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Leap of Faith is Busted

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48 minutes ago, bethekey.8314 said:

So where do we go, now that we've established you lied?

Except I didn't lie. I admit Im wrong though because thats 11K Damage, not even 10K. I've never had LOF hit that hard for me in a match before. I think that 6.5 - 7.5k crits for telegraphed skills like LOF and eviscerate is acceptable and how it should be. Or things like Dragon Trap for DH's. Classes should have a heavy hitter than punish you if they land. 11K in one skill is too much though.  

But if Anet does there usual nonsense of no middle ground and nukes it into the floor then that doesnt solve anything or help anyone.  Where we go is - collectively advocating for a healthy adjustment. Not Destruction. 

Edited by jdawgie.1835
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3 minutes ago, jdawgie.1835 said:

Except I didn't lie.

You did

3 minutes ago, jdawgie.1835 said:

tries to justify bs that most likely is a bug

Since we figured that every leap in the game is highly telegraphed, all of them should do ~10k. Evis on warrior is way more telegraphed/slower and it does way less damage, fair 🙂

It never did that much damage until they "fixed" healing for pve and then casually crits 10k

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6 minutes ago, semak.7481 said:

You did

I didnt. I was wrong and admitted to it. 


6 minutes ago, semak.7481 said:

tries to justify bs that most likely is a bug

You inserted something here in a quote that I never said. Did you know when you quote an altered quote is shows who actually said it in the repost? Fun fact. 

Edited by jdawgie.1835
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4 minutes ago, semak.7481 said:

Since we figured that every leap in the game is highly telegraphed, all of them should do ~10k. Evis on warrior is way more telegraphed/slower and it does way less damage, fair 🙂

It never did that much damage until they "fixed" healing for pve and then casually crits 10k

What are you trying to convey here?

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Meanwhile I am still pondering why the water trident still deals around 5-6k crits. Is this intended? (I will gladly provide some screenshots)

Even something like spine shivers deals around 4-5k crit and your opponent have to stack boons to get that much damage out of it.

Edited by Greyrat.2378
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4 minutes ago, jdawgie.1835 said:

You inserted something here in a quote that I never said. 

I inserted something what you are trying to do, obviously.

3 minutes ago, jdawgie.1835 said:

What are you trying to convey here?

I dont feel obligated to explain why 2+2 is 4 🤷‍♂️

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5 minutes ago, semak.7481 said:

I dont feel obligated to explain why 2+2 is 4 🤷‍♂️

5 minutes ago, semak.7481 said:

I inserted something what you are trying to do, obviously.


You can do better at trolling me than this im sure. You've established your not here to have conversation. 

Edited by jdawgie.1835
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15 minutes ago, jdawgie.1835 said:

You can do better at trolling me than this im sure.

If you cant understand stuff, its not trolling and not is my problem.

16 minutes ago, jdawgie.1835 said:

You've established your not here to have conversation. 

Indeed, its pointless to have any conversation with dishonest/uninformed forumlings that cant factcheck before posting anything especially for how long it was around

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2 hours ago, semak.7481 said:

You did

Since we figured that every leap in the game is highly telegraphed, all of them should do ~10k. Evis on warrior is way more telegraphed/slower and it does way less damage, fair 🙂

It never did that much damage until they "fixed" healing for pve and then casually crits 10k

Virtuoso has a very telegraphed leap 😄 except it doesn't heal. And also it doesn't blind. And also it deals 5k damage, not 10k. And also it doesn't hit anyway so IDK why are we even bothering.

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32 minutes ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

Virtuoso has a very telegraphed leap 😄 except it doesn't heal. And also it doesn't blind. And also it deals 5k damage, not 10k. And also it doesn't hit anyway so IDK why are we even bothering.

It also doesn't have a CD on the teleport back so it usually will start the leap and teleport you straight back mid leap 🙂
Oh and it's shorter range, doesn't immobilise or grant swiftness and the return is shorter range and doesn't cure a condition compared to the skill it's copied from 🙂

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15 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

This should have never happened in the first place.

However, if CCs are supposed to deal 0.01 coefficient, then is it not fair for things like Blinds and healing abilities to also have 0.01 coefficients?

Yes, but then we move to a meta that resembles a bunker meta solely because nobody has enough skills that can damage the target enough to kill them.

So, just un-nerf the hard CCs and heavy hitters that got nerfed in Feb2020 and bring back the tanky amulets.

Then you're gonna just get the clowns that complain about tanky/bruiser builds because they can't simply oneshot folks anymore. People ruined any chance of us getting amulets back a long time ago after support basically got screwed over to forever run avatar's.

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It's a greatsword skill, two handed weapon. Comparing it to Eviscerate/Decapitate, one handed weapon skills is dumb.

Arc Slicer deals significally more damage under the right conditions and with a shorter cooldown to which nobody complains about.

Edit: Apparently coefficients are bugged on leap of faith. That being said, the "supposed" damage on the skill is far from being absurd and comparing two weapons that sets themselves apart from one being an entire set and the other having options. The comparison still doesn't hold up.

Edited by Shao.7236
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13 hours ago, Dr Meta.3158 said:

Comparing skills to other classes is a pointless endeavor. Each class has other mechanics to accompany their skills that change the dynamic of the overall picture.


1 hour ago, Shao.7236 said:

It's a greatsword skill, two handed weapon. Comparing it to Eviscerate/Decapitate, one handed weapon skills is dumb.



I disagree. Dr. Meta is right that every class has a different mechanic set that may or may not justify certain levels of damage, but  there is one constant. They are all used against classes that have 10-20k hp that would like to avoid them and that are played by human actors that have a relatively similar range of reaction time. 


We have to compare skills occasionally because the classes have to interact with each other. If we never made skill comparisons at all we would not have any framework with which to balance, and we can always include relevant mechanics or circumstances that would justify damage being dealt in one situation but not in another, even if cast times and ranges are similar. 



Arc Slicer deals significally more damage under the right conditions and with a shorter cooldown to which nobody complains about.


Those right conditions are a 150 radius circle around you, and most Arcing Slices I see hit for the 7-8k range. Prove it hits for 10 and it would still be more demanding than landing leap. 


15 hours ago, Stalima.5490 said:

you know warrior bursts can crit over 15k right?


Hammer Zerk? Sure can! needs three times the setup of pressing leap of faith and requires opponent to fail to dodge, then fail to stunbreak/dodge/use any defensive a second time while the warrior holds a weapon that only has one damaging skill. It's more telegraphed than even evisc. 


5 hours ago, jdawgie.1835 said:



this is fine. 

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35 minutes ago, bethekey.8314 said:

If I complained about every little thing to the forums, people would start to think I'm a Warrior main. (I kid)

The essence of jokes is truth lol.


They are all used against classes that have 10-20k hp that would like to avoid them and that are played by human actors that have a relatively similar range of reaction time. 

Leap of faith is reactable I'm old-ish and I can respond to it at any distance. I had a problem with untamed and its instant port into maul/tail swipe combo (a lot of the time out of stealth or through walls) that I kept asking for a 0.25 cast time on traversal and they finally did it.

Ideally, getting rid of all instanteous burst would be great and leave instant cast skills to defensive and utility skills would be amazing.

Ensuring no class can stack invulnerabilities and blocks would be next.

Lastly would be fixing stealth to something utility based and reasonable rather than a mechanic to abuse in combat and we'd be on our way to a new era of actual good guild wars 2 combat.

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Utterly moronic to take a single skill and try and analyse it on its own and directly comparing it to single skills on other classes.

You need to consider a whole array of other parameters about how that skill functions within the context of that specific class. If you go down the route of "every skill must be exactly equal to every other skill" then you'll end up with everyone all just having a single weapon skill, identical across all classes.

The only question that actually matters is: Is GS guardian overperforming?

If the answer to that question is "No", then what are you even doing here? Berserkers, Virtuosos, etc. squabbling amongst themselves about which one sucks the most, meanwhile CATALYST

On 3/6/2023 at 11:40 PM, Pati.2438 said:

 Still not get why eviscerate or Decapitate are both Deal this Low dmg..... 

Hmmm, I wonder if its because it has half the cooldown and is on a class with nearly twice as much HP?

21 hours ago, FrownyClown.8402 said:

If you compare it to swoop it’s stronger plus it heals and blinds. Getting a 10k crit is a rare occurrence. More realistically it prob does around 7k which is still pretty high. I wouldn’t mind seeing it be brought down to swoop numbers

Hmmm, I wonder if thats because Swoop is also an evade, travels further, has a lower cooldown, and is on a weapon that is already overloaded with great skills?

On 3/7/2023 at 5:47 PM, Khalisto.5780 said:

Waiting my fire staff 3 do this dmg

Hmmm, I wonder if thats because its a 1200 range skill with 33% lower cooldown and basically no telegraph? And if you're comparing something to Ele Staff, that's a pretty big sign that something isn't that strong.

11 hours ago, Greyrat.2378 said:

Even something like spine shivers deals around 4-5k crit and your opponent have to stack boons to get that much damage out of it.

Hmmm, I wonder if thats because its a 1200 range skill with big chill that is also one of the best boonrips in the game and on the class with the highest effective HP?

9 hours ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

Virtuoso has a very telegraphed leap 😄 except it doesn't heal. And also it doesn't blind. And also it deals 5k damage, not 10k. And also it doesn't hit anyway so IDK why are we even bothering.

Hmmm, I wonder if thats because it also allows you to teleport back again, and is on a spec utterly overloaded with defensive utility? It hits 3x harder than Infiltrators Strike (the most similar skill I can think of), maaaaaaaaybe the range and the cooldown are factors that have to be considered when making that comparison?

Edited by Ragnar.4257
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41 minutes ago, Ragnar.4257 said:

Hmmm, I wonder if thats because its a 1200 range skill with big chill that is also one of the best boonrips in the game and on the class with the highest effective HP?


I still don't see how does that justify the damage water trident deals? You could compare it to many other skills that has far less usability. And it's not like scepter lacks damage on ele right now.

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2 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:



lmao ❤️

2 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

You haven't seen the eles complain about their effective HP then have you?

Not lately at least. Eles and Wars were quite pleasant the past handful of months, with their dominant positions in the meta.

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