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Why does WvW have mounts


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5 minutes ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

Of course it's not, they only run around with fight groups feeding off those blobs.

I'm not going to argue over boons again, more boon spam coming next patch, the counters will probably be nerfed again. The boon war is over, anet won, the fight guilds won, the random lemmings get to feel more hopeless and forced into those groups and forced to play their way. Long live the spam.

you know you can go roaming alone and have boons by yourself right? i mean i understand being antisocial or not wanting to be in a group and go by their rules, but wvw is a group content, its made so people play together and group up to fight each other, boons? delete boons, see what happens to the game, it would be unplayable, and limiting its access would just make things more limited and toxic, yes a blob taking over a map isnt funny to play agains when you go alone, but think that those people have spend time and effort to coordinate and play together so they can have perma boons, heal instantly and use their skills on one spot as fast as possible to delete you, if you said, i found an ele with 12 boons and was kiling 10 people alone and being inmortal, then yes its a class balance problem, but saying "well we were 20 and we were going around like headless chickens launching skills and we coudnt kill 50 people perfectly stacked and coordinated that were playing piano so the boons were permanent and their healing made them inmortal " well those are diferent things, and dont take me wrong, i said, make a mecanic so random roamers, random meaning not with a tag nor coordinated, have a chance to win time and change the situation in their favour, like having an npc garrison and if you dont capture in certain time the npcs appear and help the defenders, or a special role to roamers so they can ask for reinforcements in defences, etc.

WvW, in the end, is a zerg vs zerg game, roamers should have roles and works that only they can do efficiently, but defeating a blob of 50 with 20 uncoordinated people is unrealistic.

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2 hours ago, SleepyBat.9034 said:

Yeah I don't think so. What dead space/time are you talking about? Just walking from fight to fight? How long does it take to cross the map from south to north just walking without any movement modifiers? Are people so impatient that they cannot stand a little inaction?

Yes, people are impatient. If someone gets home after work and they have limited time to play, they don't want to spend two thirds of their time running across empty maps. 

Here's the first part you cut out that explains that the problem isn't running across a map, it's running across empty maps that have absolutely nothing to do most of the time. You have to scramble to get to a hot spot before everything is done. 


The maps might be small but they're huge when most people want to avoid most of each map. There's nothing to do but catch up to the concentrated action that's going on at the moment. There's no lived in quality or downtime activities on any of the maps so there's no reason to take a lot of time to cross them.

WvW isn't open world, there's nothing to run into or happen upon if you're not hitting up prime time in an active match unless you want to backcap camps or whatever. Don't bother suggesting roaming because this forum is full of threads complaining about that. 

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On 9/13/2022 at 1:27 AM, Krysard.1364 said:

It just puts those without a mount in a clear disadvantage, as you just get chased all over the map without any chance. Not a fun experience imo.

Mounts are a very bad idea in WvW and have been for years.  Should never have brought them in to WvW to UNBALANCE the game.. <---- Hint.

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18 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

Get back to me when you want to look at the other side of that argument, when 30-40 boon ball squads are demolishing everything on the map.

im allwais on the side that looses against a blob, and i dont like it, but i have to recognize their work, because when i get in a scuad were not 50 people perfectly stacked and coordinated, i get it you want to be god and kill 50 people alone, but its just frustration talking, you alone or with 20 people cant win against 50 coordinated players, its facts, what do you want? your class buffed and every sup nerfed so wvw is open world 2.0?

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On 9/12/2022 at 7:27 PM, Krysard.1364 said:

It just puts those without a mount in a clear disadvantage, as you just get chased all over the map without any chance. Not a fun experience imo.

*Back to the original post of this thread, unpopular opinion coming up*

Any single player traversing the map, in my experience as an Ele main player (without doubt not one of the fastest and best "move, ambush & disengage professions"), get chased 3 out of 4 times not by a player on a mount, but by a player on one of those "move, ambush & disengage professions".

If you get aggravated by "being chased" down, you most likely haven't used skills vital to WvW: map awareness, reading enemy intentions and tactical movement.

Players on mounts a big moving things on your screen, look at your screen and be aware of where a player (on a mount or not) might pop up in close proximity, around a corner. Is the player on the mount hesitant? Does he try to flank you? Does he try to keep the distance? Can you move out of the LoS? Does he move out of LoS? Can you go around or can you chose to portal back to a WP? Are you close to an enemy camp the player might want to defend and you look like a threat to the camp? Is the player on the way to a camp (or sentry or dolyak etc.) you might want to defend and can fall back to? Do you see this player for the first time in the area or not? Thinking about some or all of these questions makes you a better "survivor" or "hunter" in a roaming situation. Being on a mount or not does hardly change what will happen next.

Would it be better to being able to rent a mount at the spawn locations (for e.g. x Badges for y minutes) for non-PoF accounts? Yes
Do existing (or non-existing) mounts for those players ruin everything? Not IMHO

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Anyone who claims getting chased down by mounted players is a non issue, never takes outnumbered solo or small scale fights. Either because they die too fast in those situations or they avoid those fights. Otherwise you'd know how frustrating it can be to use all your tools as well as you can to try and kite away and survive while having to deal with dmg and cc spam from multiple players, just to have the slow ones mount up and jump right on top of you, dealing dmg for free and unloading their entire kit, because they had to invest absolutely nothing to catch up.

Edited by UmbraNoctis.1907
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7 minutes ago, UmbraNoctis.1907 said:

Anyone who claims getting chased down by mounted players is a non issue, never takes outnumbered solo or small scale fights. Either because they die too fast in those situations or they avoid those fights. Otherwise you'd know how frustrating it can be.

Right, only a handful of builds have the mobility to actually disengage and get out of combat in time if the player sees more opponents on mounts rushing in to outnumber the fight.

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1 hour ago, UmbraNoctis.1907 said:

Anyone who claims getting chased down by mounted players is a non issue, never takes outnumbered solo or small scale fights. Either because they die too fast in those situations or they avoid those fights. Otherwise you'd know how frustrating it can be to use all your tools as well as you can to try and kite away and survive while having to deal with dmg and cc spam from multiple players, just to have the slow ones mount up and jump right on top of you, dealing dmg for free and unloading their entire kit, because they had to invest absolutely nothing to catch up.

Sounds like the "slow" mounted players simply caught up after you were already dealt with. They didn't sound like a factor in that fight.

If they're not mounted the entire time then they probably built to lock you down and shoot fast and hard. If they're mounted most of the time then they probably aren't much of a threat to you until your badguys from earlier take you out first and they roll up to tag you for loot. 


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On 9/16/2022 at 10:24 PM, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Mounts are fine if only if they'd add either a rental for non-PoF players or just make mounts unlockable for all only while in WvW.  

You do know the game mode is in pretty bad shape when people are no longer complaining about being able to perma-contest an objective with mounts + stealth though...

You won't find anymore comments on this though, they are oblivious to these factors.

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On 9/21/2022 at 5:40 PM, Svarty.8019 said:

Pretty wrong, then.

Im pretty sure thats actually correct, ill see if I can locate that conversation.

Based on your facts you were so nice to provide, I assume you shall do the same as otherwise you have no basis to negate my claim.

Edited by Bigpapasmurf.5623
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11 hours ago, Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:

Im pretty sure thats actually correct, ill see if I can locate that conversation.

Based on your facts you were so nice to provide, I assume you shall do the same as otherwise you have no basis to negate my claim.

I read that the statement about it being ‘wrong’  is related to ‘it’s a bad reason’ not that your facts were wrong.  But I could be…. Well…. Wrong..  😬

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