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Please add skirmish claim tickets to the jade sliver vendors


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Only Anet has the numbers to set the exact price but I think it would be great if you could buy wvw skirmish tickets from the Jade Sliver vendors.  Based on my own experience jade slivers accumulate very slowly so, at say 10 slivers per ticket, it would still take a very very long time to accumulate in the numbers required for things like wvw legendary armor.  Dedicated WvW players would get a slight boost in claim tickets, thereby affording them more value from buying EOD, and while dedicated OW players would still need to play some wvw, they could do some of the grinding while playing modes they enjoy rather than, or in addition to, grinding for skirmish tickets in wvw.  The prospect of legendary armor might even be enough to lure some new players into wvw without burning them out on grinding claim tickets.  (The way the wvw claim tickets are distributed forces you to play a lot of hours of wvw in a given week in order to earn any significant number of them, and that caused me to burn out because it required more gameplay than I can afford to do without impacting other aspects of my life.  I really wish they would change that but that's a different topic.)

The WvW legendary armor has the same skin as its ascended version, and it is nothing fancy, so there isn't any issue with prestige.  You can earn claim tickets in WvW just by participating, which can amount to nothing more than killing veteran NPCs like sentries and camp guards so there is no lowering of necessary skill levels.

Helping more OW players obtain the QOL benefit of legendary armor would only benefit the ability of the player base to be able to try out the builds that the more hardcore players would like them to bring to group content so everyone wins.

If there is some issue with using Jade Slivers, how about creating a new jade bot module for the purpose, it seems like it would only be a slight variation on the existing modules.  That would allow Anet to completely control what you got claim tickets for, for example if you wanted to be miserly you could only give tickets for killing champion level creatures.

Edited by blp.3489
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Nope, want wvw rewards, play wvw. These threads with the sole purpose of trying to get every reward in the game while playing any minimal amount of content are ridiculous.


You're literally using:

1 hour ago, blp.3489 said:

You can earn claim tickets in WvW just by participating, which can amount to nothing more than killing veteran NPCs like sentries and camp guards so there is no lowering of necessary skill levels.

as an argument here and despite that, it still seems to be too much. Then you'll go around and say it's not about the effort it requires. 😄 I mean... you said it yourself: it's just that easy! Go do it.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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18 minutes ago, Serephen.3420 said:

Yeah it's gonna be a no from me.


If getting tickets are as easy as you say then you should have no problem with how it is.

Yes it is easy in the sense that as long as you play 20+ hours (actually I forget the numbers) of wvw each week over a period of months you will eventually get pieces of legendary armor.  I got five pieces.  But eventually stopped enjoying playing the game altogether.  The time commitment interfered with other things in my life.  It is a game, in my opinion you shouldn't have to spend a minimum numbers of hours per week for months playing a particular game mode to "earn" a QOL item.  That is to say that I see no valid reason that should be the case.  I don't see how Anet or anyone else benefits from the status quo.  The raid armor is special, people associate it with prestige, fine.  But if just spending a certain number of hours in wvw doing nothing particularly challenging is "deserving" of receiving a QOL item I don't understand why no possible OW activity can be deserving.

And the dozen or so of you who jump into every similar thread to say "things are the way they are so they should stay the way they are" (if you want a particular reward do the prescribed activity) maybe you can just skip it this time around and not turn this into dozens of pages of you saying that over and over and over.  Some people understand that change can bring improvement.  If there is a valid reason for things not to change, other than "that is the way things are" then go ahead and explain it but just skip it with the status quo should never change no matter what good things might come out of it.

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41 minutes ago, blp.3489 said:

Yes it is easy in the sense that as long as you play 20+ hours (actually I forget the numbers) of wvw each week over a period of months you will eventually get pieces of legendary armor.  I got five pieces.  But eventually stopped enjoying playing the game altogether.  The time commitment interfered with other things in my life.  It is a game, in my opinion you shouldn't have to spend a minimum numbers of hours per week for months playing a particular game mode to "earn" a QOL item.  That is to say that I see no valid reason that should be the case.  I don't see how Anet or anyone else benefits from the status quo.  The raid armor is special, people associate it with prestige, fine.  But if just spending a certain number of hours in wvw doing nothing particularly challenging is "deserving" of receiving a QOL item I don't understand why no possible OW activity can be deserving.

And the dozen or so of you who jump into every similar thread to say "things are the way they are so they should stay the way they are" (if you want a particular reward do the prescribed activity) maybe you can just skip it this time around and not turn this into dozens of pages of you saying that over and over and over.  Some people understand that change can bring improvement.  If there is a valid reason for things not to change, other than "that is the way things are" then go ahead and explain it but just skip it with the status quo should never change no matter what good things might come out of it.


I would like to see wvw become comparably profitable to ow pve as well, but some things seem like pipe dreams 😅

Edited by Serephen.3420
Replied to wrong thread, thought it was transmutation charges😅
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10 hours ago, blp.3489 said:

Yes it is easy in the sense that as long as you play 20+ hours (actually I forget the numbers) of wvw each week over a period of months you will eventually get pieces of legendary armor.  I got five pieces.  But eventually stopped enjoying playing the game altogether.  The time commitment interfered with other things in my life.  It is a game, in my opinion you shouldn't have to spend a minimum numbers of hours per week for months playing a particular game mode to "earn" a QOL item.  That is to say that I see no valid reason that should be the case.  I don't see how Anet or anyone else benefits from the status quo.  The raid armor is special, people associate it with prestige, fine.  But if just spending a certain number of hours in wvw doing nothing particularly challenging is "deserving" of receiving a QOL item I don't understand why no possible OW activity can be deserving.

And the dozen or so of you who jump into every similar thread to say "things are the way they are so they should stay the way they are" (if you want a particular reward do the prescribed activity) maybe you can just skip it this time around and not turn this into dozens of pages of you saying that over and over and over.  Some people understand that change can bring improvement.  If there is a valid reason for things not to change, other than "that is the way things are" then go ahead and explain it but just skip it with the status quo should never change no matter what good things might come out of it.

There is no minimum 20 hours per week to eventually earn wvw armor. Less than half an hour per day is sufficient. Sure you get there quicker with more play time but that is true of most, if not all, rewards in games. If you cannot play even 20 minutes per day due to real life (completely understandable) then you really arent going to get much use out of legendary armor anyway.

Edited by Ashen.2907
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11 hours ago, blp.3489 said:

Yes it is easy in the sense that as long as you play 20+ hours (actually I forget the numbers) of wvw each week over a period of months you will eventually get pieces of legendary armor.

Heavens forbid that players actually have to engage in content, over time, in order to get "legendary" items.  🙄

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In the initial tier of skirmish reward track chests you get 3 claim tickets per chest, in the final tier you get 14 with 20 in the last chest.  Playing the whole wooden tier gets you 17 claim tickets.  If you played through the wooden tier each week, one hour of playtime, it would take you 65 weeks to earn enough tickets (1095) for the the legendary war insight purchase, so well over a year to get a single piece of armor. It would take 9 years to get a full set of one weight.  Nine years of playing one hour every week.  In order to get the armor in this lifetime you need to play not just a lot of hours but a lot of hours each week, about 14 or so hours to be receiving the 20 tickets in the final chest.  For may people playing 14 hours per week of anything every week is a lot let alone playing a non-preferred game mode.

It the skirmish ticket reward track didn't reset back to wood every week when you haven't finished the track I actually would have no problem continuing to get the armor in wvw.

Edited by blp.3489
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1 hour ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Heavens forbid that players actually have to engage in content, over time, in order to get "legendary" items.  🙄

But does the current system really encourage you to engage WvW over time? Later chests reward more, so other than the week to week +1 bonus, it encourages binging WvW during bonus weeks rather than earning the first chest or two a week balanced with playing other things.

It'd be nice if the currencies were normalized across chests, so you actually got more out of regularly playing a modest amount week to week.

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On 4/14/2022 at 4:40 PM, blp.3489 said:

In the initial tier of skirmish reward track chests you get 3 claim tickets per chest, in the final tier you get 14 with 20 in the last chest.  Playing the whole wooden tier gets you 17 claim tickets.  If you played through the wooden tier each week, one hour of playtime, it would take you 65 weeks to earn enough tickets (1095) for the the legendary war insight purchase, so well over a year to get a single piece of armor. It would take 9 years to get a full set of one weight.  Nine years of playing one hour every week.  In order to get the armor in this lifetime you need to play not just a lot of hours but a lot of hours each week, about 14 or so hours to be receiving the 20 tickets in the final chest.  For may people playing 14 hours per week of anything every week is a lot let alone playing a non-preferred game mode.

It the skirmish ticket reward track didn't reset back to wood every week when you haven't finished the track I actually would have no problem continuing to get the armor in wvw.

See, all you want here is more immediate gratification, basically "give me those rewards faster", on top of "give me additional rewards for whatever limited part of the game I'm already playing anyways". Legendary gear is an optional long term goal one can set for themselves. If you play less, you'll obviously get it slower. I don't see how that's somehow an argument to make it easier/faster. Want it? Play the game and you'll get it. You think it's not worth it? Then don't get it and keep playing with exotics*/ascended, this is a perfectly valid way to play gw2.


*this post was written before the thread got moved from general discussion to wvw 😄 

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1 hour ago, Gibson.4036 said:

But does the current system really encourage you to engage WvW over time? Later chests reward more, so other than the week to week +1 bonus, it encourages binging WvW during bonus weeks rather than earning the first chest or two a week balanced with playing other things.

It'd be nice if the currencies were normalized across chests, so you actually got more out of regularly playing a modest amount week to week.

It's really not as unbalanced as it sounds. Later chests give more tickets per chest, but also require more pips (which equals more time playing) per chest.


Normalizing the ticket gain per 10 pips, you start with 1.7 in wood, already jump up to 2.08 in bronze, and then slowly climbs up to a max of 2.73. Yes, you do get more tickets if you cram all your wvw time into one week instead of spreading it across several, but the time you "save" by doing that isn't all that dramatic, especially considering that the most drastic jump up (from wood to bronze) already comes very early in the week (after 100 of a total of 1450 pips).


Personally I play wvw very casually. Some weeks I get up to silver, some weeks I don't even finish wood. I think I've hit the diamond chests once since the introduction of skirmish chests, and I don't remember ever finishing them. Nevertheless I've accumulated enough tickets over time to have crafted 8 pieces of legendary armor, and bought another 4 precursor pieces waiting for the day when I have enough tickest to turn them into legendary. It certainly isn't a "get this right now" kind of project, but you do get there eventually if you play the game mode.

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22 minutes ago, Rasimir.6239 said:

. It certainly isn't a "get this right now" kind of project, but you do get there eventually if you play the game mode.

You hit the mail on the head And this is the crux of the issue.  People want what an area provides without playing that area.  

No for me.  

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I agree, since the Jade Bot gave WvW players access to all major OW currencies it would only be fair if it also gave OW players access to all major WvW currencies.

Also, interesting to see how many people here claim to be of the opinion that "if you want the reward of X content then you have to play X content" but on the other hand don't seem to take issue with it if it's the other way around. Looks like "all pretext no principle" to me.

Edited by Tails.9372
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And that also means the jade bot should give LIs as well then?

12 minutes ago, Tails.9372 said:

I agree, since the Jade Bot gave WvW players access to all major OW currencies it would only be fair if it also gave OW players access to all major WvW currencies.

Also, interesting to see how many people here claim to be of the opinion that "if you want the reward of X content then you have to play X content" but on the other hand don't seem to take issue with it if it's the other way around. Looks like "all pretext no principle" to me.


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8 minutes ago, Strider Pj.2193 said:

And that also means the jade bot should give LIs as well then?

It would only be fair to share the major loot for all the content involved but I also wouldn't be opposed to restricting the bot for the parts of the game that want to be excluded either.

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It is interesting that the Jade Sliver module and vendors largely already serve to allow you to get alternate currencies without playing the associated content, e.g. bandit crests without playing the Silverwastes, Geodes without playing Dry Top, etc.

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1 hour ago, Tails.9372 said:

Also, interesting to see how many people here claim to be of the opinion that "if you want the reward of X content then you have to play X content" but on the other hand don't seem to take issue with it if it's the other way around.

I don't understand the point you're trying to make here. Who and why is supposed to take issue with what specifically? Or is this just some weird hypothetical?

Edited by Sobx.1758
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1 hour ago, Tails.9372 said:

I agree, since the Jade Bot gave WvW players access to all major OW currencies it would only be fair if it also gave OW players access to all major WvW currencies.

Also, interesting to see how many people here claim to be of the opinion that "if you want the reward of X content then you have to play X content" but on the other hand don't seem to take issue with it if it's the other way around. Looks like "all pretext no principle" to me.

Honest question here, what open world currencies, and how, does a jade bot give access to in wvw? I don't get any OW specific currencies from my jade bot when I play wvw.

Edited by Ashen.2907
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