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Ele changes previewed so far on Feb 3 preview


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  • Flame Burst - inflicts blind not just burning
  • Burning Retreat 18s cooldown
  • Water Blast - ally targetting
  • Geyser - WvW/PVP increased heal attribute scaling from 1.0 to 1.25
  • Frozen Ground - applies frost aura
  • Healing rain - heals allies for each condition removed , increased conditions removed per pulse to 2 in PVE
  • Gust - ground target
  • Windborne Speed - applies superspeed
  • Transmute earth - grants stability instead of protection... 600 radius

Scepter nerfs

  • Dragon's Tooth: Reduced power coefficient from 2.0 to 1.5 in PvP and WvW.
  • Water Trident: Reduced ammunition from 2 to 1 in PvP and WvW.
  • Blinding Flash: Reduced ammunition from 2 to 1 in PvP and WvW. Reduced weakness duration from 2.5 seconds to 2 seconds in PvP and WvW.


  • Burning speed stops moving when reaches enemy
  • Earthen rush stops moving when reaching enemy
  • Soothing Disruption no longer reduces recharge of cantrips
  • Lightning flash - reduced PVE cooldown from 40 to 20s
  • Cleansing Fire - ammo skill , grants personal might per condition (ammo cooldown 25)
  • Armor  of earth - barrier for each unique boon on user, reduced duration to 4s in PVP and cooldown from 60s to 40s in PVP
  • Ether Renewal - reduced cast from 2.75s to 2.25s , cooldown from 18 to 15
  • Conjurer no longer reduces cooldown of conjure weapon abilities
  • Stoneshift (PVP) - reduced Tectonic shift from 2s to 1s

Weaver/Tempest changes

  • Lucid Singularity (aka alac trait)  pulses alac in addition to the end alac , total alac unchanged
  • Superior elements (PVE) crit chance from 10% to 15%
  • Bunch of coefficient increases on weaver in PVE
    • Cauterizing Strike: Increased power coefficient against burning enemies from 2.33 to 2.8 in PvE only.
    • Charged Strike: Increased power coefficient from 0.8 to 0.9 in PvE only.
    • Polaric Slash: Increased power coefficient from 0.9 to 1.0 in PvE only.
    • Call Lightning: Follow-up lightning strikes occur faster and will now always strike three times.
    • Polaric Leap: Increased power coefficient from 0.33 to 0.66 in PvE only.  --- double
    • Seiche: Increased power coefficient from 0.5 to 0.8 in PvE only. ---  yay
    • Clapotis: Increased power coefficient from 0.6 to 0.9 in PvE only. --- large increase for water
    • Breaking Wave: Increased power coefficient from 1.0 to 1.1 in PvE only.
    • Aqua Siphon: Increased base healing from 1,770 to 2,255 in PvE only.
    • Twin Strike: Increased power coefficient on initial strike from 0.5 to 1.0 in PvE only. --- double
    • Shearing Edge: Increased power coefficient from 1.5 to 1.8 in PvE only.
  • Weave self now has strike damage boost


  • Fortified earth (PVP) barrier from 2520 to 1254
  • Elemental Celerity elite skill (PVP) from 60 to 75s cooldown
  • Deploy Jade sphere PVP cooldown 10s to 15s (matches PVE)


Edited by Infusion.7149
add missing weaver coefficient missed, scepter nerfs in PVP
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49 minutes ago, Infusion.7149 said:
  • Burning speed stops moving when reaches enemy
  • Earthen rush stops moving when reaching enemy



Not a fan. Range is quite low already with a large "blast" range. There is no issue to actually hit people with it; on contrary it's all the point to go through the target, may be chain leaps, and stay at 240 range with dagger.

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1 hour ago, Infusion.7149 said:
  • Flame Burst - inflicts blind not just burning
  • Burning Retreat 18s cooldown
  • Water Blast - ally targetting
  • Geyser - WvW/PVP increased heal attribute scaling from 1.0 to 1.25
  • Frozen Ground - applies frost aura
  • Healing rain - heals allies for each condition removed , increased conditions removed per pulse to 2 in PVE
  • Gust - ground target
  • Windborne Speed - applies superspeed
  • Transmute earth - grants stability instead of protection... 600 radius

This actually made me think of using staff as a HAT. The stab on transmute is something that HAT has been lacking. Comboed with pulsing alac i think i can justify droping warhorn now since that might spread and boon duration boost may not be worth additional stab and more healing. 


1 hour ago, Infusion.7149 said:

Lightning flash - reduced PVE cooldown from 40 to 20s

Dont think this will see play in pve outside of some niche OW build. 

1 hour ago, Infusion.7149 said:
  • Cleansing Fire - ammo skill , grants personal might per condition (ammo cooldown 25)
  • Armor  of earth - barrier for each unique boon on user, reduced duration to 4s in PVP and cooldown from 60s to 40s in PVP

Cleansing Fire may actually be worth it if it has more than 1 charge. 

Armor of earth needs testing. And ofc we need to see numbers. 


1 hour ago, Infusion.7149 said:

Lucid Singularity (aka alac trait)  pulses alac in addition to the end alac , total alac unchanged

Well they took the most "unfun" idea to make it work. Need to see how alac is distributed on pulses. But still a nice QoL change. 


1 hour ago, Infusion.7149 said:
  • Superior elements (PVE) crit chance from 10% to 15%
  • Weave self now has strike damage boost

First one means now you can actually go full zerk gear without Assassins pieces to get 100% crit cap. Which means more dps. 

Weave self may actually make me drop FGS, but we need to see the numbers. If its a 10-15% increase (or 20 like condi one) it would be worth it. 

Im kinda surprised that they went for weaver buffs, but i do think weaver deserves it. 1-2k dps extra is nice for selfish build.


40 minutes ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

Looks good.  Can we get a little touch up to condi sword, though?  It was already lagging a bit behind the other weapons including power sword and now power gets more buffs.  I get that we want weaver to be easier to play, but does that require that we make the more complex play styles objectively worse even when played well?

Yeah, was kinda surprised to see zero changes/buffs to condi sword aswell. 


And another thing that is kinda missing is QoL for cata in PVE. Like literary cata deals good amount of dps, but there is a lot of QoL missing atm. 

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The only upside to the burning/earthen change is that you can now directly burning speed any target that is in front of you/don't need to ensure they're at that exact range away in order to get the "explosion" damage from it. I'd still rather that they didn't change it, but this isn't terrible I guess. Kind of just feels like a "stop touching my stuff" but alright.

Making air sword autoattack hit faster/more consistently and buffing weave self was nice of them.

However nerfing Soothing Disruption in order to buff cantrips was a bad move imo. I like what they did to the cantrips overall, but my WvW water/air sword dagger build kind of got annihilated by this; cantrip cooldowns are way too high without a reduction trait, if I run them after this patch I'm just asking to lose. 60s mistform? Yeah how about no, why even use it. Now mist form in wvw is core ele's twist of fate: nearly useless, we will forget it exists at all. The least they could've done was reduce the cd on twist of fate so that running that as a stunbreak instead would be an option (notice I did not even say 'viable option' because 75s is so long it is currently a joke at best). 

Kind of a slap in the face to WvW players to buff armour of earth in PvP but leave it at 60s in WvW. This just means no one will use it. Another useless skill. Cantrips now has two useless skills that generally won't be used in WvW = great balance! Everyone will just take arcane shield, air signet or glyph of power because they're objectively better. One stunbreak every 60s is not enough dude x)

As for scepter whatever the kids cried and arenanet gave them some milk. Gonna be hilarious still killing them with scepter and watching them cry when it's already been nerfed. Oops maybe the issue was skill.

Edited by solemn.9670
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Loving the changes to elementalist across the board. The alacrity change was widely requested and will make a vast improvement to the build functionality in all game modes. The buffs to weaver are great. The spec is certainly strong now, but inline with Anet's DPS philosophy a modest buff was called for. I've seen some people reacting very strongly saying that this will take weaver to 50k+ benchmarks that seems very off to me. Depending on the percentage on weave-self this should be a 4-6k bump, putting weaver at a 44k-46k bench. That is right where weaver should be, and if it ends up being higher they've already acknowledged they would tune down in the future. I don't have much to say about scepter/cata changes because I don't play the game mode, but they seem solid over all. The biggest take away I have here is they specifically called out not wanting to delete builds anymore. This is a huge change in Anets balance philosophy and an extremely welcome one in all game modes.

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1 minute ago, bluberblasen.9684 said:

Lighting flash cool down 40 ->20...

And than.. Pve only.... Feels bad....

It's nerfed 100 times... No longer stun break

No longer deals damage...

Why not 20 second in wvw too?! /sad

It's kind of hilarious that they even made this change to begin with. Who uses lightning flash in pve?

Meanwhile Mechanists still have their 1200 range? teleport that copies boons to mechs and clears conditions. Thief still has shadowstep that clears conditions. And mesmer still has their 1200 range teleport that.. if I'm not mistaken is also a stun break?

I think they just wanted something to fill up the page. The other changes look pretty good though. The blind + burn on flame burst seems kind of unusual considering there's already a blind on burn trait but it's not really a negative and I'm sure it has its uses. 

It would be nice to see some damage increases on meteor shower but I guess they're just driving the point further that staff is really meant to be a support weapon.

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For the love of god, please reconsider the changes to fire and earth 3 on MH dagger. Increase the CD or something if it is overperforming. It is going to be impossible to control these abilities in WvW. I can already see myself getting stuck and dying over and over. How is this going to interact with pets and mesmer clones? I am very concerned...

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The staff and tempest buffs are nice. We can now say staff is not an dps wepon it is an support utitily wepon. The question is why did they nerf ranged dps in wvw so hard and over all out side of support ele the out right destroyed every thing in wvw for the ele class.


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1 hour ago, Pseudonymous.2107 said:

For the love of god, please reconsider the changes to fire and earth 3 on MH dagger. Increase the CD or something if it is overperforming. It is going to be impossible to control these abilities in WvW. I can already see myself getting stuck and dying over and over. How is this going to interact with pets and mesmer clones? I am very concerned...

From the sounds of it on the actual post, it only stops on your target. So no target or hitting anything other than your target and you'll still pass through. I think it's a nice change to make sure you hit your target and can't accidently overshoot your target

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I am open to most of the changes but I am not a fan of the burning speed/earthen rush nerf.  Those movement skills are needed badly for support specs.  Now you will just have to stand in front of the dagger ele and easily counter them.  Damage specs also rely on those piercing evades to get around the field... now you are going to hit brick walls everywhere.

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15 minutes ago, Iniak.9815 said:

I am open to most of the changes but I am not a fan of the burning speed/earthen rush nerf.  Those movement skills are needed badly for support specs.  Now you will just have to stand in front of the dagger ele and easily counter them.  Damage specs also rely on those piercing evades to get around the field... now you are going to hit brick walls everywhere.


Your movement is only stopped if it reaches your currently selected target. It can't be stopped by some random enemy standing in front of you. If you don't have any target (or remove target selection with ESC) you still get the full movement without stopping short even if there's enemies in the way. At least that's how I understand it, and makes most sense. There's other movement skills that work like this - for example guardian greatsword 3rd skill.

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3 hours ago, solemn.9670 said:

However nerfing Soothing Disruption in order to buff cantrips was a bad move imo. I like what they did to the cantrips overall, but my WvW water/air sword dagger build kind of got annihilated by this; cantrip cooldowns are way too high without a reduction trait, if I run them after this patch I'm just asking to lose. 60s mistform? Yeah how about no, why even use it. Now mist form in wvw is core ele's twist of fate: nearly useless, we will forget it exists at all. The least they could've done was reduce the cd on twist of fate so that running that as a stunbreak instead would be an option (notice I did not even say 'viable option' because 75s is so long it is currently a joke at best). 


I got kittened the same way. Also a Sword/Dagger weaver in WvW. Ran that to get time off of both Lightning Flash and Armor of Earth, both of which got buffed in OTHER game modes to compensate for the loss.  

Twist of Fate at 75s? Mist form at 60s where I can't even keep up the aggression? Bah, what a load of crap. Not to mention that Water as a traitline is already full of mostly-garbage that you begrudging take for the condi cleanse.

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