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Next must-nerf profession


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especially firebrand and willbender.

I am seeing this profession so much in wvw and pvp overwhelmingly compared to other profession. 

They do amazingly well in both support/tank in squads or 1 vs 1 pvp. 

Some changes should be done so there is more build diversity in competitive modes. 

Edited by flyingplanet.6912
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In my humble opinion the root of the problem is the lack of alternatives. We don't stack Firebrands and Heralds as source for stability because they're doing it good. We stack them because they're the only ones in that niche that can fulfill that role. If Firebrand gets nerfed then we would stack both of them even more, since there are no other professions we can exchange them with.


I still remember when they intended to nerf stability from Firebrand and Revenant during februar 2020. The outrage was tremendous which caused the devs to rethink their changes.

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I don't think buffing other specs to firebrand stab level is going to make the game better. IMO its going to make it an even bigger clown fiesta.

Best to recognize that guard is too good of a support in zergs and just delete everything else it has in wvw. Like thief/ranger is only good for roaming, but there its really good. Give guard 1 thing its really good at in wvw, and keep it only there.

That or spread out party stab access so that more builds can give stab e.g. even as dps.

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Tempest sharing their Stability from Harmonious Conduit while overloading? 👀

Scrap "transcendet Tempest" and then just slap " Apply 1 stability for 4 seconds upon succesfully overloading" on the trait. 👀

transcendent tempest is pretty much hot garbage since they introduced alac to tempest.... transc.temp reduces time to overload by 30%... but Alacritiy is doing the ssame... it reduces the time by 25%....  but also shares this effect.


These changes would give tempest the ability to apply 1 permanentstabilitystack to his 5 groupmates.

Make sure to make this wvw only tho! it would be stupid op in pvp.


Edited by Sahne.6950
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FB is unplayable in spvp. It needs major buff. It seems WB is more inline with the recent nerfs. I think Anet will wait till Oct balance patch before any changes to it. 

Fyi, pve does exist, and is played by significantly more players than any from of pvp. Outside of FB, everything is performing between mediocre and poorly now.

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56 minutes ago, otto.5684 said:

FB is unplayable in spvp. It needs major buff. It seems WB is more inline with the recent nerfs. I think Anet will wait till Oct balance patch before any changes to it. 

Fyi, pve does exist, and is played by significantly more players than any from of pvp. Outside of FB, everything is performing between mediocre and poorly now.

There are splits for a reason...

WvW and PvE? FB is very overperforming. I agree that if everything were buffed to FB levels then it would lead to a degenerate situation. Instead FB needs some nerfs while other specs need some buffs to pick up that slack. The recent changes to Tactics Banner is a step in that direction, though they under nerfed the stability in PvE of all places...

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2 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

There are splits for a reason...

WvW and PvE? FB is very overperforming. I agree that if everything were buffed to FB levels then it would lead to a degenerate situation. Instead FB needs some nerfs while other specs need some buffs to pick up that slack. The recent changes to Tactics Banner is a step in that direction, though they under nerfed the stability in PvE of all places...

WvW is trash fire. Not saying it there should not be balance attempts, but there is very little you can do to balance uneven blobs.


PvE wise, not sure how FB is very overpeforming. The quickness support lags behind some similar builds in damage, like Renegade and Scourge. I think mechanist as well, maybe even tempest. It has one edge which is  stability. To an extent, herald can do that now, be it with slightly less damage. The dps version of FB is middle of the pack dps wise. Not really seeing “over performance” much here.


PvE wise, I think FB is okay for now, and the second Aug and Oct patch should focus on WB and DH dps options in PvE and weapons viability. Both fell behind hard. Power WB sucks in PvE. The damage output should not be contingent on 1 trait, Unscathed Contender. Condi WB needs a bit of damage. It ~2k away from where it needs to be. DH needs some help as well. It has fallen pretty hard with 6/28 patch. It should be between 35-36k. It needs around 10% buff to get there. Since Anet has been finally improving ranged weapons, can LB get the ranger LB and Mesmer GS treatment? 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/1/2022 at 10:17 AM, Hotride.2187 said:

Best to recognize that guard is too good of a support in zergs and just delete everything else it has in wvw. Like thief/ranger is only good for roaming, but there its really good. Give guard 1 thing its really good at in wvw, and keep it only there.

That or spread out party stab access so that more builds can give stab e.g. even as dps.


a) Incorrect, Firebrand is objectively worse as support in terms of healing and cleansing compared to Tempest or Scrapper. Very situational CC, very low damage to that.

b) FB has one thing they're really good at in WvW - Stability. And I would love it if it was kept there, especially if, like you suggested, dps got the option as well.


Firebrands are based on Aegis and Stability, and have had years of experience and training in saving people from brain-afk damage or one-shot mechanics. Give these boons to other classes, as well as the time to adjust to using them, I agree.

But either stop complaining about FB being able to save your lazy behind when you screw up a PvE mechanic, or start rejecting heal scourges in Boneskinner strikes.


We're the snowshoe version of a Swiss army knife, not a downsized "Gypsy Danger".

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19 hours ago, Solstice.5790 said:


a) Incorrect, Firebrand is objectively worse as support in terms of healing and cleansing compared to Tempest or Scrapper. Very situational CC, very low damage to that.

b) FB has one thing they're really good at in WvW - Stability. And I would love it if it was kept there, especially if, like you suggested, dps got the option as well.


Firebrands are based on Aegis and Stability, and have had years of experience and training in saving people from brain-afk damage or one-shot mechanics. Give these boons to other classes, as well as the time to adjust to using them, I agree.

But either stop complaining about FB being able to save your lazy behind when you screw up a PvE mechanic, or start rejecting heal scourges in Boneskinner strikes.


We're the snowshoe version of a Swiss army knife, not a downsized "Gypsy Danger".


FB are also bots for the perma quickness, its more like a swiss army knife  utility role.

EDIT: For who puted the confuse quickness is also something that FB's are good at.


On 8/1/2022 at 9:08 AM, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

Have to agree with Bizgurk.5639. 

Other supports need to be buffed to compete with Firebrand. Not the other way around. 

Playing Wvw without Firebrand is quite literally unplayable after a certain group size. 


More boon fest??? no ty, that will make more specs that dont use boons more useless cause they dont contribute and those who have been buffed more boons to stack wich is already what is turning this game into a very lame gameplay since theres poor counters to the meta or they are not eficient targeting perma  strong boons.

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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