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Add romance to the playable character in story?

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9 hours ago, Cynder.2509 said:

Interesting idea but I doubt this is possible to implement because 
1. This isn't Dragon Age 
2. what if your romance interest gets killed off in the story because the majority playerbase hates them /you know who I'm referring to probably)? 

No spoilers, but I think he's safe...

I think romance for this game should be just left for players to ship as they see fit. We can already imagine whatever we want with NPC's or even between our own player characters. The only issue is if ANet decides to throw us a curve ball. Like if you ship your character with Caithe and they drop a love interest for her in there somewhere...or on Canach...or on Braham (I ship my main character with Braham, btw). I suppose we could just...ignore it...in our heads and carry on with our ship, but it does kind of throw a wrench into the roleplay department. Thus it's my hope that ANet leaves the majority of the core companions single for just that reason. They even made Logan available, which I'm sure made a loooot of shippers happy. (I know there's Kass and Jory, but they've been a thing from pretty much the beginning so I never even gave any of my characters a chance there, lol.)

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36 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

That is an outfit

It's not just an outfit (although you can buy that separately). It's the outfit, a name change contract, wedding bouquet, total makeover kit and 5 teleport to friends. In other words everything you need to dress your character up and invite some friends for an in-game wedding, including changing your character's name to match their partner.

What there isn't is a marriage system. Buying and using the wedding package doesn't actually change anything except how your character looks and their name. There's no way for the game to know your character is married to another (either an NPC or another player) and no benefits for doing so. In some games player characters can marry each other and then they get benefits ranging from a small XP boost for playing together to things like shared houses and the ability to share account bound items. GW2 doesn't do any of that.

But that's never stopped players dressing up, getting some friends together and having a wedding in the game, even before that pack was added. Some people do it as part of long-running RP storylines, some do it to celebrate their real-life weddings (I think some of the developers have done that too). That's a tradition as old as MMOs. My sister used to have a side-business in Ultima Online as a wedding planner. She and a friend would recommend suitable venues, provide decorations (you could drop any item on the ground in that game and it would be visible for other players), she would make clothes and her friend would craft some rings and run a ceremony, then everyone would celebrate. Again the game didn't acknowledge it and nothing officially changed, but players had fun with it.

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19 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:

But that's never stopped players dressing up, getting some friends together and having a wedding in the game, even before that pack was added. Some people do it as part of long-running RP storylines, some do it to celebrate their real-life weddings (I think some of the developers have done that too). That's a tradition as old as MMOs. My sister used to have a side-business in Ultima Online as a wedding planner. She and a friend would recommend suitable venues, provide decorations (you could drop any item on the ground in that game and it would be visible for other players), she would make clothes and her friend would craft some rings and run a ceremony, then everyone would celebrate. Again the game didn't acknowledge it and nothing officially changed, but players had fun with it.

I love my husband, but none of my characters would ever want to marry any of his characters. 😆

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21 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:

It's not just an outfit (although you can buy that separately). It's the outfit, a name change contract, wedding bouquet, total makeover kit and 5 teleport to friends. In other words everything you need to dress your character up and invite some friends for an in-game wedding, including changing your character's name to match their partner.

What there isn't is a marriage system. Buying and using the wedding package doesn't actually change anything except how your character looks and their name. There's no way for the game to know your character is married to another (either an NPC or another player) and no benefits for doing so. In some games player characters can marry each other and then they get benefits ranging from a small XP boost for playing together to things like shared houses and the ability to share account bound items. GW2 doesn't do any of that.

But that's never stopped players dressing up, getting some friends together and having a wedding in the game, even before that pack was added. Some people do it as part of long-running RP storylines, some do it to celebrate their real-life weddings (I think some of the developers have done that too). That's a tradition as old as MMOs. My sister used to have a side-business in Ultima Online as a wedding planner. She and a friend would recommend suitable venues, provide decorations (you could drop any item on the ground in that game and it would be visible for other players), she would make clothes and her friend would craft some rings and run a ceremony, then everyone would celebrate. Again the game didn't acknowledge it and nothing officially changed, but players had fun with it.

Since you teleport to the person not the other way around how do those stones in any way help invite people to your wedding location?

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19 hours ago, DragonMoon.6098 said:

OMG my Sith Inquisitor loves her Khemmy but NOT THAT WAY! 🙉

As much as I love romance content in games, it's not something that I think could be implemented in this game...at least implemented and done well. I'm quite happy with headcanons and fanfiction. You can imagine whatever you want with the NPC's in-game already. 

Same but I wouldn't mind more Npcs hitting on the commander.

Also since Logan and Theron Shan share the same VA, you are technically romancing him in SWTOR.:classic_wink:

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17 minutes ago, DragonMoon.6098 said:

I love my husband, but none of my characters would ever want to marry any of his characters. 😆

I assume the people who do this are also the type to make characters based on themselves.

I think I'd have the same problem. My husband doesn't typically go into as much detail as I do with inventing personalities for his characters (or at least he doesn't tell me about them) but from what I know of them I don't think any of my characters would be interested in any of his. Our asura might collaborate on a research project but that's about it. Even then I'd worry about what they'd get up to.

I'm also kind of surprised so many people would want existing NPCs are romance options. When I saw the topic I was imagining new NPCs being introduced to become romance options.

1 minute ago, TripLight.7692 said:

Same but I wouldn't mind more Npcs hitting on the commander.

Also since Logan and Theron Shan share the same VA, you are technically romancing him in SWTOR.:classic_wink:

Logan is voiced by Troy Baker. If we're going to get into "all his characters are technically the same person" that's going to be...quite a list. 😄

For that matter the human male PC is Nolan North and the female sylvari is Jennifer Hale so that could be similarly interesting.

(Playing GW2 while my husband was playing KOTOR behind me was weird, every time Bastilla spoke it was like my sylvari was impersonating Queen Jennah.)

16 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

Since you teleport to the person not the other way around how do those stones in any way help invite people to your wedding location?

To be honest I'm not sure, but I've always assumed that's the intention of including them in the package. Otherwise I'm not sure why they're included.

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29 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:

I assume the people who do this are also the type to make characters based on themselves.

I think I'd have the same problem. My husband doesn't typically go into as much detail as I do with inventing personalities for his characters (or at least he doesn't tell me about them) but from what I know of them I don't think any of my characters would be interested in any of his. Our asura might collaborate on a research project but that's about it. Even then I'd worry about what they'd get up to.

I'm also kind of surprised so many people would want existing NPCs are romance options. When I saw the topic I was imagining new NPCs being introduced to become romance options.

My husband tends to play...odd ducks, lol. He likes to make over-the-top silly characters to get reactions from other players. Like he just recently created a charr necro by the name of Vomitus Maximus. Then there are the serious characters... He used to play tabletop games and he's always played the same sort of character archetype. Hmmm, if I remember right, I think he said that Sandor Clegane would be an accurate description of the archetype he plays. So yeah...definitely nothing my characters would be interested in hitching themselves to. 

I can see new NPC's being introduced...however for my characters, the romances develop over time through their trials and tribulations...and the NPC's we've had for the last 9 years (in-game time) are the pool for them. My main (Norn) ends up with Braham (relationship really started to change about mid-way thru S4 after he's started working things out...pretty much after they are stranded together on that mists island thingy...don't tell me that scene wasn't overtly romantic, lol). My Sylvari I ship with Canach...I totally headcanon that they were the ones keeping each other in check against Mordremoth during HoT, and that a relationship developed out of that (they aren't together any longer tho...the relationship didn't last much past Season 4). I have a shorter Norn that I've started to ship with Logan after his new-found freedom from Jenna. Even though she's a shorter Norn, she's still taller than he is and I just think it's adorkable picturing him with this giant wall of a woman, lol. Their relationship isn't super-serious or anything tho. I have a human revenant that did have a thing with Trahearne (we know how that ended)...but after she went with renegade spec, she changed a lot...she's all sorts of messed up in the head and has a new-found attraction for charr...which is weird for a human, right? LOL. 

You can tell I think about this stuff entirely too much, haha. But that's why I think the game is better off leaving stuff open for player interpretation...and also why I hope that ANet leaves the majority of the core companions single.

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1 minute ago, DragonMoon.6098 said:

(relationship really started to change about mid-way thru S4 after he's started working things out...pretty much after they are stranded together on that Mists island thingy...don't tell me that scene wasn't overtly romantic, lol).

I am so glad I am not the only one who got that feeling too!:classic_biggrin:

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3 hours ago, TripLight.7692 said:

I am so glad I am not the only one who got that feeling too!:classic_biggrin:

I may have already taken screenshots of the sky in that scene to use a background for fanart because you are DEFINITELY not the only one to get that feeling, lol.

There's a lot of dialogue surrounding him and the player character throughout S4 and beyond that can very easily be interpreted as romance stuff. Even before S4, with his clearly displaced anger at the PC...it feels like there's more to his anger than just being upset over the death of his mother...like obviously there's unresolved...stuff and he's taking it out on the PC because he has no idea which way is up. I dunno. None of that has to be interpreted that way, of course, but it's not hard at all to make that connection and then develop a headcanon. 

Again, I think about this stuff entirely too much, lol. That's the fanartist/fanfiction writer in me...that's my excuse!

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4 minutes ago, SinisterSlay.6973 said:

We'll never lose him. He's every NPC on Grothmar Valley

I'm a fan of Braham (obvs), but his VA is FLIPPING EVERYWHERE, lol. From festivals and "Hey, hey it's WintersDAY!!!!" to Grawl and "oot OOT!" And he is indeed every other male Charr. 😅

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I don't see them ever adding a romance subplot for the MC to the game, there are just too many issues with it. If people don't like romance they will take issue with something like that being pushed onto their character and even if they do: make the character of the romantic interest to flat and people will take issue with it, make it not flat enouth and people will take issue with whatever character trait stands out. Also for that sub-story to matter A-Net would also have to write multiple versions of the entire story going forward to reflect the players choices which I just can't see happening. 

And it's not that they couldn't have done it. They just screwed it up from the very beginning by making your character also "the comander" instead of making "the comanders from every playable race" their own characters you just happen to take over during the "golden path" e.g. it's heavily implied that Zojja and the Asuran MC are rather close to each other (she even gave you the "you've always been an important part of my life" speech in S2) and most people probably wouldn't have cared if the two were actually in a relationship as long as A: the story of the game would not be shoving it constantly in their face and B: if there were a clear distinction between the protagonist of the story and the player created character used for the rest of the game but like I said that opportunity is long gone and is also not coming back unless they go for a completely new cast of characters with the story going forward which I can't really see happening either.

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