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Well, Steam complaints are starting to flood in...


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33 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

All DLC is free in all other MMOs? Genuinely curious because I've only played a half dozen or so.

Who said that? It's the truth that you only pay for expansions on other MMORPGs. That's the market standard. There are no "Living World episodes" in other MMORPGs after all. And yes, it's sketchy hat these episodes cost money in GW2 - since they're free if you play the game when they're being released.

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- trying to sabotage the game by telling others to stay away from it because it's "pay to win" or other kind of lies

It is a lie and I can understand your concern. 


- people that don't understand that the Free to Play factor is only a trial and they expected full access to the game

I blame Anet for not being transparent in their ads. They have advertised the game as free to play so far and only now people see the pricing on expansions and DLCs after the release so it is perfectly normal for people to rant. Maybe their ads should have been clearer stating that a portion of the game is free and they will have to buy expansions and living world stories after its release on steam.


- people that complain that 100 dollars for a full collection is too much and that "muh favorite MMO is not priced so high", completely ignoring the "no subscription" factor

So? 100 dollars is too much for some people and countries. They have no right to state that? 


- people that call the game pay to win after only logging in for a few minutes in it

I haven't seen any post from anyone who played the game for a few min and then said it is pay 2 win but if that is the case, it is really stupid. 


- people complaining why Living Stories aren't sold separately

They are right. What if they have the expansions and only want to buy Living stories on Steam?  


- people that complain about wanting regional pricing

Again they are right. I recommend that you get yourself familiar with something called per capita income. one day's earnings of people in some countries are equal to the other's earnings of a whole month in some other countries. I am sure if Anet gave them a better deal, it would be better for us all community members as well. The more the merrier right? So getting less money from some people is still better than not getting anything at all from them.


Remember, people do not have to agree with you or share your views on the game to be considered that they understand the game? Maybe they have really vaid reasons that you don't understand. I have seen many of those steam posts and very few are saying false statements like the game is a pay 2 win. 


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5 minutes ago, Raizel.8175 said:

Who said that? It's the truth that you only pay for expansions on other MMORPGs. That's the market standard. There are no "Living World episodes" in other MMORPGs after all. And yes, it's sketchy hat these episodes cost money in GW2 - since they're free if you play the game when they're being released.

If other MMOs charge for DLC then you do pay for more than expansions.

It isnt at all sketchy to charge for the product of your labor. I doubt very much that anyone here tells their employer to not pay them for their work.

Edited by Ashen.2907
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"I don't know man, all the high end characters look ridiculous. Everyone has wings and everything has a glow effect. It looks like im at a rave in the middle of the slums in a medieval village. Aesthetically TESO looks far better. This just looks like everyone is made of chinese fireworks."


Ok this is valid criticism, we really need a option toggle to turn off other people's leg weapon effects and auras.  People are really going overboard with them just for the sake of nuisance.

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4 minutes ago, Coyote Trickster.7319 said:

"I don't know man, all the high end characters look ridiculous. Everyone has wings and everything has a glow effect. It looks like im at a rave in the middle of the slums in a medieval village. Aesthetically TESO looks far better. This just looks like everyone is made of chinese fireworks."


Ok this is valid criticism, we really need a option toggle to turn off other people's leg weapon effects and auras.  People are really going overboard with them just for the sake of nuisance.

Can't disagree with that one. 

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Game definitelly isn't perfect tho.Even far from it.There are a couple trolls but also there are people who warning to people come for spesific contents.I saw many people warning people for abandoned contents like PVP,WvW,Raids,Dungeons.İs it their fault to be Honest?This game's only appeal is Open world.Also at bringing new players they absolute blew it.Really No local pricing?I look at my Steam page and 500 liras for one Expansion.İmagine paying 500 dollars for one expansion.All 3 expansion 1.2 k liras.ARE YOU KİDDİNG ME? This is absolute robbery.Seriously Veteran players have 0 reason to Hype for this ...A-net really good at destroying its own game.

Edited by Carnage.6751
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2 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

Not really, but I do understand where you are coming from.

He isn't wrong tho.Outside of Core Ranger other classes have no luck againts expansion classes.And worse every new expansion outpowers old expansions.After Harbinger people doesn't bother to play Reaper anymore.Bladesworn,Willbenders,SPECTER all become meta of PVP and WvW .Even this is not pw2 Old expansions need to waste 3x effort for beat new professions.

Edited by Carnage.6751
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3 hours ago, Raizel.8175 said:

Who said that? It's the truth that you only pay for expansions on other MMORPGs. That's the market standard. There are no "Living World episodes" in other MMORPGs after all. And yes, it's sketchy hat these episodes cost money in GW2 - since they're free if you play the game when they're being released.

But other games like WoW and Final Fantasy charge you a subscription AND you pay for expansions. For a year of WoW, you can buy the expansions and the entire living world series. Ignoring subs, or worse, "optional subs" is misleading.

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3 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

If other MMOs charge for DLC then you do pay for more than expansions.

It isnt at all sketchy to charge for the product of your labor. I doubt very much that anyone here tells their employer to not pay them for their work.

you misunderstand a critical point here: DLC is the expansion BOX not the patches adding a bit more story afterwards. you can call it "living world all you want, but to the eyes of the average MMO player these are PATCH story content and not DLC like expansions. and patch story updates are in all other MMOs FREE if you own the associated expansion. Which means season3 needs to be part of the HOT experience, season 4 and IBS part of POF, and what ever comes with EoD to that expansion.

And considering that they were FREE for players who logged in, they just arbitrally charge new players for it who literally couldn't be there. this is not like the guardian costume you get for creating an account before Date X, these are vital story and content.

And it gets even worse if one considers that anet has set themselves up by previously removing the price of expansions prior if you just bought the current one.. they made core free with HOT, they made hot free when you bought Pof. and now they ask new players to suddenly pay MORE? it maybe business wise justified but it does not look to consumers regardless, DUE to anets prior behavior. if they NEVER lowered prices so often with old content it would not be an issue today.

Edited by ShroomOneUp.6913
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8 hours ago, Crono.4197 said:

Yep it's always ArenaNet's fault, huh?

Not the entitled people and the people that wanna sabotage the game, not at all.

/end of sarcasm

Too many people are trying to put the blame on ArenaNet.

Sinister came forward with a valid point and you raise your shield to defend a company that really doesn't need defending. 

Also as someone who's been around since GW1's beta, reading your list and you saying ONLY Steam players said these things made me laugh. You must not remember a forum called GW Guru. 

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Reading all the comments kind of makes me see why so many people wanted a Steam release. Mostly to bash/sabotage the game. I knew this would happen, the reason why I didn't want a Steam release.

This Steam release will only give satisfaction to the people that like to complain or just straight hate the game. And people who "care about the game" but want the game to chane 180 degrees and be like other MMOs.


My last post on this thread. Have a good one.

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8 hours ago, Crono.4197 said:

The game just launched on Steam and the Steam forums are full with people that are:


- trying to sabotage the game by telling others to stay away from it because it's "pay to win" or other kind of lies

- people that don't understand that the Free to Play factor is only a trial and they expected full access to the game

- people that complain that 100 dollars for a full collection is too much and that "muh favorite MMO is not priced so high", completely ignoring the "no subscription" factor

- people that call the game pay to win after only logging in for a few minutes in it

- people complaining why Living Stories aren't sold separately

- people that complain about wanting regional pricing


Yep, what a great start. People complaining about things they don't understand and don't even wanna try the game first before coming to a conclusion.

I guess that's Steam and mainstream "gamers" for you.


Misinformation and hyperbole like this is what killed Starwars Battlefront 2 when all the news was talking about those loot boxes, which was hyperbole since all that stuff was easily unlocked by playing. 

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Just checked the average reviews. "Very positive." Also saw this information you might find valuable.

"If you want to play with your old ArenaNet account, right click Guild Wars 2 in your library, go to Properties and add: -provider Portal to the launch options."

So you can stop feeling like you've been personally attacked. The "review bombing" has obviously done nothing. 

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7 hours ago, Lysico.4906 said:

I really hope they slam anet for ignoring 2/3 of the game.  No pvp or wvw updates.   They need to be punished with negative reviews

They did and it's all valid and they still didn't fix those areas and it is what it is. Don't launch anything unless it's ready to be shipped and if you were years away from doing updates to PVP and WVW then you probably shouldn't be releasing on steam right now.

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3 hours ago, ShroomOneUp.6913 said:

you misunderstand a critical point here: DLC is the expansion BOX not the patches adding a bit more story afterwards. you can call it "living world all you want, but to the eyes of the average MMO player these are PATCH story content and not DLC like expansions. and patch story updates are in all other MMOs FREE if you own the associated expansion. Which means season3 needs to be part of the HOT experience, season 4 and IBS part of POF, and what ever comes with EoD to that expansion.

Which notabe mmorpg regulary offers free "content" patches tho? WoW doesn't, FFXIV doesn't, ESO doesn't. Free content is not the norm.

3 hours ago, ShroomOneUp.6913 said:

And considering that they were FREE for players who logged in, they just arbitrally charge new players for it who literally couldn't be there. this is not like the guardian costume you get for creating an account before Date X, these are vital story and content.

I always considered living world seasons to be payed content (just like similar payed content in other games, eg DLC in ESO, which btw are not the expansions), that is given out for free as sign of appreciation or reward for active players.

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9 hours ago, SinisterSlay.6973 said:

Regional pricing a legit problem. 

If I was a new customer, seeing $130 price tag would keep me far away.

It's what also keeps me from spending in the gem store. It's just too expensive relative to buying power.


Best we can do is tell people to try the free version and get them hooked. Then $130. For all the expansions might seem a bargain.

wonder if Anet did any market research with questionnaires, because they are really shooting themselves in the foot.

no offense, I would go with something like 30-40% off early bird bonus for launch week to get the pay cheques rolling as soon as possible

Edited by crepuscular.9047
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3 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

But other games like WoW and Final Fantasy charge you a subscription AND you pay for expansions. For a year of WoW, you can buy the expansions and the entire living world series. Ignoring subs, or worse, "optional subs" is misleading.

To add to what Vayne said, another of the top-tier MMO's, ESO, charges for DLC in aditon to expansions.  Or, you can pay a monthly fee to get the DLC (but not XPac's ) at no additional cost.

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There will always be plenty of negative ppl on steam releases. Anet did (especially for their normal promotion standard) a decent job. The biggest fault was to focus to much on their "all inclusive price" while offering little discount. Full package should've been 80 dollar/euros tops. It would've been even better if they focussed more on their xpacs only. Just start releasing living world story again to the new players, offer 1 episode/1-2 weeks while also offer a big bundle for those that want to experience the content immediately 

also Just noticed their lack of promotion on steam. That moment when you realize ultimate fishing simulator for €2.99 bought better advertisements then guild wars 2. 

Edited by the krytan assassin.9235
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This is why the game is getting bombed. It is 100% justified

I have 9000 hours over 8-9 years of playing this game, primarily PvP/WvW but also a good amount of PvE.<br><br>Where to begin when 
the entire game is a dumpster fire... <br>The GW2 community is the 
most cringe, insecure MMO community I've ever seen and all you'd have 
to do is browse /r/guildwars2 or the official forums for 5 minutes. 
<br><br>First of all, the devs have done their upmost, and I mean upmost 
best to neglect the best parts of this game for many years. 
The game receives abysmal PvP/WvW balancing so if you're starting the 
game as a pvper, just move on because there are many better alternatives.
 Eventually the balance was dictated by "prominent" streamers/content 
creators who banded together with devs in a secret discord server. 
These content creators would defend every bad balance patch simply for 
the reason that they had influence over some of the changes. 
One streamer publicly defended the patch, which notoriously nerfed all 
the damage in the game, and thus blamed it on players not being able to 
adapt when people complained. A year later he himself would complain 
about the state of the game being "stale" and how most pvp matchups were 
now stalemates. <br><br>The (arguably) best game mode in this game has 
been neglected for years. In 2018, the devs promised a new WvW alliance 
system that would "revamp" World vs World. 4 years later, they have 
failed to even ship the system to live servers. Not to mention the fact 
that the system does not actually solve any real problems the game mode 
has, it's just something new that players anticipated. Many players quit
 after that announcement as ArenaNet once again showed they have no idea
what they're doing. The few remaining veterans are just people that have
 invested too much time to quit. <br>SPvP is extremely boring and 
unbalanced. SPvP has one main game mode called Conquest that has been the 
meta for the games entire lifespan (10 years lol). The "top" pvpers in 
this game consistently win trade for rank, sell pvp tournament carries 
for $$$ and are even in on it with some of the devs who turn a blind eye. 
Ranked SPvP is also filled with bots and matchmaking is a joke and 
players will be mismatched based on elo because the player base is so
 thin.<br><br>The PvE in this game is mind-numbingly boring after a 
certain point. Repetitive, unskippable, badly written dialogue. 
Everything is so easy because the game is casual as hell. 
I'm still using the same PvE gear I crafted in 2014. 
Raids are super boring. There are more people selling carries than 
actually playing the game in the lfg menu because it's so dead. 
The community consistently praised the devs for their Living Story 
episodes which were an hourish, extremely boring, PvE stories that you 
zoomed through in order to play the new map released with it. The 
community acted like these episodes and maps were the greatest content 
they'd ever seen. So the devs took this praise and abandoned all other 
aspects of the game for a few years to pump out Living Stories, which 
eventually led to the same community getting bored and asking for 
something new.<br><br>Class Specialisations. Class specs are by far the 
laziest way ArenaNet pushed "content" to the game. With each expansion 
comes new class specs which adds skills/traits to each class. ArenaNet 
purposely nerfs the meta class spec at the current time in order to 
guarantee sales for their new expansion which will include the very 
overtuned new class specs. The design and development behind these 
specs became lazy and very dull after the 2nd expansion. Obviously the 
old class specs are neglected as a result.<br><br>So many other 
little things I can say:<br><br>- Cosmetics/Outfits that are beyond 
horrible.<br>- If you play as F2P you will get slapped by people 
who have purchased expansions with the latest class specs.<br>- 
Lootboxes with lootbox only loot.<br>- PvE focused community.<br>- Same 
boring holiday events that when you've done them once, you'll never want 
to do again.<br>- The worst inventory in any MMO, so much junk/trash 
items and you have to buy bag slots per char.<br><br>Find something else 
to play. This game offers nothing if you are looking for anything 
remotely challenging. So many big streamers picked up the game and 
dropped it within a week because they realised how boring it is. 
The best thing this game has is its combat and how you can use it 
to outplay other players. Unfortunately, when you have devs that 
have no idea how to balance the game, it's becomes irrelevant.
<br>Obviously this game has some good parts otherwise I wouldn't have 
played for so long but those parts were either neglected or changed. 
The gradual decline of this game was sad but inevitable when you realise 
who leads ArenaNet, how they laid off 200 employees at a single time and
 how the original dev team quit a long time ago to move onto other 


You thought pvp people would not revolt after being ignored and kitten on for all these years?

How is it any more acceptable to give fake positive reviews? You are trying to kitten new players with this toxic positivity.


edit: the link didnt work take the div i copied since i cannot copy from steam either...  sorry for the kitten copy

Edited by Matthius.9104
steam link did not work
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