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[Bug]/[Undesirable Behavior] Axe Mirage


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Corrected some errors I had. Thanks luxroy!


To Whom it may concern 🙂

I went over this list with a few Mirage enthusiasts, and we came up with a few things that we consider to be either bugs or just very undesirable behavior that make this class unnecessarily hard to play.

THIS HAS BEEN FIXED ON December 13th, 2022 Patch. The things below are still bugged / undesirable.

**Most importantly:** This has been reported previously: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/107517-mirage-axe-ambush-bug/?tab=comments#comment-1558487
- Long standing bug: If you dodge during AA#3 (Mirror Strikes) you will not perform an ambush attack.
Luxroy has two great videos on the bug:
The second video demonstrates that the cause of this bug is the trait Mirrored Axes. Specifically, it seems connected to the spawn of the Spinning axe from that trait.



- When you use your dodge roll, at the moment, your character finishes whatever action they are doing, and then uses the ambush attack. If you stand inside the boss hitbox, the autoattack chain is reset to the start. If you stand outside the boss hitbox, the autoattack chain resumes from where it was before (Example: AA#1, Dodge, Ambush, AA#2)
*Clones* on the other hand, immediately cancel their current attack. If they stand inside the hitbox, the clones will then go back to the start of the autoattack chain. If they stand outside the hitbox, the clones will continue their autoattack chain.

It would make Mirage more accessible, if clones simply completed their current action and *then* used ambush, like a player does. And if the behavior inside and outside the hitbox was the same.

- For clones, the same behavior also happens during their Axes of Symmetry (Axe 3) attack. If you dodge too quickly after the Axes of Symmetry attack, your ambush will just be the next attack, but for them, receiving a Mirage cloak immediately cancels their Axes of Symmetry attack, causing you to miss out on a lot of conditions.

It would again make Mirage more accessible, if the Axe 3 was completed regardless and then the ambush was just the next attack they do.

- Bug about clone attack speed:

Edited by REMagic.8937
Contained stupid mistakes
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

They just deliberately choose to forget mirage.

  • No bugs fixed
  • Still the only one use the same professional skill as core in the entire game with only 4 skills although chrono and virtu got 5 now, and only put that shiny visual on the board, pretend that they have make some difference between core and mirage
  • Still bad trait design
  • Still one dodge 
Edited by Loic.9657
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Some updated videos to show that these bugs are still happening in current patch as of today October 11th 2022. All of these were tested with minimal gear (no armour, no trinkets and only 1 main hand axe) and minimal build (only the mirage trait line and in some cases with mirrored axes on.) I've included timestamps in each of my video so it's easier to follow.

Axe third auto + Ambush Bug :
In this video I demonstrate the bug between the third axe auto and the axe ambush. First I demonstrate the bug with the mirrored axes trait on, and then demonstrate that the bug doesn't occur without the trait active. In both cases I test with the auto attack on and off the 1 key to show that it is unrelated. This bug occurs that the player is inside or outside the hitbox.

Auto Attack Chain + Ambush Reset Bug :
In this video I demonstrate the interaction between the axe auto chain and ambushing. I first ambush in between my autos to show that the bug does not occur when you are outside the hitbox, as my chain still continues where it left off. I then walk inside the hitbox and proceed to do the same sequence of skills I did while outside the hitbox and demonstrate that the bug occurs only when inside the hitbox. For example, let's say I cast Ethereal Chop followed by an ambush, if I was inside the hitbox of the golem my auto attack chain will restart and go back to Lacerating Chop (axe auto 1) while if I was standing outside the golem's hitbox I would continue with a Mirror Strikes (axe auto 3).

Clone Auto Attack Chain + Ambush Reset Bug :
In this video I demonstrate that the axe auto chain + ambush interaction also happens to clones and not just players. You can see that every time I ambush, the clone inside the golem's hitbox will restart it's auto chain and start at the first auto again. Meanwhile, the clone outside the hitbox simply continues its chain. For example, if both clones were performing the 2nd axe auto Ethereal Chop and I was to ambush, the clone inside the hitbox will go back to casting a Lacerating Chop (Auto 1) while the clone outside the hitbox will continue with a Mirror Strikes (Auto 3).

Clone Attack Speed bug :
As for the clone attack speed bug while inside the enemy's hitbox, I have found that the bug only occurs if the mesmer is holding an offhand weapon of any kind. I was unable to reproduce the bug without holding an offhand weapon. 

In this video I spawn 3 clones using axe 2 and then proceed to cast axe 3 to change the clones' position until at least 1 of them is inside the hitbox. The reason I use axe 3 is so that the clones stay synchronized in their attack chain.  I first demonstrate that clones in and out of hitbox have no attack speed difference if the mesmer does not have an off-hand weapon equipped. I then equip an off-hand pistol and show that clones inside the hitbox will have a slower attack rate than clones that are outside. I then change my pistol for an off-hand sword to show that the bug will occur even with a different off-hand weapon.


Edited by LuxRoy.9230
missed 1 word in the intro
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  • 2 weeks later...

As of the October 18th 2022 Patch,
Axe third auto + Ambush is still bugged
> Axe Auto Attack Chain + Ambush while in the hitbox still resets the auto chain
> Axe Clone Auto Attack Chain + Ambush while in the hitbox still resets the clone's auto chain
Clone Attack Speed is still reduced if the clone is standing inside the target's hitbox while the mesmer is holding an offhand weapon of any kind.

Edited by LuxRoy.9230
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Another thread of details, another thread of great investigative work!


Again, ANet, even if the team isn't sure how to fix this, or it is a low priority in the backlog, it would go miles in goodwill towards the players if you would acknowledge that these bugs are even on your radar.

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1 hour ago, Double Tap said:

Hello! We're actively investigating this issue - it has proven to be more complicated than it might appear on the surface. Rest assured that we are hard at work on a fix! 🙂 Thank you!

This has me worried that when they give Mirage back its second dodge, they're going to update ambushes and introduce a whole new slew of bugs.

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2 hours ago, Double Tap said:

Hello! We're actively investigating this issue - it has proven to be more complicated than it might appear on the surface. Rest assured that we are hard at work on a fix! 🙂 Thank you!

Which one of them do you mean? Just the first one? Or also the thing about attack speeds (bug at the end)?

Or are you planning to address the undesirable behavior that makes the class way harder to play?

I'm hoping for: "all of the above" 😄 Btw I'm not sure if this is helpful, but remember back when you introduced Dragons Response Missions?

Back then, Mirage benched around 29k DPS (confusion didn't really do damage against golem and torment was bad). After that patch people noticed that for some reason their Mirage did less DPS on golem (like 1k DPS went missing? I don't exactly remember). I am not sure if it was ever properly found out why, but some in the community suspected that clone attack speed was slowed down in one of those patches. 

So that may also be a thing to be aware of: If / when you fix some of those bugs, this can have a quite significant impact on the Mirage DPS and I hope y'all are keeping an eye out for what might be necessary follow-up changes 😄 We love that build, please don't kill it by accident^^

Edited by REMagic.8937
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42 minutes ago, Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:

Where did they say Mirage was getting the 2nd dodge back? I legit curious as I havent seen anything.

As usual the Devil is in the details. CMC mentioned a few things on a stream before the Oct 4th updates that relates to Mirages missing dodge. First, they announced the removing the trade-offs they added. (example chrono got back dist. & Soulbeast got back Pet swap while retaining merge/unmerge. Meanwhile, Mesmer got a slight nerf as far as Mirage is concerned and we are all waiting to see if they will actually do it. Also CMC mentioned that Mirage's other dodge is on the table.


I am not holding my breath, however, I would say if they do remove the trade-offs it goes without saying that Mirage will get 2 dodges again because that was the original trade-off that seemingly led to the others for balance.


I really hope they keep to what they said and don't try to pull some split-tung logic yoga to avoid removing Mirage's trade-off.

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3 minutes ago, Moradorin.6217 said:

As usual the Devil is in the details. CMC mentioned a few things on a stream before the Oct 4th updates that relates to Mirages missing dodge. First, they announced the removing the trade-offs they added. (example chrono got back dist. & Soulbeast got back Pet swap while retaining merge/unmerge. Meanwhile, Mesmer got a slight nerf as far as Mirage is concerned and we are all waiting to see if they will actually do it. Also CMC mentioned that Mirage's other dodge is on the table.


I am not holding my breath, however, I would say if they do remove the trade-offs it goes without saying that Mirage will get 2 dodges again because that was the original trade-off that seemingly led to the others for balance.


I really hope they keep to what they said and don't try to pull some split-tung logic yoga to avoid removing Mirage's trade-off.

Ooooooo that would be awesome. Picked up my Mirage again very recently in WvW and even tho my damage (and dodge) was nerfed (DPS), still having a bit of fun. the 2nd dodge would bring back the viability of mirage

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On 10/25/2022 at 10:01 PM, Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:

Ooooooo that would be awesome. Picked up my Mirage again very recently in WvW and even tho my damage (and dodge) was nerfed (DPS), still having a bit of fun. the 2nd dodge would bring back the viability of mirage

dont worry, the reason we dont have 2nd dodge mirage yet is because they need couple of months to find out a new way to nerf it instead.

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