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Request for a total overhaul of New-Kaineng.


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As its name suggests, I would like ArenaNet to decide to redo everything on this map, because nothing is right, the questionable design, the fact that there is too much recycling, or inverted and nested sets in the others (I still came across pieces of Tarir... it has nothing to do there), and the fact that this map is empty, we would say a ghost town, it's just not possible, in a pinch the Port/Jade Monument, the Lutgardis square (seen from below only), the "wooded / echovald" area and the ruins are fine, but the rest is a disaster.
This map frustrates me more than anything else, every corner has a questionable design, I literally don't meet anyone, nothing happens on this map, and the metas are boring.

I prefer to wait 1 or 2 more months and that you make a REAL Neo-Kaineng, rather than this horror. 

I suspect it will never work, like every time we complain about a map, but I say it anyway. Because it's a shame.

Edited by rylien.3824
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I’d love to see the many great revamp ideas I’ve read implemented, but after Kourna which the devs admitted was unfinished and not what was intended and then left untouched, we can rule out it as being likely.

It has potential to be one of their best maps though, it’s just not there at the moment 

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Hum, even the design I'm sorry it's filthy, I would have preferred a smaller map "thing").



We are still very far from the atmosphere sold in the works. Even at night doesn't particularly have a very "electro-futuristic" atmosphere like a Cyberpunk would. The neon lights are barely visible. (especially since neaons are made with deldrimor dwarven platforms...). I would have preferred a "futuristic" version of Kaineng from Guild Wars 1er. I know they don't have a lot of resources, but as I said it is sometimes better to take longer to produce content and have quality. And if they want to maintain their players, they have an interest in changing a lot of things at this level, including the ability to come back to the old content, to improve it (even visually). Already the specializations are already suffering a little too.

Where are the bonsais, the red walls, the well-made decorations (rather than nested-inverted-stacked decorations with full recycling), etc... even the Garden of Sebhorin which is half destroyed is more attractive.

I don't play Tower of Fantasy because for me it sucks, in addition to being copiers / thieves, but the atmosphere of Mirror is a bit what I would have liked to find at night in New-Kaineng , and day something punk in a traditional city like Kaifeng City in the real world. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaifeng

If an LW6 is done, I also really hope that the map of the old Kaineng, is really faithful to that of Guild Wars 1 ruins version. And not a vulgar copied/pasted from the ruins of the New-Kaineng map.
After a while either you assume that Guild Wars 2 is a logical continuation of the Guild Wars license (rip), or you give up and do something else, and you assume it ! 😢

Edited by rylien.3824
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To me that Tower of Fantasy map looks super dead and sterile. GW2 maps, even the worst ones have NPCs and mobs walking around. You might say this is a hub city and sure it is but look at any hub city in GW2 and there's loads of NPCs going around having their conversations and doing their thing.
I think New Kaineng (and Echovald) really suffer from being extremely large, especially in the vertical space but unlike a map like Verdant Brink there's no signposting and funnelling of players to where the action happens and where they should be.
Maybe a slight redesign is needed but also those ziplines and other mobility tools could do with being more intuitive and help players really get to where they need to be.

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Yeah finally the design is clearly filthy in my eyes too, it's still the first time that this game, this license has received so many negative reviews about it. I can't see this card, I hate it. 

Everything has to be redone on this map, but it won't happen anyway, because they don't care. 😔

Edited by rylien.3824
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I was expecting a bank and crafting stations... but NOPE...

I think its crazy that you cant craft or use the bank.

There were many times I would have loved to store a few things in the bank.


You have to unlock Arborstone's crafting stations with the 'Arborstone Revitalization Mastery track' to be able to craft anything... 



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What I'd like are reliable waypoints that don't contest and make you run so far to get to anything. They should invest in Asuran tech.  I love the map except when the event starts and you can't go anywhere fast. So for QOL I would love for that one change. And sure add crafting stations at the dock area for example.

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Yeah +1 to this.  I know a lot of the time the responses are "I'd prefer they invest in new maps", but this is such a unique concept for a map that they really can't do again, and was completely wasted here.


I'd happily have the map split into two if if there's a technical issue (basically straight down the middle for East and West).  Then update the Arborstone mastery to also revitalise the west half of New Kaineng at the same time as Arborstone.  Heck, I'd personally prefer they scrap Arborstone entirely beyond the story instance and move everything into West New Kaineng - Club Canach especially would be much better suited in there.  Stick a proper holographic Roller Beetle racetrack going over the buildings, and maybe some Griffon masteries as well.  It's a perfect hub for activities, and the hologram aesthetic means you can add basically anything the devs can imagine (combat, racing, gambling, minigames...).


But yeah, more or less a full overhaul would be worth at least one episode of Living Story effort, then it could be periodically added to.  The map was stunning when I first arrived there, and just got increasingly disappointing over time.

Edited by CrashTestAuto.9108
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I disagree everything needs redoing though. The basic set up is fine. It just needs some tweaks and a lot more content and ambience. It needs to utilise the map more:

- many more events aimed at lone or small groups that fit the city and crime fighting theme

- bounties are essential and they fit perfectly

- adventures and griffon runs

- ambient dialogue and lots of it.

- proper use of the vertical space for all of the above.

- a use for the turtle somewhere even if it’s just a couple of secrets like the roller beetle and jackal unlocked

As it is, it s ok rather than the culmination of ten years of learning and adjusting to feedback. This feels like starting from scratch and ignoring all the good work that came before to create an early draft.

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There is a Lot of obvious clipping which really shouldn't be, especially considering this was meant as the heart of the region.  It didn't get the attention it needed. 

There is almost No interiors. Compare that to Amnoon which feels like a lived in city on account that a large amount of buildings can be entered, not unlike racial cities.

Cantha is meant to be a political ticking bomb. I'm not seeing it. I see the occasional jade brotherhood, the rare ritualists, and the even more rare purist, but dynamic events almost always include only the Jade Brotherhood. That they have a presence in the city makes sense. But it should actually be a Purist hotbed, not a jade brotherhood field camp.

There is a monorail in there, but we cant ride it ! I want mah money back ! A city that big could have benefitted from an automated transport, if only for fluff, and it gives you an additionnal event to play with "Defend the monorail", to keep it going. It's a chore to naviguate the city. That's fair, it's meant to be an ultra dense labyrinthian city. I can see the labyrinth, but the city is paper thin.

In Path of Fire maps, there were side activities in some maps, which could be done for extra activities. I cant understand why they didn't use the opportunity of having a Working police force, and not have us play detective to find random, moving NPCs like bounty NPCs from the mainland. Or run investigation, Lemme be a cop ! I've doing it for the world already, and it would flesh out the city more !

That's the key there : This city just Isn't Fleshed Out

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18 hours ago, rylien.3824 said:

As its name suggests, I would like ArenaNet to decide to redo everything on this map, because nothing is right, the questionable design, the fact that there is too much recycling, or inverted and nested sets in the others (I still came across pieces of Tarir... it has nothing to do there), and the fact that this map is empty, we would say a ghost town, it's just not possible, in a pinch the Port/Jade Monument, the Lutgardis square (seen from below only), the "wooded / echovald" area and the ruins are fine, but the rest is a disaster.
This map frustrates me more than anything else, every corner has a questionable design, I literally don't meet anyone, nothing happens on this map, and the metas are boring.

I prefer to wait 1 or 2 more months and that you make a REAL Neo-Kaineng, rather than this horror. 

I suspect it will never work, like every time we complain about a map, but I say it anyway. Because it's a shame.

The criticism is justified as your observations are 100% accurate, but I'm afraid we are stuck with the "beta version" of the map. 😉

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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5 hours ago, Keymaster.7362 said:

I have high hopes for old kaineng in LS6

Would it still be necessary that we really are an LW6, they just said "dragon content", maybe we're going to hit DRMs, or nothing at all except strikes, maybe if there is, We will have a copy-paste map of the ruins of New-Kaineng...
This game becomes hopeless at all levels.  I cross my fingers for the quality, otherwise... we know the next music for many performers, the last act. 😟 Arenanet if you see this post, please do something, fix all your mistakes, revitalize this game for us, go back to all your old content, and your old maps, as well as this one, fix it for us. 😩 Even specializations need a visual overhaul, work. (jade orb that levitates like mesmer's daggers, all that stuff)

@ArenaNet Team.4819

Edited by rylien.3824
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