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i was shocked to see the state of spvp

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On 8/28/2022 at 12:41 AM, Anatolian Turk.4057 said:

after 9 years later i was pushed to do pvp to unlock the decade cape back skin, i thought 10 matches wasn't too bad....so after getting my cape i decided to do ranked pvp , to try it out...i lost one match after another until i was on a 4 match losing streak, the 5th match was filled with bots and i lost that 90-500. Now i am on 5th game losing streak. The matches i lost it wasnt close, we got stomped.. After 10 years of gw2 being released, can someone tell me how the match making is still broken?? the teams are so unbalanced...teams filled with bots and afkers....broken claases stll exist?? im shocked to see the dark side of gw2, which made me sad since i like this game a lot.

if youre losing 5 in a row, maybe it a YOU problem, and not a Team problem

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56 minutes ago, Hellz.3058 said:

if youre losing 5 in a row, maybe it a YOU problem, and not a Team problem

That's just silly.

Today I'm the weakest link because I lost five games in a row.

Yesterday I won seven.

Tomorrow I win four.

Day to day, my personal skill varies that widely?!?

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On 8/28/2022 at 3:41 AM, Anatolian Turk.4057 said:

after 9 years later i was pushed to do pvp to unlock the decade cape back skin, i thought 10 matches wasn't too bad....so after getting my cape i decided to do ranked pvp , to try it out...i lost one match after another until i was on a 4 match losing streak, the 5th match was filled with bots and i lost that 90-500. Now i am on 5th game losing streak. The matches i lost it wasnt close, we got stomped.. After 10 years of gw2 being released, can someone tell me how the match making is still broken?? the teams are so unbalanced...teams filled with bots and afkers....broken claases stll exist?? im shocked to see the dark side of gw2, which made me sad since i like this game a lot.

You know what, I'm not even going to go into win trading right now, because it wouldn't be a fair comparison.

Look man, playing less than 10 games in ranked late season is not even nearly enough games played for the algorithm to sort out your account's volatility. Now if you go play around 100 games total in ranked and have something to say about it, then there would be some credibility in the gripe.

No offense but it is true.

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well i started playing pvp 2013/2014 then i took a long break pre hot to post pof


From what i remember and i hear ppl say, it was mostly the one patch every six month that got ppl to quit the game, i believe to the point 5 qs became highly exploitable and then removed, a lot of ppl blame this second event.


Patches were still taking ages to land and ppl still bored of fighting the same uber broken build for at least 6 month, then ppl kept leaving to the point duo q became abusable.


I don't know if report system have ever worked, but i know newcomers quit cuz they get at least one afker 3-4 matches out of 10 and sooner or later they find out those ppl are afking for years now.


this make new players not stick around


for the vets, the matchmaking abuses made their feel that was no competition in leaderboards and a lot of ppl quit the game cuz of that. Now if you get past 1450 rating and go to ranked you have a 50% chance of facing a duo exploiting matchmaking, even if they're not particularly good it's enough to win, they q dodging any other duo that could make them lose, which is great for both duos that get in a match they have 70% chance of winning. If you solo player you might as well start dodging those duos otherwise it's like bashing your head against the wall cuz you face them over and over and prolly lose all matches, unless you really lucky and there's another duo playing offline status and you get in their team.


Game mode fails to keep new players, old players play a lot less cuz if you play anytime that is not a 2 hours spam from reset time you prolly going to get caught in the q dodging scheme


Bottom line is, we have way less players than it's needed for the matchmaking to work properly


also there're things off with matchmaking aside from low population, it seems like the priority of getting mirror comps is higher than balance out the ratings, another day i was playing in my alt as a warrior around 1320 rating, i got placed against a 1800 (war+thief) duo plus a plat 2 mesmer, only because i q'd up as a warrior

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20 hours ago, Izzy.2951 said:

Actually i dont think that is pretty realistic. I play on Master elo in SMITE, and i can tell you is much more easy to comeback in a low elo match, or to get stomped by a minor error in a high elo match.

Yeah the game may be more exciting, but a minor error in high elo will make top tier players to abuse you in any posible way, and they likely wont make stupid mistakes or random plays so you have much breathing room for a comeback. While in noob elo, its much more easy to make certain plays and win the match, or just let the enemy team throw hard.

In SMITE gold/platinum you can see 1 or 2 good players carry their team that was hard losing.. While in diamond/master if ur losing hard thats just a surrender cos ur not gonna come back 99,99%.

Never played SMITE, but I played another Hi-Rez game called Paladins if you heard of that and if the quality is on-par then I think I know what you mean.

It was another low-population game, but Ranked worked just fine because it has none of the bs that Gw2 Ranked has.



-0 class-swapping/character-swapping to break matchmaking

-Teams that are restricted to playing with people only in an around their rating. A Grandmaster cannot queue with a bronze to lower their average rating like they can in gw2.

-Quality over quantity matchmaking

-0 Wintrading/match manipulation because they would ban someone doing something like that, like Gw2 should do.

-Rating that is awarded/deducted based on personal contribution to a role, rather than always being tied to RNG and who you're matched with like it is in Gw2.

-Draft picking, character and map bans


All these ingredients combine to make a bearable and even enjoyable SoloQ ranked experience, even in a low-population game

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It's just mech stacking the past 20 matches or so. 

Sure, it's "counterable" but why does it even exist in this state? People don't focus the mech and next thing you know the whole team is either cc chained to death or nuked into oblivion by a pet with raid boss level health. 

I really don't think I want to sit through another 3 years of engineer getting 10% of the balance considerations it should just because someone making balancing decisions doesn't want to be forced to remember there are other professions in the game. 

And please explain to me why engineer gets special treatment on rifle?

Skill 4 used to knock the player back as well as the target, meanwhile catalyst gets a clunky knockback and a stun on the target that doesn't trigger for like 2 seconds and requires them to stand in a very small radius.

Also - engineer gets a freaking explosion built into their auto attack chain and a damage increase but what do other professions and core weapons get? Zilch. 

Edited by Bast.7253
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On 8/28/2022 at 3:48 AM, Ausar.9542 said:

nobody playing this crap. We need 15 vs 15 Battleground like instances. This 5v5 and 2v2 arena stuff is boring and a mess

Been saying this for half a decade. Failed esports mode needs to be made into AT/MAT only and the main mode should be 15vs15.

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15vs15? wut?  when numbers increases it kills personal skills. If you need example check wow's battlegrounds. It is a mess even a bot can blend in and you cant notice.


why you guys keep saying "if im not playing pvp mode, it must be dead" what? why? how? eu time is 04:10 right now and im watching eu pvp player's stream.

ps: srry for bad english.

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On 8/28/2022 at 9:48 AM, Ausar.9542 said:

nobody playing this crap. We need 15 vs 15 Battleground like instances. This 5v5 and 2v2 arena stuff is boring and a mess


You read my mind on this   i was thinking about that in wow too the battlegrounds and big battles are more enjoyable than the arenas because its a buncha hugging pillars n stuff.



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On 8/29/2022 at 3:05 PM, Hellz.3058 said:

if youre losing 5 in a row, maybe it a YOU problem, and not a Team problem

Yeah, mate. Agree 100%. People who pitch a fit and blame their teammates when they lose are the worst, lol. It's even more sad when they send cry baby messages, then block the person before they can respond. I mean, who even does that, haha. How's yer rating, btw? 😉

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16 hours ago, Nokta.4561 said:

15vs15? wut?  when numbers increases it kills personal skills. If you need example check wow's battlegrounds. It is a mess even a bot can blend in and you cant notice.


why you guys keep saying "if im not playing pvp mode, it must be dead" what? why? how? eu time is 04:10 right now and im watching eu pvp player's stream.

ps: srry for bad english.

15vs15 arena, yes. A good 15vs15 mode has 5+ separated objectives that has smaller fights all happening at once.

Edited by Kozumi.5816
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