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GW2 steam players currently online numbers !

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15 hours ago, Gorem.8104 said:

Its not that entirely simple, I come from another game, Forge of Empires, that game is as old as GW2, people have been playing it for over 8 years ect. Yet a patch last year made them quit as the game was not fun anymore, they removed strats that have been around for years that people have been working on for years and perfecting because of future content, and instead of fixing the future content issues they just nerfed all ages at the same time, effectively removing an old questing strat that many used in the early game. (new worlds open up that are often quite a lot more fun then older worlds). 

So yes, you can have fun in a game for 5-10k hours, then an update hits that does remove all that fun and causes you to decide to quit and not recommend the game anymore, it can be like that at times. I mean, I was playing more before EoD hit, then almost quit entirely when June 28 "balance" patch hit for GW2. Joining the Warrior exodus that was leaving the game. Right before EoD, even with a character that started the day anyone on Earth could play gw2 before the official release, I'd have given the game a thumbs up and recommended it to everyone. 

The basic gameplay needs to be solid.

If they had an update that made GW2 a tab target, global skill cooldown game, that wouldn't be the same game anymore.

Nerffing the class you enjoy the most is annoying, but it is something that is reversible. And in reverse you might get classes that you wouldn't like previously and find way more interesting after a balance change/skill rework.

Can't comment about forge of empires, but if they hadn't changed the game you would still find it fun and you had fun for all those hours/years.

Edited by Swoo.5079
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Guild Wars 2 hit 8k concurrent players on Steam last night.

I did look at Steam Charts for several other MMOs to try and get context for that number, but it's hard to find anything equivalent since other MMOs launched on Steam much closer to their non-Steam launches.

ESO didn't reach that number for two years, with a sudden spike from 6k concurrent users to 29k with the release of Gold Edition and One Tamriel. Again, though, very different circumstances.

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On 8/24/2022 at 5:45 AM, DaFishBob.6518 said:

Way to make a broad assumption, I put one of those negative reviews simply because there's no reason to even make a Steam Guild Wars 2 account.

If a Sylvari eats a salad, is it cannibalism?

theres no reason unless you discover the game via steam, i mean we already have our accounts do you realy need to add negative feedback, thats not realy negative because just means  "hey you can create an acccount here too" i mean.... man come on.

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15 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

Guild Wars 2 hit 8k concurrent players on Steam last night.

I did look at Steam Charts for several other MMOs to try and get context for that number, but it's hard to find anything equivalent since other MMOs launched on Steam much closer to their non-Steam launches.

ESO didn't reach that number for two years, with a sudden spike from 6k concurrent users to 29k with the release of Gold Edition and One Tamriel. Again, though, very different circumstances.

FF14 had similar numbers in 2014 and took ages to get the numbers it has now. Wondering what direction GW2 will go.

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1 minute ago, ProtoGunner.4953 said:

FF14 had similar numbers in 2014 and took ages to get the numbers it has now. Wondering what direction GW2 will go.

That was another one I looked at. Overall, 8k is great for the first week. Most other games took several years to get there. 

The only thing that kept me from listing them out is that none of them went to Steam so late in the game’s life. So it feels pretty apples to oranges.

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5 hours ago, zaswer.5246 said:

theres no reason unless you discover the game via steam, i mean we already have our accounts do you realy need to add negative feedback, thats not realy negative because just means  "hey you can create an acccount here too" i mean.... man come on.

There's only 2 types of reviews allowed on Steam and that's Recommended (blue) or Not Recommended (red). If I'm trying to get some information across and emphasized I'm not going to choose the same color as most of the other reviews in the background so yes I do I have to add a Not Recommended review, unless it's fine to just leave new players on their own to find out they'll never be able to complete some achievements later on. Take a look at how well taking away the tutorial achievements went though.

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The thing that bothers me about the 'negative' reviews on Steam, is that many of them were existing players simply complaining that they couldn't link the Steam and their existing account.   Therefore, there's a number of negative reviews that aren't actually negative reviews about the game.  As mentioned above, these players are basically sabotaging their own game.  I get that it would be nice to link the accounts, but that's feedback more for this forum rather than Steam reviews! 


A REVIEW of a game is a player's impression of their enjoyment, or lack thereof, of THE GAME.   I'd ask our community to be aware of this, and not contribute to what is essentially false negatives.  GW2 is my favorite game, and I want others to be able to enjoy it as well!  It's been great seeing the new players in the maps!

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43 minutes ago, Ra Ra.9423 said:

The thing that bothers me about the 'negative' reviews on Steam, is that many of them were existing players simply complaining that they couldn't link the Steam and their existing account.   Therefore, there's a number of negative reviews that aren't actually negative reviews about the game.  As mentioned above, these players are basically sabotaging their own game.  I get that it would be nice to link the accounts, but that's feedback more for this forum rather than Steam reviews! 


A REVIEW of a game is a player's impression of their enjoyment, or lack thereof, of THE GAME.   I'd ask our community to be aware of this, and not contribute to what is essentially false negatives.  GW2 is my favorite game, and I want others to be able to enjoy it as well!  It's been great seeing the new players in the maps!


thats true. i agree the steam data is misleading as reviews tend to wander off topic.


actually in terms of the game running, its crashed maybe 3 times for me over ten years. gw2 set the bar very high in terms of gaming quality for 2012, and actually made my 'is this game good' criteria pretty strict, because i'd always compare games to gw2.


sure today's framerate and data throughput gripes are valid but it doesn't change the fact this game has never crashed on me even when it used to tank to 1fps on my windows xp laptop of yesteryears =p

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1 hour ago, Ra Ra.9423 said:

The thing that bothers me about the 'negative' reviews on Steam, is that many of them were existing players simply complaining that they couldn't link the Steam and their existing account.   Therefore, there's a number of negative reviews that aren't actually negative reviews about the game.  As mentioned above, these players are basically sabotaging their own game.  I get that it would be nice to link the accounts, but that's feedback more for this forum rather than Steam reviews! 


A REVIEW of a game is a player's impression of their enjoyment, or lack thereof, of THE GAME.   I'd ask our community to be aware of this, and not contribute to what is essentially false negatives.  GW2 is my favorite game, and I want others to be able to enjoy it as well!  It's been great seeing the new players in the maps!

This is something that happens with any product on Steam, it's on Steam so it's going to reviewed like a product on Steam. I've seen other products on Steam that have negative reviews purely because the content of this product is included in another product, in addition to more content that I might enjoy, for an equal or lower price. I've seen reviews that point out the use of buggy anti-cheat software which have a negative impact on the product. I've seen reviews about lousy porting of games from console to PC. Then there's Madden 23 because of Electronic Arts. At least the positives reviews clearly out number the negative reviews for this game.

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yesterday in NA prime time 3k players in steam.

so as i posted in another thread people have been put once again into a big soap bubble that steam would be a "big chance" "bring millions of new players" and all else what had been predicted wrongly by so many here.

the hype is already over, reddit is quiet, the numbers on steam would even be lower if our existing community didnt buy it there to post fake reviews or generate fake gametime just to make it look good once again...

my opinion is that the resources to bring it on steam could have been spend for better things as now we have the situation that anet always need to care about 2 versions of the game while one is a new but dead platform already and the community is rather split on this topic specially because of the different offers available now...

it would have been better to make a good 10 years offer for the game instead. lots of players are disapointed by the 10 years celebration which actually felt like business as usual.

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5 hours ago, roederich.2716 said:

yesterday in NA prime time 3k players in steam.

so as i posted in another thread people have been put once again into a big soap bubble that steam would be a "big chance" "bring millions of new players" and all else what had been predicted wrongly by so many here.

the hype is already over, reddit is quiet, the numbers on steam would even be lower if our existing community didnt buy it there to post fake reviews or generate fake gametime just to make it look good once again...

my opinion is that the resources to bring it on steam could have been spend for better things as now we have the situation that anet always need to care about 2 versions of the game while one is a new but dead platform already and the community is rather split on this topic specially because of the different offers available now...

it would have been better to make a good 10 years offer for the game instead. lots of players are disapointed by the 10 years celebration which actually felt like business as usual.

They dont have to do two versions its the same version just that steam take a 30% cut on the cash from the players useing their platform.

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Exposure is exposure, gw2 isn't a game you're expected to play 24/7. Even as a skeptical at some moments, it's probably fair to assume that even if not every player is a instant hit, people might be logging in for 10 minutes and logging off to do dailies or what might look like 3000-8000 players at any given time might really be like 30,000-50,000 players who spent like 1/10th of a day on a game maybe playing it for a few hours and logging off.

For better or worse, gw2 isn't a game you log in and do like 18 hours like a wow might be after your leveling finishes. You get ascended, you don't do gear ever again.

You don't get 5-8 pieces of epic loot over and over again with every month having a new upgrade to have the mmorpg experience being replacing new gears with massive loot drops. You grind gold for a hour and craft ascended or roll the rng lottery on fractals or strikes/raids where i think most people just sound like they end up crafting the chest/helm/legs at least anyways. 

3-8k or not, those are new players and exposure for a game that people aren't playing 24/7. It might be a lot more than we expect and i mean even if instant success or not. there's finally a page on one of the most publically used mass reaching game store fronts where even indie games with 0 advertising like Braid get millions of sales just off the advertising a steam page and "friend is playing/friend recommends X on steam" can be. 

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10 hours ago, roederich.2716 said:

yesterday in NA prime time 3k players in steam.

so as i posted in another thread people have been put once again into a big soap bubble that steam would be a "big chance" "bring millions of new players" and all else what had been predicted wrongly by so many here.

the hype is already over, reddit is quiet, the numbers on steam would even be lower if our existing community didnt buy it there to post fake reviews or generate fake gametime just to make it look good once again...

my opinion is that the resources to bring it on steam could have been spend for better things as now we have the situation that anet always need to care about 2 versions of the game while one is a new but dead platform already and the community is rather split on this topic specially because of the different offers available now...

it would have been better to make a good 10 years offer for the game instead. lots of players are disapointed by the 10 years celebration which actually felt like business as usual.

I think it's helpful in the long-term they've got it on steam, but I do feel you on 10 year feeling lackluster. I'm curious to see where resources will go now that that's not the focus of attention anymore.

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because the thesis "anti-advertising is also advertising" does not work that way. the game in agony is saved from death by veterans, the game needs innovation. Somewhere here, on the forum, I saw statistics (probably subjective) that up to 30% of players are not even aware that raids exist. Let's say the figure is less, even much, is it generally normal?

It is quite problematic for a beginner to understand this game and spend a lot of time so that the game MAYBE becomes interesting.


I didn't see ads for this game, I didn't see ads inside the game. Why does a letter call for dungeons, but not for raids? Why is there no training mode in raids, an analogue of a story mod? And many other problems that have not been solved for years.


For me, 2 pluses in the game are the absence of p2w and subscription

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15 hours ago, Dark.8093 said:

because the thesis "anti-advertising is also advertising" does not work that way. the game in agony is saved from death by veterans, the game needs innovation. Somewhere here, on the forum, I saw statistics (probably subjective) that up to 30% of players are not even aware that raids exist. Let's say the figure is less, even much, is it generally normal?

It is quite problematic for a beginner to understand this game and spend a lot of time so that the game MAYBE becomes interesting.


I didn't see ads for this game, I didn't see ads inside the game. Why does a letter call for dungeons, but not for raids? Why is there no training mode in raids, an analogue of a story mod? And many other problems that have not been solved for years.


For me, 2 pluses in the game are the absence of p2w and subscription

You got emboldened on 1 wing a week your training mode have been implemented.

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On 06.09.2022 at 01:45, Linken.6345 said:

Вы набрались смелости на 1 крыло в неделю, ваш тренировочный режим был реализован.

dreamer. I haven't raided in months. there is no need, no interest, maybe someday and just for the sake of the ring

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12 hours ago, Junkpile.7439 said:

I don't really get this steam thing. Why would anybody use steam if he can play game without it? Doesn't make any sense.


Because tons of people already use Steam for all their other games anyways so it's nice to be able to have it be in that list as it allows them to still use Steam features like the friends list as well as the community pages, screenshots and all that.


Of course it was mainly appealing for Anet to advertise it to millions of people on this platform as they generally do a bad job at advertising the game, sadly they once again did a bad job at advertising the game and decided to celebrate the 10 year anniversary by offering nothing to these new players so they ruined a good opportunity to get a bunch of new players into the game by being greedy.

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17 hours ago, Junkpile.7439 said:

I don't really get this steam thing. Why would anybody use steam if he can play game without it? Doesn't make any sense.


a few i've seen, like to have everything organized in a neat single launcher. i'm guessing its pretty common.


me, i like the discount by going directly to the gw2 site and not paying the steam markup, but hey, everyone has their ways lmao. maybe they weren't aware that gw2 has been offered from the same site for ten years ! idk

Edited by SinisterSeven.2781
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