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How awful are the Skyscale jumping Puzzles?

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There's  a lot to enjoy in Guild Wars 2, but unfortunately, it was decided to require doing jumping puzzles.

I'm working on getting a griffon in an effort to get past jumping puzzles, but of course, the griffon is gate behind jumping puzzles.

It has been my hope to use the griffon to get the Skyscale and never have to do a jumping puzzle again, but I'm worried now that the Skyscale is just going to be gated behind even more frolicking jumping puzzles that having the griffon won't let me bypass.

So my question is, how awful are the jumping puzzles for Skyscale for someone who finds the jumping puzzles to get a griffon awful?

(Please don't lecture me on the puzzles not being that hard - everyone is different and we are all good at, and suck at, different stuff).

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No. There is always a workaround.

I don't like JPs. And I didn't do any of the JPs to get grifon or skyscale.

Quest objective is "get an item". OK, item may be inside JP area, but many times its just near, on the edge of JP area.

Workarounds: google, smart use of "pre-fly" mounts, friendly mesmer

Anyway, there are workarounds.

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And no lecturing, but being able to do GW2 JPs (like many other things in the game) is just a matter of practice. When I started playing I was REALLY bad at jumping. I had to get friendly mesmer portals to some vistas. Even the Breached Wall in Diessa was beyond me. I have kept trying though, and now there's a lot of JPs I can do unaided. I can probably do Breached Wall with my eyes shut.
When I was doing the Skyscale collection I managed to complete most of the JPs. However, Goemm's Lab defeated me and I used a TTF (Teleport to Friend) to get to the end.
This week, I revisited that JP for the first time, in order to open the Aetherblade cache. And aced it at the first attempt..
So, as the old joke goes, "How do you get to Carnegie Hall?" / "Practice, practice, practice".
But if you'd rather not, you can use one of the many workarounds (skyscale treats, friendly mesmers or TTFs)

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Are you aware that most jumping puzzles don't allow mounts? You can't use them in the area of the puzzle, so having the griffon or skyscale won't necessarily help you complete them.

If you need to complete a jumping puzzle for some reason you're better off asking if a mesmer can help you with a portal. There are guilds devoted to doing them (on EU servers there's [PINK] and I know there's a US one as well but don't know the name) but you could also ask your guilds or your friends if they can help you.

For the griffon collections you're supposed to use the rental griffons (there's a nest on each PoF map) to reach the eggs. In some cases you need to use the springer to reach the griffon nest, but none of them are in jumping puzzles.

The skyscale collection does including jumping puzzles in the Skyscale Lost collection, but you can bypass them (and any of the other steps in that collection) by using Extra Pungent Skyscale Treats (which you can either craft or buy). I recommend checking what you're being asked to do before using one, because some of them are world boss fights instead of puzzles, so that might save you some treats.

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Well my advice is to do skyscale achievement slowly and relaxed and when you come to the part with jumping puzzles just wait for some of them to become daily task then lot of mesmers porting people. If you already have other mounts and glider you really don't need skyscale urgently. 


I for example have done skyscale achivement very slowly and then it wasn't such pain.

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6 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

Are you aware that most jumping puzzles don't allow mounts? You can't use them in the area of the puzzle, so having the griffon or skyscale won't necessarily help you complete them..

From my memory, there are only a couple of jumping puzzles for skyscale that can’t be cheesed with the griffon. While it’s true most JPs have no-mount zones, for a remarkable number you can griffon close enough to the JP exit to glide or bond of faith in.

I like JPs, but for speed I skipped almost all of them when getting my skyscale by using griffon. Guides exist on how. I ended up not using a single treat.

Here’s one guide that might be useful. https://doncpauli.com/skyscale-lost/

Edited by Gibson.4036
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5 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

From my memory, there are only a couple of jumping puzzles for skyscale that can’t be cheesed with the griffon. While it’s true most JPs have no-mount zones, for a remarkable number you can griffon close enough to the JP exit to glide or bond of faith in.

I like JPs, but for speed I skipped almost all of them when getting my skyscale by using griffon. Guides exist on how. I ended up not using a single treat.

I don't mean for the skyscale, I mean jumping puzzles in general. The OP said they want the griffon and/or skyscale so they "never have to do a jumping puzzle again" and want to use them to 'get past' the puzzles, so it sounds like they're hoping to use the mounts to fly to the end of jumping puzzles to get the chest and achievement without actually going through the puzzle.

In a lot of puzzles that's not possible and in others it's only possible through a potentially awkward work-around like getting up high enough that when you hit the no-mount zone you can use Bond of Faith to launch yourself, glide for a few seconds until you hit the no glide zone and then hope you manage to hit the platform (and survive) when you fall down.

I may have misunderstood the post, but if not I wouldn't want the OP to spend a lot of time and effort getting flying mounts to use in jumping puzzles only to then discover it's not possible.

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51 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:

I don't mean for the skyscale, I mean jumping puzzles in general. The OP said they want the griffon and/or skyscale so they "never have to do a jumping puzzle again" and want to use them to 'get past' the puzzles, so it sounds like they're hoping to use the mounts to fly to the end of jumping puzzles to get the chest and achievement without actually going through the puzzle.

In a lot of puzzles that's not possible and in others it's only possible through a potentially awkward work-around like getting up high enough that when you hit the no-mount zone you can use Bond of Faith to launch yourself, glide for a few seconds until you hit the no glide zone and then hope you manage to hit the platform (and survive) when you fall down.

I may have misunderstood the post, but if not I wouldn't want the OP to spend a lot of time and effort getting flying mounts to use in jumping puzzles only to then discover it's not possible.

Ah, that makes sense.

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So far, JP are... Kind of optional. 


In core lands, rabbit from PoF probably more than enough. 

In HoT, while flying mount can give some advance, it's still not mandatory because of level design and it's own mechanics. 

In PoF, well, JP 2.0 with mounts, but I'm personally ignore them all the away outside of Hero Points. 

In EoR, rabbit and wings is enough for 100% map exploration. 


And yeah, I personally hate JP in any game. If they were mandatory here, I would either find a way to buy a flying mount with real money or drop GW2 in a second and never return. 

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Two things come to mind if you want to make JPs more bearable:

- Position Rewinder: Saves you if you miss a jump so you don't have to redo the entire JP or section.

- GW2Taco overlay with Tekkit's marker pack. Extremely useful because it shows you the JP route and where/when to jump. Takes the puzzle out of jumping puzzle. 

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I hate JP and am not very good at them.  Don't even want to bother trying to get better.  It's content I can do well enough without.  Having said that, for my skyscale, I was able to do a few of them, get a few of them during dailys with the help of mesmers so that I only needed 7 skyscale treats to complete this phase. 

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1) skyscale usually doesn’t help you will real JPs as they are no-fly/mount zones (but it can be used to „cheese“ some of them nevertheless)

2) Don’t remember any jumping difficulty in getting skyscale (it was just loooong), beside the ascalon wall in blazeridge (3 difficult Springer jumps) get a friendly Mesmer with skyscale for this one (pm me if you don’t find one in EU)

Edited by Dayra.7405
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  • 6 months later...

Late reply but as someone who hates jumping puzzles and hates that this game forces you to do them with no alternatives for things like the Skyscale which, ironically, is also something that makes content like Heart of Thorns bearable for people that are not good at platforming or have disabilities. The jumping puzzles were awful for me, luckily a lot of them can be cheated with a Mesmer, if that were not true, I would have given up, I will not even lie, jumping puzzles are pure frustration and not fun at all for me, especially since a lot in this game are poorly made. I tried to do Chalice of Tears for upwards of a week before finding out a Mesmer could save me from that nightmare because the textures do not match the function of surfaces, places that look flat, you slide off of and places that look completely vertical have spots that act as if they are platforms, it's miserable.


I don't care what anyone says, the game should have alternatives for people that can't do jumping puzzles, this isn't Super Mario, most people didn't sign up to play an aggressive platformer. 1 of my friends has played for years and he's resigned himself to just never having a Skyscale because he has a disability in his hands so jumping puzzles basically require pure luck, that is very sad to me and should not be a thing.

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36 minutes ago, Mad Maxxie.6075 said:

Late reply but as someone who hates jumping puzzles and hates that this game forces you to do them with no alternatives for things like the Skyscale which, ironically, is also something that makes content like Heart of Thorns bearable for people that are not good at platforming or have disabilities. The jumping puzzles were awful for me, luckily a lot of them can be cheated with a Mesmer, if that were not true, I would have given up, I will not even lie, jumping puzzles are pure frustration and not fun at all for me, especially since a lot in this game are poorly made. I tried to do Chalice of Tears for upwards of a week before finding out a Mesmer could save me from that nightmare because the textures do not match the function of surfaces, places that look flat, you slide off of and places that look completely vertical have spots that act as if they are platforms, it's miserable.


I don't care what anyone says, the game should have alternatives for people that can't do jumping puzzles, this isn't Super Mario, most people didn't sign up to play an aggressive platformer. 1 of my friends has played for years and he's resigned himself to just never having a Skyscale because he has a disability in his hands so jumping puzzles basically require pure luck, that is very sad to me and should not be a thing.

The game already do


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7 hours ago, Mad Maxxie.6075 said:

alternatives for people that can't do jumping puzzles

As mentioned several times in this thread, there are alternatives to completing jumping puzzles. For the skyscale collection, use treats to skip them completely. Otherwise, friendly mesmers will portal you to the end; look out for Pink guild whenever there's a JP in the dailies. Or party up with someone at the end of a puzzle and use TTF (there's a recharging version in the gemstore). Or you can use mounts/gliding to cheese various JPs.   

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On 12/22/2022 at 6:55 AM, Mad Maxxie.6075 said:

Late reply but as someone who hates jumping puzzles and hates that this game forces you to do them with no alternatives for things like the Skyscale which, ironically, is also something that makes content like Heart of Thorns bearable for people that are not good at platforming or have disabilities. The jumping puzzles were awful for me, luckily a lot of them can be cheated with a Mesmer, if that were not true, I would have given up, I will not even lie, jumping puzzles are pure frustration and not fun at all for me, especially since a lot in this game are poorly made. I tried to do Chalice of Tears for upwards of a week before finding out a Mesmer could save me from that nightmare because the textures do not match the function of surfaces, places that look flat, you slide off of and places that look completely vertical have spots that act as if they are platforms, it's miserable.


I don't care what anyone says, the game should have alternatives for people that can't do jumping puzzles, this isn't Super Mario, most people didn't sign up to play an aggressive platformer. 1 of my friends has played for years and he's resigned himself to just never having a Skyscale because he has a disability in his hands so jumping puzzles basically require pure luck, that is very sad to me and should not be a thing.

Just to reiterate, the jumping puzzle steps were skippable with skyscale treats, so an alternative exists for those who are unable to complete them

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