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Dear Anet: You do have an official forum. FYI.

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Why do I see on the Twitter feed on the right of my screen this:

  "Thank you for your patience while we addressed this issue. This skill has been re-enabled."

What skill? Why isn't this posted on the forum? Shouldn't this be in the bugs section?

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1 hour ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

Why do I see on the Twitter feed on the right of my screen this:

  "Thank you for your patience while we addressed this issue. This skill has been re-enabled."

What skill? Why isn't this posted on the forum? Shouldn't this be in the bugs section?

To correspond to this previous tweet? 

We've temporarily disabled the skill "Detonate Cartridges" to address an issue.

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I'd have been less confused if they had mentioned the name of the skill in the tweet. I'm not a twitter, so don't see any history of tweets.

I do see the skill was fixed in the patch notes, but don't see where it was disabled. Again, they posted that on Twitter but not the forum? It'd kill them to do both?

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It's a problem a lot of people and companies have run into as a result of so many popular social media platforms and forms of engagement, and I think a lot of them make the same general error, which is: "we're on everything, this way we maximize engagement!"

It sounds like the right idea at first, you're on more platforms so you can reach more people. Until the time comes when you actually need to communicate with people on each and every platform to maintain that engagement and realize how incredibly annoying and fragmented that is. And just the problem like your indicating of information starts getting scattered and people feel they have to go to multiple places to work out what's going on.

I think the better practice is to have one platform you directly engage with the community through and that's it. Ideally something that can be long-form, text or video, when necessary. Any other platform presence just links to the one platform, acting as another way to make people aware of it, but never takes on the communication role itself.

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10 hours ago, PookieDaWombat.6209 said:

This is by design my guy.  This way they can pick and choose how they communicate, claim they did so and put it back on the players for not following every avenue they might use to communicate information if we happen to miss said communication.


Hope that clears things up.

so thats why they have that secret clubhouse. so they can claim they engage with players. it all makes sense now!


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14 hours ago, mythical.6315 said:

Twitter reaches a wider audience

Regardless of how big Twitter is, who would go to GW2 channel there unless they are already playing the game. You might get a few who would check it out.

As a player, my main source of info for the game are the main GW2 site and this forum. I do frequent Twitter on the rare occasion just to see if there's anything interesting. It's good to try and reach out to as many as possible but any major announcements/communications to the players should be posted here especially.

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On 6/29/2022 at 6:41 PM, PookieDaWombat.6209 said:

This is by design my guy.  This way they can pick and choose how they communicate, claim they did so and put it back on the players for not following every avenue they might use to communicate information if we happen to miss said communication.


Hope that clears things up.

In other words, on social media, you can choose your butt-kissers....ehm...followers. This is why I don't trust twitter or reddit. Social media just caters to the lowest-common denominator.

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5 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

If one saw the 'content has been re-enabled' tweet, it should not have been too difficult to scroll down a few tweets to the 'this skill has been disabled'.

Except the fact twitter puts a non closable popup covering the screen asking you to login that prevents any other action like scrolling or even clicking a tweet.

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9 hours ago, Bookah pls.9352 said:

Except the fact twitter puts a non closable popup covering the screen asking you to login that prevents any other action like scrolling or even clicking a tweet.

?  The twitter feed lets you scroll through dozens (hundreds?) of tweets.

Edit:  Not sure why there is so much disagreement.  The Twitter feed on the side of the forum, indeed, does let you scroll through many, many posts (has 'Load more Tweets' repeatedly).  Not referring to using the actual Twitter site. 

Edited by Inculpatus cedo.9234
clearing up 'confusion'
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I think it is common knowledge now - that in the forums only the community manager is posting. And sometimes the forum mod and/or person posting patch notes. And of course some devs sometimes in PvE/WvW forums.

As for PvE most of the developers though seem to post on Reddit - at least that is what I saw on some bug thread where someone linked a reply on Reddit. I find it a bit weird as well that staff of ArenaNet is not using the forums as main thing to answer to others - regarding certain bugs and other stuff. If there was no reaction at all: Okay. They are busy doing other stuff and there is still the community manager posting in the forums every now and then.

But if there are suddenly people on Reddit ... bit weird when you ask something here in ther forums and people redirect to an answer on Reddit that someone from the staff posted.

Edited by Luthan.5236
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