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What order did you craft Legendaries?

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Not sure if I can add something valuable to the discussion at this point, but being in game since the original beta, I want to share my observations anyway - perhaps their are helpful:

- I have the PvP backpiece, which is kind of telling, because I am not a big PvP player (I got it, when it it became available). You don't need (or at least you didn't need in the past) all those tournaments and seasons available now. Just a few time the Glorious track IIRC and lots of matches which did not bother me at the time.
- For weapons I started with Kraitkin, because it was the only precursor I could afford to buy and then went (when crafting became a thing) for the weapons most of my characters could use (IIRC was Bifrost & Incinerator)
- Most of the trinkets came quite naturally when they became available and as you can slap them on everybody with the Legendary Armory, i'd rather use those than push WvW armour.
- WvW armour is always limited by Skirmish Tickets for me, so I went for the set of my main first.
- Gift of Battle is not a problem on my side, because I use the track a lot or had left it at 39/40 in case I needed a GoB quickly.
- If you do not have a large amount of alts, getting GoEs might become a limiting factor at some point.
- Being a hoarder helps, never selling any Fine Materials
-  In hindsight, if you plan on getting legendary WvW armor, don't "waste" resources on crafting ascended materials, which reduce the amount of T5 mats and ectos you have in storage. Doing those specialization collections for the weapons you need and stat change random drops from WvW chests via the Mystic Forge can take you far (another thing that came to the game later).

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Myself, the order I went through was 

  1. Juggernaut, mostly for the appearance.  I didn't much have a toon to use it on when I made it, but so far it has been a good investment.
  2. Endeavor.  Made this one mostly because I never saw anyone else with it.
  3. A whole bunch of random legendaries for making money.  
  4. Legendary Armor.  First it was Light, then Medium, then Heavy.  I decided to use WvW to get the heavy legendary armor.
  5. All legendary trinkets.  Can't remember the exact order, since I was sort-of crafting all of them at the same time.  These, combined with the armor, have made for a great investment.  I essentially have every build in the game at my fingertips, so long as I buy the runes for it.
  6. Aurene's Fang.  I had the precursor, so I decided to go for it.
  7. Aurene's Bite.  This was to complete the set, because I liked how Fang looked on my mesmer.  I gave my chronomancer build an entire visual makeover based on these weapons.  
  8. Incinerator.  I made this to complement the Virtuoso build, largely because I didn't want to make another Aurene weapon just yet.
  9. HOPE.  I had the map exploration bonus and all of the map currencies, and legendary weapons were cheap at the time.  While crafting Aurene's Bite I was gathering all the summoning stones without buying them from the TP, and this left me with a lot of excess materials, which I used to make this.
  10. Bifrost.  I decided to... well... keep this one instead of selling it.  Legendary gear was cheap at the time and I was rolling in dough, so I went ahead and made it.
  11. Xiuquatl.  I made this one mostly for convenience, because nearly every scepter in the game has multiple builds associated with it.  However, I do enjoy using this on my specter, boosting people up with it while yelling in chat 'RECEIVE THE POWER OF SNEK!!!"


That's my current list.  I'm working on getting the underwater legendaries right now, mostly because I'm tired of all my water weapons being off-build because they're all ancient.  I have most of the materials, but I haven't gotten around to getting map completion on my final toons.  After the underwater legendaries... I'm not sure I'm going to make any more.  I'm looking at legendary weapons for the utility of stat swapping now, and the issue I've run in to is that there's no real point to have legendary weapons in any other category.  Most of these weapons I have are used for one build only, so ascended works just fine for them. 

Edited by Blood Red Arachnid.2493
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I finished Aurora a couple weeks ago and will be finishing up The Ascension this week. When tallying the costs for The Ascension I noticed I now have all the time gated resources to make my first piece of legendary armor. I've been focusing on crafting legendaries that synergize with the content I'm currently playing.

Succinctly put, I've been working through all the Return To + Mastery achievements in chronological order. Simultaneously I'm working on unlocking all the mounts + LWS 3 accessory + LWS 4 accessory + Return to amulet. Once I finish these, I'll start working on raids. Someone with more time than me could do raids + return to at the same time easily given raids are a once a week thing.

I paired this with a time gated backpack. Originally I started on the fractals "Ad Infinitum", but decided to switch to PVP "The Ascension" because of the previously mentioned synergy on getting armor in addition to the backpack (also I'd rather put my fractal currencies towards the potions than the legendary).

If you go the PVP route, I'll note the most difficult part of The Ascension has not been the "play 3 games a day for 60 days" but rather the last tier that requires 60 wins (presumably within the 15 day window). I started The Ascension expecting to get it in approximately 3 x 60 = 180 games, but the achievements requiring  wins roughly double the number of games needed because I'm terrible at PVP. You are required to get 60 + 45 + 30 + 15 wins (in each of the 4 tiers) for a minimum of 150 wins. Assuming a 50% win rate, that's 300 games. Absolute best case (you win every game) is a minimum of 195 games due to how the achievements are spaced. The payoff is that PVP is quite generous on rewards (especially compared to WVW) and you can work on backpack + armor at the same time.

Edited by Atraleos.5849
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Thanks to everyone for the responses. It helps a lot.

I think right now I'm deciding between Conflux and Warbringer for my next trinket. And even if i do Conflux first, I think it would probably take just as much additional WvW time to craft Warbinger than to start a whole other game mode (Fractals) to get their Leg backpack. I could be wrong though. I wasn't able to find estimates on how long Ad Infinitum would take to craft starting from nothing. And I also know leveling fractals has the whole added benefit of having the higher end ones being some of the best gold farms around. So I might do that at some point in the future anyways.

Since I have a WvW week off (we're facing Maguuma so why bother), I'm thinking of crafting Kudzu to have another weapon 2 of my characters use as well as working on the Vision collections (not looking forward to Jahai).

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5 minutes ago, Infusion.7149 said:

If you need to think about it, get Conflux as it is the only way to have two rings (the other is either another Conflux or Coalescence).

Ad Infinitum is far faster than Warbringer as a backpiece option.

Part of the debate is that Conflux is also a lot more expensive. So I'm also trying to figure out what's most cost effective. Neither rings or backpacks (Ascendeds) are hard to get, but I think rings are somewhat easier.

Is Ad Infinitum faster, even considering I've basically done no Fractals so far? Like I said, I couldn't find a real number for how long it takes starting from nothing.

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30 minutes ago, idpersona.3810 said:

Wow. Which game mode(s)?

I wasnt even actively pursuing legendary armor but played wvw daily and then happened to mention how many skirmish tickets I had to a friend who pointed out that I had enough for two sets of armor. So I made two full sets and saved up for the third.

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5 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

I wasnt even actively pursuing legendary armor but played wvw daily and then happened to mention how many skirmish tickets I had to a friend who pointed out that I had enough for two sets of armor. So I made two full sets and saved up for the third.

That's awesome. Congrats. 🙂

Is that a yea or more of "work"? (I'm estimating, but am curious)

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9 minutes ago, idpersona.3810 said:

That's awesome. Congrats. 🙂

Is that a yea or more of "work"? (I'm estimating, but am curious)

Supposedly 22 weeks if you max out your skirmish chests each week. I rarely complete Diamond each week so probably 30-35 weeks for me. That is for 1 weight.

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3 hours ago, idpersona.3810 said:

Part of the debate is that Conflux is also a lot more expensive. So I'm also trying to figure out what's most cost effective. Neither rings or backpacks (Ascendeds) are hard to get, but I think rings are somewhat easier.

Is Ad Infinitum faster, even considering I've basically done no Fractals so far? Like I said, I couldn't find a real number for how long it takes starting from nothing.

If you plan on doing WVW or fractals often the Conflux ring also has 3 infusion slots which saves you from making many infused rings and also allows you to share +9 agony infusions between templates on any character.

Backpieces are more difficult to infuse though there's no advantage to having Ad Infinitum and Warbringer unless you want the Warbringer skin.

Conflux is about 1.2K gold

Ad Infinitum is around 970g


Warbringer is around 710g


Worst come to worst for Ad Infinitum you can get people to help you out. Warbringer is strictly a skirmish ticket and resource sink.

Edited by Infusion.7149
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What I did:

Jewelry (except for that one WvW ring, because I only do PvE) -> medium armor (because that's what both of my favorite characters use) -> runes -> [WIP] heavy armor


That's how far I got. After heavy armor I will probably either go for light or for sigils. I don't know if I will ever go for weapons. 


If I was to start over, I would probably get runes first, then jewelry, then armor, then sigils, and at last weapons.


Reason is, as much as I spent on runes before I got legendary armor, I probably could have gotten the legendary runes with that gold. So getting them first would have saved me a lot of gold in the long run.


Jewelry (and back) next because it's used by all characters, so I don't need to worry about getting anything for those slots on any character any more.


Armor is a bit less universal than jewelry, but it can still be shared by multiple characters, so that would be next.


While sigils are universally useful, you generally don't need to switch them unless you also have to switch weapons, so they aren't often wasted. Also most of them are cheap, so you wouldn't be saving much by getting them earlier.


Weapons last because they are usually (with some exceptions of course) associated with a specific build, where you will not need to switch stats unless you also switch weapons, because switching stats usually comes with switching builds. If you have multiple characters that use the same weapons, it might make sense, but it will rarely make more sense than any of the other legendaries. Also you will get plenty of ascended weapon drops from fractals and raids, which means you will rarely have any issue filling the weapon slots even without legendaries.

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1. Bolt
2. Nevermore
3. Heavy Envoy Armor
4. Frostfang
5. Medium Envoy Armor
6. Aurora
7. Vision
8. Medium Envoy Armor
9. Coalescence
10. Light Envoy Armor
11. Exordium
12. 6x Legendary Runes
13. 2x Legendary Sigils
14. Prismatic Champion Regalia
15. Aurene's Flight
16. The Flameseeker Prophecies
17. Incinerator
18. HOPE
19. The Minstrel
20. The Shining Blade
21. Astralaria


4 to 21 has been crafted within August 2021 to present day.

I collected most of my clovers from daily trade in fractal before they changed it to weekly trade + raids vendor as well, also from ibs reward tracks which award plenty most of my gold coming from fractal and raids alone. At first I crafted only weapon that has the most use but since exordium I crafted solely for the look first, usability second.

Edited by ardhikaizecson.3697
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  • 1. Nevermore
  • 2. LIght wvw armor
  • 3. Medium wvw armor
  • 4. Heavy wvw armor
  • 5. Warbringer
  • 6. Juggarnaut
  • 7. Conflux
  • 8. Prismatic Champion Regalia
  • 9. Vision
  • 10. Aurora
  • 11. 2nd Conflux
  • 12. The Binding of Ipos
  • 13. Sunrise
  • 14. Incinerator
  • 15. 1 Rune (for water breather)
  • 16. Xiuquatl
  • 17. The Flameseeker Prophecies
  • 18. 4 sigils (for land)
  • 19. Kamohoali'i Kotaki
  • 20. Howler
  • 21. The Shining Blade
  • 22. Astralaria


As far as importance, I would say trinkets first.  As they can be used by every class and armor weight.

I played wvw endlessly so it made sense to make those for armors.  As far as grinding them or future ones out, just keep at it.  I was amazed at how quickly the list expanded.  I managed to make everything from Sunrise down this year.  I funded a bunch of them by selling a couple first.  Was broke.  Had stored up enough materials to make one outright.  Sold antique summoning stones and memories of battle to pay the listing fee.  Once the first one sold, used that profit to make another to sell.  Every third one I made I could keep.  Honestly, the hard part was the Gift of Exploration.  I had done a bunch of map completion years ago, but making things you can burn through them pretty quick.  Ended up rerolling a bunch so I had toons to do map completion on.



Edited by Ubi.4136
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My journey, started to main Mesmer when i began this....

1. Sunrise

2. Light armor (WvW) cos i liked it during my first time getting GoB for Sunrise in WvW.

3. Medium armor (WvW)

4. Heavy armor (WvW)

5. Quip (I made this specially to annoy everyone with it's sound)

6. Bolt

7. Warbringer

8. Aurora

9. Vision

10. 1st Conflux

11. 2nd Conflux

12. The Bifrost

13. Aurene's Claw - Dagger


If you planning to start, go with trinkets first as they can be used on all character as Ubi said above.

Armor and Weapon stats offer same as Ascended so you can chip away at it slowly. 

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Dreamer was my first, followed by Exordium and Shining blade, but I mainly got them as a status symbol.


Aurora, the fractal backpack, the seasons of dragons amulet and two legendary sigils (for changing between night, impact, air, etc) are my practical goals. So far I have the first two.

Edited by Westenev.5289
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I started with two first-gen legendary weapons, for the simple reason that for years these were the only legendary items in game.

Then a WvW leg. armor set.

Then the WvW leg. backpiece.

Then Aurora

Then underwater weapon. Just because I can.

Then Vision

Then Conflux

Then Slumbering Conflux

Then Transcendence

(Long pause)

then I got a 'free' Prismatic Champion's Regalia which I don't use atm.

And recently, Emboldened brought me into Raiding and I got Coalescence, which I don't really need for stats but I like to have the effect of the completed set now.

Currently earning LI towards raid legendary armor.


Edited by TheQuickFox.3826
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  • 7 months later...

So it's been about 7-8 months since I had started this thread. At the time I had 3 weapons (one from each gen) and the Return-to necklace and Aurora. I've been reflecting on my time spent in game and it's been a busy year.

I ended up crafting (in order):

  1. Kudzu
  2. Warbringer
  3. Bifrost
  4. The Dreamer
  5. Aurene's Scale
  6. Binding of Ipos
  7. Aurene's Persuasion
  8. Juggernaut
  9. Conflux
  10. Incinerator
  11. Vision
  12. The Shining Blade
  13. Meteorlogicus
  14. Aurene's Argument
  15. Legendary Rune x6

I'm missing a Warhorn and a Torch. And a second version of each other the weapons that can be dual wielded. And so that brings me up to this week. Next week I should complete my 2nd Conflux. I'm just 75 Skirmish tickets short at the moment. I still have no legendary armor, which is funny since it's such a high priority for others. I think that might be what I work on next, both in WvW and in SotO (2nd content drop?).

I've seen several of the posters from this thread around the forums recently. I wonder how is everyone else's legendary journey has been going? I'd love to hear updates.


(Btw, I couldn't find a solid definition of what necro'ing meant for threads or what the policy is, so I'm hoping this is alright.)

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As mentioned- start with trinkets, they’re usable by every character no matter what. Additionally, the living world one is relatively easy/costless to get, as well, and you can get two of the WvW rings so you never have to raid if you don’t want to. The living world trinkets are what I would save for last, but still worth it

Next I’d go for armor. Again WvW is typically going to be your best bet if you’re more casual, and if you max your participation, you can get enough of even the time gated requirements to get one armor piece a month, if you’ve got the gold to back up the non time gated stuff. Also, I know looks are subjective to each person, but I think the WvW light armor (especially the mistforged, which will admittedly take longer than the standard month mentioned above) is the best looking light armor in the game, as it actually looks like light armor instead of wizard garb or noble clothes. (And on the topic of aesthetics, I also think the PvP medium armor is the best looking set for the class in the game, as well)

After that, knowing what we know, I’d say then focus on weapons. Outside of the rare exceptions, both runes and sigils are largely just not cost effective unless you are regularly playing 10+ alts all with different builds you’re switching between. And while that argument can also be made for all things legendary, at least the armor, trinkets, and weapons come with the visual swag to go with the effort. So at this point, prioritize individual weapons that you actually want the skin for- even if it’s cliche, the Gen 2 warhorn on a Necro is deliciously beautiful/thematic, and actually used on frequent meta builds, so win-win. Other iconic looks are guardians with Sunrise or Pharus, revs and rangers with the tiger bow, firebrands with Flames of War, etc


thats just me, though 

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I started with Bolt (one hand sword) and Dreamer (shortbow) since both were fast to do. I think Dreamer was 980 gold and Bolt around 1200 gold.

I mainly play wvw, so the armor was next (heavy type for my rev) along with 2 sigils.
The armor was 2300 gold

To me it is important that I don't have to esp. farm for something or play modes I don't want to play (fractals, raids, pvp).

The return amulet is my most recent legendary. That actually was some effort. Easy one though.

All this year.
And that's only because the gold -> gem ratio developed to my dislike and I had nothing else to put my gold into.
Now I like the system so much, that I should have started with them much sooner.

I'm saving up for the leg. runes now, but ppl say it is a waste to do them now because the system changes with the next expansion.

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18 hours ago, Lucy.3728 said:

I'm saving up for the leg. runes now, but ppl say it is a waste to do them now because the system changes with the next expansion.

I don't know if it's a waste. But I certainly would have crafted the runes easier 2 months ago than now. I still went ahead and crafted them (this month) just to not have to deal with whatever is going to happen when SotO drops. The relic debacle will be more than enough to have to deal with. I also have a couple dozen 80s so that helps with the motivation.

I just finished crafting my second Conflux this weekend, and it feels good to (in theory) never have to worry about trinkets again. Though from placement, I guess maybe relics are trinkets now too.

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