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The Skyscale Quest Line Is WAY Too Grindy, And Insulting [Merged]

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Well. I have now completed the Skyscale achievements, all of my legendary achievements and have all legendary armour, weapons and trinkets. I am glad that it was grindy because now I seem to be twiddling my thumbs as I can't find something to work towards.... I like that the game gave me long tasks to complete. I would much rather have long achievement chains over getting something quickly and then not having much else to work towards....

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49 minutes ago, RadiantWolf.2058 said:

Well, yeah. If lots of people are complaining about the same thing though then devs usually should look into it.

General complaining will always happen.


I've played most MMORPGs at least a little and there hasn't been a single one that didn't have a salty community.


A business should try to keep their finger on the pulse of their customer base. If ANet had implemented skyscale acquisition in a manner more interesting to you, or I, it would be a different subset of the community complaining.

And to your more specific points, I 100% support the idea of fun future rewards behind fun future content. Not necessarily easier, just different. But that is not what this thread is about and I think you will find that some portion of the pushback you are receiving in this thread is because the thread itself starts on the premise of ANet insulting the playerbase. If you had a thread where you simply suggested new rewards and interesting ways to get them you would probably not get much debate from those debating your points now. Sobx, I assume, would want the game to continue to add new interesting things to do in game, and cool rewards for doing them. As would I. Of course there might be others who would argue because they dont want the specific items you suggest added and still others who do want them, but not your suggested acquisition method.

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Well for starters Griffon > Skyscale.

Secondly, the "return to" achievements significantly reduced the grindyness of the Skyscale immensely. I cleared the 4th collection in less than a week.

The time gated bit was a non-issue I just logged in every day and did it. I don't see this mount as a "slap in the face" or an "insult" because it was fairly simple to work towards and didn't really require much grind outside of my normal activities.


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3 hours ago, RadiantWolf.2058 said:

I kinda feel like you are arguing with me for the sake of arguing with me.


I am not saying that ArenaNet should remove the grind for Skyscale or change it. It's kinda too late for that.


I *am* saying that I have not personally heard of anyone enjoying the Skyscale grind for its own sake, they just kept at it for the mount at the end. And I hope that in the future ArenaNet will make unlocks of this scope more dynamic, diverse, and interesting.


(I do not include Legendary armor in that, since it is statistically the same as Ascended and does not change the way you interact with the game as dramatically as a mount.)

I enjoyed the skyscale achievement, with the exception of the currency grind. This was before Return to LW. Now that they’ve provided a varied, interesting way to get the currencies, I think the skyscale quest is in a good place.

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2 hours ago, RadiantWolf.2058 said:

Well, yeah. If lots of people are complaining about the same thing though then devs usually should look into it.

General complaining will always happen.


I've played most MMORPGs at least a little and there hasn't been a single one that didn't have a salty community.

I guess the question then becomes what “lots of people” entails.

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1 hour ago, Gibson.4036 said:

I guess the question then becomes what “lots of people” entails.

And if addressing that lot of people's complaints will just generate a lot of complaints from different people. Playing whack-a-mole with complaints can be extraordinarily wasteful when it comes to resources (not that I am advocating for comepletely ignoring customer feedback).

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12 hours ago, RadiantWolf.2058 said:

I kinda feel like you are arguing with me for the sake of arguing with me.


I am not saying that ArenaNet should remove the grind for Skyscale or change it. It's kinda too late for that.


I *am* saying that I have not personally heard of anyone enjoying the Skyscale grind for its own sake, they just kept at it for the mount at the end. And I hope that in the future ArenaNet will make unlocks of this scope more dynamic, diverse, and interesting.


(I do not include Legendary armor in that, since it is statistically the same as Ascended and does not change the way you interact with the game as dramatically as a mount.)

Then, you haven't read the many threads about the Skyscale.

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14 hours ago, RadiantWolf.2058 said:

I would be genuinely interested in hearing from people who DO like the Skyscale grind. I want to know what they liked, what their favorite parts were, if they have any nostalgia for any aspect of it...

I enjoyed the collection. I didn’t see it as a grind but an adventure to raise and get to know my soon to be skyscale. Finding the eggs, treat the sick skyscales, raising, feeding and find toys it would use to get to know me as a character was fun. Then the rebellious teen age where it was mischievous and you had to find it. No nostalgia, but I do hope that if they add mounts in the future it will have a story behind it as well. Favorite part was playing with it in sun’s refuge 

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For me, and again this is MY experience with this sort of thing...


The grinding can be an issue if only because it feels like it gets lost in the countless other collection-based grinds in the game. I like collecting things but sometimes I crave a more unique experience.


The story is not an issue and I do 100% hope to see more unlock chains with stories in the future.

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1 hour ago, naiasonod.9265 said:

Just wait until you get the skyscale and discover that its extremely underwhelming most of the time.

Underwhelming? Do you use skyscale as your main mount? Knowing what you know now, if you were to redo it, would you skip getting it altogether? Aside from legendary equipments, what items are not underwhelming?

Most importantly, would you miss it if you no longer have it? Try not using it for a month playing this game. If you truly do not miss it, only then can you really say it's underwhelming.

Edited by Silent.6137
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I got the skyskale when it was introduced, few years ago as it took a bit longer to get it than it does today. Still... I loved the story behind it and loved those activities - playing with the hatchling, feeding it and so on...

While i use it quite often, i must say after this time - its an alround mount, but one that its not needed. I agree with Mik above... you do it because you want. The other mounts - the original ones - are just too good and cover everything. Everything else its just nice to have.

And now sorry for getting off topic - what would be the lowest level one can have to get the skyskale....? I am asking this, because i have seen a char in seitung few days ago  - mastery level 73 with skyskale. And it seemed a bit low to me.

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7 minutes ago, costepj.5120 said:

Well then 0, obviously, as you've just left the tutorial instance.


yeah.. you probably dont even need a character, you can only imagine having a character flying on skyscale... that would be what lvl -1?

I mean.. when i see a character with mastery level 73  it seems a bit low to have a skyscale. I mean.. you must level a char to 80 (insta boost however...) then get the first mount - probably raptor, then lets say you go directly to LS4 (but not sure if it works... or if you have to finish PoF as well) and play there everything necessary for the skyscale - i think you would get more xp then just mastery lvl 73.

Thats why i asked my question. and i know its OT


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Oh sorry, I was just focussing on a character you might observe riding a skyscale. I guess there must be a theoretical minimum mastery level for the account as you need to have completed various story elements etc. But if you went out of your way to avoid earning MPs, I don't think it would be that high. I have guildies who play a minimal amount of GW2 and they have skyscales. I'll have to take note of their mastery level next time they are on, but I doubt it's a lot more than 73.

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thats true - haven't thought about it. You can simply not spend the MP. 

ThoughI think you get enough along the way just for playing certain parts of the story, doing achievement and collections necessary to unlock the skyscale collection.

Edit:// this would be something maybe a content creator could do a series about - The shortest way to the skyscale. (maybe there even is such a video - im not really up-to-date, sry )

Edited by Chay.7852
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On 5/3/2022 at 5:53 PM, Akisohida.8963 said:

Yes, people have made good points.

But I can't help but hate this, as I sit here waiting an hour for the Path to Ascension: Augury Rock event to come, so I can fight a doppleganger, so I can get the Courage egg collection, which will only lead to yet MORE time-gated content.


So I'm waiting on a time gate to get to yet another time gate.

I'm sorry but how can people defend this? What happens if I get unlucky and my map does not have enough people who give 2 farts about doing the meta event? I miss it and have to wait until the next time it starts and hope beyond hope I get a map where people want to do it, or I'm waiting AGAIN.


And when I'm done waiting? I get to wait some more.

Sorry but, to me, this is a stupid level of time gating. Wait to do 5 minutes of things to wait some more.

Play WoW and do mythic raiding and believe me. You'll see why folks defend this.

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