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The lousy state of T1 (video of mass feeding and collusion to avoid t1)


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Sorry for my terrible stream quality. But sometimes people dont believe until you see it. We have 6 servers colluding to avoid the clustermess that is T1. People mass feeding. Other people on the other side trying to stop the mass feed by contesting the waypoint. People outgriefing each other. Drama and team chat. Never seen anything like this in 9 years. I really tried to help you out CD by getting you out of this garbage tier. But you're ppters on YB insisted otherwise. Hats off to you SOS.

Hello, this is the Chief of WvW Police, or Maguuma commander if you prefer.


The stated objective of Maguuma is to keep SOS in T1 at all costs. I think we would all agree that stacking a server at the expense of other servers is bad for the overall health of WvW.  But let us be very frank here; SOS instigated this when the OP alliance and all their followers from DR bandwagon-ed to SOS which led to them dominating T1 during the previous relink cycle. Now some people will claim that he didn't know or didn't mean for this to happen. I wont be that generous. We've been playing this game for almost 10 years now, we all knew darn well what would happen if he transferred 100+ players to a T2 server that was already strong on OCX/SEA. It's time to reap what you sow instead of pretending to be a T2 server again. That road has long since sailed. We're both in this together, and that doesn't necessarily need to be a bad thing. Mag needs Indo just like the Joker needs Batman. 


In spite of the SOS bandwagon, the WvW community has persevered, and the shoe has been put on the other foot. I think that most of us would agree that Maguuma should, and must be in T1 for the health of the game mode. I'm not going to deny that, not only because of the score, but as a means of punishing other servers that think it is a good idea to mega-stack your server on NA. Just look at the absolute clusterkitten that is the EU server. They don't have any sort of WvW police to keep everyone on the same page. Everyone just stacks one link after another, bandwagons their way to T1 domination, gets their link cut and plummets to T5, then everyone just bandwagons to another server, rinse and repeat. In EU there is no punishment or consequence to bandwagonning your server to T1, but in NA everyone has a good reason to not stack their server beyond what is necessary for a reasonably active server.  



This is the real Julian, commander from the Maguuma because there has been some confusion and people saying I authored posts in other places, when I did not.



Edited by jul.7602
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LoL   I read this nonsense and I laughed out loud literally. 

  This is really where we're at?    Clowns piling into the clown car still?   Going to fight no more forever soon.

After 17 years...the best of us are walking away if this update doesn't wow.

   You're going to be left with pretenders and clowns stuck in the car with no egress.

The lightweights that think theyre relevant is just a bonus for anet.

Delete this post

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Oh lol this post. Its so hard to tell, it really needed a /s at the end or something, is it serious? is it a joke? 

Is it because SoS allied with other servers before as we both agree'd with each other and camped Mag at their spawn in EBG for hours as payback for them doing it all the time? 

Edited by Gorem.8104
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18 hours ago, jul.7602 said:

Just look at the absolute clusterkitten that is the EU server.

the problem is not in the TEAMS of the EU or NA or ASIA. the problem is not playing against the server that has a policeman commander or has indo commander.

any commander or server I encounter or clash is not really a problem, if we had the guarantee/prospect of playing with equal weapons. in europe if you do not have a link and if when you play you constantly have that little icon at the bottom always active '' numerical inferiority '' you will continue to play and find some way to have fun, but that logic of healthy competition is missing. and this in the long run is the problem. 

of course I take it for granted that this pvp mode should be a competitive mode.

this week mag players outperform their opponents by more than 40%, you don't need goals this week, you can pretty much do anything you want with those numbers.

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Hello, this is the Chief of WvW Police, or Maguuma commander if you prefer.

You have a WvW police in NA? That was unexpected for me.
At least that's better than the Spanish Inquisition, I guess.

Edited by Zok.4956
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Kinda funny seeing all these people from "Tier 1" coming to complain about being outnumbered, when there's servers that spent months in tier 4 outnumbered and didn't say one peep about it. They somehow think they deserve to be in T1 only no matter what.


7 hours ago, Abyssisis.3971 said:

Server stacking has happened for like 10 years, wouldn’t says Indo or SoS started it tho, that’s just silly.

OP is clearly talking about the latest round of stacking, not that it was the first time it ever happened.

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2 hours ago, Sleepwalker.1398 said:


I'd be interested to see if Anet stopped giving the WvW Police a link server.


I'm sure they'd love that.


On 6/9/2022 at 2:00 PM, jul.7602 said:

Hello, this is the Chief of WvW Police, or Maguuma commander if you prefer.


You're not the Police of anything, you're barely even a commander. Being able to form a squad does not a commander make.

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  • jul.7602 changed the title to The lousy state of T1 (video of mass feeding and collusion to avoid t1)
10 minutes ago, Zorp.3926 said:

"People Mass Feeding"

It was Julian himself who INSTIGATED the feeding 



Um yeah. I'm not denying that, I literally posted a video of it. It was a race to the bottom. CTH and SPACE started PPTing SOS right before the last skirmish. Once both servers PPT was reduced to single digits, only other choice was to feed. Minutes later the other faction of maguuma that wanted SOS gone started to feed. In the end, the SOS waypoint got perma contested by a thief which made it impossible to outfeed the other. Everyone is already colluding well before this happened anway.

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There's a commander doing the same thing on the CD/YB side, he's driving his squad all the way to SOS spawn to give them free points. I have never seen this in all these years! Thats what anet did with wvw, people are fighting to lose, congratulations to those responsible for that.
Maguma has always been a pain in the kitten but after the EOD with all these classes perfectly designed for roamers/gankers it became 100X worse. And SoS blobs are getting more and more unstoppable with all the damage and boon strips nerfs in recent years. Anet is just killing it.

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I have the feeling that in addition to some problems of balance of anet, in your part there may be a bit of problems also of players, sometimes a nice walk, a breath of fresh air or a trip out of town can really be of help in these cases. 

I don't want to judge anyone but just give you some advice.😅

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Maguuma is a sickness, the bane of WvW. Indo and SOS are not bad, Maguuma is the villain. The sooner Alliances comes the sooner we get rid of Maguuma. No one wants to deal with their cheezy spawn camping tactics and Hordes of Gankers. Maguuma is the joke of every server, including their link servers. Our tactics are simple, up against Maguuma? PPT, avoid EBG and get back out of the tier. Best thing ANET could do right now is just erase maguuma, move their members to other servers and ban them from transfering for 6 months.

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On 6/9/2022 at 3:00 PM, jul.7602 said:

That road has long since sailed.


Just returning to the game, but I seem to remember this being a problem from quite a while ago. Not sure how it could be fixed. I thought that was the original intention of linking/unlinking servers.


Also, I want vid of your road that sails or I won't believe it. 🤭

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2 hours ago, Pagan Lord.9348 said:

Maguuma is a sickness, the bane of WvW. Indo and SOS are not bad, Maguuma is the villain. The sooner Alliances comes the sooner we get rid of Maguuma. No one wants to deal with their cheezy spawn camping tactics and Hordes of Gankers. Maguuma is the joke of every server, including their link servers. Our tactics are simple, up against Maguuma? PPT, avoid EBG and get back out of the tier. Best thing ANET could do right now is just erase maguuma, move their members to other servers and ban them from transfering for 6 months.


Sounds like Maguuma is living in everyone's head rent free

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Until Maguuma acknowledges they're not as good as they think they are they're never going to get better. It's too easy to for them to make excuses and go back to "winning" under the alternate set of WvW rules they made up. There are good roamers on Mag, I've fought them, but in my experience the average Mag clouder is a diamond rank turning with their keyboard and you're never going to win against equal coverage with that, not even on EB.

Edited by bigmouse.2163
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