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I Like this Balance patch


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Nah man, this patch this is a critical update that might be the last nail in the coffin for pvp.

I've already spoken with about 5 other people who don't know each other, who are already saying "I'm done when this patch drops".

Apparently people are getting upset with too frequent of "stirring the bucket" styled balance changes that create serious inconsistency in play mechanics with no longevity, that are just weird changes that clearly aren't even aimed at balance.

If Arenanet cares at all about keeping pvp player base, it's time to knock off the bull**** and just balance the game, keep the good balance, and stop changing it. The stir the bucket to keep things new power creep agenda is about to bite back on them pretty hard. People are tired of it.

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1 hour ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Nah man, this patch this is a critical update that might be the last nail in the coffin for pvp.

I've already spoken with about 5 other people who don't know each other, who are already saying "I'm done when this patch drops".

Apparently people are getting upset with too frequent of "stirring the bucket" styled balance changes that create serious inconsistency in play mechanics with no longevity, that are just weird changes that clearly aren't even aimed at balance.

If Arenanet cares at all about keeping pvp player base, it's time to knock off the bull**** and just balance the game, keep the good balance, and stop changing it. The stir the bucket to keep things new power creep agenda is about to bite back on them pretty hard. People are tired of it.

So what are the issues with this patch?

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I don't mind the frequent changes, after all for years we had like 2 or 3 patches if you do not count hotfixes... so changing stuff around in itself isn't necessearly bad... I just don't like the changes. Scepter on ele for example will just get a whole lot dumber. I thought we reached peak meme <REDACTEDNESS> with DE, but somehow they managed to make it even more simplistic. FB redesign could be interesting, but it's sobadly tuned that it's not even worth getting angry over... it's just funny.

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1 hour ago, Bazsi.2734 said:

I don't mind the frequent changes,

I agree when it comes to changes that should be happening that need to be happening.

However, in the past couple of years they have taken some of the absolutely most popular & beloved play styles and tore them apart and turned into less favorable playstyles. This is not good. A great example of what I mean would be traditional DP Daredevil styled play. There is a point where a build hits a sweet spot where it just feels good to play, everything about it. When this happens they need to STOP doing big mechanical changes and leave it to number tweaks only in terms of balance, and/or only alter really unused bad skills/traits. But they have to stop altering the stuff that already feels good that has become iconic for the game. If they know what they are changing will be an upgrade, that's fine. But in the past couple of years it really feels like they are just gunning in for stir the bucket changes and there are a lot of things they've changed that although it may look like a buff, it mechanically feels worse than it was before. This is simply no good.

The game actually needs to "Feel good" to play. It doesn't matter if they power creep everything to the point that every build has perma every boon and can 1shot anything, if the mechanics feel bad and aren't well designed around each other, the game isn't as fun to play.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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1 hour ago, Bazsi.2734 said:

I don't mind the frequent changes, after all for years we had like 2 or 3 patches if you do not count hotfixes... so changing stuff around in itself isn't necessearly bad... I just don't like the changes. Scepter on ele for example will just get a whole lot dumber. I thought we reached peak meme <REDACTEDNESS> with DE, but somehow they managed to make it even more simplistic. FB redesign could be interesting, but it's sobadly tuned that it's not even worth getting angry over... it's just funny.

Yeah Mini season will be probably Double firebrand. But If they keep nerfing broken stuff fast we might get a Solid Seconds week

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2 hours ago, Avatar.3568 said:

Yeah Mini season will be probably Double firebrand. But If they keep nerfing broken stuff fast we might get a Solid Seconds week

Lol, wtf?

The proposed changes, as they stand, are a massive nerf to FB, and FB already sucks in PvP. It's roughly a 50% reduction in how many tome skills you can use in a given period.

I imagine there will be a spike in people playing it to try out the changes on day-1, but that'll veeeeery quickly tail off.

Or is my sarcasometer on the blink?

Edited by Ragnar.4257
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12 hours ago, Ragnar.4257 said:

Lol, wtf?

The proposed changes, as they stand, are a massive nerf to FB, and FB already sucks in PvP. It's roughly a 50% reduction in how many tome skills you can use in a given period.

I imagine there will be a spike in people playing it to try out the changes on day-1, but that'll veeeeery quickly tail off.

Or is my sarcasometer on the blink?

you get a stunbreak mantra on 36 seconds, with stability (1sec to not get stunned directly again) 3 1/4 sec resolution, 1,6k healing, it will slow enemys for 1 3/4 seconds and on top it has 3 charges

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13 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

All they're doing is power creeping everything every patch nowadays.

This is not going to end well from this point forward.

how is a initaitive system for tomes (that also have cooldowns on their skill) powercreep? its a design that is way easier to balance and good players can get a lot out of it for using their tome skills very situational.



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On 11/12/2022 at 5:14 PM, Bazsi.2734 said:

I don't mind the frequent changes, after all for years we had like 2 or 3 patches if you do not count hotfixes... so changing stuff around in itself isn't necessearly bad... I just don't like the changes. Scepter on ele for example will just get a whole lot dumber. I thought we reached peak meme <REDACTEDNESS> with DE, but somehow they managed to make it even more simplistic. FB redesign could be interesting, but it's sobadly tuned that it's not even worth getting angry over... it's just funny.

There are many asinine level designs in this game ...and yes, Deadeye is one of them. But at this point we should stop advocating for fairness and balance when it does not get applied equally among all 9 x professions . 

If a monkey playing a revenant can do kitten loads of dmg by pressing 3 on a shortbow while having "perma stability", reflect and whatsnot.....

if a donkey on an engi can do dmg throwing grenades  behind him all while racing ahead under superspeed....

.if a hamster can laugh at you while chaining distortion, blocks and stealth.....

if a chicken on a guardian  can instaport to you, while having all boons in existence and never dodging....

.if anything in GW2 is allowed to reach S+ tiet....I say it's time to drop all pretensions and turn this game in the proper smashbro for all professions and now just the usual 3-4. When everything will be S+ tier...we may actually see some resemblance of balance 

Edited by Arheundel.6451
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Street fighter 6 is in 2023 ijs


Apparently people are getting upset with too frequent of "stirring the bucket" styled balance changes that create serious inconsistency in play mechanics with no longevity, that are just weird changes that clearly aren't even aimed at balance.

Forcing the meta to change by making things people play too much bad: [X]

Sitting down and balancing the game so classes with low opportunity can compete: [✔]

I'm glad they're reworking firebrand. They're still making one weird/unneeded change for every good one though. While this is better than the old direction's two weird changes for every good one, it still needs a look.  

This is better than Anet being deaf, but they're still not quite hearing as clearly as they need to. 

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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I like the current meta for the most part. Real warrior (Not Bsworn) is relevant again. I'm hovering around Plat 3 with two different accounts. One of them primarily solo que. Warrior can win into the other meta sidenoders right now but it doesn't do as well 1v2. That is how it should be. Side node is the healthiest it's been in years. Nothing seems especially broken. That being said team fighters should really get a buff. These changes to necro are in the right direction. Condi Rev should get buffed. 

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16 hours ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

If a monkey playing a revenant can do kitten loads of dmg by pressing 3 on a shortbow while having "perma stability", reflect and whatsnot.....

did you really just call Renegade good and easy to play? did you just say renegade has permanent stability?!

oh boy...

Edited by Sahne.6950
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On 11/12/2022 at 7:29 PM, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

A great example of what I mean would be traditional DP Daredevil styled play.

So... single-handedly dictating what's viable and what is not viable, enough weakness\blind\stealth\disengage potential to never actually die and enough chase that you can't really shake one off? That's your sweet spot? 

On 11/13/2022 at 9:33 AM, Avatar.3568 said:

how is a initaitive system for tomes (that also have cooldowns on their skill) powercreep? its a design that is way easier to balance and good players can get a lot out of it for using their tome skills very situational.

Looks like mesmer shatters from here. Build up resources, burn them with your mechanic, I have no idea how could that be problematic other than maybe numbers

Edited by Terrorhuz.4695
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