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Why guild wars 2 is dead


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Nobody ever liked bunker builds when they were good. They literally killed the competitive scene back when it had some semblance of actually being competitive.

And now you're here bemoaning that you can't bunker? What? 

Yes, of course bunkering has been made difficult, borderline impossible. It was for a very good reason.

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5 hours ago, Ellie.5913 said:

Builds would be easier to make and use successfully if they would just put back all the  amulets they removed, the only amulet types we currently have are damage damage more damage and some damage with a little tiny bit of vitality, tough or heal. Thats why everyone is 1 shot builds these days, it's pretty much the only option ,and it's not very fun. 

Ah yes, fighting a flame weaver on a node for half the game is just not good enough... It has to take the whole game so lets give it cele. Lets all be immortal and hold hands and dance and enjoy the weather, just like in pve and wvw. No one needs to die, this is not a competitve mode.

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I see the exact opposite thing happening these days in pvp, new player plays pvp for 1 day gets 1 shotted repeatedly, has a melt down uninstalls the game and proceeds to install a more fun game where you don't get 1 shotted repeatedly. Pvp was a lot more fun when there was a lot more options other than which 1 shot build do we want to play today.

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3 hours ago, Ragnar.4257 said:

Nobody ever liked bunker builds when they were good. They literally killed the competitive scene back when it had some semblance of actually being competitive.

And now you're here bemoaning that you can't bunker? What? 

Yes, of course bunkering has been made difficult, borderline impossible. It was for a very good reason.

There should be middle ground between burst capabilities and bunker capabilities. No one likes to play 5 bunker vs 5 bunker when matches end with 0-2 kills. Thats true. But 900 range burst with bad visibility and little room for couterplay or teleburst through wall with 25k damage in 0,25s are not any better than bunker meta. Especially for new players when they are just playing respawn simulator. 

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On 2/19/2023 at 6:15 AM, Kstyle.5829 said:

I have tried making bunker builds just for the heck of it, going full vitality and toughness.  And it literally makes no difference.  I made a 3k armor 20k health scrapper and die in 1 hit to a single weaver.  No I'm not exaggerating.  Not one second, not 2 or 3 hits. Just 1 hit hit.  As in the duration of 0.01 seconds I go from full health to zero.  I fought this guy on warrior bunker and it took him 2 hits to kill me

Straight lies right there. There is no Weaver build that can deal 20k Damage in a single hit.

I have tried this. I have tried coming up with the most meme oneshotbuild in existence. 

First we need to find out what has the highes dmg coeffs.  https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Churning_Earth

This skill has a 2,25 coeff in pvp.

With all damagemultipliers you can get, and activating Glyph of Elemental power, which increases your next Strike by 25%... you can get a hit that is somewhere around 13 - 15k. 





Edited by Sahne.6950
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2 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

Straight lies right there.

There is no Weaver build that can reach a hit that is over 13k. 

I have tried this. I have tried coming up with the most meme oneshotbuild in existence. 

First we need to find out what has the highes dmg coeffs.  https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Churning_Earth

This skill has a 2,25 coeff in pvp.  

With all damagemultipliers you can get, and activating Glyph of Elemental power, which increases your next Strike by 25%... you can get a hit that is somewhere around 13,5k. 




Cool, doesn't change the fact FA weaver with a macros can do 40k dmg in 0,3-0,5s and for most people this is "oneshot".

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13 minutes ago, Spellhunter.9675 said:

Cool, doesn't change the fact FA weaver with a macros can do 40k dmg in 0,3-0,5s and for most people this is "oneshot".

FAWeaver with all the macros in the world can NOT dish out 40k Damage in 0,3-0,5 seconds.... THERE IS NO SUCH THING!

Edited by Sahne.6950
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13 minutes ago, Spellhunter.9675 said:

I guess I was dying with 30k hp and half of my shroud to thing that doesn't exist then.

I believe you that you died fast....but what you have to admit is, that it was not 40k damage in 0,3-0,5 seconds.


20k Damage in 2 seconds... maybe....

but 40k Damage in 0,3-0,5 seconds... that is impossible.  PERIOD.


watch some exzen FAWeaver footage and tell me when he is even coming close to that damage.  Not even in WvW this is remotely possible.

we can not balance around peoples overexxagerations. I have mained FAWeaver for the majority of my gw2 life.. and i am telling you right now, what you and the op are saying is straight up not possible.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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2 hours ago, Spellhunter.9675 said:

I don't want to offend you, but this is a weak argument. You can watch Zeus VODs when he was on FA weaver, just look at his burst combo. With the macros you can do same burst combo 30-40% faster.

you are aware that you are severly limited by casttimes in gw2?  you realize that right? 


I have fought Zeus alot of times already, and i am winning almost every fight against him.  i dont have to watch him play, to know how Weaver works buddy.


What you experienced is probably a Weaver casting Dtooth, then casting Fracturing strike, and while they both hit at the same time, he channels the Plasmabeam on you.  THIS CAN HURT!!! and it can burst you  nearly 20k very fast.... but even this is not reaching 40k Damage and it takes way longer than 0,5 seconds. 

And at this point you had 2 big rocks flying over your head and you decided not to dodge them.

When performing this, there is no way for the Weaver to CC you.... so you could have just dodged to avoid the whole damage.


He could do the combo without Fracturing strike, when doing this you can have Air on your backbar shortly before the Dtooth hits, and you can ensure the hit with Gale and follow up with Plasmabeam... but at that point you dont have Fracturing strike in this and you wont reach this high of Damage.... 

Weaver has insane Damage.... but lets not throw around madeup numbers.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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No idea how you die to a FA weaver, even with the broken scepter and in the hands of a good player you had to be out of defensive CDs to die to it. Any build can melt you if you have nothing left, herald, reaper, untamed, holo, even spb... literally any dps build.

It bursts and its glass, pressure it and it cant melt you because its getting melted.

For new players in conquest getting melted in 2 seconds... really? Before starting conquest I dueled for a few months in wvw and I could 1v5 the opponent team in my first conquest games. The new to conquest players are just that, new. They get matched with other new players who have equally 0 clue. You are telling me they know how to burst?

But if you really believe having more stats (really we are talking about cele and minstrel here but pretend you are talking about more) will let new players live for more than 5 sec, just put one of them in wvw. You know what happens? Same thing. Toughness and healing stats wont help you if you cant use active defenses and keep boons up...

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On 2/19/2023 at 11:09 PM, Crab Fear.8623 said:

It's a burst covered with invuln, blocks, and ammo blinds.

It's not a fit for the game.

Zero risk build that does outrageous burst (whole health bars deleted from range no risk).


Mattias knows we are talking about him.


Edit: the unblockable knockdown that allows it all to delete you is beyond insane

In short:"MacrosGuild Wars 2 players are permitted to use macros as long as the macros are programmed with a one-to-one function protocol. This means the following: If you program a macro, it must require one keystroke per action. You may not program a single key to perform multiple functions.

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5 minutes ago, JosephKatz.9375 said:

In short:"MacrosGuild Wars 2 players are permitted to use macros as long as the macros are programmed with a one-to-one function protocol. This means the following: If you program a macro, it must require one keystroke per action. You may not program a single key to perform multiple functions.

Are you implying that everyone actually follows the rules?

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16 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

I believe you that you died fast....but what you have to admit is, that it was not 40k damage in 0,3-0,5 seconds.


20k Damage in 2 seconds... maybe....

but 40k Damage in 0,3-0,5 seconds... that is impossible.  PERIOD.


watch some exzen FAWeaver footage and tell me when he is even coming close to that damage.  Not even in WvW this is remotely possible.

we can not balance around peoples overexxagerations. I have mained FAWeaver for the majority of my gw2 life.. and i am telling you right now, what you and the op are saying is straight up not possible.

There are two players in this game that can do it, or at least have before. 

They are not ele mains, they are 1-shot mains.

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On 2/18/2023 at 11:15 PM, Kstyle.5829 said:

Ive stayed with this game for 10 years, but I see I'm just wasting my time now.  You're not going to fix it. 

....if you've played this game for so long then why do you sound like a silver player? Your complaints has been 100% about Scrapper. Scrapper is currently a Yolo build bro. Go BRRR hard or go home. Don't like the spec? Try Holo. Holo is arguably more OP than Scrapper in ranked Conquest and it's also a higher skill ceiling spec compared to Scrapper. Scrapper will burst like a Berserker War except it's slightly more mobile. Both of which are glassy specs. Same for Willbender. Same for Weaver.

Honestly this thread should be moved to the Engi forums lol.

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@Saiyan.1704 sry to say this but your totaly wrong. There is a scrapper build around with good amound of stabilty, Superspeed and reflections that could 100% to 0% life Nuke in Like 3 secs .... did I mentioned it also get stealth? 


Only weakness of that build is hard Power DMG.... But yea have fun to get him anyways with all the superspeed Stabi and reflections xD.


I would rly say this build is as annoying as Catalyst. It is for real only slightly less defensive means a Bit glassy (If you could call it glassy since Ranged DMG per granade Spam xD)

Edited by Pati.2438
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On 2/19/2023 at 2:15 AM, Kstyle.5829 said:

The people who run this game only care about money. 

I tried to bring a friend to the game and he said exactly the same, "is the game just about gold farming? where's the adventure in that?"

I've uninstalled the game 2 weeks ago and only come back in forums to see if something changes, and guess what.

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2 hours ago, Pati.2438 said:

@Saiyan.1704 sry to say this but your totaly wrong. There is a scrapper build around with good amound of stabilty, Superspeed and reflections that could 100% to 0% life Nuke in Like 3 secs .... did I mentioned it also get stealth? 


Only weakness of that build is hard Power DMG.... But yea have fun to get him anyways with all the superspeed Stabi and reflections xD.


I would rly say this build is as annoying as Catalyst. It is for real only slightly less defensive means a Bit glassy (If you could call it glassy since Ranged DMG per granade Spam xD)

Yes I know about explosives tools scrapper glass build using zerker amulet and chronomancer rune.  That's what all the top scrappers run (which is 1 or 2 people in the top 100)


It's just a noob crusher build.  Anybody that understands how scrapper works can easily counter it.  You need only survive the gyros and hammer 5 - 3 -  2 combo by using your catalyst invulns and then it has 0 damage for about 30 seconds.  It's the ultimate example of a no skill meme power build meta where you dump your load and pray for a one shot.  And and it's not even one of the top 5 power classes that can do this.   Ele specs are the biggest offender in this regard.  

And btw 3 seconds may seem like a short time to lower skilled players but it's an eternity of time to react to.  If you can't react in 3 seconds its probably not the game for you.  Sic em sniper hits 20k + in about 1 second.  Tools holosmith can do around 14k in 0.25 sec.  Chrono can hit over 20k in 0.25 sec.   Scrapper is just easier to pull off.  If you get to higher elo you will notice alot of classes doing more damage than that in a shorter window where if you blink you just die immediately.  

You shouldn't be getting hit and then thinking about dodging. You should know every classes burst rotation and the animations of strong skills and predict them.  Bc reacting to 0.25 seconds is impossible, which is the point I was making to begin with.  

Edited by Kstyle.5829
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the whole drama is about THIS build here
warning this is NOT 100% build
ON PURPOSE i didnt complete it
because some inexperienced players will not be able to see  how the combo works



it is NOT a single skill kill
it is a muliple skills macro activation
that can kill you in less than 2 seconds.
this is why it looks like "oneshot"

HOW this can "oneshot" you?
you play air+air to trigger this trait for bonus damage https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Elements_of_Rage

then u hold scepter skill 1 channel for max dps on button 1



then use all skills that have max damage and ZERO casting time
this way u dont break channeling scepter 1 so u get max dps
so you activate via macro all the following skills








(it is NOT the damage burst problem. its the zero casting time that allows the weaver to dps nonstop while other classes have 0.5 or 0.75 seconds of pause between damage skills due to casting time for each skill)
(these pauses due to casting time are massive dps delay compared to weaver that has no downtime in a 10 seconds duel dps)

this is NOT a new build  we pvp vs this build for 10 years before weaver traits variation  and why this build is NOT a problem?
because this build has no defenses. it can never survive vs good players
YES he will kill you the first duel because you didnt expect a meme build but he cant do it again.
once you know his combo is down he runs like chicken because you will chase him to kill him. so you scare him to start running.
while he is busy running  just kill his team.
we are talking about 10-20 seconds platinum pvp kills.
not about 60 seconds fights common in silver or gold.
to fix the low elo problem you need to add casting time to prevent multi skills macro burst.
the one thing that needs nerf is the zero activation skills  to prevent "oneshot" macro dps

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What a meme.

0/10 would not play this.   

0/10, this is not how you burst with weaver....    "use a macro to fire off all arcane skills while channeling your AA..." xDDD  holy moly... Who needs a macro for... THAT?

why not do the old reliable  Fracturingstrike->plasmabeam?

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On 2/22/2023 at 2:18 AM, Ellie.5913 said:

I see the exact opposite thing happening these days in pvp, new player plays pvp for 1 day gets 1 shotted repeatedly, has a melt down uninstalls the game and proceeds to install a more fun game where you don't get 1 shotted repeatedly. Pvp was a lot more fun when there was a lot more options other than which 1 shot build do we want to play today.

Guild Wars 2 stealth design is also a contributed factor with players including new players quitting the game and being 1 shot in stealth. Guild Wars 2 stealth mechanic is Beyond Broken, Guild Wars 2 Stealth Mechanic is Toxic-Unhealthy Design, Anti- Players-Users Experience, Anti-Competitive Experience, Anti-Marketing Tool and Anti-Consumer Experience.


(What a great marketing tool, players experience and reputation...to push away players including new players and helping to keep potential players from  playing the game)

("Words spread like wildfire")

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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