgotten at this point. Well maybe they'll add more raid with post EoD LW who knows. 


The new Strikes give Legendary Insights seems to point in the direction that they want to increase players interest in Raids through Strikes.

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Absolutely not, all legendary armors are suppose to be hard to get. If PvE get this treatment then you might as well make it so that you can get PvP legendary armor from the dueling arena in the mist and let WvW armor be obtainable from doing almost nothing. Raid is PvE end game, and being able to buy raid is a fair alternative in my opinion. 


Raid isn't really that hard in my opinion in terms of the boss mechanic, it tends to usually be coordinating with your team and being able to handle criticism. Some raids like Vale Guardian is drastically easier then Soo Won, and Soo Won isn't technically that hard either.

Also weekly strike gives you legendary insights, like the person above me stated.

Edited by Veka.8710
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This idea that the push for legendary armour for OW is somehow buildcraft related is disingenuous.
OPTION 1 - Exotic Armour
It takes less than 4 gold for Stat-selectable Head and Shoulder gear(total) off the TP. This can be earned in less than a half hour chopping wood and mining on Core Maps.
3 more pieces of Stat selectable armour can be hard in Verdant Brink in less than an hour.
Worst case scenario, player needs to craft the chest piece and it's Plaguedoctor's... maybe another two hours for the mats and Map currencies.
An entire sett of most effective core stats can be had for less than ten gold. You can make 10g an hour easily in Mount Maelstrom mining platinum and chopping elder wood. Worst case scenario is it's your dailies for 5 days.
OPTION 2 -Legendary Armour
A legendary set for Open World would still take some of the "common" elements for the process that the current sets take:
Up to and not limited to:
90 Mystic Clovers, 600 of Each t6 mat, 3000 of Each t5 mat,300 of Each t4 mat, 300 of Each t3 mat
Likewise an open world set would likely take 6x50 Provisioner's Tokens
It is also reasonable to assume that multiple Gifts of Exploration would be required or some requirement of a Gift of Exploration+Gift of Maguuma+Gift of the Desert+Gift of Cantha.

How many times would the player have to follow Option 1 before Option 2 became an attractive value proposition?
...for a less than 5% stat boost.

This idea that Legendary Armour would make it "easy to try new builds" is laughable.
It already is easy to try new builds.

Source: Some who tries a lot of Builds for open world.

Edited by mindcircus.1506
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1 hour ago, mindcircus.1506 said:

This idea that the push for legendary armour for OW is somehow buildcraft related is disingenuous.
OPTION 1 - Exotic Armour
It takes less than 4 gold for Stat-selectable Head and Shoulder gear(total) off the TP. This can be earned in less than a half hour chopping wood and mining on Core Maps.
3 more pieces of Stat selectable armour can be hard in Verdant Brink in less than an hour.
Worst case scenario, player needs to craft the chest piece and it's Plaguedoctor's... maybe another two hours for the mats and Map currencies.
An entire sett of most effective core stats can be had for less than ten gold. You can make 10g an hour easily in Mount Maelstrom mining platinum and chopping elder wood. Worst case scenario is it's your dailies for 5 days.
OPTION 2 -Legendary Armour
A legendary set for Open World would still take some of the "common" elements for the process that the current sets take:
Up to and not limited to:
90 Mystic Clovers, 600 of Each t6 mat, 3000 of Each t5 mat,300 of Each t4 mat, 300 of Each t3 mat
Likewise an open world set would likely take 6x50 Provisioner's Tokens
It is also reasonable to assume that multiple Gifts of Exploration would be required or some requirement of a Gift of Exploration+Gift of Maguuma+Gift of the Desert+Gift of Cantha.

How many times would the player have to follow Option 1 before Option 2 became an attractive value proposition?
...for a less than 5% stat boost.

This idea that Legendary Armour would make it "easy to try new builds" is laughable.
It already is easy to try new builds.

Source: Some who tries a lot of Builds for open world.

True if your goal is to have a optimal build. As I mentioned before I doubt it would improve average build performance by a significant amount. Especially because it would have to require a significant payment and time barrier as you correctly point out. 

But spending several gold on trying something out is a significant barrier. Not a large one, as you pointed out. But it is a barrier. Encouraging you to work towards very few builds and sticking to them. Sticking to the meta.

Especially because build performance is less relevant in open world there is more opportunity to mix things up than in the traditional end game modes. Or even benefiting from swapping between a build that can reach 100% crit on its own vs a proper party build that aims for ~60% base chance. 

Though if you're scrapping together gold for your ascended or first legendary weapon or what not it's not appealing to be set back by half a dozen to a few dozen gold per build. It's not a large barrier. But you are setting yourself back for trying something out. 

Just as one example. I still have a chrono that I play as alac tank or PDPS. With suboptimal DPS performance as I have leadership runes with outdated stats and don't intend to change it as extractors are a significant cost and building a second set of ascended gear is very expensive. Especially considering I'm still equipping 3 other roles with ascended and infusions as well (hscg for getting new players into the content, cdps, qfb for quickness and heal so I can fill all roles. Plus an already fully equipped druid as that's my raid main). 

I'm constantly strapped for money balancing equipping the different roles, grinding towards legendries and having "debt" by not updating builds. Spending ~100g on vipers or ~130g on celestial. Plus runes that will cost me ~20g per to remove when trying things out is absurd. They are also soul bound meaning I can't use it on multiple characters. At that rate I'd be genuinely better off paying like two thousand gold on legendary armor rather than experimenting with exotics. 

Most builds I make are just looking up meta builds so my raw performance would probably not improve or even decrease in most situations.

But I do not feel encouraged to experiment at all. The clearly optimal way to play is to never think about builds and always just copy what stormcrows or metabattle says. 

Edit: And two more side notes. I heavily dislike any form of PvP. And the minimum WvW participation makes no progress at all. On my 4th GoB I'm at level 60. Even this progress so far I dislike. 500 is never gonna happen. I am working on the raid armor. However, due to an inconsistent work schedule I can not commit to raid times more than a week in advance. Can't make 9 people organize their static raid around me either. So static raiding just isn't an option for me. Making consistent weekly clears is basically impossible. I get maybe 2 wings a week and have little control over which ones. Extending the achievement duration (envoy 1 took me ~4 months of weekly raiding. Envoy 2 still pending. I'm estimating the first set of armor is gonna  take me about 18 months due to these circumstances). 

Any PvE collection that even takes twice as long but can be progressed at a more steady pace without needing a team with regular clears would be extremely nice in this context. Not faster in terms of amount of time spent on it, just more steady despite inconsistent days of the week that I can play. Even at twice the in game time spent it would allow me to get the armor in less than half the real world time.

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Easier solution, rather than reinventing the wheel: get your leggy gear through raids like everyone else (in pve). It's not that difficult to do, any casual can get into it with some basic understanding of the game (speaking from personal experience).


I see people saying "let me supergrind for leggy armour" and I disagree that this endgame gear should be earned with a long scavenger hunt. In pve endgame content gives endgame gear. You could also argue that best in slot equipment isn't needed if you're just doing scavenger hunts and open world pve so why are you bothered about getting leggy armour?

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Just now, disco.9302 said:

You could also argue that best in slot equipment isn't needed if you're just doing scavenger hunts and open world pve so why are you bothered about getting leggy armour?

Because it is a longterm gameplay goal i can pursue. Game needs those.

A legendary placed beind raids is not that type of goal for a huge majority of this game's population, because for said players this part of the game might as well not exist. They won't be playing it, because it is not fun.

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14 minutes ago, disco.9302 said:

Easier solution, rather than reinventing the wheel: get your leggy gear through raids like everyone else (in pve). It's not that difficult to do, any casual can get into it with some basic understanding of the game (speaking from personal experience).


I see people saying "let me supergrind for leggy armour" and I disagree that this endgame gear should be earned with a long scavenger hunt. In pve endgame content gives endgame gear. You could also argue that best in slot equipment isn't needed if you're just doing scavenger hunts and open world pve so why are you bothered about getting leggy armour?

I just edited in my personal situation. I'm even fine with having to participate in that kind of end game content but the amount  and specificity necessary means it can take certain players an unreasonable amount of time. Despite serious amounts of time spent playing and valid amounts of skill and participation. 

Achievement hunting, collections and all the more interesting metas are clearly end game content too. For specific context read my above edit. But I'd love for an armor that can even take longer, require participation in all content (despite not enjoying PvP at all), but only a small amount of mandatory, forced participation and then being free to grind remaining currency in any mode. Account bound so it can't be bought through. But with different multiple options.

Arbitrary example. Not a specific thing I want but only to better portray what I mean. It could be balanced around acquisition effort. E.g. regular metas gives 1 currency. Longer metas (e.g. DS) give 3. A single raid boss kill 20 (so 60 - 80 per wing). WvW camp capture 5. Tower captures 10. Castle captures 20. You need 200 of all mode currencies. And 500 from any mode. Highly encouraging continued engagement with the other content. But offering a slow alternative (numbers are chosen at random. It's for example only and would need to be balanced properly)

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16 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Because it is a longterm gameplay goal i can pursue. Game needs those.

A legendary placed beind raids is not that type of goal for a huge majority of this game's population, because for said players this part of the game might as well not exist. They won't be playing it, because it is not fun.


If it's a long-term goal then you have the time to work on raiding.... That's how to pursue that reward...

The only reason it "might as well not exist" is because those players don't want to put in any effort into trying raids or give up easily. 

Your opinion that "it isn't fun" is subjective. If you don't want to do raids because "no fun" then do PvP or wvw - those are all options. 

Endgame content gives endgame gear. Slapping lvl1 rats for 10k hours should not reward the same leggy gear.

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1 hour ago, mindcircus.1506 said:

This idea that the push for legendary armour for OW is somehow buildcraft related is disingenuous.
OPTION 1 - Exotic Armour
It takes less than 4 gold for Stat-selectable Head and Shoulder gear(total) off the TP. This can be earned in less than a half hour chopping wood and mining on Core Maps.
3 more pieces of Stat selectable armour can be hard in Verdant Brink in less than an hour.
Worst case scenario, player needs to craft the chest piece and it's Plaguedoctor's... maybe another two hours for the mats and Map currencies.
An entire sett of most effective core stats can be had for less than ten gold. You can make 10g an hour easily in Mount Maelstrom mining platinum and chopping elder wood. Worst case scenario is it's your dailies for 5 days.
OPTION 2 -Legendary Armour
A legendary set for Open World would still take some of the "common" elements for the process that the current sets take:
Up to and not limited to:
90 Mystic Clovers, 600 of Each t6 mat, 3000 of Each t5 mat,300 of Each t4 mat, 300 of Each t3 mat
Likewise an open world set would likely take 6x50 Provisioner's Tokens
It is also reasonable to assume that multiple Gifts of Exploration would be required or some requirement of a Gift of Exploration+Gift of Maguuma+Gift of the Desert+Gift of Cantha.

How many times would the player have to follow Option 1 before Option 2 became an attractive value proposition?
...for a less than 5% stat boost.

This idea that Legendary Armour would make it "easy to try new builds" is laughable.
It already is easy to try new builds.

Source: Some who tries a lot of Builds for open world.

I do have legendary armor (for every weight type), as well as all legendary trinkets, 6 legendary runes and 4 legendary sigils, and i did a lot of experimenting with spectre in OW at first weeks of EoD, i would never do (and never did before) such experimenting if i would have to interact with Mystic Forge and spend resources each time. So just my personal experience is already proves you wrong with your disingenuous and laughable statements. So please stop assuming for other players what they will or will not do, once they get legendary gear, and just go create another very original celestial build for open world.

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"I want legendary armor but I don't want to play [game mode], and also [game mode], and even [game mode]. Why can't I have the legendary armor???"

This is what I understand of this whole thread. Now ask yourself: why don't you play PvP? Why don't you play WvW? Why don't you raid? People who make this type of discussion act as if the game modes they don't want to play can't actually be played at all, like for example your PC explodes if you enter WvW or your religion forbids you to enter the Dhuum arena.

Truth is you don't want to play those game modes, nothing is stopping you from playing them. Maybe they are too hard for you, maybe you don't have time to invest, maybe the community is too toxic, whatever else is out of your comfort zone. That's fine, play the game how you want, that's the good thing about GW2. But certain rewards won't be available to you because you CHOSE not to play the corresponding game mode.

Personal experience: I'd rather uninstall the game than get all the achievements for Aurora and Vision. Fine, no legendary accessories for me, I'll just farm ascended ones in bitterfrost. On the other hand I play a lot of WvW and I'm planning to do armor + 2 rings + back item with that game mode alone.

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16 minutes ago, Boh.4568 said:

"I want legendary armor but I don't want to play [game mode], and also [game mode], and even [game mode]. Why can't I have the legendary armor???"

This is what I understand of this whole thread. Now ask yourself: why don't you play PvP? Why don't you play WvW? Why don't you raid? People who make this type of discussion act as if the game modes they don't want to play can't actually be played at all, like for example your PC explodes if you enter WvW or your religion forbids you to enter the Dhuum arena.

Truth is you don't want to play those game modes, nothing is stopping you from playing them. Maybe they are too hard for you, maybe you don't have time to invest, maybe the community is too toxic, whatever else is out of your comfort zone. That's fine, play the game how you want, that's the good thing about GW2. But certain rewards won't be available to you because you CHOSE not to play the corresponding game mode.

Personal experience: I'd rather uninstall the game than get all the achievements for Aurora and Vision. Fine, no legendary accessories for me, I'll just farm ascended ones in bitterfrost. On the other hand I play a lot of WvW and I'm planning to do armor + 2 rings + back item with that game mode alone.

I don't play sPvP because at the moment I burned out from that style of atmosphere and enjoy my time away from it. Though, when I want to enjoy some competitive PvP action I prefer games that actually focus on the style of play. Be it Valorant, CoD, Dota2 or another game. They are just so much more polished and focused shaping the experience better. And I don't see why I should spend time not enjoying myself as much as possible.

Personally, I find WvW extremely boring. I'm not in a guild or anything like that and public zergs, dailies or participation upkeep is less engaging to me than the majority of open world gameplay. Same reason as above. Why not play a game that's built deliberately around an experience like this? Why should I deliberately not enjoy my time? 

I do play raids and try to get the armor but due to infrequent work schedule I can not be part of static raids making the progress inconsistent and therefore painfully slow. While being a mediocre gameplay experience. The lack of consistent teams makes a huge difference. 

If it was something where it's easy and consistent to get ascended versions off of it would be less of a problem. But ascended armor pieces are very infrequent drops and not enough to equip all characters and variations I'm interested in. 

I'm glad you have a mode you enjoy and can get a lot from it! I even hope they buff WvW rewards during the rework to bring it more in line with PvE rewards. But it would be magnificent if there was a different way to get legendary armor in a reasonable amount of time besides having a static raid team. The amount of long term open world goals are fairly limited and cause me to drop the game every now and then for longer pauses. Something I don't really want to do but I start sitting around with no goal and just doing mostly meta train rotations and fractals on auto pilot plus maybe a raid wing or two for a few weeks before dropping off entirely. Legendary armor could fill that role magnificently! Though I'd be happy for anything more along the lines of the three PvE trinkets as they keep me happily engaged for quite a while, grinding very slowly towards armor.  

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2 hours ago, Erise.5614 said:

But spending several gold on trying something out is a significant barrier. Not a large one, as you pointed out. But it is a barrier. Encouraging you to work towards very few builds and sticking to them. Sticking to the meta.

Hey, then turning on your pc is a barrier too! Not a large one, but it is a barrier, since you have to do something to turn it on. Similarly, in this case the ""barrier"" is playing the game to get the gold however you want. Lets not try to overuse words like that -in reality, it's not a barrier, it's just playing the game.

2 hours ago, Erise.5614 said:

But I do not feel encouraged to experiment at all. The clearly optimal way to play is to never think about builds and always just copy what stormcrows or metabattle says. 

If you don't "feel encouraged to experiment at all", then maybe you just don't like experimenting with builds. Copying someone's build is "optimal" only as a shortcut to specifically get around experimenting with builds and there's nothing wrong with it.

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1 minute ago, Rinagal.9235 said:

Oh, Sherlock Holmes has arrived. Didn't know you need to have exceptional deductive skills to make this conclusion out of "we don't like those game modes".

You don't like > you don't play > no reward. What's the point of 5 pages of discussion?

You don't like raids, you don't like WvW, you don't like PvP, that's not anet's fault if you don't like the majority of endgame modes. Do you at least like fractals? That's a back item at least...

Only doing open world gives you 2 accessories, an amulet and weapons already (please do not use gift of battle as an excuse), get the legendaries for the game modes you enjoy playing, and use ascended for everything else.

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2 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Because it is a longterm gameplay goal i can pursue. Game needs those.

A legendary placed beind raids is not that type of goal for a huge majority of this game's population, because for said players this part of the game might as well not exist. They won't be playing it, because it is not fun.

Yup, but the alternative to that armor is getting multiple ascended sets, which is also a long term goal divided into shorter tasks with more immediate reward. There's already a "long term goal" for everyone.


See, that's the type of "it can take too long, so it's not worth it!" complaint I'm talking about:

1 hour ago, Erise.5614 said:

I'm even fine with having to participate in that kind of end game content but the amount  and specificity necessary means it can take certain players an unreasonable amount of time. Despite serious amounts of time spent playing and valid amounts of skill and participation. 

If you don't want to, you don't need to. Sticking to multiple ascended sets is a valid path to take for some more immediate feeling of being rewarded, while not losing any power.

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6 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Yup, but the alternative to that armor is getting multiple ascended sets, which is also a long term goal divided into shorter tasks with more immediate reward. There's already a "long term goal" for everyone.


See, that's the type of "it can take too long, so it's not worth it!" complaint I'm talking about:

If you don't want to, you don't need to. Sticking to multiple ascended sets is a valid path to take for some more immediate feeling of being rewarded, while not losing any power.

Working towards the same reward over and over has heavily diminishing returns to motivation. Random drops in end game content further reduce motivation to craft as you could use the money for something else.

If not legendary then GW2 needs a different way to reward long term commitment with something different than "grind towards build 2 of character 3". Especially since exotic meta builds are relatively close in regards to performance and experimenting is discouraged either way due to cost.

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10 minutes ago, Erise.5614 said:

Working towards the same reward over and over has heavily diminishing returns to motivation. Random drops in end game content further reduce motivation to craft as you could use the money for something else.

It's not the same reward, just the same type of reward -but it has different stats for different builds you can play. If it was the same, you wouldn't want it in the first place.

"Random drops in endgame" mean that you're already getting ascended that supports your "multiple sets of gear" inventory (so how does it reduce moitivation? And who said you need to craft everything? You have multiple ways to acquire them), while at the same time... it means you're already capable of going for legendary armor itself. So what's that complaint about here? Well, from where I'm sitting, it seems to be the usual: "give me easier rewards because I want them now".


If not legendary then GW2 needs a different way to reward long term commitment with something different than "grind towards build 2 of character 3". Especially since exotic meta builds are relatively close in regards to performance and experimenting is discouraged either way due to cost.

It already has "scaling" long term goals for players, as explained multiple times before, including the post you've just quoted.

btw. if what you want is "long term commitment with something different than grind towards build 2 of character 3", then this ""arugment"" has nothing to do with legendary armor 🤨


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1 minute ago, Boh.4568 said:

A lot of people in these 5 pages have pointed out already that giving a full set of legendaries (armor+weapons+trinkets) for every game mode would be bad because people fossilized on a single game mode would never even try other game modes without a worthy reward. Also if we want to be precise, PvE is covered by raids, why should PvE give two different armor sets because people don't want to raid? Why isn't there a PvE armor set just for fishing? There will always be someone claiming "I only like to do tequatl and leyline daily, where's my legendary set?", there has to be a limit, and the limit is "endgame". Sorry but PvE endgame is raiding. You already have stuff available for lower-tier PvE endgame (accessories, amulet, back), but raids need to have something exclusive, or they would be a joke.

This kind of argument is quite bad faith. There is plenty of PvE endgame that isn't raiding. That's just the most difficult end game content. 

But telling people to do stuff they don't like to do or stop entirely is not necessarily good. Nudging them to try it out can be fine. 500 WvW levels or 6 weeks of full raid CM clears are not nudging though. It means you need to be extremely deeply involved with the content. 

Legendary armor could be a nice reward in between. Leading you on a huge journey across all content. Including all kinds of LW maps, old expansions, core tyria, WvW, Raids, Strikes and do feel free to throw in some PvP.  So long as you can reasonably complete one segment in one extended session (aka ~2h) it could be excellent to lead you around everything multiple times for each piece of armor. 

The important aspect is that it's approachable and each milestone along the way is relatively fast to complete. Drawing cost and duration from the volume of things to do rather than from individual, massive time gates. Like LI or WvW level 500.

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1 hour ago, Rinagal.9235 said:

The point of discussion is exactly to be able to get desired reward for playing the content i like, i thought Sherlock would be able to figure it out after 5 pages of discussion.

So if I only like playing festivals, I should get legendary armor for that? What about someone who only likes to kill ambient creatures? Give him legendary armor? 
The game gives you three ways to get legendary armor. If you like none of them, that’s your fault. 

Edited by yoni.7015
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