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What content you wuld like to see more?

What content you like to be more?  

48 members have voted

  1. 1. I like to see more :

    • -> More dragonstorm like content culd be fun that takes 15-25min with miniumum profit of 5-10g
    • -> I racher prefer open word metas like Dragons End as Pug or Guild Static Activity
    • -> I prefer Easy Dificulity open word metas that are often spamable, but brings small ammount gold and mats like Grothmar Valley
    • -> I wuld play Drms more, if it wuld bring more reward (maybe raw 2g per 1 drm on end)
    • -> No, i prefer to get other new content, lets see how much anet will become creative
    • -> Upgrade/Modificy old content like fractals/wvw/dungeons

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I personaly wuld like to have more 10-50ppl instanced content that have some pre-events in between or before it, that takes 15-30min, and profit 2g+Summoning Stone+ loot worth 1-7g? (in short 10g+ for complite not only 2g)

Dificulity: between Easy-Medium (somethink like shiver/kodans/faneir dificulity)


In my opinion Forged Steel (strike) culd be fun if got buffed by adional 5-6g + 50 tryain coins and some adional stuff for cms


Edited by Noah Salazar.5430
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5 minutes ago, Debesyla.7102 said:

Why do you calculate gold/hour into this question? Is the game a gold farming simulator? 😄 

(I wish for more JP's.)

Yea it do seem like OP want a gold farming instance method they can do instead of playing the game as it currently is.

OP good news work 1 hour over time and buy the gems with that money then exchange for gold its the best time to gold currently and in the future.

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27 minutes ago, Labjax.2465 said:

More metas like AB is today

So pretty much no chance for failing almost no matter what (because that's what it is today) with possibility of simply porting into the map ~10 mintues after the meta start to just loot the chests without playing the event? I'd say currently that's probably one of the most non-sensical event design gw2 has nowadays.

I'd say: harder content that gives the players reason to improve at the game (including usage of mechanics instead of skipping them because it's possible to bruteforce through), as well as adjusting the currently existing content that lost its intended encounter design due to the power creep.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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For PvE, I want them to stop splitting everything up:

- Merge strikes with raids, and convert DRMs to soloable strikes (like Forging Steel). DRMs having their own unique rewards is part of the problem, and strikes are basically just single raid bosses so you could accomplish the same thing but either chaining them together (raids) or by allowing any raid boss to be done individually (strikes), so there's really no need for a distinction between the two systems as they're both 10man content. Example: All of IBS FAST 5 could be a single raid wing, no need for them to be separate, and just allow players to enter any boss at a time for dailies or when they don't want to do them all.

- Merge dungeons with Fractals, as Fractals have a much more robust difficulty and reward system, and keep the content fresh with instabilities. This would also add alot of content to Fractals including new rewards (dungeon rewards). Players who like how they are now could just do them at T1, and this would also allow story dungeons to be merged into Personal Story at the same time.

- Clean up all metas to be similar to each other, i.e, one meta shouldn't be so unpopular that no one ever does it. They should have increasing difficulty and rewards starting with the easiest in Central Tyria and ending with the hardest in the latest expansion , which is currently the case, but could be improved upon. We've came up with far too many systems of implementing map metas (both local and global to the map), world bosses and so on, when we already implemented the ideal system with Silverwastes and perfected it in Heart of Thorns.


Basically, no need to keep re-inventing the wheel, and its the number one problem that plagues the game mode. Content should differ by the encounters, not literally everything else surrounding them.


For competitive, just completely overall both PvP and WvW. They both need new maps, completely redesigned matchmaking and rewards systems, and so on. These games modes are more stale than a bag of chips left in the cabinet for an entire year, and they taste about the same too.


The current state of the game looks like someone set a bomb off in the code and just blew everything up, and the resulting game is all the fragments left everywhere.

Edited by Mariyuuna.6508
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Looking at saving resources, adjusting old content might be the best option.

I've recently made a suggestion for two fractals based on existing ones. Saving a lot of resources in development.
The response was: easy gold farm > new content.
I really liked the reward-track-system in Drizzlewood Coast and think this could be copy/pasted to existing maps. They can just make new reward-tracks with different loot, so we can play content we enjoy. Locking the content by LW season/expansion. For example:
- LW3-E1 Reward Track (blood rubies, a box with selectable trinket/backpack of choice, unbound magic, unidentified gear)
- LW4-E1 Reward Track (kralkatite ore, a box with selectable astral/stellar weapons of choice, volatile magic, unidentified gear)

I pick the LW3 reward track, which can be completed in every LW3 map. So I go to e. g. Bitterfrost Frontier, because I like the meta-event there and complete my reward track there. 

ANet could promote certain maps, as e. g. the daily rotation ones with special reward-track boosts that give 50 % or 100 % bonus progress for certain maps. Similar to WvW and sPvP the daily chests would give massive progress to the reward-tracks as well. 

The advantage of this system would be that we could get rid of drop-tables of NPCs. Which would cut resource consumption for future content significantly. With the reward tracks, we select our loot directly and get it guaranteed from the the achievement progress. No more RNG - a positive side effect ^^.

This would allow ANet to create content easier and imo faster. It would also trivialize farming and we could play content we enjoy, rather than content that rewards the most gold. 

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33 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

So pretty much no chance for failing almost no matter what (because that's what it is today) with possibility of simply porting into the map ~10 mintues after the meta start to just loot the chests without playing the event? I'd say currently that's probably one of the most non-sensical event design gw2 has nowadays.

Tell me you've never commanded an AB lane without telling me you've never commanded an AB lane.

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2 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

Yea it do seem like OP want a gold farming instance method they can do instead of playing the game as it currently is.

OP good news work 1 hour over time and buy the gems with that money then exchange for gold its the best time to gold currently and in the future.

I mean if thers low reward, ther will be less ppl doing that content like with drms

ppl doing Leviathan, cuz it drop chunk worth of 2g, i'm not sure anyone wuld do it if ther was basic event reward

Edited by Noah Salazar.5430
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1 hour ago, Labjax.2465 said:

Tell me you've never commanded an AB lane without telling me you've never commanded an AB lane.

...aaand that's a miss 😄  

(hint: yes, people nowadays often can simply not even care about timing it together because they can just ramm through each side anyways. Not always, but often enough to be far from some limited/accidental occurance)


And that doesn't even touch of the free loot part of my post.

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1 hour ago, Sobx.1758 said:

...aaand that's a miss 😄  

(hint: yes, people nowadays often can simply not even care about timing it together because they can just ramm through each side anyways. Not always, but often enough to be far from some limited/accidental occurance)


And that doesn't even touch of the free loot part of my post.

It doesn't touch it because your whole post is a strange interpretation of AB that focuses on how good it is for someone who wants to put in no effort and implies you've never engaged with its mechanics on a serious level. If you had, you would know that the main glue holding seemingly effortless AB runs together is that 1) there is an established strategy of waiting for south to start their burn, where they can nearly always one burn and 2) mounts allow people to run and help other lanes to make up for imprecise timing (usually caused by one lane managing frogs way better than another, or south being abnormally fast with the pushes and skilled armors).

I could dissect how absurd a statement it was. Like how you said you can loot it for doing nothing, which is only true once a day. You can also engage with it every 2 hours and get loot, and many people do it regularly (it's clearly one of the most popular metas in the game).

AB is strong design as it is now. It is engaging enough as to require teamwork and an understanding of mechanics, and not be something most players can fall asleep on (*cough* dragonstorm *cough*). And it gives good, but not too good, rewards for it. The end result is people who regularly show up to do it and are in a good mood about it.

And don't you even think about playing fast and loose on this one, you came at me just because I stated a preference for what I'd like to see more of in the game. I didn't even say it's exclusively what I'd like to see.

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51 minutes ago, Labjax.2465 said:

It doesn't touch it because your whole post is a strange interpretation of AB that focuses on how good it is for someone who wants to put in no effort and implies you've never engaged with its mechanics on a serious level. If you had, you would know that the main glue holding seemingly effortless AB runs together is that 1) there is an established strategy of waiting for south to start their burn, where they can nearly always one burn and 2) mounts allow people to run and help other lanes to make up for imprecise timing (usually caused by one lane managing frogs way better than another, or south being abnormally fast with the pushes and skilled armors).

No, it does not imply that, since as I've already said for quite some time people don't even need to strategize around it because of how fast each side can be burned. In this case it's about specifically saying "like AB is today". And today that meta isn't really what it was in the past.

As for the 2nd point, lanes always could be helped by others, that's nothing new and it didn't require mounts. Not that it's meaningful for what I was saying, but since you brought it up, maybe it's worth quickly addressing it.

51 minutes ago, Labjax.2465 said:

I could dissect how absurd a statement it was. Like how you said you can loot it for doing nothing, which is only true once a day. You can also engage with it every 2 hours and get loot, and many people do it regularly (it's clearly one of the most popular metas in the game).

Yup and you can still loot it daily for doing nothing -it's not an absurd statement, it's just a fact, so why even encourage that instead of requiring participation right away?

51 minutes ago, Labjax.2465 said:

AB is strong design as it is now. It is engaging enough as to require teamwork and an understanding of mechanics, and not be something most players can fall asleep on (*cough* dragonstorm *cough*). And it gives good, but not too good, rewards for it. The end result is people who regularly show up to do it and are in a good mood about it.

It was a good design, but it lost a lot by current power creep (and it's not just AB that suffered from that), saying it requires teamwork is refusing to look at how it's often completed nowadays. But sure, at least it doesn't drag for who knows how long, so there's that.

51 minutes ago, Labjax.2465 said:

And don't you even think about playing fast and loose on this one, you came at me just because I stated a preference for what I'd like to see more of in the game. I didn't even say it's exclusively what I'd like to see.

...what? 🤨 I didn't somehow "come at you", instead I did "at AB" and it's for the reasons I initially wrote about. It doesn't matter if the event encourages a fast grab of rewards without any participation "just once a day", it matters that it does it at all. Commenting on the current state of AB is by far not "coming at you", stop taking comments about the game's content as some kind of personal attack on you, because that's not what it is. You are free to like whatever you like.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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I'd like more open-world content. I like the big meta events which require large groups of players to coordinate to get them done, but I also like the story and exploration stuff (which I notice isn't actually mentioned). I don't care how much gold per hour it gives, I don't play the game to farm gold, I just like having new places to explore and things to do.

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5 hours ago, Izzy.2951 said:

Theres not even pvp, raids or other stuff in the poll haha

The poll seems to be entirely focused on PvE gold farming methods.

I suspect either that's the only thing the OP is interested in and they assume everyone else has similar attitudes and motivations or they meant to ask specifically about preferences for gold farming and worded it poorly, but I'm not sure which it is.

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On 10/24/2022 at 12:26 AM, Mariyuuna.6508 said:

Merge dungeons with Fractals, as Fractals have a much more robust difficulty and reward system, and keep the content fresh with instabilities. This would also add alot of content to Fractals including new rewards (dungeon rewards). Players who like how they are now could just do them at T1, and this would also allow story dungeons to be merged into Personal Story at the same time.

Dungeons would need quite a bit of rework to work with fractals, but it  would be so nice to finally have 25 unique fractals

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12 hours ago, Izzy.2951 said:

Theres not even pvp, raids or other stuff in the poll haha

6 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

The poll seems to be entirely focused on PvE gold farming methods.

I suspect either that's the only thing the OP is interested in and they assume everyone else has similar attitudes and motivations or they meant to ask specifically about preferences for gold farming and worded it poorly, but I'm not sure which it is.

Yup, that's a pretty bad poll.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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