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Rant about CATALYST in WVW !!!!!!


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Yesterday I was playing World vs server and then I came across a catlyst

I was playing my harbinger full cele build with all defensive traits, utilities and sigils. Normally I just auto attack and things die but this ele seemed immune to my spam?

Idk why anet thinks it's ok for other players who put more effort into their gameplay to beat me on harbinger. Necro should always win even if there is a skill difference between the players.

This catalyst did some quadratic equation rotation on me and for once I couldn't just S-key backward and press buttons that I think will kill things. It actually beat me very easily.

This is clear evidence that catalyst should be nerfed. Elementalist is not allowed to be good or have any good specs!!!! Only necromancer, guardian and engineer!

I can recall last week I was playing my mechanist, again S-keying backward and spamming overpowered grenades like I usually do, and somehow the ele didn't die to it. This means elementalist is broken and should be nerfed immediately.

Expecting me to learn how to play the game is unfair. Elementalist is too OP please fix

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1 hour ago, Sleepwalker.1398 said:

Yea, i see that ele sometimes on TC.

He has a real ugly Asura face for his character..

Just you wait. The ugly asura meta commeth.

1 hour ago, Junkpile.7439 said:

You can macro celestial catalyst gameplay. They just smash same buttons whole time inside fields. Core scepter/dagger ele takes skill.

Lol there is some truth to this but if you're fighting a macro hammer catalyst, just walk away/kite and you'll win. Not many players actually know how to fight it yet, and then you end up with legitimate posts like my original post.

I find d/d fire/air cata to be pretty complex tho, I can't imagine how anyone would seriously critique it especially after playing it for themselves

(Dammit broke character already)

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38 minutes ago, Riba.3271 said:

True, elem is a light class thus it should take more damage. Drop elementalists and mesmer base hp to half. But keep necro the same because it is very under-represented in every gamemode. 😊

Why do you think necro is oversubscribed and yet OP ele isn't? I'll give you a clue, it's to do with difficulty.

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29 minutes ago, Svarty.8019 said:

Why do you think necro is oversubscribed and yet OP ele isn't? I'll give you a clue, it's to do with difficulty.

Well, vast majority of people do not understand concept of chaining skills or reacting to enemy skills. They just press buttons. For them CCing enemy first to land rest of your abilities is a foreign concept. There is also laaaaarge playerbase that still click skills with mouse.


In other words: they're bad and unsuitable to play elementalist


But ele is partly unpopular because it is underappreciated and no one has recommended another player to main ele in past couple of years. Everyones just "play scrapper!" 🙃 Like that is remotely challenging or thrilling.

Edited by Riba.3271
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1 hour ago, Riba.3271 said:

Well, vast majority of people do not understand concept of chaining skills or reacting to enemy skills. They just press buttons. For them CCing enemy first to land rest of your abilities is a foreign concept. There is also laaaaarge playerbase that still click skills with mouse.


In other words: they're bad and unsuitable to play elementalist

I see this is a failure of design.

Why even offer classes that aren't suitable?


Surely, the game should appeal to everybody?



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2 hours ago, Junkpile.7439 said:

 I don't really see how celestial catalyst is complex. It's just muscle memory. You roll your attack rotations and change defense rotation if you get pressured. You can do many mistakes too, miss skills, fail dodges and so on if you just keep boons and auras up.

As opposed to what tho? You can do all of those things on other classes, none of that is unique to elementalist. We use muscle memory on every other class as well.

Did you truly look at the build I was talking about? Celestial dagger/dagger fire/air/catalyst isn't complex, but you're saying scepter/dagger core ele is? D/D by itself is more complex than scepter (especially the mind-numbing glass scepter builds most ppl run with it) and full celestial means absolutely nothing on fire/air. It's essentially core d/d ele with better boons and buffs, I'm just not seeing how scepter/dagger core is more skillful

I guess one could argue that core ele takes more skill because it's just a worse spec/underperforms compared to other classes EoD specs (although I still think fire/air/arcane d/d core performs almost as well as eod specs...). The core (no pun intended) mechanics and playstyle are nearly identical here though...at least speaking for myself. ~70% of the Catalyst roamers I encounter are less than montage fodder because of how easy to predict most players are, so is skill not a component?

In any case, the point of this thread wasn't to have a "my class/build requires more effort than yours" discussion, but to suppress the incessant new player complaints about specs that they don't even understand. Shouldn't call something overpowered if someone doesn't even know where to begin on countering it, which goes for everything, but especially anet's least favourite child ele.

Edited by solemn.9670
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I'd rather fight a harb than a decent cele cata tbh. Because how am i supposed to deal with perma stab, block, reflect, shocking aura, block, invuln, shocking aura, projectile block, ... ?

Harb is op, but at least i can attack and likely kill it.

Edited by UmbraNoctis.1907
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5 hours ago, UmbraNoctis.1907 said:

. Because how am i supposed to deal with perma stab, block, reflect, shocking aura, block, invuln, shocking aura, projectile block, ... ?


Walk away..  


Yeah, it stinks, but if they’re that tanky, I’m gonna leave because more than likely they are just going to hold you there until friends show up that CAN kill me.

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I have a condi mesmer that is highly defensive. It's nigh impossible to lose a fight unless I am outnumbered.  


I got in a fight with one of those cata's. It went on for awhile then he rage quit. I was very slowly winning and I could tell by how he was trying to change tactics he was getting very frustrated.  


But because of that...   I was wondering how OP the catalyst is for someone to expect to win every 1v1 fight then rage quit when he is losing one, albeit slowly? 

Edited by Jitters.9401
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22 hours ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

Cata's, vind and renegades all have ridiculous builds in wvw that does good dps and can out sustain being in a 1v5 indefinitely. Some classes are beyond broken in wvw if built right, not saying that their broken in other modes but in wvw their a joke.


I'd love to know this 1v5 renegade build, sounds sexy. Maybe I just suck, but I might survive running from 3 people... or win/stalemate at a 1v2.. but 5, dang.

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