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Please rework the report function or ban people longer/permanent (also would be nice if a dev responds to this problem)


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Im a veteran player who likes to be on the starter maps everyday to help new players in the game and since the steam launch me and some friends noticed a MASSIVE rise in the amounts of insults,sexism and racism in map chat by new players. It would be fantastic if you guys rework the report system a bit so that we 1. get more reasons we can report people for 2.can see an ingame response if you (arenanet) did take action against the reported people. Gw2 has such a nice, friendly and open community and I feel like the steampeople/trolls are a big negative impact for the whole community. It kinda feels bad if you look into map chat and see people joking about kitten women ect and it would just be too much to report every single one via website support especially since arenanets stance is that they wont tell you anything about the outcome of the investigations anyways. I wish those people would get banned wayyyy longer or even permanently 😞


Anyways have fun everyone and good loot :)

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4 hours ago, Divity.3049 said:

Im a veteran player who likes to be on the starter maps everyday to help new players in the game and since the steam launch me and some friends noticed a MASSIVE rise in the amounts of insults,sexism and racism in map chat by new players. It would be fantastic if you guys rework the report system a bit so that we 1. get more reasons we can report people for 2.can see an ingame response if you (arenanet) did take action against the reported people. Gw2 has such a nice, friendly and open community and I feel like the steampeople/trolls are a big negative impact for the whole community. It kinda feels bad if you look into map chat and see people joking about kitten women ect and it would just be too much to report every single one via website support especially since arenanets stance is that they wont tell you anything about the outcome of the investigations anyways. I wish those people would get banned wayyyy longer or even permanently 😞


Anyways have fun everyone and good loot 🙂

When I see map chat I don't find acceptable, I simply use the "Verbal Abuse" category to report them, and then let Anet investigate. Since the report gets timestamped it's easy for Anet to locate the chat log and check.

Anet have also said very clearly that they won't share any outcome of your report since, quite frankly, we don't have any business knowing who gets banned or not. It's entirely between Anet and the reported account.

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7 hours ago, Divity.3049 said:

Im a veteran player who likes to be on the starter maps everyday to help new players in the game and since the steam launch me and some friends noticed a MASSIVE rise in the amounts of insults,sexism and racism in map chat by new players. It would be fantastic if you guys rework the report system a bit so that we 1. get more reasons we can report people for 2.can see an ingame response if you (arenanet) did take action against the reported people. Gw2 has such a nice, friendly and open community and I feel like the steampeople/trolls are a big negative impact for the whole community. It kinda feels bad if you look into map chat and see people joking about kitten women ect and it would just be too much to report every single one via website support especially since arenanets stance is that they wont tell you anything about the outcome of the investigations anyways. I wish those people would get banned wayyyy longer or even permanently 😞


Anyways have fun everyone and good loot 🙂

From your perspective "Blocking" them should feel like a perma-ban by will of your power alone since you'll of silenced their voice from your ears for all eternity. I haven't seen anything like that personally yet myself though for as common as you make it sound and it feels pretty descriminatory to place the blame on a specific group of people by saying "Steampeople," which is honestly offensive in itself and makes me assume you have a personal issue against people who use a specific game launcher even before GW2 released on it. Are you sure you aren't part of the problem as well and adding gasoline to a fire?

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I have not noticed a massive increase in toxicity in map chats. Steam players are no different then normal players. And how do you know it’s new players? Maybe it’s veterans wanting to troll and have a grudge against anet and do it to scare away new players. Gamers are gamers no matter the platform. There will always be some bad apples. I’ve met several nice steam players who were appreciative when I offered them some help and tips when they struggled. 

Anet does check reports so just do that and block the ppl who are toxic as mentioned earlier in this topic. 

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57 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

I add them to friends and look at their AP. 

That is a good point. However existing players can make new accounts just to troll. Even use their alts to hide their main account they have all their stuff on. So it's not really a bulletproof way to say they are new players.

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11 hours ago, Arianth Moonlight.6453 said:

this isn't your safe space. Turn on the chat filter or turn off the map chat.

Oh yes to talking about kitten women certainly is fine. Makes sense.

11 hours ago, Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

Oh wow, you're seeing insults, but sexism and racism that somehow isn't insults?  Are you trying to impose some kind social order or are you just trying to manipulate Anet into doing what you want?

Your comment makes no sense to being with but apart from that I want Anet to take actions against these new and unwelcome people faster.

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Ah, OP doesn't believe that there is enough suffering in the world, so they wish to add to it.
Not only that, but OP is asking to speak to a manager.
Permanent bans?
Frankly I am amused by the Asura/Sylvari/Charr/Human racism.
IrL racism spouted at random?  Nobody should know any irl details about anyone here, they are just shouting in the void trying to hurt someone, anyone.  It is rather sad really.  Why would anyone take that seriously or personally?

Openly admiring the thighs and abs on Norn characters as a player struts back an forth at Minister's waypoint is good fun.  I personally dress up, and toggle to walk, in order to collect such comments.  I am neither young nor attractive in real life, I find it refreshing.  Again it is different when someone hits on a character that I made to look attractive, I know they wouldn't even notice me in real life.  


From what I have seen, map chat polices itself fairly well. 
If someone does cross a line in map chat: witty replies and counter abuse usually hits them from all sides.  I have delayed blocking someone just so that I can witness the moment that they realize that there is no one left to see their words. Then they vanish like a soap bubble.

Edited by Zebulous.2934
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2 minutes ago, Acinonyx Rex.8609 said:

Just remove the report system !
Having the ability to report other players always drains toxic players who think they can rules over the world.

I prefer a teenager vocifering insults until he realize he is just dumb than a toxic adult who think he is smarter than everyone and can rules over other players.

To the OP, stop thinking you are superior, history shown us that people who report others cannot be tolerated in our society.

Gr8 B8 M8.  I apreci8 but you’re l8 to the deb8.

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26 minutes ago, Divity.3049 said:

I want Anet to take actions against these new and unwelcome people faster.

and I want a Porsche 718 Cayman but well, you know.

by the way, the owners of the game care only about the money and the dev are here to develop the game, not babysit every single snowflake whining about their fragile feelings being hurt.

and stop harassing new players, let them enjoy the game and stop pretending you are there to "help".

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3 hours ago, Freya.9075 said:

That is a good point. However existing players can make new accounts just to troll. Even use their alts to hide their main account they have all their stuff on. So it's not really a bulletproof way to say they are new players.

Yeah, I know its not perfect, but it is an indicator.

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14 minutes ago, Sindust.7059 said:

Anet, please ban the OP and everyone else in this thread who supports him. Let's make the world a better place by removing denunciators from it.


If the transgressions of the victims of these bullies are limited to what they said in chats and it's neither a scam nor spam, there is a block function. Aside from these denunciators only scammers and spammers deserve the ban hammer.

The ToS says otherwise.

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On 9/17/2022 at 5:30 PM, Sindust.7059 said:


Nice stretch. This is private property. ANet has never come into my home and violated my house rules for allowed behavior, my moral compass says that keeping my word and returning the courtesy is appropriate.

If supporting racism, sexism, and the like directed at others while also advocating for denying the property rights of the owners of the game is ok to you...

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Oh Lawd…. The internet Lawyers from both sides are out in force now…. 🤦‍♂️

To the OP, I would suggest that you report as abuse, or the other category, include information in the box, block them and move on.


New or old, people will say young cat crap and get their kicks when people engage them.  The more their drivel is drowned in other conversations, the faster they stop.  

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16 hours ago, Divity.3049 said:

Im a veteran player who likes to be on the starter maps everyday to help new players in the game and since the steam launch me and some friends noticed a MASSIVE rise in the amounts of insults,sexism and racism in map chat by new players. It would be fantastic if you guys rework the report system a bit so that we 1. get more reasons we can report people for 2.can see an ingame response if you (arenanet) did take action against the reported people. Gw2 has such a nice, friendly and open community and I feel like the steampeople/trolls are a big negative impact for the whole community. It kinda feels bad if you look into map chat and see people joking about kitten women ect and it would just be too much to report every single one via website support especially since arenanets stance is that they wont tell you anything about the outcome of the investigations anyways. I wish those people would get banned wayyyy longer or even permanently 😞


Anyways have fun everyone and good loot 🙂

Thing is this is nothing new, it's the same everywhere in any other online game and just about everywhere IRL too.  Policing it 24/7 is another matter. 

What do you want Anet to do exactly? Have an online moderator logged 24/7 on every map and every instance?  Policing MMO's is heavily reliant on genuine decent players submitting reports to the game moderator. You can't be bothered to report, then don't expect things to change lol

Abusive comments, insults, verbal harassment plain and simple should not be tolerated in anyway, shape and form and imo should be permanent bannable offences. The vast majority of players just don't give these types of player's the light of day:  Screenshot, report, block, move on.

If you find another player's comments breaches Gw2's T&C's, and it bothers you that much to do something about it then do something about it. It takes seconds.

Screenshot everything they say with their username included, report and Anet will take zero tolerance approach. It's fast and easy to take screens, add them as attachments using the GW2 forum support page. Once you've reported one player, the next 100 are easy 😉

Edited by Gregg.3970
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13 hours ago, Zohane.7208 said:

When I see map chat I don't find acceptable, I simply use the "Verbal Abuse" category to report them, and then let Anet investigate. Since the report gets timestamped it's easy for Anet to locate the chat log and check.

Anet have also said very clearly that they won't share any outcome of your report since, quite frankly, we don't have any business knowing who gets banned or not. It's entirely between Anet and the reported account.

This.  I've reported my fair share of people over the years (and recently cleaned out a block-list of so many accounts that have since either been deactivated or gone dark, even before the fixes to player presence), but the only way the team will know, @Divity.3049, is if you actually report them in-game.

In case you're not sure, just right-click their name in chat, choose "Report," then as the quoted post states, choose the "Verbal Abuse" entry, which covers pretty much everything you've mentioned in your original post.  You can right click them again and choose "Block" to prevent hearing from them further (which as the added bonus of making map chat appear as though it's suddenly talking to no one).

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3 hours ago, Sindust.7059 said:

GW2 is a privately owned public space by every definition but the legal one (which brings us back to your broken moral compass). Just as is every social media network. Their goal is to have as many people joining as possible, and as such they are open to everyone, making them public by definition. And in public spaces you apply rules that are meant for such public spaces, like for example freedom of speech. Unless you can prove targeted harassment, everyone just shouting obscenities from the roof tops has the right to do so.

Also, under civil rights law you must accommodate certain people in your private businesses, even if you don't want to. So if you want to argue for property rights of businesses, you have to get rid of the US civil rights act of 1964.

In order to use Arenanet's services (game and forum) you have to agree to their terms and conditions. These include specifically that there's a number of things that are not allowable, such as verbal abuse, hate speech, et cetera. If you fail to adhere to these you can and should be silenced. This is NOT a public space where anything goes.

Also "freedom of speech" in most countries means that the government is not allowed to limit your right to express your opinions in the public space. Since Arenanet's game and forum are not public space and Arenanet aren't the government, they can make their own rules for what you're allowed to say and do. People often use the analogy that if you were to come in to their homes and be abusive they would have the right to eject you from there, and this is imo a very accurate analogy.

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I have seen some aggressive chat, though nothing like the OP describes. Performative taking of offense is also a thing, like taking a dive in sports game to work the ref. Pity the poor staff sorting these gripes out.

I believe your account may be actioned if you abuse report though. Anyone know if that has ever happened? I would hope the threshold is up there, gotta be lots of rage reporting out there.

Edited by Hashberry.4510
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56 minutes ago, Lucy.3728 said:

Toxic chats are not a nice player experience and not to tolerate because there are filters and a block players possibility.


What one player regards as 'toxic' another player regards as friendly banter or insignificant childish humour. If you're easily triggered, sensitive, whatever, chat filters exist as does the block function. Otherwise, just allow people to be themselves instead of forcing/shaming them into complying with your standards.

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