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New Character Slots!

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Anyone else excited for the character slot sale?

I'm a GW2 vet since beta tests, and for years I've had one character of each profession. EoD came around, and the level 80 boost inspired me to start my first repeat, an additional Ele. The Ele I still had was the first character I ever played, and I've kept him around for sentimental reasons even though I wanted to go a different direction with Ele.

That opened the door, and I'm headed for one character for each Espec I enjoy. I now have a Daredevil and a Specter, and a Chronomancer and Mirage. With the sale on character slots today, I'm excited to add a dedicated Virtuoso and a Herald.

What are your plans with the character slot sale?

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57 minutes ago, Mrs Lana.2506 said:

Wish I could be, but I'm at max.

I have so many questions! Do you alt park? I'm imagining how long it would take to work through even half of 69 characters each login to open chests or harvest a node on each one.

When's the last time you played the one that you haven't played the longest?

Do you ever have moments where you want to play that one character, and keep scrolling back and forth but can't find them in the lineup?

56 minutes ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

50 are enough for me, plus the alt accounts.

That's 19 potential characters, waiting to be born. 😄

Fifty is a nice round number. Was that why you said, "Okay, enough"? Or was it something else that stopped you at 50?

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32 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

I have so many questions! Do you alt park? I'm imagining how long it would take to work through even half of 69 characters each login to open chests or harvest a node on each one.

When's the last time you played the one that you haven't played the longest?

Do you ever have moments where you want to play that one character, and keep scrolling back and forth but can't find them in the lineup?

That's 19 potential characters, waiting to be born. 😄

Fifty is a nice round number. Was that why you said, "Okay, enough"? Or was it something else that stopped you at 50?

Most are parked at a JP chest, the one just inside Southsun if nothing else. I rarely take the time to log them all in, but do have many JP's covered when they come up on dailies.

I have a few that haven't been played much since they hit level 80. When PoF and then EoD dropped, I had characters pretty much ready to go for the new e-specs. In general, each character covers one build. I keep a spreadsheet. 😉

I didn't really have a "50 is enough" moment. More of a "I don't have time for the ones I have" mentality. I will add more IF I have a reason to. For example, the last 2 slots were added back when my daughter and brother joined GW, so I made new characters to level up with them.

I've been playing GW since the early months of GW1, and have always been an alt-aholic. Really, it goes back to Wizardry 8 and the endless team combinations. So I like to change characters when the fancy strikes me.



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I have 11 permanent characters, but 14 16 slots in total because I frequently make additional ones who I don't keep. (Edited because apparently I forgot 2.)

I started off with the 4 professions I decided during the betas I wanted to play, added a 5th a few months later, worked my way up to one of each profession, then when PoF came out I wanted a holosmith and weaver but holosmith didn't fit my existing engineer and I was happy with my tempest and didn't want to keep swapping (this was before we had templates). I also decided to take the opportunity to get 1 of each race/gender combination (plus an extra sylvari female I already had).

I've got 2 more in mind, but I'm undecided about making them partially because I don't have time to play all the characters I have now. I don't leave any of them parked anywhere for long (if one of the dailies is a jumping puzzle I'll do it last and leave them there until I want them again) and I'll pick whichever one I want to play when I log in or switch activities, but some don't get used much and even my main can go for a while without being played.

Edited by Danikat.8537
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3 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

Anyone else excited for the character slot sale?

I'm a GW2 vet since beta tests, and for years I've had one character of each profession. EoD came around, and the level 80 boost inspired me to start my first repeat, an additional Ele. The Ele I still had was the first character I ever played, and I've kept him around for sentimental reasons even though I wanted to go a different direction with Ele.

That opened the door, and I'm headed for one character for each Espec I enjoy. I now have a Daredevil and a Specter, and a Chronomancer and Mirage. With the sale on character slots today, I'm excited to add a dedicated Virtuoso and a Herald.

I'm a bit confused about this hype thread, it's not like we didn't have character slot sales since EoD release? In fact we had quite a bit of them? :classic_blink:

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17 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

I'm a bit confused about this hype thread, it's not like we didn't have character slot sales since EoD release? In fact we had quite a bit of them? :classic_blink:

That's fair, I'm a bit confused about your response.

I'm excited they're back on sale and about to make some new characters, and I thought I'd see if anyone else is as well. Nothing more complicated than that.

Edited by Gibson.4036
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After a few years of buying slots whenever they were on sale, I find myself with a lot of blank slots.  I currently have 45 slots, 36 of them in use, and one of those is slated for deletion but I'm amused by having the Assyrian style beard that came from a glitch so haven't felt ready to remove him yet.

So I have enough slots to cover a full slate of new elites and thus no need to buy more empties just yet.  I'm glad for the sale for the sake of those who need more room for alts but won't be spending my gems on slots in this particular sale.

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I just noticed all my character slots are currently full, so now I'm tempted to buy another one. 😄

As well as 11 permanent characters I have 2 holding names/designs for the two I'm considering making permanent, a perma-death challenge character who I've managed to get up to level 57 (a personal best), one where I'm experimenting with actually following the character guide achievements and one who is basically a key-runner/messing around with a design idea.

It's unusual that I have all the slots full though so I probably don't need another one.

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5 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

I have so many questions! Do you alt park? I'm imagining how long it would take to work through even half of 69 characters each login to open chests or harvest a node on each one.

When's the last time you played the one that you haven't played the longest?

Do you ever have moments where you want to play that one character, and keep scrolling back and forth but can't find them in the lineup?

Yes. The time depends on what farm it is.

Depends on what you mean by "played". As in taken through content, cycled through in a farm or what? If you mean by last time I just logged into them it's been 12 days.

No, I keep them pretty well organised, and there's an addon I use that makes it even easier to see them all.

It's also 71 characters here, not 69. 

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22 minutes ago, Mrs Lana.2506 said:

Yes. The time depends on what farm it is.

Depends on what you mean by "played". As in taken through content, cycled through in a farm or what? If you mean by last time I just logged into them it's been 12 days.

No, I keep them pretty well organised, and there's an addon I use that makes it even easier to see them all.

It's also 71 characters here, not 69. 

Wow, that’s amazing. Yeah, I just meant logged on for “played”.

It’s really interesting to hear how people play in ways very different from my experience. Thanks for sharing!

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I have 19 level 80s, two mid level chars that I’m slowly getting to 80 and 4 low level mules to hold misc items. 

I rotate between my level 80 chars as evenly as possible. I have them on a list and I play one char for 2 weeks then it goes to the bottom of the list and the next is played for 2 weeks. The ones I’m leveling get played when I’m in the mood to level. 

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You know ... I've bought 3 slots since December when I came back to the game. I'm 1 away from 9 to represent all the classes.

Thief will be my last. I thought I'm wasting my money since I haven't strayed away from my Warrior main. But good lord! I never thought people bought characters to just park at jumping puzzles! kitten...I'm doing it wrong again!

Edited by Xperiment.6923
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8 minutes ago, Xperiment.6923 said:

But good lord! I never thought people bought characters to just park at jumping puzzles! kitten...I'm doing it wrong again!

I doubt people make characters just to park them. I know I don't. But when you have a bunch of characters, you can't play them all actively. So a few of mine get to run around while the rest sit out. Then I have periodic rotations 🙂

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12 minutes ago, costepj.5120 said:

I doubt people make characters just to park them. I know I don't. But when you have a bunch of characters, you can't play them all actively. So a few of mine get to run around while the rest sit out. Then I have periodic rotations 🙂

It's pretty much the same for me. I don't have time to play all my characters regularly but I make and keep them because I like having the option. I might leave one sitting somewhere for a while, but then when I feel like playing that profession or whatever bit of the story they're up to I have them ready to go.

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I have 19 characters and with my current settings that's the maximum amount I can see on my character selection screen without having to scroll. I find scrolling there really annoying so it's an artificial limit that I stick to, which is a good thing because 19 characters is really enough for my purposes. 


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7 hours ago, Vavume.8065 said:

No because the gem price is currently going to the moon. 

One downside of using gold to buy gems is you can't wait until there's something you want to buy before getting the gems, unless you have a lot of gold to waste. It's best to check the price regularly and convert what you can afford when it drops to a reasonable price.

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4 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

One downside of using gold to buy gems is you can't wait until there's something you want to buy before getting the gems, unless you have a lot of gold to waste. It's best to check the price regularly and convert what you can afford when it drops to a reasonable price.

I remember when I thought that it was unreasonably priced at 70g!   Now I long for those days.

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5 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

It's best to check the price regularly and convert what you can afford when it drops to a reasonable price.

That is what I do, I buy gems for gold when they are at a normal price. However with all the back to back sales lately I went through my gems pretty fast, so the sale is effectively over for me, as I am not going to convert more gold to gems at the current rate of exchange.

Edited by Vavume.8065
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