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Player housing poll

How would you like player housing to work?  

356 members have voted

  1. 1. What type of housing would you like in GW2?

    • Adding extra features to the existing home instances
    • Adding extra features to the home instances AND a building or space which officially belongs to my character/s
    • More home instances to choose in different locations around the world
    • Placeable houses in a shared map (or multiple maps) seperate from the rest of the world
    • Placable houses in the existing maps
    • Private spaces for each guild member in guild halls
    • A tempoary/portable home like a tent or airship
    • Any of the above
    • I would prefer a different housing system (explain in a comment)
    • I do not want housing and/or I'm fine with the current home instances with no additional features
  2. 2. Which of these features do you want/expect player housing to have in GW2?

    • Gathering nodes like home instances
    • Town services (bank, TP, merchant, crafting stations etc.)
    • A way to show off my achievements, collected skins, mini pets etc.
    • Placable furniture and decorations
    • NPCs come to live there (either like the story NPCs in home instances or ones you choose and place)
    • "Houses" which do not look like a house - e.g. cave, ship, bare ground, forest etc.
    • Furnishings which allow you to build a house - placable walls, doors, floors, stairs etc.
    • A resting buff like Arborstone (or a different type of buff for going home - explain below)
    • The option to invite other players in my party or squad to visit my house
    • The option to make my house public so everyone can come in even if I'm offline
    • The option to keep my house entirely private so no one else can come in
    • Extra item storage, seperate from the bank and inventory
    • The ability to expand the size of the instance over time (adding more rooms or more land to build on or whatever)
    • Other
  3. 3. Would you like houses to be character-specific?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I don't mind either way

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45 minutes ago, Mea.5491 said:

37k views in the forum in 12 hours, thousands of upvotes on reddit

Those numbers certainly don't look big compared to the overall player base of FF14, which is in the millions.

And that doesn't even account for people upvoting multiple times on reddit (with different accounts) to inflate the upvotes, as well as people viewing those housing forums multiple times.

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On 4/16/2022 at 1:56 PM, Tyncale.1629 said:

The house should be instanced, and accessible through a door in some of the existing real estate across the world. Lots and lots of different choices, all over the world. Different houses should have different prices. Like using a door in Wizards Fief would get you a small house/apartment, but using the door in one of the bigger houses in Lions Arch would get you a villa.  This would mean people could choose their spot in the world to be the access point to their house. 


We could have multiple houses not just 1 choice.

On 4/16/2022 at 1:56 PM, Tyncale.1629 said:

House should be fully customizable: furniture but also finishings. Preferably the floorplan too but that is probably asking too much. At least let us pick from several floorplans per piece of real estate (price accordingly),


That sounds like ArcheAge with different blueprints for homes vs ESO where the homes are already built, you just get to decorate in them.

On a side note: like ESO it would be great if we could move some decorations that come with the home around. Kinda wish this was the case in IoR guild hall. 😞 I'm too use to ESO I guess. 😄

On 4/16/2022 at 1:56 PM, Tyncale.1629 said:

A garden should go with the larger more expensive instances. Would be cool if we could truly build stuff there and thus build a jumping puzzle for instance. I think Anet can do it, but it would be expensive and a game within a game.


Most likely anet would just allow you to add garden plots to your home i'd imagine. but I agree having gardens come with some homes would be great! Villas/ Mansions should be big! 1/4 - 1/3 the size (for reference) of IoR. Not everyone plans on rp decorating a house. People can build some amazing things already in the guild hall like art murals, JP's & beetle tracks and you know that would also happen with housing!

Also decorations should be tied to the users account and not limited to 1 house instance! So they can move decorations from one house to another!

On 4/16/2022 at 1:56 PM, Tyncale.1629 said:

Most importantly: the Housing system should provide a huge boost to Loot and Rewards in the game, apart from stuff that you can buy in the store.  Recipes, materials, keys to certain rooms, parts of furniture, entire pieces of (small) furniture, wall papers and so forth should be seeded on to Monsters and Bossess.  Some of it should be bind on pickup, some of it should be sellable.  The cheap and currently redundant lower tier trade mats should be used in lots of recipes, that need a lot of these. Bosses should drop nice no-drop recipes for cool pieces of furniture, some of them common, some of the very rare.  I would even prefer to have some bosses have known (rare) drops. This would give me motivation to do more open world stuff on a regular basis, if I knew I might get a good reward.   Collections could come into play, an d off course store bought stuff so Anet can make a buck.  Also definitely the possibility to show off trophies.  And we should be able to visit eachothers houses, off course through a permit system, see any other MMO who already did this (20) years ago. 


Decorations that you buy in gem store should be around 40 -300 gems, basic to more rare things.  Some of these decorations should be obtainable in game too it's just the grind to get them / gold cost on tp should take longer to acquire/ be more in game gold then buying gems with real money.

On a side note: Some people mentioned having lounge pass like access for TP/bank & crafting stations in villas/ mansions and that is 1 option(& probably a better bargain). Another would be to sell crafting stations individually in the gem store that we can place in homes or have a new currency to acquire these crafting station(decorations) I'll refer you to ESO again on how they do that.

Of course the total cost for just all workstations shouldn't be more then roughly 800gems (100gems per station) but its also unlikely a villa would be 200 gems. So either the stations cost should be less then 100 gems or the villa is going to cost more then 1k gems with crafting stations included.  I'm just trying to ballpark what the cost of this would be knowing anet. There is room for slight modifications to this but you know just brainstorming the possibilities. 😄

On 4/16/2022 at 1:56 PM, Tyncale.1629 said:


I do not think the House should give any (combat) bonuses to Characters, nor Inventory space, or tradeskill benches. Let us keep that in the Public Space. 


Houses could however have there own target dummies (buy in gem store) or achievements. It might be a good way for the average player to learn what their dps really is. 😄


Edited by Kelly.7019
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If they ever do player housing, boy I SURE HOPE they decouple it from the useless and rigid home instances or it's going to be instant failure like the jade bot.

But ever since the game got hosted on amazon, server capacity got slashed in half and this is why we can't have nice things. So unless they're willing to pay amazon more, any attempt at housing would just end up like the jade bot: in wasted potential.

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On 4/16/2022 at 2:27 PM, HonesltlyX.7164 said:

I think adding an additional housing is just redundant at this point. We already have hubs, Guild Halls, and home instances that we already build up in the game. I don't think we need another flavor of home instance.


I think the devs should focus more on expanding upon and improving the home instances that are already available. Maybe add your own personal quarters or housing within the instance or add hub like features like personal storage. Maybe add the ability to customize the instance itself.


I'm tired of seeing more housing. I'm not asking for this.

Yes we do! We need a place we can actually decorate ourselves like we do with our characters. IF anet is going to venture down this path, they mine as well take a serious look at the possibilities too!

The existing personal instances are already decorated. 😞 From what anet has said before with not being able to moves the nodes, adding new locations would be beneficial with a possibility of having other conveniences within them.

Edited by Kelly.7019
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On 4/17/2022 at 12:39 AM, Mea.5491 said:

People who say not many players care about housing should check the current housing drama and new housing lottery bugs in the FFXIV reddit/forum. 😛 37k views in the forum in 12 hours, thousands of upvotes on reddit. Some disappointed people are rage quitting over housing. A lot of passion for a system that is tied to sub fee (when auto-demolition is on, players lose their houses after 45 days of inactivity)!

There is a HUGE demand for housing in MMOs and it would be a gold mine for Anet. Of course most furnishings/decorations should be available in-game but I can imagine them selling some fancy, glowy ones in the Gem Store. ESO sells furnishing packs and housing instances, it makes sense in a game with optional sub. They have collectable housing instances which is much better than the mess in XIV (and I'm saying this as a happy XIV house owner). So much to learn from other games, so many possibilities.

Yea house demolition sounds like not paying your taxes in ArcheAge. but unlike AA or FFXIV i'd imagine GW2 would have instanced housing like ESO for players to own forever!


I don't think gw2 would do the sub thing, they'd just sell stuff in the gem store that seems to work well for guild wars 2 players and please don't make gw2 inventory wars like ESO, NO! on that!

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1 hour ago, rune.9572 said:

If they ever do player housing, boy I SURE HOPE they decouple it from the useless and rigid home instances or it's going to be instant failure like the jade bot.

But ever since the game got hosted on amazon, server capacity got slashed in half and this is why we can't have nice things. So unless they're willing to pay amazon more, any attempt at housing would just end up like the jade bot: in wasted potential.

I agree, this would be sad if all they did was allowed you to decorate in old already decorated personal instances with all the possiblities of end game content that they could bring with a true housing system added to the game.

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On 4/17/2022 at 10:04 AM, TheWaternymphHC.1847 said:

Personally I'm not a big fan of any iteration of housing systems in MMOs.

However I'd be quite happy if GW2's guild halls would be much easier to unlock for solo players and maybe add more variety of decorations. Having an additional or even separate player housing system would probably be end up as very niche.

Guild halls are an iteration of housing systems though. They were designed for cooperative group play not solo play. (So solo you have to ironman guild halls to do anything which sucks.) I also know from experience a lot of players didn't realize this about guild halls beforehand. They were led to the belief they would be able to decorate but permissions excluded them from it, ownership was an issue & the cost of decorating was a turn off to a lot. A solo housing system in theory should be much better.

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On 4/15/2022 at 6:50 PM, Kelly.7019 said:

Actually the option here is to make all those books become placeable interactable decorations. Seems like it would solve that problem real quick. Now you'd just need a solo player housing system to place the books in. 😄

Thing is, they already tested this out in the sunspear "base" thing.  So they can totally set aside an area in the "home" instances for book shelves and just let us store the completed books there and we can interact with them same as every other interactable book they put into this game.  They just haven't done it for some reason and it honestly baffles me that they have not done this yet.

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  • 3 months later...

I would love to see housing in GW2, I also think the best way for GW2 to go would be the same sort of way that ESO went, instances that can easily be accessed by the characters on that account. 


The house should be instanced, and accessible through a door in some of the existing real estate across the world. Lots and lots of different choices, all over the world. Different houses should have different prices.

I believe maybe allow people to have 1 free home, like they do in ESO, I believe the very first and most basic house (inn room) is free. I believe this would be a good idea to possibly get more people interested in housing by giving them a taste for them to see what it is like. 


House should be fully customizable: furniture but also finishing's. Preferably the floorplan too but that is probably asking too much. At least let us pick from several floorplans per piece of real estate (price accordingly),

I believe the wall / floor styles could be customizable, furniture could be crafted, maybe add furniture recipes to current crafting professions 


A garden should go with the larger more expensive instances. Would be cool if we could truly build stuff there and thus build a jumping puzzle for instance. I think Anet can do it, but it would be expensive and a game within a game.



Most likely anet would just allow you to add garden plots to your home I'd imagine. but I agree having gardens come with some homes would be great! Villas/ Mansions should be big! 1/4 - 1/3 the size (for reference) of IoR. Not everyone plans on rp decorating a house. People can build some amazing things already in the guild hall like art murals, JP's & beetle tracks and you know that would also happen with housing!

Also decorations should be tied to the users account and not limited to 1 house instance! So they can move decorations from one house to another!


I believe there should be room for gardens and growing plots, I class a garden as an area outside that you could decorate, I class a growing plot as a area where you can grow stuff from the seeds. Now maybe that's just my classification, sorry Farmer. I do agree with Small houses having 1 growing plot, medium houses having 2, large houses having 3.  


Recipes, materials, keys to certain rooms, parts of furniture, entire pieces of (small) furniture, wall papers and so forth should be seeded on to Monsters and Bossess.  Some of it should be bind on pickup, some of it should be sellable.  The cheap and currently redundant lower tier trade mats should be used in lots of recipes, that need a lot of these. Bosses should drop nice no-drop recipes for cool pieces of furniture, some of them common, some of the very rare.  I would even prefer to have some bosses have known (rare) drops


Decorations that you buy in gem store should be around 40 -300 gems, basic to more rare things.  Some of these decorations should be obtainable in game too it's just the grind to get them / gold cost on tp should take longer to acquire/ be more in game gold then buying gems with real money.

In my opinion both are good methods, and used in other MMOS. I agree with both of these.

Edited by Zechie.4039
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On 4/11/2022 at 10:46 AM, Fueki.4753 said:

I'd rather have Arenanet spend their resources on different things than a third iteration of housing.

And yes, no matter how much one may dislike Guild Halls and home instances, they are iterations of housing. Until Arenanet officially says otherwise, that is not up to debate.

Guild Halls are only available to high ranked players in Guilds. that cuts off the vast majority of the players from ever even experiencing it.  I have decorations in my bank right now that I can never use because I dont fit the rank of a decorator in the guild. 

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This is obviously a biased poll. The first question has a No Housing option yet the following two questions have no answers reflecting that. Booo

And if Anet go ahead with this, which I doubt they would, and try to sell it as a main feature in the next expansion like fishing in EoD, it marks the end of my support for this game. I am totally not interested in fishing and yet I bought EoD is already a bad decision. Not going to do that a second time. Not continuing with this game could be a blessing in disguise.

Honestly, if I want to fish or build a home, there are hundreds of way better fishing and housing games out there and why would I buy one from ANet? Nope.

Edited by MintyMin.2718
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Rift's housing was fun. It was like building in No Man Sky, but better and with more freedom since you could build the house you wanted. Instances of different locations were sold on the store, which would benefit the developers, but also lot of decorations were also a thing. I would love to see more of the old content get rare decoration drops to collect and use.  

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1 hour ago, Ausar.9542 said:

Guild Halls are only available to high ranked players in Guilds. that cuts off the vast majority of the players from ever even experiencing it.  I have decorations in my bank right now that I can never use because I dont fit the rank of a decorator in the guild. 

I agree with this, Guild Halls are only available to high ranked players in guilds, and the common guild member has no say in anything guild related. Lets be honest there. There are options to establish your own guild, but its not the same as player housing. 

2 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

I dont doubt that housing is likely to be added at some point, likely as an expansion feature. The salt when it is VERY heavily monetized in every possible way will be interesting to see.

I would hope it is not all monetized in every possible way, I would hope that there is at least some sort of balance, at least add some recipes to the current crafters, and boss drops for rarer items. (Believe I quoted this before) 
I think if housing is done right it could be very popular with a lot of people, maybe its not everyone's ideal thing, but then they have the option to not be involved in it, everyone is different and likes different things. 


This is obviously a biased poll. The first question has a No Housing option yet the following two questions have no answers reflecting that. Booo

I believe this was already explained previously, Ill just quote it for you. 


Because the forum's poll system is very limited and does not allow the option to skip a question.

I did consider using Survey Monkey to make a proper poll with more options, but that would take a lot more time to set up and I don't care that much, plus I'm not sure how many people would be happy with a topic that's mainly a link to an external site, or how to display the results.

But both the other questions have 'other' or 'I don't care' options.


And if Anet go ahead with this, which I doubt they would, and try to sell it as a main feature in the next expansion like fishing in EoD, it marks the end of my support for this game. I am totally not interested in fishing and yet I bought EoD is already a bad decision. Not going to do that a second time. Not continuing with this game could be a blessing in disguise.
Honestly, if I want to fish or build a home, there are hundreds of way better fishing and housing games out there and why would I buy one from ANet? Nope.

It could be an optional thing, like I believe fishing is an optional thing, I don't think there is anything forcing you to fish to be honest, I believe there's a few achievements, but I don't think its a necessity. Could be mistaken there.
My point you would have the option to participate or not to participate, you wouldn't be forced to do so, so you could just not participate. 

Edited by Zechie.4039
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8 minutes ago, Zechie.4039 said:

I agree with this, Guild Halls are only available to high ranked players in guilds, and the common guild member has no say in anything guild related. Lets be honest there. There are options to establish your own guild, but its not the same as player housing. 


I would hope it is not all monetized in every possible way, I would hope that there is at least some sort of balance, at least add some recipes to the current crafters, and boss drops for rarer items. (Believe I quoted this before) 
I think if housing is done right it could be very popular with a lot of people, maybe its not everyone's ideal thing, but then they have the option to not be involved in it, everyone is different and likes different things. 

I havent seen much in the way of gliders, mounts, skiffs, or jade bots earnable in game beyond a starter skin for each. Pretty much everything other than those starter skins has been a gemstore item...and usually not cheap.

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11 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

I havent seen much in the way of gliders, mounts, skiffs, or jade bots earnable in game beyond a starter skin for each. Pretty much everything other than those starter skins has been a gemstore item...and usually not cheap.

Yeah again I think a balance would need to be established and it not be 100% gemstore purchases, because I myself would not support something like that. I think an 80% in game obtainable recipes and 20% gemstore purchasable items balance would be ok.
I would hope that balance would be carefully looked at thought through and established carefully, and not end up as 100% gemstore purchases, as I said I myself would not support that.
The more people who can participate in something they wish to, the more popular it is, which I think is a good thing. 

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35 minutes ago, Zechie.4039 said:

Yeah again I think a balance would need to be established and it not be 100% gemstore purchases, because I myself would not support something like that. I think an 80% in game obtainable recipes and 20% gemstore purchasable items balance would be ok.
I would hope that balance would be carefully looked at thought through and established carefully, and not end up as 100% gemstore purchases, as I said I myself would not support that.
The more people who can participate in something they wish to, the more popular it is, which I think is a good thing. 

Dont get me wrong, I am not arguing for it to be gemstore focused. I do, however, believe that is what will happen. Pretty much every time players push for a feature from other MMOs, such as mounts, fishing, boats, it gets implemented as a source of revenue when here.

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4 hours ago, Ausar.9542 said:

Guild Halls are only available to high ranked players in Guilds. that cuts off the vast majority of the players from ever even experiencing it.  I have decorations in my bank right now that I can never use because I dont fit the rank of a decorator in the guild. 

You do know that it is easy to get your own guild hall? IoR is the perfect hall for small guilds or individuals who want more bank storage space and a place to decorate and build where they can call their own. A decorator in a guild has limited rights to the Hall unless you are the leader as well.

I am in and out of many max level guilds and never a decorator in any of them. But I dare say my personal hall is so flooded with decorations that it beats many of them combined. I mean if you are that much of an enthusiast in building and decorating, you will want to have you own guild hall. Otherwise it's just an adrenaline to have something new and that will died out very quickly after you get what you asked for.

Over the years, I can see that many are not interested in our halls decoration or any hall decorations for that matter. And, despite of the hundreds of max guilds out there, how many leaders actually bothered to build up their halls? Well, that's because they know 95% of their guild members are more interested in the buffs and nodes and of course, to ping leggies in guild chats 😂

So why waste resources when the interest is only in a teeny weeny percentage of the player base that makes the most noise in the forums? > *Pointing at Warclaw nerfs and fishing* Might as well spend those resources to fix those long term bugs and glitches and improve on what we have now.

Edited by MintyMin.2718
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2 hours ago, MintyMin.2718 said:

You do know that it is easy to get your own guild hall? IoR is the perfect hall for small guilds or individuals who want more bank storage space and a place to decorate and build where they can call their own. A decorator in a guild has limited rights to the Hall unless you are the leader as well.

We are talking about a system that requires little work though, that everyone has the ability to unlock easily. I believe to get a guild hall you must be a level 80 player and have a guild with other level 80 players in, possibly have a few upgrades, and then go on a "mission" which needs a few people 9, I believe you have said, you also need 150 Favor, and 100 gold. 
I also did say people had the option to make their own guilds earlier if you noticed, but also agreed with others who said it wasn't the same thing, and it is not the same thing.

2 hours ago, MintyMin.2718 said:

I am in 4 max level guilds but not a decorator in any of them. But I dare say my personal hall is so flooded with decorations that it beats all the four other guild halls combined. By a mile. I mean if you are that much of an enthusiast in building and decorating, you will want to have you own guild hall.

Ok well maybe you are satisfied with that but other people have their own opinion and may not be satisfied with that. Its clearly a thing people want, and have their own views upon. I personally see no issue with having instantized housing, I don't see what harm it could do.  If people want to participate in it they have the choice to do so, if people like yourself do not wish to participate in it then you don't have to. 

2 hours ago, MintyMin.2718 said:

Otherwise it's just an adrenaline to have something new and that will died out very quickly after you get what you asked for.

I think that's a very judgmental comment to make, you don't know this, it may be popular for a very long time, other MMOs have shown that it can be very popular and people are attracted to it.  

2 hours ago, MintyMin.2718 said:

Over the years, I can see that many are not interested in your decorations or any decorations for that matter. And, despite of the hundreds of max guilds out there, how many leaders actually bothered to build up their halls? Well, that's because they know 95% of their guild members are more interested in the buffs and nodes and of course, to ping leggies in guild chats 😂

Considering the amount of people in this that are saying they want housing I doubt its only them that think housing would be something they would be interested in. 
Also just to point out, other MMO's have proven housing to be a popular past time players are interested in, some investing a lot in time wise, and in some cases there is the option to purchase items with RL money, but its not a necessity. 
I'm almost 100% sure there's a number of YouTube and Twitch channels dedicated to housing in different MMO's. So clearly it is something that is popular and people are interested in.
You may dislike something but you don't have to participate in it, you also don't have to be against others having the opportunity to participate in it, because you yourself do not like it.


So why waste resources when the interest is only in a teeny weeny percentage of the player base that makes the most noise in the forums? > *Pointing at Warclaw nerfs and fishing* Might as well spend those resources to fix those long term bugs and glitches and improve on what we have now.

Calling something others see as something they would be interested in a waste is quite dismissive of their thoughts and opinions.
Again just because you dislike something and do not see the point in it, dose not mean it is a waste. 

3 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

Dont get me wrong, I am not arguing for it to be gemstore focused. I do, however, believe that is what will happen. Pretty much every time players push for a feature from other MMOs, such as mounts, fishing, boats, it gets implemented as a source of revenue when here.

As I said I would hope it wouldn't, I would hope it would be far more balanced and not be 100% reliant on the gemstore, I would hope a 80% in game and 20% gemstore balance could be reached, and the 20% being things that are not necessities, I would hope. If it did end up with the majority of it reliant on gemstore purchases I would be against it, I wouldn't support it. 

Edited by Zechie.4039
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