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Change Gift of Battle Please


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On 12/9/2022 at 6:47 PM, Radnor.4185 said:

Could you make it so the player can sell the Gifts of Battle, even if for a fixed price? I don't care if it cost 50g, 100g or 10000g, I'd rather farm the gold than to spend a single minute inside this game mode. No commanders, absolutely, almost no one, nothing to do. It's basically a walking simulator where people kill you for nothing and you lose participation, which means you to go under the torture of playing WvW for even more time. By making them not bound, players that enjoy WvW would be happy and players that do not would be able to never step into the battlegrounds ever again.

You can purchase a Gift of Mastery on the gray market. Check out the gw2 exchange reddit. You would have to hand all the non-account bound materials to the seller and they would craft the item for you and exchange the crafted item for the agreed upon price. A Gift of Mastery is worth 550g last I checked. This of course carries a risk, but the GW2 exchange reddit functions on reputation and has a posted blacklist for you to reference. This also of course assumes that the resultant item isn't account bound.

Other than that. With boosters up a GoB reward track does not take a lot of time. Just run around and kills guards at every objective, port to spawn and rotate again, and don't care about dying.

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16 hours ago, simple jack.3592 said:

Upon arriving on the battle field I found one team or server basically owned everything and it wasnt the team I was on.

This stops so many people, am I weird for seeing it as I can attack anything and everything I want? It's like every pve meta being active at once in the game, choose which one you want. The worst is if your server owns everything, it would be the same as no pve metas going on at all.... sad

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1 hour ago, Dinas Dragonbane.2978 said:

This stops so many people, am I weird for seeing it as I can attack anything and everything I want? It's like every pve meta being active at once in the game, choose which one you want. The worst is if your server owns everything, it would be the same as no pve metas going on at all.... sad

Yes. It is the best. Also they come to your spawn ... desperate to try to get a kill (instead you might get a kill if the move too far and you can pull some into the legendary defendrs lol). When you own everything ... you have to walk like ... forever. Unless you also hav the waypoint at the enemy main keep. (And SM in ebg.) Which could be contested by some thieves running around. Participation timer will be down a lot when talking from your spawn to the enemy spawn ... trying to get a kill there (and you might get killed while trying it).

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9 hours ago, Caliboom.3218 said:

Hey guys, did you know that making people play a gamemode they dislike doesn't solve anything and only brings salt to both sides of the table? Just pointing that out.

Killing guards and veteran monsters, as well as taking Ruins or talking to a vendor to spend some coin hardly differ from open world PvE.

As I repeatedly pointed out, only doing these PvE dailies in WvW always is a option. People already can get GoB via doing only rather safe PvE objectives. They don't need to have it even safer.

Any less WvW input than that and Arenanet might as well give it for free on daily logins.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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12 hours ago, Caliboom.3218 said:

Hey guys, did you know that making people play a gamemode they dislike doesn't solve anything and only brings salt to both sides of the table? Just pointing that out.

Actually only one side.

To some, getting killed seeking a legendary in WvW might be the most important day of their Gw2 lives, but for others it's just a Tuesday.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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So if player does not want to do WvW for GoB, does that player then even deserve to craft a legendary? Ascended have same stats.


It is made,so you have to "master"/play all or many aspects of the game because it is a LEGENGARY. It is in the name of the equipment.

It would not be legendary if it would be a piece of cake to make. Which it already is as you can buy gen1 legendary weapons.


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I have a question, what does gatekeeping the GoB achieve for WvW players? 

Does it bring new players into the gamemode? No, because the players you force to play WvW will just be either afking or capping the spawn camp. As for the "it brings new players into the gamemode" argument, the gamemode is always available to play, you don't really need the GoB to get people to play it, the option to play is always there.

Does it give PvE players a challenge so that it's truly "legendary"? No, because there's nothing legendary about stacking wvw potions or farming camps.

All it does is infuriate both sides. PvE players because they have to play a gamemode they don't like, and WvWers because they have to deal with a queue because of PvE players afking (due to, again, making them play a gamemode they do not like.) Make it so you can trade GoBs for GoEs and vice versa, or make the gifts sellable, this is all petty gatekeeping that benefits literally no one. 

Go ahead, show me one good thing that locking the GoB behind WvW does for the game or it's players. One good thing. I'm curious. Maybe you can change my mind then.

Edited by Caliboom.3218
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25 minutes ago, Caliboom.3218 said:

I have a question, what does gatekeeping having the GoB as an incentive achieve for WvW players?

GoB being an incentive means more people touch it than people would touch it without GoB.

And some of these people, who originally came in for the GoB, may stick around, because they enjoy it.

This means, WvW gains a net increase of players, which may not happen without the GoB being WvW-only.


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6 minutes ago, Fueki.4753 said:

GoB being an incentive means more people touch it than people would touch it without GoB.

And some of these people, who originally came in for the GoB, may stick around, because they enjoy it.

This means, WvW has a net increase of players, which may not happen without the GoB being WvW-only.


I mentioned in the post, WvW is always there for people to try, it's always an option to play it. And you should let people choose to do so to see if they enjoy it.
Most PvE players don't enjoy it, that's the truth, sure, a few may stick around, but making those who dislike it play it doesn't really help, there are other ways to add incentives. In fact, we already have a few. 
The fancy looking armor and weapons, and the ascendeds that you don't really have to pay much gold for, for example.

Edited by Caliboom.3218
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1 hour ago, Caliboom.3218 said:

I mentioned in the post, WvW is always there for people to try, it's always an option to play it. And you should let people choose to do so to see if they enjoy it.

WvW simply being there often isn't even enough to motivate people to try it, especially given the negative sentiment about WvW that's spreading around the Internet.

Thus, putting in factors of extrinsic motivation (like the GoB and the Warclaw) are a necessity to "coax" people into trying WvW.

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1 hour ago, Fueki.4753 said:

And some of these people, who originally came in for the GoB, may stick around, because they enjoy it.

This means, WvW gains a net increase of players, which may not happen without the GoB being WvW-only.

While it wasn´t exactly the case for me, it was kind of similar to how i got into WvW back on release in the first place. 

It wasnt't the gift of battle i needed, but by that time i heard that you can level up extremely fast in WvW (which by that time, was actually true, since it was before they changed EXP-gain to WXP-only, so you could level up a character in WvW). Until then, i was a PvE-only player, but the incentive made me find out about WvW and the mode got me hooked. Without that incentive, i wouldn´t even have tried out  WvW in the first place. 

Also, i could turn the complaints about "i have to do WvW in order to get PvE-stuff" completely around. 

I need gear for WvW (since we don´t have an equalized stat-system, like sPvP uses, in WvW). While i can get exotic/ascended equipment from WvW only (which takes insanely more time and is extremely more expensive than PvE if you consider the tickets and MoB btw), i cannot get a legendary amulet, accessory or weapons from WvW only (as so far, only backpiece, rings and armor exist as legendary wvw-variant). I have no other choice than getting them via PvE (which i also may not enjoy). 

So the game in this case forces a WvW-enjoyer into PvE (not only to get the items that are unobtainable in WvW, but also as gold-gain in WvW is by far worse than common gold-sources in PvE, as you need gold to get the other components), which is the exact counterpart PvE-players complain about with GoB. 

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I came into WvW a couple years ago to get my GoB to finish my first legendary and never left. I still have done everything in PvE too outside of raids. 

WvW has taught me more about my builds, and other classes abilities, than any PvE could. 

And now I have 3 full sets of legendary armor,  full trinkets, and maybe over 10 legendary weapons. 

Being open to learning WvW helped get me all that.

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14 hours ago, Caliboom.3218 said:

I've seen WvWers complain about having PvErs in their gamemode, so yes, it's both sides.

I'm a WvWer and I don't complain about that.  It makes no sense anyways to anyone with half a brain. (Granted, many WvWers don't have half a brain)

On your side, they're useful as cannon fodder. In theory they could rally an enemy but most of them die so fast it's not an issue, and you can always just abandon them as well. Just time your damage on the enemy as your ally is being stomped.

Sometimes on my Transfuse necro, I use it to use the rallybots as meatshields so I can run away. Or I dunno, win the fight.

On the enemy side, they're great because it's just free bags and sometimes a rally. Youtube romaers seem to love making montages over them.

As for queues, there's nothing backing it up, plus queues are usually only a problem on weekends or EB outside of stacked servers.

So please don't think for a moment this is equal at all. Those bags build our legendaries.

And certainly not all PvErs are a liability. Some PvErs come in and do great damage and can be excellent help assisting in blindsliding enemy players. Many of them are great and killing tower and keep lords. So no.

Being useless is a choice, and this is true regardless of your game mode. I would not appreciate WvWers going to PvE to be useless in meta events and instanced content either just because they want a legendary or something like that.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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On 12/13/2022 at 7:51 AM, Caliboom.3218 said:

I have a question, what does gatekeeping the GoB achieve for WvW players? 

Does it bring new players into the gamemode? No, because the players you force to play WvW will just be either afking or capping the spawn camp. As for the "it brings new players into the gamemode" argument, the gamemode is always available to play, you don't really need the GoB to get people to play it, the option to play is always there.

Does it give PvE players a challenge so that it's truly "legendary"? No, because there's nothing legendary about stacking wvw potions or farming camps.

All it does is infuriate both sides. PvE players because they have to play a gamemode they don't like, and WvWers because they have to deal with a queue because of PvE players afking (due to, again, making them play a gamemode they do not like.) Make it so you can trade GoBs for GoEs and vice versa, or make the gifts sellable, this is all petty gatekeeping that benefits literally no one. 

Go ahead, show me one good thing that locking the GoB behind WvW does for the game or it's players. One good thing. I'm curious. Maybe you can change my mind then.

Relevance. That is the one thing gatekeeping achieves, is wvw being relevant to the entire rest of the game. We lost server communities to mega servers, the power of the mists was lost due to raids, wvw map completion was also lost. Gifts of battle are the last thing we have left that is important to renaissance gw2 players. Without that wvw would be left with no support and they would let it die off on its own(hold those laughs and commenta people).

     Most people play the game for fun, but they find getting rewarded most fun of all. If fractals had no rewards, would it still exist? If you could get gifts of exploration without map completion, would that exist? If meta events gave you nothing but the fun of it, how populated would they be? Look at activities, people only do those if it is a daily, otherwise it is not relevant. There are people that like many aspects of this game, but only get to fully enjoy those aspects while they are relevant. The moment these things lose relevance they might get lost forever and none of the people that find WvW fun want that to happen to this game mode as gifts of battle are the last and only thing really tying us to the rest of the entire game.

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  • 1 month later...

Imo the GoB exclusivity serves the main purpose of getting people who hit endgame(lvl80) and start a legendary to discover WvW. Therefore outside the initial reward track, subsequent GoBs should also be obtainable outside of needing to play WvW, whether that be via a vendor or whatever.
If it works like that then the same should go for WvW and PvP exclusive peeps. They should be able to obtain a full armoury within their own game mode. That would make it fair.

Currently the rewards in WvW, even with the newly announced WvW stuff coming, is just crappy for the time invested. Especially if you are there for literally one item. PvE people with limited time to play shouldn't necessarily be made to cross over to a PvP game mode that they dislike to obtain an exclusive item for what is almost a purely PvE collection.

That being said, I am fine with the current GoB situation, but it seems a lot of people hate it which is understandable. It'd be nice if Anet would address this but I don't see a lot of people making noise about it. Perhaps most people have already resigned to how things are and/or aren't really bothered by it like me, idk

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