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Is the engineer supposed to be that strong in pvp?

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I am really amazed about how easy engineer rifle can do so much damage, like when i am playing harbinger. 
When the engineer gets one knock down, its over for sure cuz it has so much damage like what the hell. 
Hes literally one shotting...... Idk if its me but the damage seems to be too much to be honest.
Because not enough people play engineer for everyone to realize how broken it is.
It's just that scrapper, holosmith, mechanist we're all too boosted that people compare normal professions to those specs and feel like they are weak.
Elite specialization illustrates how overpower a core engineer overhaul is needed.

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14 hours ago, noneHotBuildTest.7251 said:

I am really amazed about how easy engineer rifle can do so much damage, like when i am playing harbinger. 
When the engineer gets one knock down, its over for sure cuz it has so much damage like what the hell. 
Hes literally one shotting...... Idk if its me but the damage seems to be too much to be honest.
Because not enough people play engineer for everyone to realize how broken it is.
It's just that scrapper, holosmith, mechanist we're all too boosted that people compare normal professions to those specs and feel like they are weak.
Elite specialization illustrates how overpower a core engineer overhaul is needed.

It's not core engi or holosmith or even scrapper.  It's just Mechanist.  Permanent quickness uptime (if you use Leadership Rune) or even a quickness uptime as high as it is without that rune is too good to be a healthy skill in the balance.  Even necros need to be in Shroud to access lots of quickness, and even then it is limited to their Shroud's duration.  The new Rifle Burst and Rifle Burst Grenade skills do about the same dmg as the skill they replaced when you factor the base dmg nerf.  The only real difference is that now multiple stacks of blocks from skills or passives now get beat down more quickly, making those skills a little less effective.  And some people use the passive rocket trait for some dmg enhancement.  Maybe some people use the Firearms traitline now, but using it personally, it's still really hard to justify against the Explosives line.

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6 hours ago, memausz.7264 said:

It's not core engi or holosmith or even scrapper.  It's just Mechanist.  Permanent quickness uptime (if you use Leadership Rune) or even a quickness uptime as high as it is without that rune is too good to be a healthy skill in the balance.  Even necros need to be in Shroud to access lots of quickness, and even then it is limited to their Shroud's duration.  The new Rifle Burst and Rifle Burst Grenade skills do about the same dmg as the skill they replaced when you factor the base dmg nerf.  The only real difference is that now multiple stacks of blocks from skills or passives now get beat down more quickly, making those skills a little less effective.  And some people use the passive rocket trait for some dmg enhancement.  Maybe some people use the Firearms traitline now, but using it personally, it's still really hard to justify against the Explosives line.

actually it is scrapper because scrapper is able to take the rocket turret and drop 10k's on peoples heads from stealth before they even begin shooting the machine gun for fun times.

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On 7/2/2022 at 6:55 AM, memausz.7264 said:

It's not core engi or holosmith or even scrapper.  It's just Mechanist.  Permanent quickness uptime (if you use Leadership Rune) or even a quickness uptime as high as it is without that rune is too good to be a healthy skill in the balance.  Even necros need to be in Shroud to access lots of quickness, and even then it is limited to their Shroud's duration.  The new Rifle Burst and Rifle Burst Grenade skills do about the same dmg as the skill they replaced when you factor the base dmg nerf.  The only real difference is that now multiple stacks of blocks from skills or passives now get beat down more quickly, making those skills a little less effective.  And some people use the passive rocket trait for some dmg enhancement.  Maybe some people use the Firearms traitline now, but using it personally, it's still really hard to justify against the Explosives line.


It's not core engi or holosmith or even scrapper.

Scrapper  and Holosmith are BUSTED 


Mentally destroying EU players with engi rifle 



Holosmith PvP Gameplay


Edited by noneHotBuildTest.7251
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I've been playing a static discharge rifle core engi build for a couple of weeks now. The auto-attack change was a nice quality of life improvement. It makes the rifle damage a little more reliable outside of your bursts.

However, my 100-0 bursts don't even use the auto-attack, so it's funny that -- all of a sudden -- when I nuke someone without a single auto-attack I regularly get whispered and told I'm abusing the rifle changes. They ate the same damage they would have 2 weeks ago. I think that's pretty indicative of the state of the discussion around the rifle balance.

Also, none of those videos should sell anyone on the builds displayed. If anything, they're evidence to the lack of a balance issue.



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3 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

These new rifle builds come off to me as the new flame thrower engi, something that feels real strong and easy to play at the bell curve or lower, but really can't do what it needs to and doesn't have what it needs to be good in higher end play.

They did nerf flamethrower engi though, with the justification that they don't want simple builds to perform that well. (referring to the comparison; not referring to rifle engi, I'm yet to fight one)

Edited by Hotride.2187
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1 hour ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

These new rifle builds come off to me as the new flame thrower engi, something that feels real strong and easy to play at the bell curve or lower, but really can't do what it needs to and doesn't have what it needs to be good in higher end play.


I agree. The rifle is degenerate, but nowhere near as degenerate as flamethrower since you can Los it. Even flamethrower wasn't that degenerate since you could force the engi to swap by just getting in their face. So Rifle has more counter play, less damage...probably will fold like paper against my reaper.  


In other words, this build is actually just fine. The first video linked by nonhotbuildtest of Engal wasn't that impressive to me either. 

Edited by JusticeRetroHunter.7684
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Meanwhile 🍔has been doing this since EoD launch while being twice as tanky thanks to Death magic, vomiting conditions (even on power builds), and is even more mobile.  

Also Mech doesn't get perma quickness uptime for free, the same way Harbinger doesn't quickness uptime for free outside of shroud. 

The Mech has to use Elixir U to get good uptime. Harbinger, likewise, has to use Elixir of Anguish. 

Reminder that 🍔literally has a stronger ranger rapid fire on their auto attack. (albiet with less range). And this isn't hyperbole. 


I will admit though, half of my motivation for posting this is because of how sweet and satisfying it is to give 🍔 a taste of their own medicine. 

Edited by Kuma.1503
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It's kinda funny to see people acting all crazy about rifle. It's literally still the same as it was in terms of damage. Just a little might on blunderbuss, some added explosions for QOL and new animations, which honestly are worse than before imo (at least on a char). 


Just because the auto is now a rapid fire animation, and you hear a lot of non stop pew pew pew people somehow think it's broken? These videos linkes above are pure kitten in terms of gameplay and they would be doing a lot more damage if they used rifle properly, comboing the skills instead of spamming auto thinking it is OP (which it clearly isn't.)


People are such sheep. They hear rifle is now 'broken' and they play it, thinking they are destroying people. They heard rifle was kitten before, so they didn't play it because they were told it was bad. I have been playing rifle for ages on several builds and let me tell you these changes barely do anything to buff it's damage. The auto overall has the same damage as it did before. The changes are mostly QOL. It just shows how people's perception of things is largely based on what other people (youtubers, streamers, discords) say and the majority can't think or judge for themself.

Edited by Koensol.5860
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6 hours ago, Koensol.5860 said:

It's kinda funny to see people acting all crazy about rifle. It's literally still the same as it was in terms of damage. Just a little might on blunderbuss, some added explosions for QOL and new animations, which honestly are worse than before imo (at least on a char). 


Just because the auto is now a rapid fire animation, and you hear a lot of non stop pew pew pew people somehow think it's broken? These videos linkes above are pure kitten in terms of gameplay and they would be doing a lot more damage if they used rifle properly, comboing the skills instead of spamming auto thinking it is OP (which it clearly isn't.)


People are such sheep. They hear rifle is now 'broken' and they play it, thinking they are destroying people. They heard rifle was kitten before, so they didn't play it because they were told it was bad. I have been playing rifle for ages on several builds and let me tell you these changes barely do anything to buff it's damage. The auto overall has the same damage as it did before. The changes are mostly QOL. It just shows how people's perception of things is largely based on what other people (youtubers, streamers, discords) say and the majority can't think or judge for themself.

I called this new meta before it even arrived. 

They thought I was meme'ing. They did not believe in the power of the Oribital. 

Now they fear the Oribital.  

Also it's not the rifle. You only use it because the other ranged option is pistol. We don't talk about pistol AA.

It's all Aim-Assisted Rocket. 

Let there be more Oribital Strikes 👾

Edited by Kuma.1503
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On 7/2/2022 at 3:13 AM, noneHotBuildTest.7251 said:


It's not core engi or holosmith or even scrapper.

Scrapper  and Holosmith are BUSTED 


Mentally destroying EU players with engi rifle 



Holosmith PvP Gameplay


Lol why did you post MY OWN VIDEO (the last one) that I made (which is a few seasons old for balance purposes)?  Lol YOU ACTUALLY do not know what you are talking about if you're using that video.

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On 7/2/2022 at 1:09 PM, Hotride.2187 said:

They did nerf flamethrower engi though, with the justification that they don't want simple builds to perform that well. (referring to the comparison; not referring to rifle engi, I'm yet to fight one)

More like they don't want non-interactive builds to perform well (you can't block it after your initial block, you couldn't reflect it, you couldn't outrun the superspeed, it was hard to outdamage, and it came with a handful of CCs).  Good riddance to the old flamethrower builds.

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People talking like its meta. Its not its a meme build and not even strong just has good brake away skills. To even invest time speak on rifle over bunker rev de that will shine and delete forum wars in the fututre just shows the skill level of us on these forums.  I am seeing posts about blade swarm riffle buffs over real high iq top meta classes. And it just tells me the iq of forum warriors because u are un able to play these classes that are over op to a higher lvl but only if u are a real gamer just shows why forums need to be delted for pvp section. U guys get balanced class nurfed becaus u understand how to play them but never get meta nurf because u really deep down dont understand why u are dieing to them. And because they are higher iq they dont flood pvp. Forums should only speak about buffs not nurfs.

Edited by Goldilock.2584
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10 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

i just watched the first 5 minutes of the first video....

i have no clue about engie or the rifle.... i just think its mindgobbling that he is literally just pressing 1......

He engages the teamfight..... has everything ready...... 1111111111111111111.  5(for the jump to reposition)  ... 111111111111111....

excuse me? why is this working?is it really the way to go to just go pew pew pew with quickness and ignore your other skills? really?

is it just me or is mechanist the new necro? in terms of intensity. In WvW everyone and their dog is running around with this orbitalstrike thingy hitting people for 15k+...  THEY DONT EVEN CAN OR HAVE TO AIM IT....

Imagine rangerpets "ranged-tailswiping" people for 15k.... cuz thats whats happening with mechanist atm... And now i found out that all they do is press 1..... w00w

its not even overpowered... i can deal with them just fine... im just shaking my head how braindead ez it is....

This build is garbage, there is so much projectile reflect in the meta right now between tempest, Harb, Holo, untamed, guardian, etc.

Meme build that works at low rank and in unranked tbh. 

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