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I don't have a problem with the gem store, I buy lots of things on the gem store and nothing there has to change necessarily but please...it's so obvious.

Offer cosmetic content for completing content!

Offer mount skins for gaeting crystals, jade bot/fishing rod skins for prophet shards, or other cosmetics for fractal relics. I'm fine with there being cosmetics in the store, but for the life of me I can't fathom why there can't also be similar cosmetic content being offered for engaging with the games existing systems! People will always go for the shiny, if you want more people engaging with conent, offer shinies for doing the content...

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There are a lot of cosmetics you can earn in the game, just not mount and jade bot skins. I'm kind of confused why for some people "cosmetics" always seems to mean 'mounts' specifically and all the other things like weapon and armour skins, back items, mini pets etc. don't seem to count.

Gaeting crystals don't exist anymore, they've been merged with magnetite shards but those can be used to purchase unique weapons, armour, back items, infusions, mini pets, tonics and guild hall decorations. Fractal relics are mainly for practical things (including ascended equipment) but Fractals as a whole have entire categories of unique skins like the Fractal Weapons and their gold counterparts (and a legendary backpack with a pretty cool skin). I'm not going to go through all of them but it's the same for other currencies and parts of the game.

They could probably have a more even split for where certain types of cosmetics come from, but I don't think there's a lack of them overall. It would take a very long time to get all the ones which are obtained in the game.

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10 hours ago, LuckyThirteen.4576 said:

Offer cosmetic content for completing content!

No. Cosmetics like mount and glider skins belong in the gem store so that I can play the content I like, get gold and buy stuff from the gem store if I want to. I don’t want to have to play specific content to get cosmetics. 

Edited by vares.8457
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10 minutes ago, vares.8457 said:

No. Cosmetics belong in the gem store so that I can play the content I like, get gold and buy stuff from the gem store if I want to. I don’t want to have to play specific content to get cosmetics. 

There already are a lot of cosmetics in game (armor and weapon skins in particular). That's why it works. I also don't see the need for adding things like mounts or fishing rods to the in-game cosmetics. 

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1 minute ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

There already are a lot of cosmetics in game (armor and weapon skins in particular). That's why it works. I also don't see the need for adding things like mounts or fishing rods to the in-game cosmetics. 

Yeah, I have expressed myself in a misleading way. I meant things like mount and glider skins. They belong in the gem store. 

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I find plenty of stuff to work for in game.  And while I wouldn't mind a mount skin in game, or a glider skin or any other type of skin, you can farm gold, convert to gems and everything in the gem store is suddenly in game. You simply get to use the method you prefer to farm, instead of having a specific reward attached to specific content. And I still have the option to pay cash.

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12 hours ago, LuckyThirteen.4576 said:

I don't have a problem with the gem store, I buy lots of things on the gem store and nothing there has to change necessarily but please...it's so obvious.

Offer cosmetic content for completing content!

Offer mount skins for gaeting crystals, jade bot/fishing rod skins for prophet shards, or other cosmetics for fractal relics. I'm fine with there being cosmetics in the store, but for the life of me I can't fathom why there can't also be similar cosmetic content being offered for engaging with the games existing systems! People will always go for the shiny, if you want more people engaging with conent, offer shinies for doing the content...

nah. the only thing your idea does is drives down revenue even more. there are already tons of in-game rewards. if you want free gem store stuff, then play the game and earn gold. trade gold for gems. buy gem store stuff. easy. or just buy stuff outright and actually support the game. 

Edited by Swagger.1459
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1 minute ago, Swagger.1459 said:

nah. there are already tons of in-game rewards. you want gem store stuff, then earn gold. trade for gems. buy gem store stuff. easy. 

I assume if they did add more mount skins, gliders etc. as in-game rewards it would be similar to how weapon and armour skins are done, it wouldn't be gem store stuff in the game but new skins designed for that purpose.

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24 minutes ago, Eekasqueak.7850 said:

Isn't there a fishing rod skin you can get if you have all the fishing achievements?

Yeah, there's the Spiritwood Fishing Rod, which requires the Cod Swimming Among Mere Minnows title. There's also the Striped Fishing Rod, which just costs karma and gold. But then there's 10 other skins in the gem store or black lion chests.

According to GW2 Efficiency the split across different types of cosmetics is:

Armour skins: 2,087 in-game, 534 gem store
Weapon skins: 4,694 in-game, 154 gem store
Back items: 255 in-game, 101 gem store
Minis: 708 in-game, 118 gem store
Mounts: 11 in-game, 266 gem store
Mail carriers: 5 in-game, 11 gem store
Outfits: 27 in-game, 94 gem store
Gliders: 16 in-game, 100 gem store

There's some discrepencies in that, like armour skins which are counted 3 times because they're available for all weights, and it's debatable how black lion weapons should be counted because you can get them with gold from the TP but ultimately someone has to buy keys for them to be available. But as a quick count I think it works to highlight the fact that it varies a lot between different types of cosmetics.

I also think a big part of the problem is visibility. It's very easy to find out what's in the gem store because you can open the menu from anywhere in the game and see it. Even with stuff cycling in and out all the time it's easy to get an idea of what's available (and the cycling probably helps by giving people an incentive to look regularly). Whereas in-game stuff is scattered across different vendors, achievements, random drops etc. It is possible to see most of it in the wardrobe but that doesn't say where it comes from and if someone already thinks everything cool is in the gem store they probably assume anything they like is also in the gem store and just not available right now.

(This is one reason I once suggested having a market under the glass dome in Lion's Arch where each week copies of different vendors from around the world come to the city. It would give them greater visability and make it easier for newer or casual players to find out what they can get with all those currencies, while also filling up an empty space. But it just got merged into the QoL dumping ground thread so I assume Anet didn't like the idea.)

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12 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:

(This is one reason I once suggested having a market under the glass dome in Lion's Arch where each week copies of different vendors from around the world come to the city. It would give them greater visability and make it easier for newer or casual players to find out what they can get with all those currencies, while also filling up an empty space. But it just got merged into the QoL dumping ground thread so I assume Anet didn't like the idea.)

Thats a great, fun idea. It would really feel like a true market place with people browsing. 

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@Danikat, are you sure those numbers are correct? I do not remember any gliders offhand that are from ingame other than the legendary ones. Maybe they are counting a limited time offer for people that owned the core game to attain the Heart of Thorns Mordrem glider or collectors edition as well as the basic glider?


For mounts the only skin I remember is the warclaw reward track one, I guess gw2efficiency is counting base skins as well to arrive at 11 (9 mounts).

As a mainly WvW player who has multiple warclaw skins , some gliders from gem store that hardly see use, and all 3 legendary gliders I would be curious to find out if this is true.

DeanBB mentioned the ugly sweater glider but if you check the wiki the origin for that is the gem store item that unlocks the quest.

Are there actually any gliders that are not from gemstore that are not legendary or is gw2e counting wrong?

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The only reason people are asking for in-game mounts is because WoW and FF does that to lure people in to spam the same raid for hours on end. Then, they realize the mount goes out of style by the next big thing that people rush through and just hook people on a treadmill like that.

If you want to gain mount skins in that manner, be my guest, but I promise you, Anet probably will lock it behind some of the most egregious bit of content to date. Or, they'd slap a very high gold tag onto it.

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