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Less people each sPvP season that goes by


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Seems like the Top 250 keeps dropping.  After almost a month of Ranked the top 250 in the US had not gone above 1450.
I could see a point where being platinum is reserved to the top 50 players.

They should just remove bronze and boost everyone's rank by a tier. Literally no one is benefiting from Legendary division in US, 0 players are in there.

Edited by Mell.4873
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One of the many reasons > A lot of people got their Dame-Baron title and realized they are stuck there permanently so it was pointless to continue chasing titles and left the mode. They should probably refresh the titles with new ones easy content for them to make just a few lines of text

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What do you expect. The clowns that wanted to support this system got what they wanted. They got the fanboys that support their antics, then you got the actual circus act that does the same crap for the fanboy crowd. WvW isn't better, but God bless I can have a scrap of fun there, compared to this cesspool that was created. 

Whatever is left of the folks that flame, win trade, or whatever else can rot in their purgatory while everyone else laughs.

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Its much worse than you think it is, since most of the top 250 is alt accounts. There's probably only a hundred actual players on the leaderboard, and I guarantee platinum is already down to just several dozen since I see players from platinum 3 in my gold 2-3 games quite regularly now.


Even gold likely only has a few hundred players in the entire bracket at this point.


The only reason anyone played ranked to begin with was for the rewards; it was never about competition. If unranked gave the same rewards (but less frequently), you'd never see a single player in ranked again except for the ones who are specifically addicted to it.


WvW is simply a better PvP experience for actual PvPers since it isn't anywhere near as stale.

Edited by SoftFootpaws.9134
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@SoftFootpaws.9134 At this Point i prefer PvE (means raids/Strikes/Fractals) over WvW and nowdays also PvP. Can Not Support a gamemode that is


1. Not supported by A-Net Not even Close

2. Got a Community that is more toxic than anything else

3. Get a ranked system that Made actually 0 sence


Still Happy i quit that gamemode xd. 

( I used to Love it. Played it for Like 98% of the time since Release but as said i can't Support this kitten)

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3 hours ago, Pati.2438 said:

@SoftFootpaws.9134 At this Point i prefer PvE (means raids/Strikes/Fractals) over WvW and nowdays also PvP. Can Not Support a gamemode that is


1. Not supported by A-Net Not even Close

2. Got a Community that is more toxic than anything else

3. Get a ranked system that Made actually 0 sence


Still Happy i quit that gamemode xd. 

( I used to Love it. Played it for Like 98% of the time since Release but as said i can't Support this kitten)

I support pve except those infernal jumping puzzles. They need to STOP doing those. The more I do a deep dive into them, the more I believe that platformers and online do. not. mix. Can't trust the physics. Can't even trust that the platform you THINK you can step on just makes you fall right off. It's like a glitch person's wet dream.

Edited by JTGuevara.9018
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I essentially just go into PvP for the daily and nothing else. Most games I Carry hard so the only time I lose is when I get countered or people side node really hard.

I do re-rank myself every season with the placement matches but still sit in gold 1 or 2.

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On 3/30/2023 at 6:50 AM, SoftFootpaws.9134 said:

Its much worse than you think it is, since most of the top 250 is alt accounts. There's probably only a hundred actual players on the leaderboard, and I guarantee platinum is already down to just several dozen since I see players from platinum 3 in my gold 2-3 games quite regularly now.


Even gold likely only has a few hundred players in the entire bracket at this point.


The only reason anyone played ranked to begin with was for the rewards; it was never about competition. If unranked gave the same rewards (but less frequently), you'd never see a single player in ranked again except for the ones who are specifically addicted to it.


WvW is simply a better PvP experience for actual PvPers since it isn't anywhere near as stale.

wvw, though it has inherent problems(aka it is a 24-hour game mode), can still provide fun small-scale fights. However, the politics of guilds and their zerglings in driving the whole server bandwagoning culture is completely disgusting and I stand in defiance of such garbage.

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I would like to add my 3 cents.

I was playing quite active few years ago. It was some fun, was doing legendary backpack, it was main way to get grandmaster marks and I wasn't so much into farming, so gold from late chests was pretty nice addition.


What drove me off, was amount of time I supposed to spend on training to get even better. I was learning raids, was doing legendary was trying fractals and catching up on story - in the end it burned me up and I stopped playing all together. But it's not a problem, getting competitive supposed to take time and dedication.

What I didn't like was toxicity. The higher I got, instead of people congratulating each other "hey, we are all gold, or plat good for us" there was more and more "how can you suck so much, go stop playing".

Don't get me wrong, I sucked much compared to many. I was able to get to plat those days, but inside plat I was getting outdamaged. I was trying to learn the combos and everything, but didn't put up enough work or time or understanding - I was much worse than top plat players.

Yet those toxic player usually wasn't much better - and ever if was - sorry, not my fault I was matched with you, do you really have to harras me, I'm trying!


Fast forward to nowadays, I came back to game half a year ago. I tried few times PvP. I'm even worse than before, just jumped in with old build, didn't check meta, didnt refresh combos. Was high silver or something in the end.

But stopped even trying after few games. Literally last half year I played about 50 games totall or less excluding 2v2 I was checking out.
No, not because of time and everything.
Because of toxicity again.
In silver.
How, HOW the hell can you flame me for playing bad in silver, you are here with me!


I'm playing MOST community friendly game. Where you can't steal drop and generally having more people doing same thing as you, helping each other almost always mean profit. I love it, it's the reason I'm playing GW2, it's so focused on making every interaction HELP each player, not other way around.


And in PvP my own teammates flame me.


So yeah. I'm not going back unless forced to for a while.

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9 hours ago, Hiperon Omega.5137 said:

I would like to add my 3 cents.

I was playing quite active few years ago. It was some fun, was doing legendary backpack, it was main way to get grandmaster marks and I wasn't so much into farming, so gold from late chests was pretty nice addition.


What drove me off, was amount of time I supposed to spend on training to get even better. I was learning raids, was doing legendary was trying fractals and catching up on story - in the end it burned me up and I stopped playing all together. But it's not a problem, getting competitive supposed to take time and dedication.

What I didn't like was toxicity. The higher I got, instead of people congratulating each other "hey, we are all gold, or plat good for us" there was more and more "how can you suck so much, go stop playing".

Don't get me wrong, I sucked much compared to many. I was able to get to plat those days, but inside plat I was getting outdamaged. I was trying to learn the combos and everything, but didn't put up enough work or time or understanding - I was much worse than top plat players.

Yet those toxic player usually wasn't much better - and ever if was - sorry, not my fault I was matched with you, do you really have to harras me, I'm trying!


Fast forward to nowadays, I came back to game half a year ago. I tried few times PvP. I'm even worse than before, just jumped in with old build, didn't check meta, didnt refresh combos. Was high silver or something in the end.

But stopped even trying after few games. Literally last half year I played about 50 games totall or less excluding 2v2 I was checking out.
No, not because of time and everything.
Because of toxicity again.
In silver.
How, HOW the hell can you flame me for playing bad in silver, you are here with me!


I'm playing MOST community friendly game. Where you can't steal drop and generally having more people doing same thing as you, helping each other almost always mean profit. I love it, it's the reason I'm playing GW2, it's so focused on making every interaction HELP each player, not other way around.


And in PvP my own teammates flame me.


So yeah. I'm not going back unless forced to for a while.

Every competitive video game has toxicity, it's unavoidable. My best advice is to never let it get under your skin, most of the time it's just someone's emotions running over.

Edited by SleepyBat.9034
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My friend group ended up migrating back to WoW. Not that we quit Gw2 or anything, but it's just a genuinely good game again (can't believe I'm saying that), and a big reason for that is that they went through each class, overhauled them, and made them all feel GOOD to play again. 

I bring this up because GW2 is the MMO a lot of people go to when their MMO sucks, and now that the biggest MMO is picking itself back up again, people who migrated here are going back. 

Anet has largely been doing the opposite of making classes feel good to play with their nerfs killing off entire playstyles that people deem toxic. (It's a miracle scrapper gyros were saved)

Combine that with a perpetual content drought (balance patches don't count), non-functional reporting system, wintrading at the highest levels de-valuing the prestige of legendary badges, wintrading making the thought of climbing to high ranks unappealing (why climb to a rank where rampant cheating exists when you can stear clear of it in the lower ladder?). 

There's a lot of reasons why PvP isn't doing so hot. It's a shame too. This game's PvP is genuinely good. Anet could really lean into that niche and use it as a selling point. The fact that it's not completely dead despite years of neglect should speak volumes of its potential. 


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I used to be big on PvP from 2015 until EOD released, that was the nail in the coffin for me. Over the years it's just progressively become worse and worse with band-aid fixes and neglection from the dev team. Balance is miniscule and irregular, too many amulets and runes have been removed that were not an issue back in the day because every class wasn't carried by boon and heal spamming traits back then. The sigils SUCK and are SUPER stale with like 3 or 4 being good. The runes are terribly balanced right now as well, 20% might duration or 10% boon duration instead of a few hundred extra stat points is not a good trade. CC spam has gotten pretty obnoxious, too many short cooldown CC skills that force builds to run multiple stunbreaks. I have more fun in WvW even with the broken cele meta, its better than PvP.

Really poor job of balancing the game mode.

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I did quit after getting a title and doing 2 sets of lege pvp armor. I was so irritated by:
- balance (the lack of it, just look at this forum posts)
- powercreep (EoD hugely enforced low skill - high reward gameplay)
- toxicity (some ppl are just crazy - offline mode and invisible chat became my basis)
- same old stuff (maps and modes)

I see that PvP gets worse every season. This is no fun and sadly there is no real fix for that after years of neglecting. Had my fun in sPvP but it ended.

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5 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

I've done them all except for the Alpine BL ones, without mesmer portals. Got to say that when you finish a hard one it feels pretty good (not you Chalice of Tears, you go to hell and you die).


Chalice of tears can perish but i know several mesmers that make a fair bit of gold selling taxis.


Memes find a way

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