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Golden Joystick Awards Nomination


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Just now, Danikat.8537 said:

It's cool the GW2 got nominated but the voting feels a bit pointless because you had to vote in all the categories so several times I had to pick between games I haven't played (I don't even own a new Xbox) and my vote was either random or based on comments from friends. I suspect a lot of people will have to do the same with at least some categories so a lot of votes will be largely random and therefore meaningless.

(Also a lot of these online polls come down to whose fans can program the most bots to vote repeatedly.)

There was a skip question button for each category when I did the poll. Did they remove that?

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 10/7/2022 at 4:05 PM, Ashen.2907 said:

FYI: EOD has been nominated for best expansion in the 2022 Golden Joystick Awards.




Do other games even make expansions?

EoD is generally considered GW2's worse expac by veterans.

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2 hours ago, Kozumi.5816 said:

Do other games even make expansions?

EoD is generally considered GW2's worse expac by veterans.

I wont speak to how others perceive EoD but I did not care for it myself (with a couple elite specs and the strikes as exceptions). I didnt post this thread because I wanted to vote any given way but so that others who might not have seen the announcement could be made aware.

As to your question: Yes other games do make expansions. It is also worth noting that even if EoD is seen as the weakest GW2 expansion by veteran players it could still be better than the competition. I find basic chocolate to be the least pleasing of the ice cream flavors produced by Dreyers....but is still better than the asparagus flavored vegan ice cream available at a local organic grocery.

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38 minutes ago, lezbefriends.7516 said:

Saying the only good thing about Endwalker was the story is like saying the only good thing about McDonald's is the fast food.

Well no, since McDonald's IS a fast food. FFXIV, which definitely focuses on the story, is still an MMO, so you'd expect it to have some MMO features. Don't get me wrong, it has, but not so much was added in EW specifically (which is relevant because the category is best expansion or smth).

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5 hours ago, HowlKamui.5120 said:

Well no, since McDonald's IS a fast food. FFXIV, which definitely focuses on the story, is still an MMO, so you'd expect it to have some MMO features. Don't get me wrong, it has, but not so much was added in EW specifically (which is relevant because the category is best expansion or smth).

There are no clear "MMO features" in modern MMOs, they're already different from older ones and bringing in their own unique flavors. Saying it's not an MMO because it focuses on story is fallacious.

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On 11/2/2022 at 6:16 PM, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

Best Game Community: 

  • Dreams
  • Final Fantasy XIV
  • GRID Legends
  • No Man’s Sky
  • Splatoon 3
  • Warframe




We must fix that next year .... . i believe  the Raid + PvP area , lies the problem  !

[lists games with pvp and raids]

"pvp and raids are the problem!"


Nice bait attempt. 😉 

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9 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

[lists games with pvp and raids]

"pvp and raids are the problem!"


Nice bait attempt. 😉 

Yeah , because ff14 raiders  for example didn't force OW  people to step up in order to join raids . There each pay their content , rather than beggin  the rest to join them .

FF14 have a clearly progression with OW>Story> LFR > hardmode as far aPvE goes , but they have the same problem with mouthtalkers in PvP too . In GW2 because  some raide-sellers people didn't want to affect their moneymaker  Armor , they where against an easy mode for 6years (good job for increasing the population all these years 😛)



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3 hours ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

Yeah , because ff14 raiders  for example didn't force OW  people to step up in order to join raids . There each pay their content , rather than beggin  the rest to join them .

FF14 have a clearly progression with OW>Story> LFR > hardmode as far aPvE goes , but they have the same problem with mouthtalkers in PvP too . In GW2 because  some raide-sellers people didn't want to affect their moneymaker  Armor , they where against an easy mode for 6years (good job for increasing the population all these years 😛)

Nobody forces you to anything, I don't know what you're talking about here. Everyone is fine with you playing whatever you want nobody ever "begged" you for anything, not even close. GW2 also has clear progression in pve, so... if you want to stop at easier content you're free to do it. The only person repetaedly bringing it up even in unrelated threads is you. LFG population is doing pretty well -you might have known that if you actually ever tried participating 😉

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9 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:


(and turtle is far from being a necessary thing)

Yeah you see , the same thing was said by the raiders at the start of soo-won , about casuals not needing the mount (that why  the bickering started between the 2 parties and we wheren't nominated for best game community)

So from now one , anything necessary or not , should not be locked in hard metas/strikes/raids .

If you wan t more OW harcore areas ,   sacrifice your Strike production

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1 hour ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

thankfully from now they wont lock any mount/neccesery things behind meta/strike/raids

So there's no source and you're just making it up again, got it. Similarly to your previous claims about anyone asking (or rather: "begging"?) you to join anything. Nobody does, you are free to play what you want. Stop making these bad baits over and over again and good luck doing whatever you want to do.

9 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

casuals not needing the mount

Who wrote anything about "casuals not needing the mount"? I doubt anyone did, but I'm sure I didn't. It's not about "casual not needing the turtles" (and that was never the claim here, go re-read), it's about the turtle not being needed for anything, for anyone. Stop pretending I wrote something I clearly didn't because you're looking for a pretext to play someone oppressed or w/e.

9 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

If you wan t more OW harcore areas ,   sacrifice your Strike production

As we already seen nothing needs to be somhow "sacrificed" here. Plenty of playstyles/difficulty levels available across the game, including the latest content. I'm perfectly fine with it and you're clearly not making rules here, so stop typing like you are.

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4 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

Yeah from one i am free to play what i want

Yup, that's exactly the point. So stop pretending anyone's saying you're not like you did form your initial post in this thread. Do what you want, unironically (to avoid any miscommunication) : gl, hf.

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9 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Yup, that's exactly the point. So stop pretending anyone's saying you're not, because nobody does. Do what you want, unironically (to avoid any miscommunication) : gl, hf.

Yes exactly , we dont need any hardcore areas , nor lock rewards behind them .

We avoid scenarios like raiders and you from telling us that "we don't need the mount" and once again mominated for THE BEST COMMUNITY CATEGORIE like previous years

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3 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

Yes exactly , we dont need any hardcore areas

You're free to speak for yourself and when that's what you want to do, you should use "I" instead of "we" as if you're speaking for everyone. There's nothing wrong with the game having wide range of content and difficulty levels. Just because you want to stick to the easier one, doesn't mean there suddenly shouldn't be anything harder. There should be, you're just free to not play it, just like you always were.

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9 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

You're free to speak for yourself and when that's what you want to do, you should use "I" instead of "we" as if you're speaking for everyone. There's nothing wrong with the game having wide range of content and difficulty levels. Just because you want to stick to the easier one, doesn't mean there suddenly shouldn't be anything harder. There should be, you're just free to not play it, just like you've always were.

They have wide range of content . its called  Strikes and raids .

We don't want  raiders and you telling that if we need something or not from Open World  (in this case mount)

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