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Sometimes I just want to kill mobs...lots of mobs


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I know many of the end-game activities, but sometimes I don't want to do lots of mechanics or talk, just login and run around smacking mobs for awhile, then leave.  Where's the best place to get decent rewards for killing mobs and doing nothing else - no gathering, no walking events, just killing?



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18 minutes ago, jaif.3518 said:

I know many of the end-game activities, but sometimes I don't want to do lots of mechanics or talk, just login and run around smacking mobs for awhile, then leave.  Where's the best place to get decent rewards for killing mobs and doing nothing else - no gathering, no walking events, just killing?



Drizzlewood coast.  The events mostly consist of killing tons of enemies and the loot is good.

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There's also Ascalonian maps with ghosts/branded enemies that drop a decent amount of t3/4 dust, not sure how profitable it is, but it's quite chill (i.e. mid right Iron Marches). I usually do it when I run out of dust for scribing and don't feel like spending gold.

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4 minutes ago, azorean.1850 said:

other generic mmo?


First off, thanks to all the serious answers.


To this - I'm not saying "this is how I want to play all the time", I'm saying "when I'm not in the mood to think hard and just want to blow away some mobs for a short time, where's a good spot to do this?"



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Bjora marches. I know you don’t want mechanics, but the meta events spawn lots of mobs and I go there as much as to fight waves of mobs as I do the rest of the event



Karka farming on Southson used to be a go to for me.

Orr, especially Cursed Shore is just mindless swarms of mob events

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I go Hot and do outpost chain events. VB, AB, TD all maps are fine. 

There seem to always be players around doing these. You can join them or do it solo. 

I like mob diversity. Big, small, tough, fast. 

Also these chains usually end with a big champ or legendary boss. 

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My default is also Drizzlewood... I'm not as convinced that soloing within an unorganized map is worthwhile, but if you take a minute to check LFG to join a group, you can then blissfully button-mash your way to a nice haul, be it North, South or both.  Later Northern areas also gets the added minor bonus of working towards the Giant Slayer achieve, a painfully long-term objective.

Another collateral consideration might be whether there is an associated map currency that you want to accumulate for other purposes... Depending on any long-term goals, maps like HoT, Dragonfall, etc. could then tip the scale in their favor as you accumulate those bonuses as well.  

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Seconding core Tyria Orr for mindless mass murder sessions.  They are absolutely target rich environments.  

Harathi Hinterlands may be one for you.  I personally don't like it because mobs die too fast and are dispersed enough that I find myself needing to run somewhere, looking for something to kill.  Contrast to Orr, where you can endlessly just chain from kill to kill.  If the major events are up in Harathi, it is a target rich environment.

Silverwastes is good, depending on your definition of low effort.

Assaulting the flame legion fortification in Northwest Iron Marches may be good, unless you kill them too fast and you have to wait for respawns.

Ember Bay is good for endless slaughter, as is Lake Doric and Bitterfrost Frontier.


Of the above, , I recommend core Tyria Orr the most for what you're looking for.


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My preferred mass slaughter area is Nebo Terrace in Gendarran Fields, there you can kill non-stop between disabling side events, murdering densely packed camps of hoof beasts and massacring the waves of ponies at main event.

Rewards are not too rich though, you get the guaranteed daily rare and some champion chests plus lots of resource bags and hooves.

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   Drizzlewood for overall gold earnings. Dragonfall is also interesting since outside farming events for keys for the main rewards if you spent a few gold coins for the map boosters you'll get very good karma & volatile magic returns farming the gosthly knights in the scorched peaks at the northwest.

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