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How do you carry in ranked?


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15 hours ago, yayy.7584 said:


Sometimes they are horrible, but 90% is YOUR FAULT

Learn to rotate (check yt) and think what could YOU do better, not your team.



Use proper keybinds and build.


If u say u win every duel, then go far and keep 1v1ing everything there. When 1v2 run around so ur team can 4v3 meanwhile or just win ur 1v2. Dont die or you are throwing.

There is a fine line between giving advice and insulting someone... and oh boy do you ride it hard.

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Well I am not nearly as good player as op, mid gold is my ceiling. Maybe I could get a bit higher if I focused on one or two classes, I just can't get over myself and play something different or completely new every day or even match.

Anyway what works for me to climb out of silver is I take a duelist I am good at and just camp far the whole match. I make sure they never cap it from start on if possible. Let them break their teeth on you whole match long and oh they will try. I've been flamed often from my team over this (while winning lol) but I even had 100% win streak all through silver 3 and even decently into gold with this. It falls off hard at some point.

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How you carry really depends on the given game.  Sometimes the person I'd deem as carrying is the person who runs far and manages to hold it the whole match (or most of it).  When they do lose, they tied up 3 people for 40 seconds.    However sometimes the "far superstar" is basically ignored and the other two points continuously fall to a mobile DPS Zerg that repeatedly wipes by a thin margin the other 4 players... making the far superstar the actual problem.   

I've seen decap thieves carry, especially on maps where they can take out the forest beast for points.    That requires your team to basically have no-one willing to sit home... or predict the thief's movements to arrive there at the right time.

I've seen the burst roamer carry.  Basically getting the +1, and repeatedly picking off the farmable between points or while they think they're behind the team fight.

Finally you get a team with two kinda tanky folks who want to sit mid, and both with builds to support each other.   That will often do it if the opposing team keeps trying to take mid... and getting stalled till the DPSers arrive and pick them off.

If you have to average it all out... I'd say burst DPS killers with mobility are often the ones with the possibility that they might be able to carry.   So a good cata/holo/theif/ranger.  Next best bet is a spell breaker/mez who knows what to do far, and a team that gets how to leverage that... and opponents who don't know how to work around it.

That's my take anyway.

Edited by shion.2084
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11 hours ago, Peter.3901 said:

With the actual matchmaking? pure luck.


I got a team with 3 thiefs vs 3 spellbreaker and 1 virtuoso, guess who won?


Pvp is a joke, just grinding for the legendary armor and will quit this kitten forever.

You can say it's a pure joke... but in general I end up fighting the same group of people most of the matches I play, despite the streaks of stupidly bad luck.  I usually end up in about the same place, seeing the same folks when I hit my plateaus.    The fact that I don't duo or whatever, and never seem to go below G2, implies there is something beyond pure randomness.

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2 hours ago, shion.2084 said:

You can say it's a pure joke... but in general I end up fighting the same group of people most of the matches I play, despite the streaks of stupidly bad luck.  I usually end up in about the same place, seeing the same folks when I hit my plateaus.    The fact that I don't duo or whatever, and never seem to go below G2, implies there is something beyond pure randomness.

The point is, there isn't randomness at all, matchmaking just try to put you at 50% in the most dirty way possible. You win a lot? lets fight vs 2 spellbreaker and 2 cat while we put 3 brainlets in your team, and i'm not kidding, there's a pattern, just watch who drops in your team when you win 2 or more.

Edited by Peter.3901
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@Kstyle.5829Wow people here really like you. 

Goes to show how bad this forums is sometimes. 


Anyway the real problem you are having is you are trying to play a role. You basically can't or I could say you play the mythical role of team fight punisher. 

Your best bet is play anything can win team fights and force your team to roam. The best way of doing this is never and I mean never defend a point and just go for kills mostly at mid. 

People do get angry from time to time especially if you let's say don't go home on a Ranger(literally every time someone tries to make me). Focus entirely on killing players, a good way to practice this is in Unranked or Tournaments. 

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On 1/19/2023 at 8:00 AM, shion.2084 said:

How you carry really depends on the given game.  Sometimes the person I'd deem as carrying is the person who runs far and manages to hold it the whole match (or most of it).  When they do lose, they tied up 3 people for 40 seconds.    However sometimes the "far superstar" is basically ignored and the other two points continuously fall to a mobile DPS Zerg that repeatedly wipes by a thin margin the other 4 players... making the far superstar the actual problem.   

I've seen decap thieves carry, especially on maps where they can take out the forest beast for points.    That requires your team to basically have no-one willing to sit home... or predict the thief's movements to arrive there at the right time.

I've seen the burst roamer carry.  Basically getting the +1, and repeatedly picking off the farmable between points or while they think they're behind the team fight.

Finally you get a team with two kinda tanky folks who want to sit mid, and both with builds to support each other.   That will often do it if the opposing team keeps trying to take mid... and getting stalled till the DPSers arrive and pick them off.

If you have to average it all out... I'd say burst DPS killers with mobility are often the ones with the possibility that they might be able to carry.   So a good cata/holo/theif/ranger.  Next best bet is a spell breaker/mez who knows what to do far, and a team that gets how to leverage that... and opponents who don't know how to work around it.

That's my take anyway.

Amazing breakdown and I completely agree. 

I currently use a Carrion Condition Untamed. Although I don't have amazing mobility I can really punish players in team fights and can literally peel people off larger groups while they chase me thinking I'm super squishy. 

It works wonders where Im sometimes able to trade kills in a losing teamfight only because I sneakily kill someone while I run away. 


My only tip is that you need to play incredibly selfish. Only doing exactly what you are designed for and not let's say waiting to cap a point, better of leaving it decaped. 

Edited by Mell.4873
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On 1/17/2023 at 1:27 AM, Bazsi.2734 said:

Just play something glassy and mobile. Get kills. Don't die yourself. That is the easiest way to carry. There are other ways but for those you actually need to be good at the game.

....3/4 of the time your team will be dead even before you can stomp anything when playing a glass spec..that's how bad is the matchmaking and population in general, you can only play glass spec when in duo..and you play with somebody who doesn't insta die to a gust of wind. With pugs..you will be outnumbered on a glass spec within 10s from the start of the game

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On 1/17/2023 at 12:39 AM, Logan.4796 said:

In short when someone complains about ranked being impossible.

The answer truly is "get good" But yeah... There is infinite ways to "get good"

Probably many more ways than I could ever fathom on my own.

when every answer that would actually teach him something useful and not just "yeah ranked sux" was getting confused emotes i figured out it was just a frustration post

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On 1/21/2023 at 1:30 PM, Arheundel.6451 said:

....3/4 of the time your team will be dead even before you can stomp anything when playing a glass spec..that's how bad is the matchmaking and population in general, you can only play glass spec when in duo..and you play with somebody who doesn't insta die to a gust of wind. With pugs..you will be outnumbered on a glass spec within 10s from the start of the game

Some games cannot be carried no matter what you do. Life is unfair.

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On 1/20/2023 at 11:11 AM, Peter.3901 said:

The point is, there isn't randomness at all, matchmaking just try to put you at 50% in the most dirty way possible. You win a lot? lets fight vs 2 spellbreaker and 2 cat while we put 3 brainlets in your team, and i'm not kidding, there's a pattern, just watch who drops in your team when you win 2 or more.

I don't stay at any place very long, at 3 separate times I've been top 100 this season, and fallen to out of the top 250.   So I see more streaks.   Currently I'm like 80 in NA I think.  I'm away on vacation for season end so I'll decay out sadly.

Anyway  I'd actually enjoy it more if I was given 50/50 could go either way matches each game.  But I get these dumptruck streaks where when I'm at the end of it I'm able to v3 and feel like I'm the hero in a John Woo movie.  Then I get the climb upwards and reality that there's much bigger fish sets in 🙂

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45 minutes ago, shion.2084 said:

I don't stay at any place very long, at 3 separate times I've been top 100 this season, and fallen to out of the top 250.   So I see more streaks.   Currently I'm like 80 in NA I think.  I'm away on vacation for season end so I'll decay out sadly.

Anyway  I'd actually enjoy it more if I was given 50/50 could go either way matches each game.  But I get these dumptruck streaks where when I'm at the end of it I'm able to v3 and feel like I'm the hero in a John Woo movie.  Then I get the climb upwards and reality that there's much bigger fish sets in 🙂

I will say that sometimes the 50/50 seems moree like 50/50 overall, as in here's the match you can't possibly lose.  And... here's the match you can't possibly win.  Their 50/50 ratio achieved!  One presumes the goal on each match should be to give you a game you have a 50% chance of winning based on past record.

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in EU I genuinely do not understand. Some massive region swap people, or are we getting new peoples? Not sure what is going on, but the amount of players that have no idea what they are doing is wild. Is there system made so 3-4 new players gets grouped up with 1-2 old players? 

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I would say there might be some slight influx of new players and also it depends on which time you play.
For example there is noticeable difference in quality of games when you queue up during morning (less coinflip) and evening (people being easily agitated by missplays etc.) on weekend.
There might be some other factors like people being less prone to tilting due to feeling rested and relaxed, but that's just my personal observation (G2, G3 elo).

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GW2 pvp population is too small to worry about the ranked number. You can be silver but going against the top of the ladder. Those games will be 99% unwinnable. 


Best thing to do is stop playing when you stop having fun. Try and improve obviously, but this game mode they force is a team based strategy, so you realistically you will always be at the mercy of the matchmaking. 

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In my experience, just having one person before the match start communicate a plan for who is going to which node makes a huge difference.

Just that one little bit of communication, which is ridiculously rare. Sometimes people will ignore it, but it's amazing how many times "I'm going near, the rest of you take middle" or the like will set the tone for the rest of the match and even lead to more communication and better matches.

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On 1/24/2023 at 1:34 PM, zengara.8301 said:

in EU I genuinely do not understand. Some massive region swap people, or are we getting new peoples? Not sure what is going on, but the amount of players that have no idea what they are doing is wild. Is there system made so 3-4 new players gets grouped up with 1-2 old players? 

Yes, this system is called Low Population also known as 'dead gaem' and anet has worked really hard to implement it, enjoy! 😆

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