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Tower of nightmares = dead content


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It just needs better rewards.

I started this content weeks after it released. Ive done it solo (it scales reasonably well but you may want to make sure you have a stun break and some CC), with another random player who just happened to be there at tbe same time, groups of random players, guild groups, and so on. I found it to be fun in all of those situations but the rewards were less than thrilling (to say the least) so ongoing replay value is not there.

Edited by Ashen.2907
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55 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

It just needs better rewards.

I started this content weeks after it released. Ive done it solo (it scales reasonably well but you may want to make sure you have a stun break and some CC), with another random player who just happened to be there at tbe same time, groups of random players, guild groups, and so on. I found it to be fun in all of those situations but the rewards were less than thrilling (to say the least) so ongoing replay value is not there.

I'd say it's the exact wrong direction. It's not the rewards that are an issue. Scaling is, but that one can be fixed. The primary issue however is that it's just way too long.

Edit: Since someone does not seem to understand what i was trying to say, i'd clarify. Sure, rewards are bad, and upping them would help, but all other factors considered, a reward increase would have to be really massive before this content would become appealing - and i don't see that happening.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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35 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

I'd say it's the exact wrong direction. It's not the rewards that are an issue. Scaling is, but that one can be fixed. The primary issue however is that it's just way too long.

I can see that perspective, but for me the scaling and length were significant contributions to why I enjoyed it. I wouldn't want every bit of content to be that long, but having some challenging bits for a lengthier option is nice (to me).

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Like many, I had not played LW S1 until it's re-released. For me, it is new contents to enjoy even if I may not revisit it. Also really looking forward to the final episode, the new Instanced Battle for Lion's Arch and new Strike mission Old Lion's Court.

Yes, the Tower of Nightmares could do with some tweaks to make it more popular but then, that can be said for virtually any other contents. As for those who think that "resources can be better spent elsewhere", my response is I'm very glad that's not the case. I'm happy to see "new" contents periodically instead of having to wait for months with nothing new added.

Regardless of whatever flaws players may think it has, would any of you (those that had never had the chance to play LW S1) prefer that they never re-release it altogether?


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I generally don't play for rewards, but play for enjoyment (though rewards may contribute to that).

The problems I see with it are the rapid respawning of mobs (and lasers and other effects) that make it hard to catch up to a big group if there is one, and the time it takes to do it.

The issue with long instances is that more thought needs to be given if I can hop in and complete it.  I have 20 minutes to spare?  I can do a world boss in that time period, but probably can't get through the nightmare in that amount of time.  So when I did do it, there were some nights I skipped because I did not feel I had enough time before I had to finish things up for the evening.


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On 10/31/2022 at 7:31 AM, mythical.6315 said:

No.  Welcome to GW2.  If there's anything that requires a group, your best off rushing to get it completed within the first week of release otherwise you're going to be in for a struggle.

Depends on the content lots of groups still do HoT stuff every day maps are way more busier than EoD maps.

It all kind of comes up what is the efford/reward ratio nobody cares about content that takes ages to do alone or in group if the rewards are crap cough EoD final map cough...

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On 10/30/2022 at 4:18 PM, Farohna.6247 said:

This was predicted, the risk of bringing back old content and low reward. 

Their rewards team  is not doing a good job at making content rewarding and repeatable. Everything released since EoD has had essentially zero rewards outside of "one and done". It reeks of mobile game design.


On 10/31/2022 at 7:57 PM, Silent.6137 said:

Alternative is dead game. Yes, I'd rather play dead content since it's just a re-release with minor resources spent.

Game has been in maintenance mode since EoD release tbh.


23 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

It just needs better rewards.

Sums up everything released since EoD perfectly.

Edited by Kozumi.5816
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4 hours ago, Kozumi.5816 said:

Game has been in maintenance mode since EoD release tbh.

Define maintenance mode. People love to throw around catchphrases as a vague term to encompass something they don't really know.

If by maintenance mode, you meant just fixing without working on anything new, please cite your sources. From all the infos we have received, we know that they are working on new maps and story for EoD, new Strikes mission, etc. Or does your sources say that they have suspended all works on them and just doing maintenance?

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On 10/30/2022 at 6:59 PM, Labjax.2465 said:

I was surprised it wasn't given the dragonstorm treatment. Timed opening for public instance and strong daily rewards would ensure it always has engagement and at a time of day you can predict/plan for.

Luckily it seems it will with Battle for Lion's Arch release given the announcement. It'll be on the same timer as Twisted Marionette and Dragonstorm - so since those are an hour apart, we'll be getting a notice in EotN every 30 minutes for Dragonstorm, ToN, TM, and BfLA.

2 hours ago, Kozumi.5816 said:

Game has been in maintenance mode since EoD release tbh.

How is "developing new maps and an expansion while having monthly releases of old content returning" equates "maintenance mode"?

Guild Wars 1 is in maintenance mode. Guild Wars 2 is not.

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3 hours ago, Kozumi.5816 said:

Game has been in maintenance mode since EoD release tbh.

Game has been in maintenance mode since the end of LWS4.
Game has been in maintenance mode since PoF release
Game has been in maintenance mode since HoT release
Game has been in maintenance mode since release.

Schrödinger's maintenance mode. The game's in maintenance mode while Anet is also developing and adding more content to it.

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1 hour ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

Luckily it seems it will with Battle for Lion's Arch release given the announcement. It'll be on the same timer as Twisted Marionette and Dragonstorm - so since those are an hour apart, we'll be getting a notice in EotN every 30 minutes for Dragonstorm, ToN, TM, and BfLA.

The Battle for Lion’s Arch's Instance will not be at EotN.


To enter this instance—speak to Lionguard Peltgnaw just outside the gates of Lion’s Arch in Gendarran Fields


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1 hour ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

How is "developing new maps and an expansion while having monthly releases of old content returning" equates "maintenance mode"?

Everything since EoD is bare minimum and zero replay value. They don't even fix the issues with EoD/Strikes complete lack of replay value or rewards. They're spread too thin and it makes GW2 look like it's in maintenance mode and not being supported as it should be.

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14 hours ago, Scolix.4879 said:

Depends on the content lots of groups still do HoT stuff every day maps are way more busier than EoD maps.

It all kind of comes up what is the efford/reward ratio nobody cares about content that takes ages to do alone or in group if the rewards are crap cough EoD final map cough...

True.  The LW maps will probably be a struggle along with a lot of the metas.  People still complain about how difficult it is to get a map to do T4 on VB.  There are complaints about difficulties with Serpent's Ire.

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1 hour ago, Silent.6137 said:

The Battle for Lion’s Arch's Instance will not be at EotN.


Recommend you read the whole thing:



We are also adding the Battle for Lion’s Arch itself as a repeatable instanced group encounter. Enter a publicly joinable instance with up to 50 players or create a private squad to take down Scarlet’s minions and repel her invasion of Lion’s Arch.

Story progress is not required to enter this instance—speak to Lionguard Peltgnaw just outside the gates of Lion’s Arch in Gendarran Fields to enter. The Battle for Lion’s Arch and the Tower of Nightmares will also be added to the regular rotation of promoted events in the Eye of the North, joining Dragonstorm and the Twisted Marionette.


Literally the second after the one you quoted in isolation. Will likely have two entrances - one on a timer in EotN, and another at Gendarran Fields (possibly also on a timer as the original stuff was).

56 minutes ago, Kozumi.5816 said:

Everything since EoD is bare minimum and zero replay value. They don't even fix the issues with EoD/Strikes complete lack of replay value or rewards. They're spread too thin and it makes GW2 look like it's in maintenance mode and not being supported as it should be.

LWS1 return is definitely no "bare minimum" no matter how you try to argue it - bare minimum would be nothing at all.

Just in general, your reply isn't what "maintenance mode" means, and they did fix several issues with EoD and strikes, and honestly there are enough people replaying the strikes and their CMs weekly to showcase that they don't have a replayability issue.

Like I said, GW1 has been in maintenance mode - which is the bare minimum: absolutely nothing but fixing server latency issues, and adding something for the 5th-multiple anniversary.

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On 11/2/2022 at 10:48 PM, Kozumi.5816 said:

Everything since EoD is bare minimum and zero replay value. They don't even fix the issues with EoD/Strikes complete lack of replay value or rewards. They're spread too thin and it makes GW2 look like it's in maintenance mode and not being supported as it should be.

Maybe because they are re-releasing old content people have been asking them to do? PoF took ages to have the rewards adjusted to be good as well. 
Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

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1 hour ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

Maybe because they are re-releasing old content people have been asking them to do? PoF took ages to have the rewards adjusted to be good as well. 
Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

No one told them to remove all repeatable rewards from LS1 when re-releasing it.

Their """""rewards team""""" chose to do that all on their own.

PoF content still isn't done, they never fixed it. 

HoT zones, Fractals and Drizzlewood is still the entire game.

Edited by Kozumi.5816
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6 hours ago, Kozumi.5816 said:

No one told them to remove all repeatable rewards from LS1 when re-releasing it.

I think you over-estimate how much Season 1 content gave in terms of rewards...

They didn't get removed - Season 1 didn't have much in the way of rewards to begin with because ArenaNet was still experimenting, and Season 1 didn't need fancy rewards because all the content would be gone in 2 or 4 weeks. The briefness of it and achievements were sufficient to draw in the crowd - it didn't need longevity unlike S2 onward.

6 hours ago, Kozumi.5816 said:

PoF content still isn't done, they never fixed it.

They did. It's just that since it gives the same rewards as HoT zones, people would rather not migrate, except for some occasional runs by Hardstuck and other hardcore guilds.

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10 hours ago, HotDelirium.7984 said:

They need to tune it because its impossible with less than 10 people and all the adds respawn eventually. 


Dunno we just did it with 5 people ( 3 mechanists ) and it was fine. Mobs are annoying but manageable.

Navigation is a bit confusing thought.

Edited by Hindenburg.3415
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