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Why is there still no paid armor class change?

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I totally would not mind paying even 2000 gems to change the armor type on my character from medium to light, and for sure I am not the only one in such situation. We already can preview different armor class skins in the bank, so at least part of the code is already there. There is literally no reason to not introduce such a feature, outside of some silly "class identity", which is already ruined by outfits anyway.

(I mean an entirely cosmetic change, of course)

Edited by Valisha.8650
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35 minutes ago, Mutisija.5017 said:

is this like... cosmetic, or do you want them to have premium currency feature that allows light and medium armor classes having a whole lot more armor points than non paying players can have?

Yes, entirely cosmetic, of course.

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5 hours ago, Valisha.8650 said:

Yes, entirely cosmetic, of course.

If I understand correctly what you're asking for, with the garbage transmutation system that may be... troublesome. I don't know how deep transmutation goes, but it's changing something about the properties of the item you have and if that change is tied to armor weight, then transmuting heavy armor to medium armor, for example, is probably a clash in armor type in the code.

So even setting aside clipping and just saying, you choose to only be able to transmute medium into light (not mix weights or change statted weight), it's probably some kind of clash.

I could be wrong, I deeply dislike the transmutation system, but... yeah.

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OP, there must be something I am not understanding about what it is you want. With outfits you can already give a light armor class a heavy armor look and vice versa. Except for being able to change individual pieces of armor, what it sounds like you are asking for exists in the game right now. What am I not understanding about your request for cosmetic changes of an armor class's look?

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gives me a reason to unlock racial armors for class types that I dont have a character to use it with. 


To clear up what I am trying to say:


I have one Asura and one Charr character and 2 Salvari characters.

My Asura is a Light armor. My Charr is Light armor.

Both Salvari are leather armor.

So in its current state, I have no reason to ever unlock the Medium and Heavy racial Asura and Charr Armors.

I have no reason to ever unlock the Heavy and Light Salvari armors. 


This suggestion by the OP, gives me a motive to unlocking those skins for use on my characters. 

Edited by Knighthonor.4061
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I think this is a great idea, but seeing the number of confused reaction to the OP i'll summarize it differently.


TL;DR I would like a to be able to change the appearance of my gear to any other appearance in that slot regardless of armour class.


Example:  As a mesmer, I can change the appearance of my chest slot to any chest appearance I've unlocked. Light, medium or heavy. I can then mix and match armour appearances on my character as I see fit, without armour class appearance restrictions. 

Edited by Trip.8250
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Unfortunately, that's an issue with how originally the armor system was coded. Basically, when they  originally started doing armor sets, they (for some reason i can't really fathom) decided that each weight category will be done differently. I am talking about the connection points for different armor pieces - each weight category has it done differently. That's a reason why, while you can preview pieces of different weight category, when you do that the pieces of all the other weight categories are removed from preview.

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1 hour ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Unfortunately, that's an issue with how originally the armor system was coded. Basically, when they  originally started doing armor sets, they (for some reason i can't really fathom) decided that each weight category will be done differently. I am talking about the connection points for different armor pieces - each weight category has it done differently. That's a reason why, while you can preview pieces of different weight category, when you do that the pieces of all the other weight categories are removed from preview.

This point has been repeated over many previous threads which the OP could have found very easily by using the forums search.

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So, it appear that armor setting (heavy, medium, light) are separated in the coding as standalone things, so, changing appearance point to a determinated setting (example light armor) that can be changed only with another similar setting (another light setting) and not for ex. a medium armor setting because of incompatibility.

That is why we have, for events skins 3 of the same for each armor setting.

In the end, your request can be easily resolved simply coping the same skin appearance from one to another armor setting, like what is happening with events skins. How hard and time consuming could this be, i don't know, but i think is the fastest way to give you what you asked in the first post as a simple change in appearance.

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2 hours ago, Trip.8250 said:

I think this is a great idea, but seeing the number of confused reaction to the OP i'll summarize it differently.


TL;DR I would like a to be able to change the appearance of my gear to any other appearance in that slot regardless of armour class.


Example:  As a mesmer, I can change the appearance of my chest slot to any chest appearance I've unlocked. Light, medium or heavy. I can then mix and match armour appearances on my character as I see fit, without armour class appearance restrictions. 

Arenanet would have to completely redo the entire armor system, coding, skins, everything, in order to do what you're asking for here.  This would be YEARS of work and might cause multiple issues in the game depending on how messing with the old coding effects different systems in the game.  Its not going to be a thing.


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> You cant use the skin of light for example on heavy because the mesh cut is different.

But theres some armors that looks the same on all 3 weight

> No.

But you can take a screenshot if timed well and put it one on the other and are the same...

> *scretching noises*

> T-They looks bad t-theres some clipping problems.

Yeah like any warhorn on my ranger that goes in the knee and whatever boots with spikes that goes into any long coat, ecc...

> sweatinginpanik.webm

> *crabrunaway.gif*

Edited by PinkTacoLover.7603
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25 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Simple. They may look the same, but they are not done the same way.


But the OP didnt ask for mix and match. 

He asked to change from medium->light. 

The argument of how the meshes work is completely moot and not an issue because all races support all weights. And since Anet went heavy into outfits after release and made more and more things account bound for QoL (wait was there anyone that DIDNT want character bound legendaries!?!?) them not enabling all weights on all characters - restricted to one weight class at a time of course - is a mystery. They could have changed that system by now. From the user end it would be simple - the first armor piece you equip decide the armor weight. Changing weight is just a matter of stripping naked.

From a technical standpoint... Yeah it would probably require alot of recoding. But on the upside - they could recode the armor system from scratch ALOT faster than they can fix a invisible cornerstone in WvW.

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1 hour ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

But the OP didnt ask for mix and match. 

He asked to change from medium->light. 

The argument of how the meshes work is completely moot and not an issue because all races support all weights. And since Anet went heavy into outfits after release and made more and more things account bound for QoL (wait was there anyone that DIDNT want character bound legendaries!?!?) them not enabling all weights on all characters - restricted to one weight class at a time of course - is a mystery. They could have changed that system by now. From the user end it would be simple - the first armor piece you equip decide the armor weight. Changing weight is just a matter of stripping naked.

From a technical standpoint... Yeah it would probably require alot of recoding. But on the upside - they could recode the armor system from scratch ALOT faster than they can fix a invisible cornerstone in WvW.

Probably reworking all armor sets to use the same mesh (or copying the sets to other weight categories) would be simpler. Not simple, mind it, just simpler - because the solution you bring up seems quite convoluted to me and rife with potential issues-to-happen.

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39 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Probably reworking all armor sets to use the same mesh (or copying the sets to other weight categories) would be simpler. Not simple, mind it, just simpler - because the solution you bring up seems quite convoluted to me and rife with potential issues-to-happen.

How is it convoluted to "select" your armor weight? And what issues would there be?

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I'd prefer they'd just let us mix skins. Elder Scrolls Online was able to do that change ages ago and I'm still jelly of it. Anyone worried about clipping shouldn't be cuz there'd actually be less of it since we'd have more buttcapeless options since those are the prime culprit of clipping. I still recall there being little to no issues with mixing different armor weights back in ancient times when the preview window allowed it.

Edited by Doggie.3184
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7 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

But the OP didnt ask for mix and match. 

He asked to change from medium->light. 

The argument of how the meshes work is completely moot and not an issue because all races support all weights. And since Anet went heavy into outfits after release and made more and more things account bound for QoL (wait was there anyone that DIDNT want character bound legendaries!?!?) them not enabling all weights on all characters - restricted to one weight class at a time of course - is a mystery. They could have changed that system by now. From the user end it would be simple - the first armor piece you equip decide the armor weight. Changing weight is just a matter of stripping naked.

From a technical standpoint... Yeah it would probably require alot of recoding. But on the upside - they could recode the armor system from scratch ALOT faster than they can fix a invisible cornerstone in WvW.

OP didn't ask for mix-and-match but other posters on this thread did.  See the post immediately above mine.

Edited by The Greyhawk.9107
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