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Willbender is overtuned for WvW roaming


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20 hours ago, Helicity.3416 said:


So running something like: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PWQAIlNwAZXsMWJW8XVtcA-zVJYiRB/QUpAcPLDvpBA-w. Would have had about 10 different strike modifiers up, though I think I am missing 1 or 2 more since was doing quick theory crafting and numbers a bit shy of the 16k between traits, sigils and runes. Hammer 2 would have been a base around 2196 or 2366 after the 17 stacks of might and between that and the 10+ modifiers building on each other landed the 16554 hammer 2 crit. Not saying yeah or nay, just geeky crafting while eating lunch and trying to back into image.

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On 9/24/2022 at 2:37 PM, IIIIIII.2438 said:

Nerfs that happened in pvp did not happen in WvW. 

This class is S+ overtuned.

1) superior mobility

2) superior one-shot burst and damage

3) great condi cleanse

4) passive evades / blocks and boon access


Anet please address this for October 4th. It is just too much

There is not really anything wrong with willybender as such(imo). The problem is when u combine it with this OP kitten cele bs. Which is the case for more then just willybender atm. Anet's inabillity to realise how over the top freaking broken cele is, blows my mind. So many builds atm being labled as "broken", and being nerfed. However, if they would just remove this godawful gear stat, so many classes would automatically get a LOT more balanced. In fact, just remove all these stupid 4 stats aswell. Lets go back to the old days, where we only had 3 stats, the golden years. 

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25 minutes ago, Thomas.2564 said:

There is not really anything wrong with willybender as such(imo). The problem is when u combine it with this OP kitten cele bs. Which is the case for more then just willybender atm. Anet's inabillity to realise how over the top freaking broken cele is, blows my mind. So many builds atm being labled as "broken", and being nerfed. However, if they would just remove this godawful gear stat, so many classes would automatically get a LOT more balanced. In fact, just remove all these stupid 4 stats aswell. Lets go back to the old days, where we only had 3 stats, the golden years. 

Cele is broken - but so are many specs, new ones in particular. And most of them have not been nerfed (unlike sPvP). And willbender in particular is also exceedingly powerful with a power build, it does not rely on cele at all (still can make good use of it ofc).

Edited by UmbraNoctis.1907
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On 10/2/2022 at 2:58 PM, Mike.3196 said:

Imagine saying willbender is overtuned when everything you run into is cele or condi harbi or deadly, southeast,mechanist,tempest and if actually geting killed by them then it's a play issue. It is ovetuned if none of those other classes were overtuned

Condi harb, soulbeast and mechanist are all overturned as well and have been since they were released. Soulbeast was never dealt with properly bc it gives low skill players something to use so it probably won't ever be nerfed adequately. 

Willbender being equally overtuned as other specs just means it's one of many that need to be properly balanced.

I understand your sentiment because a lot of the time ppl will get killed by something and then cry about how it's OP. Willbender isn't that overtuned - it's not as bad as people say. But everything we both just mentioned needs balancing, including willbender, bc it requires two braincells to play and kills faster than a fresh air glass weaver except it's got pretty good sustain even when running fairly glassy. The definition of overtuned ... no?

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I dunno, I don’t see a lot of them, to be completely honest, and when I do, most of the time they over-extend and get melted. It’s certainly strong in the right hands (roaming), but relative to some of the previously mentioned (in this thread) specs, specifically those used for roaming, it’s pretty much right in-line. My two cents.

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On 9/24/2022 at 7:37 AM, IIIIIII.2438 said:

Nerfs that happened in pvp did not happen in WvW. 

This class is S+ overtuned.

1) superior mobility

2) superior one-shot burst and damage

3) great condi cleanse

4) passive evades / blocks and boon access


Anet please address this for October 4th. It is just too much

anet making every class into thief slowly over time.

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17 hours ago, solemn.9670 said:

Condi harb, soulbeast and mechanist are all overturned as well and have been since they were released. Soulbeast was never dealt with properly bc it gives low skill players something to use so it probably won't ever be nerfed adequately. 

Willbender being equally overtuned as other specs just means it's one of many that need to be properly balanced.

I understand your sentiment because a lot of the time ppl will get killed by something and then cry about how it's OP. Willbender isn't that overtuned - it's not as bad as people say. But everything we both just mentioned needs balancing, including willbender, bc it requires two braincells to play and kills faster than a fresh air glass weaver except it's got pretty good sustain even when running fairly glassy. The definition of overtuned ... no?

People call anything that beats them...OP and low skill, including you.....there is nothing left in this game that has not been called OP/broken/low skill...not a single ranger...guardian...thief...engi build has been left untouched....seems to me...just your typical salty online player when he realizes the world is not his oyster

I seen players die easily even instatly on every class..and yet people claim that or that other profession is OP when and only because they lost to it.

There is something called SKILL LEVEL , there are and there will be always better players out there, you win some and you lose some but ofc, it will be always easier to ask for nerfs than getting better.

Let me guess....a willbender simply kitied out your aoe mele condi spam rotations and teleport bursted on you when the CD are up....basically the willbender player was not as stupid as the subjects of your youtube videos...therefore willbender is OP

Edited by Arheundel.6451
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3 hours ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

People call anything that beats them...OP and low skill, including you.....there is nothing left in this game that has not been called OP/broken/low skill...not a single ranger...guardian...thief...engi build has been left untouched....seems to me...just your typical salty online player when he realizes the world is not his oyster

I seen players die easily even instatly on every class..and yet people claim that or that other profession is OP when and only because they lost to it.

There is something called SKILL LEVEL , there are and there will be always better players out there, you win some and you lose some but ofc, it will be always easier to ask for nerfs than getting better.

Let me guess....a willbender simply kitied out your aoe mele condi spam rotations and teleport bursted on you when the CD are up....basically the willbender player was not as stupid as the subjects of your youtube videos...therefore willbender is OP

Skill level kinda doesn't exist since HoT release though or even before that when A-net decided to buff conditions because of PvE open world boss runners crying.
Every class had or have some sort of broken bs build that needs deletion. 
Somehow most of the time these "better players" are no longer better when I switch to more cheese build than theirs, I wonder what happened, did I suddenly improved in mere 30s or because I have changed build from "I have fun" to "I'll destroy you"?

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  • 2 weeks later...

The only thing I really find annoying about Willbender is being able to precast their offhand sword immob into JI, but that's moreso an issue of instant port skills than it is Willbender, and a totally different conversation in general. Willbenders are strong, sure, but I don't think they're near the top of the list of overtuned and unhealthy specs. While they have really nutty potential for mobility, most builds tend to run really minimal CC, which is a pretty notable weakness that a lot of the top roaming builds don't share. Honestly I'll take a fight against a Willbender over a trapper rune DH any day of the week. They're at least kinda fun to fight.

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