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World vs. World: January 31 Update Preview

Rubi Bayer.8493

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Some major issues (the participation system) ... where we had threads about. Good to know the deves try to look at this. Looking forward to the changes there. Unfortunately no major details mentioned about this (since it will get implemented slowly over the next months I guess) ... but this is more interesting than the weekly (that also is nice though).

Supply thing ... could work to give more importance to use siege strategically - not only spamming it. I mean: If the keep has less supplies that can be used to defend endlessly ... it will also be more of a pain to attack run towards a well defended enemy structure. Where it is not uncommon for a zerg to wipe and then resupply from the keep (that might get emptier quicly then).

Edited by Luthan.5236
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Hi, World vs. World community,

I’m Cecil Armstrong, WvW Team Lead and Producer, and I’m joined by Senior Game Designer Floyd Grubb. We’re here today to share a preview of some WvW changes coming in the January 31 update and the months following it.

Before we dig in, we wanted to remind the community of our current team priorities:

  1. Address player population balance issues through the World Restructuring and Alliances features.
  2. Make WvW more rewarding to play with a focus on active participation.
  3. Refine and iterate on core WvW systems like scoring, siege, upgrades, etc.

While World Restructuring and Alliances are still our primary focus, we were able to carve out some time in our schedule to make progress toward the second and third priorities on our list.


How can you post this when literally the first thing you mentioned directly contradicts the matchup relinks posted an hour ago!?!?!?

In NA you paired a FULL server with HIGH server when there are ELEVEN MEDIUM population servers that could have been paired with the FULL server. Either you're outright lying to us about addressing player population balance issues, or you're delusional. It's as if you're telling us everything is perfectly fine while the city burns behind you! Your credibility is taking a massive hit with this. This is an absolutely terrible look Anet.

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Wow, an update i fully like and can support! :D Keep it up! :D

If you make us able to exchange emblems for skirmish tickets - up to weekly maximum - so it's flexible how we approach WvW, that would be amazing! But this is a step in the right direction! Can't wait to start using my Warclaw a bit more now. :)

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If the Keep Maximum Supply nerf is too much, defending will be a problem when multiple guild are running in the map since the Zergs tend to resupply from the keep after a wipe which happens a lot. Plus the roamers and people building useless stuff. I mean....not sure bro. Lets hope the dolyaks carry a lot of sups now, i guess they will have to be defended for real now.

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Last I checked the only siege that is useful for defense are the cannons that players can easily be pulled off From the walls or mortars and the occasional Ballista XD. Sure ram health may be nice and the change to stability. But it still shall benefit the larger population by the ease and upkeep of stability. In other words making defending useless and create more maguma match ups. If this roles out before alliances it could possibly affect wvw for the less populated servers .Although its Not like defending anything is possible unless one is graced by even numbers as it is. But eh as a player of wvw for 10 years what do I know 🤷‍♂️.

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Why would they increase range on the ballista? Isn't it bad enough when a bad player sits in a camp on a ballista shooting at a thief 3k away? Decreasing supplies but the "carrot" is a dolyak with higher hp? So now dolyaks are slow because they're physically too fat? That's not going to play out well in the kid's story book. Why not find a way to decrease camp respawn time when the keep/smc are being attacked? Why not find a way to bypass a full tower while enroute to the keep/smc?


Ram enjoyers, rejoice! We’re fixing a long-standing issue that caused players to be kicked off siege weapons when hit by certain crowd-control abilities, even when under the effects of stability.


Really? If I recall this was mentioned back in, ummmmm, beta. Only 10 years. How did we get so lucky?

Edited by Bern.9613
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"Make WvW more rewarding to play with a focus on active participation."

"this update includes changes that are designed to encourage direct player vs. player conflict in fights over objectives while taking care to not take the fun (or the teeth) out of objective defense."


I am curious, which changes in particular do you feel are going to increase more direct player vs player conflict?

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1 minute ago, MuscleBobBuffPants.1406 said:

"Make WvW more rewarding to play with a focus on active participation."

"this update includes changes that are designed to encourage direct player vs. player conflict in fights over objectives while taking care to not take the fun (or the teeth) out of objective defense."


I am curious, which changes in particular do you feel are going to increase more direct player vs player conflict?

At some point they are just going to remove the walls and gates and put a "police line" style tape that stability will allow you to cross.  The "direct player vs player" part is where the 50 man boon blob kills the 1 defender who had to take a bio break.

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