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Street Noodles Chair - Thoughts and Ideas [Merged]

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12 minutes ago, Farohna.6247 said:

Bought it, love it, love that people are stationing them along sides in towns so they are like actual little lunch carts. 

Yes. I’ve been enjoying that all the uses I’ve seen of it have been very community minded.

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It seems nice, I kinda like it, and yes I want it BUT!

If you gonna be making that kind of stuff I want my Street Taco Chair, Street Tamales Chair, Street Birria Chair!

I know you will want a hamburger chair, but honestly who wants to get fat inside the game, look I'm already fat in RL to be fat in a game it doesn't make sense, a taco or birria taco taste so yummy and doesn't make you fat, why?, because the same way goes in the same way goes out, so you don't get fat.

So, yea, I want my Street Taco Chair!

ohh if you can add some Orchata beverages that would be great!

I'll be saving my diamonds to get that.

Thank you.

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Please tag the chair's audio / food consumption sounds as Other Players' Unique Item Sounds or something.

This will allow players who don't want to hear slurping in a video game to mute it out without zeroing out the entire Effects channel where it currently plays.

While you're at it, please move the Lotus chair's sounds out of Environment. It causes a similar issue.

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The majority of people might not realize that the sound of people eating, and specifically slurping, causes a literal fight or flight response in a non zero portion of humanity. I ask that you take the sound this item makes out completely as it causes people like myself to literally rage at our computers or run away from the situation entirely. This being heard by ppl afking for a meta event, or showing off their new chair purchase next to banks, trade post, etc., means that due to a mental tic, I am forced to change my plans or adjust what I'm doing as a result. Now I get that you can say things like "suck it up" or that's "your problem", but that's easy for people with a normal neurotypical brain to say, but for those that can't control how our bodies react, it just plain sucks. Things like this do not belong in our games we use to escape from our normal lives. Thanks for listening and have a good day.

Edited by Delita Silverburg.8632
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Slurping. :classic_sad: For me, I have to turn off all sounds effects. I just can't stand it. It literally sounds like someone just pigging their food. Why on earth did they feel this was good idea? I echo the sentiments of Other Players' Unique Item Sounds - give us a way to turn it off without killing all effects sound or make it so only people actually sitting can hear it.

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3 hours ago, Delita Silverburg.8632 said:

The majority of people might not realize that the sound of people eating, and specifically slurping, causes a literal fight or flight response in a non zero portion of humanity. I ask that you take the sound this item makes out completely as it causes people like myself to literally rage at our computers or run away from the situation entirely. This being heard by ppl afking for a meta event, or showing off their new chair purchase next to banks, trade post, etc., means that due to a mental tic, I am forced to change my plans or adjust what I'm doing as a result. Now I get that you can say things like "suck it up" or that's "your problem", but that's easy for people with a normal neurotypical brain to say, but for those that can't control how our bodies react, it just plan sucks. Things like this do not belong in our games we use to escape from our normal lives. Thanks for listening and have a good day.

While I can understand that this is difficult to deal with, remember people have different fears and triggers. I have arachnophobia and have to deal with spiders in games all the time. It has actually helped me get better when it comes to my fear of them. Meaning I can now play games fine if they have them. Games cannot take every fear or triggers for different people in consideration when they create their game. Only to a certain extent. As frustrating that may be when you come across a trigger when you try to escape the reality, whatever that trigger may be. 

I do however agree that adding chair sounds to “other players unique sounds” would be a good idea and a solution to this issue. My point with this post is to remind people that there exists so many different people with different triggers that the developers can’t take all of these in consideration when making a game. There would only be a shell of a game left for us to play if they do. 

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The slurping sound adds realism to the eating action. You can always work around it by avoiding those stalls or if you must, turn down or mute the audio volume temporary. There is no need to remove every sounds that affects only certain players (another one is the horse neigh sounds from the dreamer) otherwise the rest of us will feel like we are playing a silent game.

Edited by Min Min.9368
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1 hour ago, Blakvalhalla.6170 said:

It literally sounds like someone just pigging their food. Why on earth did they feel this was good idea?

Because they want to capture the Asian way of eating ramyeon/ramen/Asian noodles.

Here in Asia-Pacific, in particular, China, Japan, Korea, the Philippines, and VietNam, making a slurping sound when eating ramyeon/ramen/noodles is showing to the cook that you are enjoying the food they prepared for you. It is a show of respect and you recognise their effort.

If you did not grow up here in Asia-Pacific—even if you're Asian—or you are a foreigner visiting Asia-Pacific countries; you probably did not notice/hear this slurping sound because we generally do not let foreigners—non-Asians in particular—hear it. However, if it is just us, or within the family, it's a pretty normal thing to hear.

I'm sorry if it “sounds like someone just pigging their food”. I won't fault you for that, that is your culture. But, please do understand that it is a cultural thing and ANet simply tried to capture the whole experience.

What ArenaNet can do is to introduce some new sound setting for this particular sound effect, and any other existing and future sound effects. Something like “Turn on/off minor sound effects that might annoy/trigger some cultures”.


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5 hours ago, Freya.9075 said:

While I can understand that this is difficult to deal with, remember people have different fears and triggers. I have arachnophobia and have to deal with spiders in games all the time. It has actually helped me get better when it comes to my fear of them. Meaning I can now play games fine if they have them. Games cannot take every fear or triggers for different people in consideration when they create their game. Only to a certain extent. As frustrating that may be when you come across a trigger when you try to escape the reality, whatever that trigger may be. 

I do however agree that adding chair sounds to “other players unique sounds” would be a good idea and a solution to this issue. My point with this post is to remind people that there exists so many different people with different triggers that the developers can’t take all of these in consideration when making a game. There would only be a shell of a game left for us to play if they do. 

Misophonia is different to a phobia (although I've never found that being forced to deal with it has helped with my arachnophobia either). If anything exposure to the sounds that trigger it can exaccerbate or possibly even cause the condition.

It's only been recognised by the medical community in the last 20 years or so and there's currently no known treatment. Advice for dealing with it is basically to avoid those sounds, which means either avoiding other people or carrying ear plugs or headphones.

On that basis I think it's reasonable to ask for it to be included in the 'other players unique item sounds' setting which already exists for exactly this reason - allowing players to silence noises they can't stand listening to without having any impact on anyone else.

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6 hours ago, Freya.9075 said:

While I can understand that this is difficult to deal with, remember people have different fears and triggers. I have arachnophobia and have to deal with spiders in games all the time. It has actually helped me get better when it comes to my fear of them. Meaning I can now play games fine if they have them. Games cannot take every fear or triggers for different people in consideration when they create their game. Only to a certain extent. As frustrating that may be when you come across a trigger when you try to escape the reality, whatever that trigger may be. 

I do however agree that adding chair sounds to “other players unique sounds” would be a good idea and a solution to this issue. My point with this post is to remind people that there exists so many different people with different triggers that the developers can’t take all of these in consideration when making a game. There would only be a shell of a game left for us to play if they do. 

I understand your point. There’s the idea of “reasonable accommodations”, though. In this case, the game can already exclude sounds of a given category, so it seems reasonable to assign this sound to that category.

Edited by Gibson.4036
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I love the chair and the animations but the sounds are revolting if I am in a situation where I have to remain in the vicinity of them for more than a minute.  It's weird that it's in the effects channel instead of player unique sounds. I had to mute it yesterday which is sad because it's entertaining to see but the sounds are as bad as nails down a chalkboard.

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