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Map rotation compromise: 3 weeks alpine, 1 week desert


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Looking at the desert activity numbers it still doesn't match alpine ones despite the fact that there is only 1 of them. Obviously we can't reduce the portion of desert maps but there is perfect solution that also makes matchmaking more fair:


4 week rotation:

  • 3 weeks 3x alpine (all tiers)
  • 1 week 3x desert (all tiers) (AKA break/EB week for most players)


I think this will be fairest solution where desert lovers get to play their favorite map and matchmaking isn't ruined by one server having inherent advantage or disadvantage by having different borderland.

Edited by Threather.9354
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17 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

The WvW community nearly voted for 3 months of 3x DBL followed by 3 months of 3x ABL. 

Sorry but I believe your election candidate wouldn't survive election in todays times. Peoples values change and society evolves.

But no worries: of course if Desert weeks show comparable amounts of activity, the map can occupy more weeks.

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i really see no reason to force desert upon people....  what is the reason behind this?

Do you love desert and are sad that its empty? Why do you want to force it upon people that dont want to play desertmap...? isnt that a littlebit selfish of you selfcalled "Deser lovers"? Do you really think this is about balancing? What is going on?

how about.... you "desert-lovers" join desertborderland..... and the people that dont like desert.... dont join desertborderland....

personally i think desert is p00p00... and in the week where it would be desert only... EBG will have a 250 Queue.... I personally would only play ebg or dont join WvW at all... And i can tell you exactly why.

Desert is just SOOOO Ruined by all the w0nky stuff currently in WvW... like gliding! Nothing more frustrating than to fight someone that continuosly jumps off a cliff to glide across the creek. NOTHING you can do against it.. you follow him and he just uses one of the jumppads to once again go to a spot you can not reach.... GREAT GAMEPLAY!!! PLEASE!!!  I WANT A WEEK JUST WITH DESERT!!! /s

Edited by Sahne.6950
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get rid of all maps.

make one huge meadow with only 3 keeps on, no bridges, nocliffs, no water, no high and lowgrounds just the flat meadow.

get rid of servers, tiers, stop all work on alliances.

Make wvw a instanced gamemode.

Commanders and guilds can create or join instances, tag up and can LFG for people to join the instance.

the matchup ends every hour or if no players are inside the instance anymore. the winner every hour gets whatever reward and a thank you for gaming.

problems solved, world without end, amen.

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2 minutes ago, SlateSloan.3654 said:

get rid of all maps.

make one huge meadow with only 3 keeps on, no bridges, nocliffs, no water, no high and lowgrounds just the flat meadow.

get rid of servers, tiers, stop all work on alliances.

Make wvw a instanced gamemode.

Commanders and guilds can create or join instances, tag up and can LFG for people to join the instance.

the matchup ends every hour or if no players are inside the instance anymore. the winner every hour gets whatever reward and a thank you for gaming.

problems solved, world without end, amen.

This is one of these ideas where everyones first thought is : "Sounds exploitable. Let's see how I can do it."


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How about just play on it, instead of forcing people that don't like it to play on it? That's exactly how this post reads, basically. "I want to see red bl get more mileage, so let's force everyone to play on it for a whole week."

Not a "fair solution."


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1 hour ago, Skynet.7201 said:

How about just play on it, instead of forcing people that don't like it to play on it? That's exactly how this post reads, basically. "I want to see red bl get more mileage, so let's force everyone to play on it for a whole week."

6 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

i really see no reason to force desert upon people....  what is the reason behind this?


Actually numerically I am reducing the portion that desert map covers.

In current iteration it covers 33.33% of borderlands and in my suggested one it covers 25% (1 of every 4 weeks).

I dislike desert map almost as much as you guys but I do not mind having a weeks break from borderlands/WvW every month. I want to choose from 4 fighting maps, not 3. In addition to this I do not think scoring is particularly fair with one server having desert map and that the fact that you're rewarded with desert map as home map everytime you go up in tiers is terrible.

Edited by Threather.9354
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18 hours ago, Justine.6351 said:

Wvw dead 1 week a month outside ebg.

You are absolutely right about this. It is not my fault as Anet seems to be reluctant to be deleting desert map despite it showing considerably less activity than alpine maps. I do not know why but having 3 weeks of amazing 4-map WvW is totally worth the sacrifice.

Edited by Threather.9354
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5 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

This is one of these ideas where everyones first thought is : "Sounds exploitable. Let's see how I can do it."


not more exploitable than the current transfer system where people just stack in the moment a server is not status "full".

There could be an instance browser in WvW UI even which shows what commanders and guilds are currently running on what color inside so you can choose the instance and color you want to join to generate population inside the match. if a color is full noone can join this color anymore.

Why not give people this gaming wvw on demand possibility. lets be serious how many people play on 5 or more accounts by now cause they dont mind what server they on but they just want to play when they come online but they cant because their matchup is dead.

and tbh a simple and plain solution is what the current state of wvw community can rather handle than a more complex one.

history showed us that  whenever anet implements new mechanics for wvw people are: "uaaaaaaah wtf is this unbalanced, not working, not possible, too complicated, remove this pve kitten from my gamemode, this borderland one cant fight on, travel takes too long, jaja nana jaja nana, nänänänä, nunu adn this and those..."

for gvg take the existing spvp system and just alter it for 15vs15, 20vs20 and 25vs25. make just like 4 different but simple and plain designed fight arenas and let them fight in a gold, silver, bronze tiers. In GW1 there was a ingame ranking of the guilds and it was cool as it showed who really was better than others and noone had excuses for bad performance cause there was official proof.


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6 hours ago, SlateSloan.3654 said:

get rid of all maps.

make one huge meadow with only 3 keeps on, no bridges, nocliffs, no water, no high and lowgrounds just the flat meadow.

get rid of servers, tiers, stop all work on alliances.

Make wvw a instanced gamemode.

Commanders and guilds can create or join instances, tag up and can LFG for people to join the instance.

the matchup ends every hour or if no players are inside the instance anymore. the winner every hour gets whatever reward and a thank you for gaming.

problems solved, world without end, amen.

Ask for an instance game mode instead of trying to convert wvw into something it's not then?

Why do people always think wvw needs to be totally scrapped for some other completely different game mode.

Anet abandoned dungeons for fractals but the dungeons are still there...


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26 minutes ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

Ask for an instance game mode instead of trying to convert wvw into something it's not then?

Why do people always think wvw needs to be totally scrapped for some other completely different game mode.

Anet abandoned dungeons for fractals but the dungeons are still there...


time changes the circumstances. The times where you could just login to wvw and no matter what daytime its been you had enough other players and opponents is over. now you have time to play but nothing is going on so peeps check their alt accounts. commanders want to tag up but have no opponents so they tag on alt accounts on another server instead... people seek for others to play with and against.

so why keep pressing people in this 24/7 empty gamemode holding them caged with their accounts on a fix server or in an alliance? it cant fullfill the current demand anymore.

the dungeons dont really differ from the fractals its just anet spared themselves to build dungeon type gaming into open world maps. If you climb down a entrance on a map or just choose your fractal via a console and enter a portal makes only the difference to spare the players needing to teleport around the world map to play different dungeons in a row... And to be honest having some dungeons locked until a pve event chain is done was not a good move. people want to play "now" and then need a "get into action button" instead of 15-30 minutes event chain like that or 60 minutes wvw reset queue.

WvW being instanced would get rid of queues or while people wait that someone leaves an instance so the enter button is active again can just join another active match and play in the meanwhile instead of waiting on an empty map. the instances could have no queue, who ever pushes the "Enter Button" first after it gets active again can join. First click first get in.

why take 6 years time to programm somewhat aliencode to assign guildless players after the system thinks it found out someones gaming behaviour if you can just give the people an match browser in UI?

Edited by SlateSloan.3654
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On 6/2/2022 at 1:30 PM, Threather.9354 said:

Monthly rotation:

  • 1 day 3x alpine (all tiers) day will be randomly assigned during a weekday at some point during the month.
  • 27-30 days 3x desert (all tiers)

EBG map rotation will remain unchanged; however, a train track will be coded into the map with stops at every tower/keep/castle.  The train cars will depart from spawn every 15 minutes, stopping at each objective for 3 minutes (long enough for the ktrain to flip it) before moving on to the next objective.  This will save the chat servers approximately 50% of their resources as there will no longer be any "is there a tag on EBG" comments.



With these minor changes you have my full support.

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3 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

Ask for an instance game mode instead of trying to convert wvw into something it's not then?

Why do people always think wvw needs to be totally scrapped for some other completely different game mode.

Anet abandoned dungeons for fractals but the dungeons are still there...


Because they don't care about WvW. It's just the closest thing to what they actually want.

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28 minutes ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

Because they don't care about WvW. It's just the closest thing to what they actually want.

Funny thing is there will be people who wouldn't like what they actually want either.

Would just be switching the happiness meter from one side to the other.


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1 minute ago, bigmouse.2163 said:

Once/if alliances ever arrive, it would be nice to make custom matchups (like you can with a private pvp server). That way, people who like desert can play it (or even only it) while people who prefer alpine only play alpine.

Yep exactly that. We need a matchbrowser in ui where coms and guilds can create own matches and people can use the browser to join and fill up the match then.

the old 24/7 fix servers, fix alliances, stuck in dead matches instead of able to get into action is out.

in alliances beta it already showed that most alliances just banded together cause people knew each other from fighting and such. But how many alliances just really tried to win the week in term of matchup?

it will end like now. Random players who want to play wvw will be auto assigned to an alliance and the guilds are offline because they consider their opponent as „no content“ and thats it for the week.

so let people join where they can play the style they want via matchbrowser.

if you want to save rvr type gaming in gw2 let people get into action and not get them stuck.

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12 hours ago, SlateSloan.3654 said:

get rid of all maps.

make one huge meadow with only 3 keeps on, no bridges, nocliffs, no water, no high and lowgrounds just the flat meadow.

get rid of servers, tiers, stop all work on alliances.

Make wvw a instanced gamemode.

Commanders and guilds can create or join instances, tag up and can LFG for people to join the instance.

the matchup ends every hour or if no players are inside the instance anymore. the winner every hour gets whatever reward and a thank you for gaming.

problems solved, world without end, amen.


You really tryin' to make WvW into Toypocalypse 😂 .  Just big, flat, instanced map with a winner every hr...

We see how well this works with PvE, check out Dragon's End for a good example.  Going to get very sporadic activity with taxi's certain times of day, and all other times it will just be dead as now.  

They may indeed be thinking too hard on the alliances thing--just leave the worlds as they are, refactor their nonsense linking algorithm, and increase rewards dramatically.  

As for maps, it'd be nice if we had another one so alpine wasn't duplicated.  

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On 6/3/2022 at 11:02 AM, Threather.9354 said:


Actually numerically I am reducing the portion that desert map covers.

In current iteration it covers 33.33% of borderlands and in my suggested one it covers 25% (1 of every 4 weeks).

I dislike desert map almost as much as you guys but I do not mind having a weeks break from borderlands/WvW every month. I want to choose from 4 fighting maps, not 3. In addition to this I do not think scoring is particularly fair with one server having desert map and that the fact that you're rewarded with desert map as home map everytime you go up in tiers is terrible.

All you just did was quote me to explain how and why to have red bl, and it makes no sense at all. However you divide it, or explain it, paint it, sugar coat it, this scenario forces people into red bl for an entire week.

Re scoring, that's a server issue, not a red bl issue. If you're in a server that hates red bl, then you could very well encounter a scoring issue, whether you're trying to push up to blue, or prevent a drop from blue to red.. If your server doesn't like red, then you'll drop again. If you've had experience on a vast number of servers, both on NA and EU, you would know that this is not a game-wide issue, or an attitude that affects all servers. At the end of the day, your server can still successfully focus on the other 2 borderlands and achieve your goal.

The latest talking points are: weekly activities and alliances. Look around at the current state of WvW, and tell me with a straight face, should this even be a discussion point right now?


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