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Why does it feel like forum users, are trying to make this entire game mode into a gank session that require 0 skills/no boons or basically into a PvE focussed gameplay?


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3 minutes ago, zengara.8301 said:

Dude, im done 🤣

It is honestly just getting weirder and weirder. I can agree that boons could be limited a bit, but beyond that it just feels like a bunch of people in the forums either do not even play the game, or looking for debating weird none-connect stuff, for no reason- Thanks for some of the comments though

Stacking in a boonblob doesnt make you good, you can say whatever you want, it is what it is.

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20 minutes ago, zengara.8301 said:

Because why would I get on discord if I can just spam my damage buttons on enemies, instead of needing a timing?

Yea we're used to seeing these types threads on here from that one guy trying to run back to his boonball or got caught off tag and gets ganked then comes to forum to complain.

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3 hours ago, zengara.8301 said:

SYG, book 3 chapter 4/5, bulwark, stab from rev, Aegis (which they did limit pretty hard) etc is probably some of the more important ones. And all of these are meant to either be baited or stripped and after they are gone, apply damage.

No idea what you are baiting, all those skills are called by the comm. If anyone is baiting the enemy comm, its your own comm. If your comm is not calling for stab, your guards will pop it depending on how your comm moves and how the enemy comm moves. Its literally the decisions of 2 players that make any difference here. Your personal skill as part of the blob is a) not dying and b) rotating your CDs effectively so that when the call comes you are ready and you respond accurately and on time, despite all the chaos that is going on.

Its not like you are all collectively deciding on something and you all somehow hive-mind conclude to bomb/push... If you yourself are commanding I can somewhat understand the statements. For anyone else in the blob... no, not really.

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Because people are always focused on the surface issues, when it's just the symptoms.

The real problem is that this game pretty much presents you the following when picking traits or skills:

1.) The choice deemed the creator's pet. You either pick this trait or you pretty much miss out on key functionality (typically boons but also % modifiers and what not).

2.) Troll choices that only exist to trick new players These will never be balanced.

3.) Choices that were intended to be no.2 but sometimes smart players will find a niche and use it as unintended to have fun. This is illegal and will be always be nerfed.

And that's the worst part about the balance if you've asked me. Instead of nerfing their baby, they instead hit something else that just somewhat nerfs it and thus destroys a ton of non-meta or niche builds as collateral damage.


The worst examples of this are usually nerfs directed a certain spec, but they nerf the core class instead. This indirerct BS usually results in a modest nerf to the elite spec, but also usually destroys builds that weren't using the elite spec completely, therefore forcing people into the spec anyways.

So what's the result? Builds that literally do like 2-3x the damage even with the same gear. In WvW, this is why there are so many players that are just deadweight and evaporate immediately. I mean sure they should really learn to build their characters, but it's on the extreme end atm if the fight is pretty much predetermined.

The game does not know how to incentivize people by making other choices more effective. Even in PvE land, we saw dungeons being bulldozed for raids. Then they removed mystic coins from Fractal CMs and moved them over to Strikes to encourage people. Then people praise the devs for giving out less rewards lol.

Note that there is very little dedicated  balance towards WvW itself, so we are even more subject to these whims.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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The biggest problem is not the amount of boons , but the lack of even distribution of boons among ALL classes and professions . As it is right now is a very small proportion of a group can carry the rest . This only requires the skill of a few and not the skill of every member of the group. And it also excludes some classes entirely . THIS IS NOT BALANCE ! THIS IS NOT GETTING GOOD !

Every class needs to be a requirement to make a group successful. So the boons need to be spread out among all classes so that every player needs to be skilful for the group to be successful . All members with a mix of  all 9 classes doing they're part carrying each other. That takes the skill of every member. This is balance . This is getting good.

This can be done. ANET nearly had it pre-HOT .

Some boons should never have been introduced. There were plenty then.

Unfortunately, the Guild Wars team obviously have their favourites and everyone else can go jump off a cliff . And it's only got worse. This is why WvW is failing . This is why WvW is so depressing. This why people are leaving.

And all the Guild Wars 1 V2.0 content isn't going to bring them back .

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I give this post and the OP a GOLD STAR...for being possibly the dumbest thing I've ever read in the WvW forums.


For the past several years I set up almost every single roaming build I had, whether it was power-based or condi-based, to revolve around boonstrips, because 2/3rds of the other "roamers" out there simply didn't know what to do once their boons were stripped.  They still had every chance to use their own skills to fight back, but most had become so reliant on their boons to give them an advantage that they didn't know what to do (outside of running away).  But with the current meta, it's simply not possible to run on a boonstripping build when at best I can strip away 4-5 of the 10 boons they have up at all times, and those boons I do strip are passively returned within a few seconds while I typically had to wait another 10-20 seconds, depending on the skill, to strip again.


OP seems to be angry that their boons aren't permanent and thus they actually have to use tactics and some semblance of skill to play the game rather than just logging in and using both hands to do something completely unrelated to the game.  I sincerely hope that this mentality is in the extreme minority. 

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They can add "difficult" elite specs all they want but the game is still far cry from the past when focus parties existed. People were even tankier back then but it was single target damage that killed you, meaning you got outplayed instead of ran at by some scrapper+shade spam. 

For example if you applied for a guild as staff elementalist, your application test was to survive as long as you can vs 2 thieves from that guild. Do you think communication, mechanical talent and faster reaction speed are relevant these days? Nah, it is enough for any guild if you play their copypaste builds and show up for raids.

Edited by Threather.9354
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Don't worry gais I'm sure in the near future they will change boon strips to no longer get rid of boons, but instead it will lower a boon duration by 1sec per application. We will never have a gank session with 0 boons ever again!


7 hours ago, Kozumi.5816 said:

Boonballing is like playing a RTS and you control your units by yelling at them with your voice.

Do you yell at your zerg in Raynor, Kerrigan, Artanis, or Zagara's voice?

Edited by Xenesis.6389
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16 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

Don't worry gais I'm sure in the near future they will change boon strips to no longer get rid of boons, but instead it will lower a boon duration by 1sec per application. We will never have a gank session with 0 boons ever again!

I was wondering how the combat can get worse.

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